Eye on the Struggle

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Eye on the Struggle Page 44

by James McGrath Morris

Edmund Pettus Bridge, 245, 246

  Edwards, Audrey, 361

  EEOC, 298

  Eisenhower, Dwight D., 2, 108–11, 113–16, 130, 139, 141, 143–44, 146, 162, 175, 184, 193, 194, 196, 199, 224; Bandung Conference and, 152–53; civil rights and, 102, 126–28, 133–34, 140, 144–46, 171–73, 203, 208, 212–15, 220–21; election of, 101–2; Faubus and, 212, 214; Payne and, 114–15, 135–37, 139–40, 144–49, 173, 224, 298

  Eisenhower, Mamie, 146

  Elizabeth, the Queen Mother, 215

  Elizabeth II, Queen, 215

  Ellington, Duke, 298

  Elks, 227, 237

  Emancipation Proclamation, 46, 134, 239, 240, 243, 246

  employment, 43, 141, 148–49; in Chicago, 40, 43, 89–90

  Enterprise, USS, 261–62

  Ervin, Sam, 205

  Essence, 361

  Ethel L. Payne Fellowship, 387–88

  Evers, Medgar, 175

  Evers, Myrlie, 285

  Faisal, Prince, 164

  Fall, Bernard, 270

  Farrakhan, Louis, 358, 378

  Faubus, Orval, 209, 210, 212–15

  Fauntroy, Walter, 284

  FBI, 50, 122, 164, 215, 299, 322–23

  Federal City Club, 297

  Federal Council of Negro Affairs, 103

  Feldman, Mike, 297

  Feminine Mystique, The (Friedan), 248

  FEPC, 43, 54

  FHA, 136

  Final Call, 378

  Finch, Robert, 312

  Fisk Forum, 355

  Fisk University, 343–44, 350, 352–56

  FitzGerald, Frances, 270

  Fleeson, Doris, 197

  Folliard, Edward T., 144–45, 149

  Ford, Gerald, 331–32

  Ford Foundation, 336

  Foreign Correspondents’ Club, 71, 77

  Forest, Lorenzo, 264–65

  Foster, Stephen, 167

  Franciscan Missionaries of Mary, 65

  Frederick, John T., 39

  Friedan, Betty, 248, 329

  Gandhi, Mahatma, 50, 192

  Garvey, Marcus, 197

  Gates, Mahlon Eugene, 269

  Gellhorn, Martha, 270

  George Washington University, 336

  Germany, 56, 169–70

  Ghana, 196–99, 202, 304, 378

  Goldwater, Barry, 248, 249

  Goodlett, Carlton, 329

  Goodwin, Edward L., Sr., 104–5, 223

  Granger, Lester, 141–43, 155, 198

  Grass, Martha, 291

  Gray, Fred, 182, 184

  Gray, Louis Patrick, III, 322

  Gray, Thelma Elizabeth (sister), 11, 12–13, 26, 27–29, 69, 102, 163, 309, 320, 324, 371–73

  Gray, William, III, 386

  Great Books, 69

  Green, Dwight, 50, 51

  Green, Ernest, 361

  Green, Victor H., 105

  Gregory, Dick, 343–44

  Grooms, Harlan Hobart, 184

  Hagerty, James, 114–16, 135, 139, 146–47, 171–72, 215, 220

  Haiti, 156, 157

  Halberstam, David, 323

  Haley, Alex, 349, 370

  Haley, George, 370

  Hall, Robert, 123, 124

  Hamer, Fannie Lou, 325

  Hansberry, Carl A., 88

  Hansberry, Lorraine, 88

  Harriday, Mamie, 300

  Harriman, Averell, 193

  Harris, Louis, 249

  Hart, John, 313

  Harvard University, 382

  Harvey, Fred, 388

  Hatcher, Andrew, 237

  Hatcher, Richard, 302

  Hayes, Ira, 306

  Haynes, Gillie, 351

  Hays, Brooks, 212, 213

  Hayward, J. C., 372

  Hearst, William Randolph, 21

  Height, Dorothy, 291

  Hemingway, Ernest, 24–26

  Hicks, James L., 71–74, 178–80, 185, 209

  Higgins, Marguerite, 388

  Hill, J. Lister, 101

  Hill, Oliver, 81

  Himes, Chester, 36

  Hooks, Benjamin, 337, 340

  Hoover, J. Edgar, 299

  Hope, Bob, 259, 260, 262

  housing, 135–36, 139, 142, 149; in Chicago, 42, 88

  Howard University, 102, 201, 279, 325; choir of, 107–8, 114–16, 119, 386

  Huff, William Henry, 176

  Hughes, Langston, 125

  Humphrey, Hubert, 5, 99, 188, 295–96, 302, 314, 328

  Huntley, Chet, 163, 164

  Hurley, Ruby, 175, 185

  If He Hollers Let Him Go (Himes), 36

  Indonesia, 150–51, 152–59, 160–68, 172, 180, 195, 200, 304

  Inland Steel, 90

  Interracial Commission, 51, 52–55, 57

  Iyalla, Joe, 304, 305

  Jack, Homer A., 163

  Jackson, C. D., 154

  Jackson, Jackie, 382

  Jackson, Jesse, 285, 289–90, 302, 310–12, 341–42, 375–76, 382, 385; Coleman and, 357–60; presidential candidacy of, 357

  Jackson, Mahalia, 201

  Jackson, Yusef, 382

  Jackson State University, 350–52

  James, Daniel “Chappie,” Jr., 311, 328

  Japan, 57; Korean War and, 69–70, 71, 76; occupation babies in, 64–66, 272; Payne in, 59, 60–70, 71–79, 87–88, 90, 169, 263, 268, 272; women and soldiers in, 72–78, 272

  Jarrett, Vernon, 4

  Jennings, T. H., 183

  Jet, 173, 174, 199, 202, 221, 222, 237, 257, 311, 368

  Johns, Barbara Rose, 79–81, 129

  Johns, Vernon, 80

  Johnson, Avis Ruth (sister), 12–13, 28, 29, 57, 235, 371–73, 387

  Johnson, David Payne (nephew), 376

  Johnson, James (brother-in-law), 235

  Johnson, James A. “Jimmy” (nephew), 228–31, 235–36, 385

  Johnson, Lady Bird, 276–77, 303, 328

  Johnson, Luci Baines, 303

  Johnson, Lyndon Baines, 233–36, 243–44, 245–49, 257, 271, 282, 284, 295–97, 303, 328, 386; Civil Rights Act of 1957 and, 206–7, 234, 243; Civil Rights Act of 1964 and, 1–2, 4–5, 243–45; King and, 276–77

  Johnson, Mordecai, 201

  Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies, 337

  Jordan, Barbara, 251

  Jordan, Vernon, 339–41

  Joseph, James A., 381, 386–87

  Justice Department, 54, 112, 175, 205, 207, 218, 292

  Kase, Toshikazu, 68

  Kempton, Murray, 238

  Kennedy, Edward, 339–40

  Kennedy, Jacqueline, 235, 285

  Kennedy, John F., 220, 233, 237, 240–41, 243, 297; assassination of, 1, 243–44; civil rights and, 205–6, 208, 233–34, 239, 243–44, 295; election of, 234–35

  Kennedy, Robert F., 5, 240, 290–91, 295

  Kenya, 330, 348, 365

  Kenyatta, Jomo, 330

  Kerner Report, 299

  King, Coretta Scott, 198, 285, 291, 328, 368, 376

  King, Martin Luther, Jr., 2, 5, 50, 180, 181, 182, 191, 192, 194, 198, 200–202, 235, 238, 243, 244, 247, 277–80, 282–83, 288, 299, 352, 359, 376, 380, 386, 389; assassination of, 283–85; at Capital Press Club, 274–76; jailing of, 239; Johnson and, 276–77; March on Washington speech of, 241–42; Montgomery bus boycott and, 184, 188–91; Nixon and, 198–99, 203, 204, 295; Poor People’s Campaign of, 280–81; radicals and, 277; Southern Christian Leadership Conference of, 248, 277–81; Vietnam War and, 257, 258, 274–76

  Kissinger, Henry, 309, 329–32, 349

  Kitt, Eartha, 276–77

  Kleeman, Richard, 180

  Komer, Robert, 256

  Korean War, 69–70, 71, 76, 271

  Labor Department, 235

  La Guardia, Fiorello, 42

  Lange, Karen, 387

  Lautier, Louis, 112–14, 133, 139, 146, 153–56, 203

  LBJ Presidential Library, 303, 337

  Lee, George, 191

  Lee, Vivian, 62

  Lehman, Herbert, 98–99

  Leonard, Walter J., 343, 353, 355

  Lester, Amy, 95–96

  Lewis, John, 310

  Liberia, 157, 200, 330

  Life, 127, 154

  Lincoln, Abraham, 1, 246

  Lincoln Day Dinner, 107–8, 114–15

  Lindblom Technical High School, 23–27, 39

  Lisagor, Peter, 199

  Little, Frank, 62

  Little Women (Alcott), 30, 31

  Little Rock, Ark., 210–12, 351; Central High School, 209–10, 212–15, 361

  Liuzzo, Viola, 247

  Lodge, Henry Cabot, 212

  Long, Russell, 205, 285

  Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, 37

  Longworth, Alice Roosevelt, 118

  Lorch, Grace, 211

  Lorch, Lee, 210–11, 328

  Los Angeles Times, 116, 172

  Lowther, Kevin, 366–67

  Lubowski, Anton, 378

  Lucas, C. Payne, 345–46, 380

  Lucas, Patricia, 346

  Lucy, Autherine, 177–79, 184–87, 217

  MacArthur, Douglas, 70, 71, 76–79, 87, 272

  Madison, Afreda, 374–75

  Magloire, Paul, 156

  Malan, Daniel, 101

  Malcolm X, 352–53

  Mandela, Nelson, 363, 367, 379–80, 387

  Mandela, Winnie, 367–69, 379–80, 387

  Mansfield, Mike, 247

  Manton, Thomas B., 317–18

  Mao Zedong, 318

  March on Washington, 239–43, 290

  March on Washington Movement, 2, 41–51, 54, 56, 181, 191, 201, 202, 232, 239–42, 282, 291

  Marshall, Thurgood, 77, 81, 129–30, 175, 182–83, 185–87, 297, 309

  Martin, Louis, 74, 77–78, 86–87, 106, 108, 110, 116–17, 142–43, 145, 150, 177, 215, 229, 297, 300, 338, 344, 358; Bandung Conference and, 156–57; and Defender’s closing of Washington bureau, 223–25; Vietnam War and, 257–58, 271

  Marx, Karl, 124

  Mauldin, Bill, 287

  Mazique, Edward C., 284, 288

  McCarthy, Joseph, 121–25, 133, 134, 365

  McClellan, John, 124–25, 279–80

  McClendon, Sarah, 300

  McCulloch, William, 5

  McFarlane, Bryan, 370

  McGovern, George, 302, 303

  McKavitt, Matthew, 54–55

  Meany, George, 232

  Medicare, 237, 248

  Medill School of Journalism, 86, 370–71

  Meer, Fatima, 379

  Meese, Edwin, III, 360

  Metcalfe, Ralph, Sr., 323

  Metropolitan Women’s Democratic Club, 232–33

  Michener, James, 163

  Midway, USS, 364

  Miller, Juanita, 346, 348

  Miller Brewing Company, 370

  Milloy, Courtland, 375

  Mills, Dean, 381

  Mills, Maimouna, 387

  Minneapolis Tribune, 155, 180

  Mitchell, Clarence, Jr., 2, 137–38, 148, 175, 207, 231, 376

  Mitchell, James P., 203

  Mobutu Sese Seko, 309, 314–16, 330, 349

  Modern Women Social and Charity Club, 42–43

  Montague, Magnificent, 213–14

  Montgomery, Ala., 194; bus boycott in, 2, 50, 177, 179–80, 181–84, 188–91, 277, 359, 388; Improvement Association, 180, 181, 190; Selma to Montgomery marches, 245–47

  Morrow, E. Frederic, 109–11, 127

  Mosley, Walter, 235

  Moss, Annie Lee, 121–25, 365

  Mothershed family, 212

  Moton High School, 79–80, 129, 132

  Moyers, Bill, 257–58, 271, 297

  Moynihan, Daniel P., 298–99

  Murphy, Frances, 386

  Murphy, Reg, 320–21, 328

  Murray, Pauli, 248

  Murray, Willard, Jr., 292

  Murrow, Edward R., 125

  Mutual Black Network, 329–30

  NAACP, 2, 35, 42, 45, 50–51, 54, 55, 77, 81, 109, 111, 129, 130, 133, 137, 139, 141, 176, 179, 182–83, 185–87, 207, 209, 231, 274, 278, 283, 313, 337; Crisis, 32, 54, 99, 327; Payne’s membership in, 227

  NABJ (National Association of Black Journalists), 387–88

  Nabrit, James, Jr., 279

  Namibia, 366, 367, 377–78

  Nasser, Gamal Abdel, 161

  National Black Political Convention, 301–2

  National Conference on Black Power, 278

  National Council of Negro Women, 117

  National Negro Publishers Association, 112, 128, 153–54

  National Newspaper Publishers Association, 298–99, 308, 329

  National Organization for Women, 248

  National Press Club, 111, 127, 154, 171, 324, 366

  National Urban League, 32, 141–43, 148, 155, 156, 198, 290, 297, 310, 311, 323, 331–32, 339–41

  Native Son (Wright), 38

  Negro American Labor Council, 232

  Negro Family, The (Moynihan), 298

  Negro Motorist Green Book, The, 105

  Nehru, Jawaharlal, 162, 163

  Newseum, 388

  Newspaper Guild, 92, 155, 224, 225

  New York Amsterdam News, 4, 32, 153, 178

  New Yorker, 32, 161

  New York Herald Tribune, 116, 127

  New York Times, 1, 22, 145, 146, 172, 180, 189, 207, 213, 274, 322, 337, 354

  Nigeria, 304–8, 314

  Nixon, Edgar D., 50, 181, 184

  Nixon, Pat, 117, 198, 202, 203, 222, 309, 312

  Nixon, Richard, 119–20, 171, 180, 196, 197, 199, 202, 219–20, 233, 295–99, 301, 303, 311–12, 316, 327; in Africa, 196–200, 202, 220, 221, 295, 308–9; in China, 317, 322; civil rights and, 198–200, 202–3, 220, 295; King and, 198–99, 203, 204, 295; Payne’s interview with, 200; at Payne’s party, 221–23, 236; Payne’s profile of, 219–10

  Nkrumah, Kwame, 196–97, 199

  Northwestern University, 39

  O’Brien, Lawrence F., Jr., 244

  O’Brien, Thomas, 228–29

  O’Hara, Barratt, 228–29

  Oklahoma Eagle, 104–6, 223

  Operation Hunger, 367

  Otnes, Fred, 388

  Parks, Rosa, 176–77

  Pastore, John, 206–7

  Payne, Alice Wilma (sister), 12–13, 27, 28, 59

  Payne, Alma Josephine (sister), 12–13, 28

  Payne, Avis Ruth (sister), see Johnson, Avis Ruth

  Payne, Bessie Austin (mother), 9–15, 29, 30, 38, 57, 59, 60, 66, 89, 145, 270, 299, 380–81; death of, 299–300; Ethel’s writing and, 24, 25, 31, 299; race riot and, 19; William’s death and, 26–27

  Payne, Lemuel Austin (brother), 12–13, 15–16, 27, 28, 30; army service of, 56, 268

  Payne, Ethel Lois: at AFL-CIO, 226–27, 231–33, 235, 236, 240; birth of, 10; 336–37; celebrity status of, 369–71; childhood of, 11–16, 17; death of, 382–83, 384; and decline of black press, 360–61; education of, 15–16, 23–27, 30–31, 35–37; essay contest entered by, 31; exhibit on life of, 380; first political journalism of, 98–103; funeral for, 385–86; generosity of, 218–19, 371–72; hair of, 165–66, 195–96; honors and awards of, 325, 365–66, 381, 387, 388; journalism chair created for, 343–44; law career desired by, 30, 37; library job of, 39, 40, 47, 48, 54, 55, 59; matron job of, 37–38; as nursery school teacher, 38; in paddy wagon incident, 57–58; parties of, 221–23, 236, 339; as radio and television commentator, 313–14, 336; romantic life of, 60, 66–67, 233, 340, 341; salary and finances of, 149–50, 218–19, 224, 226, 227, 273, 334, 336–38, 360, 371–72; speaking engagements of, 325–27, 354; writing ambition and short stories of, 24, 25, 30–34, 36–37, 39, 74; writing style of, 361

  Payne, Thelma Elizabeth (sister), see Gray, Thelma Elizabeth

  Payne, William A. (father), 9–11, 15, 91, 300; death of, 26–27, 91; race riot and, 19

  Pearson, Drew, 171–72, 220

  Phillip, Prince, 215

  Phillips, Channing Emery, 296

  Pierce, Samuel, 369

  Pittsburgh Courier, 4, 42, 46, 70, 236,

  Plessy v. Ferguson, 81, 130

  Poor People’s Campaign, 280–81, 282–83, 285–93, 294

  Pope, James, 310

  Portrait in Black, 104

  Portrait of a Queen: The Legacy of Ethel Lois Payne, 343

  Postal Service, 388

  Poussaint, Renee, 354, 372

  Powell, Adam Clayton, Jr., 152–54, 158, 159, 168, 171, 188, 194, 198, 215, 315, 343

  Powell, Jack, 108

  Prayer Pilgrimage for Freedom, 201, 202, 241

  Price, Margaret, 236–38

  Pulitzer, Joseph, 21

  Pullman porters, 10–11, 19, 22, 42, 50; Payne’s series on, 91–92

  Pyle, Ernie, 262

  Rabb, Maxwell M., 110–11, 114, 116–18, 119, 120, 127–28, 136, 194

  Rabb, Ruth, 118

  Raisin in the Sun, A (Hansberry), 88

  Randolph, A. Philip, 2, 41–50, 54–56, 58, 182, 198, 201, 202, 232, 239–44, 282, 291, 376

  Raspberry, William, 370

  Raye, John, 314, 338, 343, 372

  Reagan, Ronald, 341–43, 350, 352, 360, 362, 369

  Red Cross, 43, 58, 62, 64, 307

  Reese, Jeannetta, 184

  Reeves, Frank D., 233, 234, 236

  Republican National Committee, 127, 194, 227

  Republican National Conventions: of 1956, 193; of 1968, 294–95; of 1972, 303

  Republican Party, 111, 113, 120, 187, 194–95, 197, 204, 228, 250, 302–3

  Resurrection City, 286, 288–93, 294

  Reynolds, Barbara, 341–43, 372

  riots, 17–20, 49, 50, 53, 284

  Robert Kennedy and His Times (Schlesinger), 365

  Robert Russa Moton High School, 79–80, 129, 132

  Robeson, Paul, 163

  Robinson, Maurice, 313–14

  Robinson, Max, 324

  Robinson, Spottswood, III, 81, 129

  Rockefeller, Nelson A., 153–56

  Rogers, William P., 144, 308, 309, 330, 340

  Rolark, Calvin W., 361

  Rómulo, Carlos Peña, 158, 161

  Roosevelt, Eleanor, 41–42, 67, 194

  Roosevelt, Franklin D., 41–43, 49, 100n, 103, 112

  Rougeau, John, 381–82

  Rougeau, Weldon, 372

  Rowan, Carl, 155, 164, 180, 209, 276

  Roxborough, Mildred, 313

  Rumsfeld, Donald, 311

  Russell, Richard, Jr., 99–101, 205, 244

  Russwurm, John B., 128, 370

  Rustin, Bayard, 50, 241, 290, 311

  St. John AME Church, 43, 190, 389

  Salinger, Pierre, 297

  Sanders, Charles, 329

  Saunders, Doris, 338, 350

  Scales, Vesharn, 346, 348

  Scali, John, 199

  Schlesinger, Arthur, Jr., 365

  SCLC (Southern Christian Leadership Conference), 248, 277–81, 285; Poor People’s Campaign of, 280–81, 282–83, 285–93, 294

  Scott, Hugh, 187

  Scott, Valentina, 160–61

  Seals, Connie, 327–28


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