Infidelity: Devoted (Kindle Worlds Novella)

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Infidelity: Devoted (Kindle Worlds Novella) Page 6

by A. D. Ellis

  “Definitely. I wonder who he is, what he does.” Kyle’s curiosity was evident.

  Sitting in silence for a few more minutes, we eventually took a brief tour of the apartment before heading out for some sight-seeing.

  “We’ll take in some sights, grab some lunch, and come back here to rest before the big celebration.” I took Kyle’s hand, kissing it before giving it a squeeze as we headed out the door.

  We may have been a day late, but we had a honeymoon to enjoy, and I didn’t want to miss a minute.


  New York City is an amazing place. Kyle and I loved how so much of what we wanted to see and do was within walking distance. I understood immediately why so many New Yorkers preferred to walk if possible; it seemed to be the quickest and easiest way to travel if one was able.

  “I think I’ll do tea today.” Kyle nodded toward the menu board. “I’ve had so much coffee the last twenty-four hours I’m feeling jittery.”

  I agreed with him, and we got our creamy, sweet chai lattes to go. Hand-in-hand, sipping our drinks, we headed out into the brisk morning, grateful for the sun’s slight warmth against the winter chill.

  A few hours later, we slid into a cracked vinyl booth at a tiny, hole-in-the-wall Turkish restaurant. The two of us would have never found the place on our own, but directions from Pat proved spot-on, and we enjoyed the restaurant’s warmth on our pinked cheeks. The savory scents wafting around the place promised to live up to Pat’s assurance that everything on the menu was delicious.

  Laughing over our meal, Kyle and I determined we had officially lived up to the name “tourist” during our brief time in the city.

  “We’ve ridden the subway, taken about a million pictures already, and made purchases of tacky souvenirs. I’d say we are ranking up there with the best of them.” Kyle smiled.

  “After lunch, let’s hit some of the stores we missed the first time. Then we can head home, rest, shower, and get ready for tonight.”

  New York is a busy place, especially on New Year’s Eve. But, Kyle and I found ourselves able to slow down and enjoy our time, in our own little bubble, with all the hustle and bustle around us. We strolled sidewalks, perused stores, and took in the amazing sights while we made our way back to the apartment.

  Chapter 10


  “Whoa! What is that?” I pointed to the gigantic basket that had definitely not been on the dining room table when we left.

  Adam checked the tag attached to the monstrosity. “To Adam and Kyle. Enjoy your stay. Congratulations on your marriage.” He flipped the card so I could see the signature was Lennox.

  The gift basket was a combination of flowers, wine, chocolate covered strawberries, and tickets to a show. A show I knew had been sold out for months.

  “Who is this guy?” I wondered aloud.

  “I don’t know, but I like him,” Adam joked. “What’s that old saying? Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth.”

  I smiled and wrapped my arms around his neck. “You may like the mysterious Lennox, but I think I know someone you like even better.” Kissing the base of his neck, trailing my tongue up to his ear, I whispered, “We’ve got a while before we need to head out again. Let’s make the most of it.”

  Adam’s hands gripped my hips as he muscled me toward our bedroom. Adrenaline coursed through my veins as my body thrilled at his rough touch, anticipating the pleasure that awaited.

  Backing me against the bed, Adam shoved me down.

  “I love it when you get all dominant on me,” I whispered teasingly before biting my lip in a way I knew he loved.

  Stripping the clothes from my body, Adam quickly peeled his own away before following me down to the bed. Positioning our bodies, Adam grabbed my weeping cock in his hot grip, and groaned when I took his dick in my mouth. “Mmm, suck me, baby.” Adam spoke softly before swallowing my hard length.

  Wanting—needing—more from him, I pulled from his cock and rolled to my stomach.

  “What do you want, baby?” Adam asked teasingly, knowing exactly what I wanted.

  “Fuck me.” I moaned into the sheet as I rubbed my aching cock against the bed.

  Adam’s warm hands lighted on my ass, spreading my body open before his warm tongue slicked my hole. Zaps of pleasure shot through me as his tongue teased until I relaxed and opened for him.

  “Now, baby. Please,” I panted, longing for the fullness I knew Adam’s cock would bring.

  Moving so his cock could take the place of his tongue, Adam rubbed his dick against my ass. “Ready?”

  Glancing over my shoulder, I shuddered at the sight of my lover, my friend, my husband positioned to enter me, to own me, to love me. It was a picture I would never tire of. Nodding my head, I allowed my body to relax as the head of his cock pressed gently against my hole. The stretching, burning fullness of his length invading my body never got old. My body trembled at his invasion; reveling in the incredible rightness of having him inside me.

  “Oh, God, so good.” I spoke through gritted teeth. “Oh, oh, oh.” I was only capable of breathless gasps as Adam fucked deep into my body over and over.

  Losing myself in the intense sensation, I could only ride Adam’s cock as he rocked himself balls deep.

  “I’m gonna come, Ky.” Adam gasped above me.

  “Do it, fill me,” I begged as I pressed my ass hard against his pounding cock.

  Electricity zinged throughout my body as Adam’s release spilled inside me, his rutting cock glancing my prostate.

  Taking on Adam’s full weight as he collapsed onto my body, I sighed. Deeply fulfilled, I knew I could sleep for hours. “Let’s shower quickly, then nap,” I suggested.

  Our shower started playful, but turned sensual when I captured Adam’s mouth and devoured him. His touch, his taste, the moans he made, I’d never get enough.

  Tumbling into bed, naked and damp, we cuddled under the covers.

  “We won’t get the best spots for the festivities, but I’d rather hold you like this for a while,” Adam whispered against my ear.

  “Agreed.” I sighed, feeling safe and protected in his arms.

  An hour later, I woke to the grip of Adam’s fist on my very interested cock.

  “You have something on your mind?” I asked.

  “Mmmhm,” Adam hummed.

  “What’s that?” I asked, knowing exactly what he wanted.

  “I think you could return the fuck me favor,” Adam growled. We usually enjoyed our top and bottom positions, but every so often Adam preferred to turn the tables.

  “Anytime, baby,” I cooed.

  Adam rolled to his back, pulling me to sit on his chest as he licked and teased my cock. “Want this beautiful dick deep inside me.” His whispered words against my length sent shivers down my spine.

  Shimmying down his body, I moved him to the edge of the bed. Grabbing the lube we’d left out earlier, I slicked myself and Adam’s hole.

  “Don’t work me, just fuck me,” Adam ground out as I started to tease his body with a wet finger.

  “Mmm, I don’t know about that,” I crooned. “I think maybe I want to go hard and slow, draw it out, make you work for my load inside you.”

  I knew hard and slow drove Adam insane. He always said he wanted it hard and fast, but he went crazy for long, slow lovemaking.

  I pressed my cock gently against his body, waiting for him to relax and let me in. Reaching to fist his cock, I stroked him slowly as my dick sank into him inch-by-inch.

  “God, so tight.” I breathed out when his body had taken me completely.

  I teased and taunted, brought us both to the brink and backed off. The slow, sensual rhythm I set was delicious torture. Not until Adam spilled himself over my fingers did I increase the pace and allow strong thrusts to take over. The throbbing in my dick became almost painful seconds before I exploded. With a final thrust, I collapsed onto Adam’s chest, gripping his chin and covering his mouth with mine.

  “I love you,�
�� I whispered.

  “You’re amazing. I love you, too.” Adam closed his eyes, throwing an arm over his head.

  “Want another shower?”

  “Well, I don’t plan on bringing in the new year with your kids still inside me, so yeah, I think a shower is a must.” Adam joked.

  Busting out laughing, I climbed languidly from the bed.

  The second shower was a quick and easy clean-up. We didn’t have time for anything else if we wanted to head out to celebrate.


  New Year’s Eve in Times Square is amazing, exhilarating, and overwhelming. People, so many people, and so much energy.

  “I don’t think there’s this many people in the whole state of Indiana,” I marveled as Adam and I made our way through the throng of people. “You want to grab us a spot and I’ll get us some food and hot drinks?”

  “No way, we’ll stay together.” Adam held his arm out for me to hook mine through.

  “Okay, okay, Mr. Protective.” I laughed as we headed toward a pizza place.

  “I don’t want to lose you in the crowd. And, I’d rather keep you by my side anyway.” Adam leaned over and kissed my cheek.

  “Faggot!” A man growled angrily as he pushed me into Adam.

  By the time I realized what had happened, the man had disappeared into the crowd.

  “Are you okay?” I asked Adam as he pulled me into a small shop and held me close.

  “I’m fine. Are you?”

  “Yeah, he just took me by surprise.” My mind was rattled. The incident happened so quickly, and felt so hateful and ugly.

  “Baby, I’m so sorry.” Adam hugged me close.

  “It’s fine, it’s nothing we haven’t dealt with before,” I assured him.

  “But I hate that it happened. I guess I thought we were a little safer in the big city.” Adam took my hand as we headed back to the sidewalk.

  “Bigotry is alive and well in every city in the world.” I shrugged.

  “Doesn’t mean I have to accept it or like it,” Adam spit out the words.

  “You’re right, I just don’t want one hateful man to ruin our evening.”

  “No way. We’re getting big, cheesy pizza slices followed by a cinnamon roll if we can find one. Then coffee.” Adam pulled me close, cupping the side of my head and kissing my ear.

  “Are we going to be able to fit in heart attacks or should we schedule those for the plane ride back to Indy?” I teased.

  “Hey, we worked off calories earlier. We can splurge a little on our honeymoon.” Adam pointed to the pizza place. “Line doesn’t look too bad.”

  “And check it out, a bakery right across the street.” I pointed to the shop on the corner.

  “’Bout time something goes our damn way,” Adam joked.

  We spent the rest of our evening gorging on unhealthy food, sipping piping hot coffee, holding hands, kissing, people watching, and celebrating the new year with thousands of other people. Once the ball had dropped, and we navigated through throngs of people, we made it back to the apartment.

  New Year’s Day dawned bright and beautiful. We slept in for a while, but neither of us wanted to sleep away our day.

  “We should get up. I want to see as much as we can. The show tickets are for tomorrow. We leave Tuesday, so I want to fit in as much as possible.” Adam pulled me close to his bare chest. Our legs automatically tangled together, and I breathed deeply of Adam’s scent. He smelled of safety, love, and the future.

  “I love you.” I sighed into his chest.

  “Love you, too.” Adam kissed the top of my head.

  “Who do you think Lennox is?” I pondered as we cuddled in our warm little bubble.

  Adam chuckled. “I don’t know. Drug lord?”

  “Maybe mafia?”

  “A prince?” Adam suggested. “I don’t know, but he’s quite impressive.”

  Bristling, I pulled back from him. “Gee, sorry I don’t have all the impressive qualities of Lennox.”

  “Whoa, down boy.” Adam teased.

  I knew I was being a bitch, but I couldn’t help the pout of my lip. “That’s twice you’ve commented on Lennox. I guess I’d rank up there with him if I was beyond rich, dark and handsome, and had connections to get things done.”

  “Baby, you outrank Lennox and every other man in my mind. Where’s this coming from?” Adam lifted my chin with a gentle finger.

  Still feeling prickly, I shrugged like a petulant child. “I don’t know. I guess I just wish I could make the same impression on you that Lennox obviously has. I don’t have his kind of presence or reach or mysteriousness. I’ll never have the type of money it appears he has.” I shrugged again. “You deserve better than me.”

  “False.” Adam’s voice held a firmness. “You are the only man for me. I don’t need a rich or mysterious or intimidating man. I only need you. We’ve been a perfect fit since that first day in the boutique.”

  “Okay, okay.” I smirked as I backed down. “Sorry, I guess I was just feeling snotty. I know you love me. Plus, Lennox is very straight, so you wouldn’t have a chance.”

  “No need to be a snarky little queen,” Adam teased against my mouth before he slid his tongue deep.

  I moaned into his mouth, feeling my cock harden instantly. Twisting in his arms until our dicks nestled together, I grinned when Adam groaned and grabbed my ass. Pulling me close, our cocks rubbing together, Adam set a rhythm against which I was helpless.

  My phone rang.

  “Let it go,” Adam panted. He rolled me to my back, settling on top, continuing to pump his hard length against mine. “Whoever it is can wait until you come all over me.”

  When the phone rang again, I glanced quickly to see who it was, but Adam turned my attention with a hard kiss.

  “It’s Braeton,” I murmured against his mouth. My brain was short-circuiting as I tried to fend off the orgasm preparing to barrel through me.

  “Fuck him,” Adam growled.

  When the video chat buzzed on my phone, I couldn’t help it. “Let’s screw with him, teach him not to call on our honeymoon.” I accepted the video chat and made sure Braeton could see plenty of what we were doing.

  Adam and I both chuckled breathlessly as Braeton’s voice came through the line. “Oh my God! My eyes! Fuck you both.” The call disconnected.

  With the phone distraction taken care of, we turned our attention back to the heated sensation of our steely lengths rutting side-by-side. Balls drawn tight, plump heads throbbing, aching for release, our mouths met in a slow, sloppy, sensual kiss as our cocks pumped together until we both exploded with shuddering moans. Our release mixed together, painted on our stomachs, smeared by our pulsing cocks.

  Once we were cleaned up, I called Braeton back.

  “That was uncalled for, bitch,” Braeton snapped as he answered, but I heard the laughter in his voice.

  “Shouldn’t have kept calling. We are on our honeymoon. You called at your own risk.” I chuckled. “What did you need?”

  “Well, now, thanks to you, I need my eyes bleached and my memory erased. But, the original reason I called is to tell you we saw you on television last night.”

  “Oh yeah?” I smiled at Braeton’s words and cuddled back into Adam’s arms as he wrapped me in an embrace.

  “It was so cool, I was screaming when we saw you.”

  I laughed. I could imagine Braeton’s reaction.

  “You should tell him.” Drew’s voice was muffled in the background.

  “Shhh,” Braeton covered the phone to talk, but I could still hear him hushing Drew.

  “Tell me what?” I asked, suddenly feeling suspicious.

  “Nothing, don’t worry about it,” Braeton assured me.

  “I wasn’t worried until you told me not to worry.” What the hell was going on? “Is something wrong with the plan for the reception party?”

  “No, no. Everything is fine.” Braeton’s voice was too bright.

  “Tell him,” Drew holle

  “Hey! I’ll let you guys go. Have a great time. I’ll only call if there’s an emergency or something. Love you both!” Braeton’s cheer was fake, but he hung up before I could call him on it.

  When the line went dead, I glanced at the phone. “What the hell?”

  “What’s up?” Adam asked.

  “Something. I don’t know what, but something,” I muttered.

  “Well, they’d tell us if it was something terrible, so it must not be anything too bad.” Adam kissed me gently. “Now, let’s go sight-seeing.”

  We headed out the door, and I did my best to push the phone call to the back of my mind. I was determined to enjoy the rest of my honeymoon.

  Surely nothing horrible was going on at home.


  Chapter 11


  The rest of our trip went by without incident. Central Park, the Empire State building, 911 Memorial, Ellis Island, and quite a lot of Central Park.

  Photos of us all over the city filled our phones. The best one was in front of the LOVE sculpture. We hadn’t set out for a photo with it, but when we saw the well-known letters, Kyle was determined to get a snapshot. Evidently, every other couple in the city had the same idea because the crowd around the artwork was crazy.

  A beautiful street performer named Daniel took pity on us. Leaving his performance area, Daniel came over and grabbed my phone. Sweeping his floppy hair from his eyes, Daniel’s eyes sparkled as he spoke. “You guys get up there and I’ll get the picture for you.”

  Kyle and I hurried to stand with the LOVE letters and Daniel prepared to take the picture. “Come on, people. Let me get one shot. Look at these two. They are clearly in love and deserve a nice picture.”

  His words startled people long enough for him to snap multiple pictures before he handed my phone back. “Best of luck.” Daniel smiled before sauntering back to his sidewalk stage to start his dancing again.

  We watched him for several moments, mesmerized by his graceful movements. Dropping several bills into his tip jar, I nodded at our new friend before we headed on our way. We needed to get ready for the show.


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