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The Futa's Revenge

Page 2

by Jay Aury

  “Yess!” Dava cried, grinding herself atop Amala. “Deeper! Fuck me!”

  Amala did with a will. She felt strong. Powerful! Along her arms her muscles corded, larger than ever. Taking the blonde haired slut, she rammed herself as deep as she could, but soon enough again felt the clutching sensation of impending orgasm. “F-fuck. So…close!”

  “Yes!” Dava moaned. “Cum in my slutty pussy. Please! I need your cum!”

  “F-fuck. Aghhh!” Amala tensed, groaning as she came again. Dava gasped, falling against the futa, twitching as her own orgasm rocked through her.

  They lay against each other, panting and gleaming with sweat. Dava giggled, running her fingers down Amala’s strong jaw. “Mmm. Was it good?”

  “Yeah,” Amala breathed. “It was…”

  “I’m glad you were satisfied,” Morinth’s dry voice said.

  Amala craned her head back. The splicer stood behind the desk, working at the console, the mop leaning against his chair. “Yeah,” Amala said raggedly. “I am…” She glanced at the gleaming wetness on the desk. “Um…sorry about the mess…”

  “I’m accustomed to it,” Morinth said dryly. “Your new cock should serve adequately. Though there may be a few side effects.”

  Amala stilled. “Side effects?”

  “Yes,” Morinth said, flicking his fingers across the keys. “Muscle growth for a time as the mutagen runs its course. As you may have already noticed. The pheromone treatment appears to be an added benefit.”


  “Yes,” Morinth repeated as he touched the screens, their glow reflected in his visor. He flicked a finger, spinning the screen around to show Amala an incomprehensible column of data and symbols. “It appears your treatment has you exuding pheromones. Perhaps I shouldn’t have used Equinar material for the base of the mutagen…Hm. Regardless,” he said, swiping the screens away and turning back to her. “Your body is producing mating pheromones. Those of the female sex will find it…somewhat intoxicating. Dava is immune thanks to her own treatments. Not that one could tell.”

  Dava giggled, hefting her palm filling tits and fluttering her lashes. “Some of us just love to be fucked,” she chirped.

  “Quite,” Morinth said, then to Amala, “But others will not be so lucky.”

  Dava giggled, hugging Amala tightly against her soft breasts. “I think you smell wonderful,” she breathed.

  Amala slowly grinned. “Is that so,” she said heatedly. She grabbed a palm full of Dava’s ass and squeezed, making the bimbo groan. “Good to know…”

  The Slut

  She moved through the crowds of the station’s promenade with an easy confidence. She was changed. Powerful. Her sleeveless shirt showed off her muscular arms and her breasts swelled against the dark fabric. She’d strapped her cock down with her panties, and the feel of it straining the fabric was strangely pleasant. But what surely spurred her on was the promise of more. The thought of what tonight would bring.

  She brushed her long hair out of her eyes. The neon light of the signs and holos along the dark promenade glowed against her face. Against her body. She was bigger. After her encounter at Morinth’s shop she’d measured herself and found she’d grown a few inches in height. Her baggiest shirt now strained to contain her figure. Sailors paused and stared after her. A few reptilian Drax did as well, the barbarous reptilian aliens in their luminous paint eyeing her with interest. She flashed them a grin, recalling having heard the piratical aliens were matriarchal. She liked that thought.

  She strode into the neon lit promenade on the third station level. The crowds were thick, the promenade close to the main hangers. Miners and merchants milled about while pimps displayed their charges wrapped in glowing holo clothes. The air was stale and recycled but tinged with a smoky odour from the food sellers working among the choked machinery.

  Amala ignored them all, a path clearing for her as she scanned the garish signs blaring light out onto the deck. Halfway across she stopped, grinned. The bar’s name was the Meteor. The light field at its foot barred the interior but she pushed through without a second thought.

  She stopped inside, scanning the crowd. There wasn’t much light. Pulsating lamps along the ceiling washed the place in a pale glow the emphasized the darkness. Cages whose bars glowed with flickering bands held dancers gyrating to the heavy beat of electric music. Men and women populated dark tables, drinking and talking animatedly. She glimpsed one man leaning back in a booth while a woman between his parted legs bobbed her head. The sight and sounds of the club stirred her. Her eyes were drawn to the main source of illumination, the bar itself. A holographic dome of lights like a neon halo was projected over it, washing it in its own personal bubble of harsh pinks and purples.

  And there she was.

  Amala felt her pulse quicken at the sight of the woman at the bar. There was no mistaking the shadowed eyes and trim physique. She wore a tight skirt and a shirt that bared her stomach. She leaned against the bar, drinking easily, her eyes lidded giving her a vague, dusky look. The same she’d worn in Amala’s bedroom what felt like a lifetime ago, Jalt’s cock buried in her cunt, her soft breasts quivering with lust and her body flushed atop the sheets.

  It had been so easy, in the end. All Dava had needed was a description and she had searched the network, finding Jalt’s lover in a matter of hours. Naturally, the reward she wanted was to be bent over the table and thoroughly reamed before giving over the info. But Amala had been happy to comply. She grinned at the memory, and crossed the room. Her pulse thudded in time to the music, anticipation holding her tightly.

  She took a seat beside the woman. “Hey.”

  The woman looked her way. Her brows rose slowly with surprise. “Oh.”

  Amala laughed, edging closer. “Relax. No hard feelings from me. It wasn’t your fault Jalt’s a dick.”

  The woman smiled, relaxing slightly, but still uneasy. Her dark eyes slipped to the bartender, a bald man whose massive frame fairly filled the space behind the bar. She relaxed further when she felt his protective eye on her. Good, Amala thought. Let her think she was safe. That would make things easier.

  “Listen,” Amala said, edging closer until she was sitting directly beside the young woman. “I don’t want any hard feelings between us. Let me buy you a drink.” She beckoned to the bartender, who nodded.

  “Oh. Thanks.”

  Amala smiled hungrily as she saw the woman’s nostrils flare. How she blinked, furrowing her brow a little as she smelled Amala. Breathed in the futa’s pheromone laden scent.

  “I was just curious,” Amala said, leaning closer still. “What you see in him?”

  She shifted, her skin flushing a little as it warmed to the futa’s presence. “Well…”

  “Amala,” she breathed. “Call me Amala. And you are?”


  “Would you like to sit somewhere more private, Tana?”

  “Y-yeah. Maybe…”

  Touching her arm, Amala pulled her out of the seat. Tana staggered a little as if she was drunk. Amala grinned and caught the glass the bartender set down and guided the woman out of the light of the bar. Taking her to one of the dark booths scattered against the walls. The music thumped from the stage. The lights across the ceiling spun with dazzling hues as she settled Tana in the booth and sat down beside her.

  “Anyway, Tana. You were telling me about why you found Jalt attractive?”

  Tana shifted in her seat, her breathing deepening. She was flushed and pretty, squirming a little where she sat. Her lidded brows fluttered with uncertain desire. “We-ll,” she said softly. Nearly humming. “He’s pretty handsome you know.”

  Amala grimaced. “I know,” she said. She slid nearer the girl.

  “You smell nice,” Tana said distantly.

  “I know,” Amala said, her voice falling to a seductive purr. She slipped her arm around Tana and pulled her flush against her side in the darkness of the booth. Beads of condensation slipped down the
forgotten drinks. “Was he a good fuck?”

  “Mmm. He was alright,” Tana said dreamily.

  “But he’s always been a bit selfish hasn’t he?” Amala murmured. Sliding a finger down Tana’s chin, the blonde following the motion unconsciously. “Never really knows what a woman wants. He doesn’t know how to fuck. He just sticks his cock in you and works it until he’s done. No stamina.”

  “Maybe a little,” she breathed.

  Amala took Tana’s hand and moved it onto her groin. The girl gave a small start when she felt the bulge in Amala’s pants. She looked up at the mocha skinned futa, soft lips parted, uncertain what was happening.

  “Want to see what I can do with mine?”

  Tana inhaled sharply in surprise. Her eyes fogged. The musky scent of maleness and pleasure filling her. She took a second slow, shuddering breath. Amala sucked in a breath as she felt the blonde tentatively stroke her cock. She leaned over Tana, running her hand beneath the pale woman’s shirt and stroking her heaving breasts. “Feels good. Doesn’t it,” Amala murmured. She pressed herself against the smaller woman, their breasts crushed against each other. Her cock strained the fabric of her pants delightfully, reacting to Tana’s supple figure.

  “I have a place,” Amala breathed. “Just for you and me. Come with me. And I’ll show you the fucking of a lifetime.”

  Tana stretched back her head, baring her long white neck. Her dark eyes fluttered. Her lips trembled.


  The word came as a whisper, but Amala heard it all the same. She grinned, her eyes glowing in the strobing lights from deeper in the club. She flashed a credit chit on the table’s screen to pay for the drinks and drew Tana out of the booth and the club.

  She pulled Tana into an elevator and as the doors slid shut pushed her against the wall. She kissed her, breath hot. Her hands slid under her shirt and played with her breasts. Tana gasped, moaning submissively beneath the other woman’s dominating touch. Amala’s hand wandered low and cupped the soft shape of Tana’s ass.

  She never loosened her grasp on Tana as she pulled her through the streets, fairly carrying her. She touched her. Toyed with her. Groped her. Tana was panting with helpless arousal by the time Amala opened the familiar door. They never bothered with the lights. She grabbed Tana’s ass, hoisted her up against her. Their lips locked, and with her new cock pressing against Tana’s mound, Amala carried her into the bedroom.

  She tossed Tana onto the bed. The woman bounced, her loose shirt and skirt flaring about her. Gasping in surprise, she settled atop the mattress and blankets, hair dishevelled, eyes heavy with lust.

  Amala stood before the bed, grinning. A neon sign outside the apartment washed the room in hot red light. Amala gripped her shirt and teasingly pulled it over her head. Her dark breasts were sharply outlined, capped with black nipples. Her body was hard and firm. Sculpted with muscle. She hooked her thumbs in her pants and eased them down, taking her panties with them.

  Tana stared as Amala’s cock came free. Took in the entirety of the mocha skinned futa. Amala stood at the foot of the bed, naked, a goddess of hard muscles and feminine curves. She grinned, her teeth flashing in the dark as Tana’s breath quickened at the futa’s thick scent.

  “Do you want it?” Amala breathed.


  “Then come on and taste it.”

  Tana glanced up, but resistance withered at the sight of the dusky goddess in all her glory. Rolling to her hands and knees, Tana crawled to the edge of the bed and tentatively leaned forward. She breathed, the thick scent raw so near Amala’s cock. Her lust plumped lips parted and Tana gingerly ran her tongue up Amala’s length.

  Amala hissed, biting her lower lip as Tana tentatively wrapped her lips about the head. “Ahh,” Amala gasped. She grabbed Tana’s hair, gripping it tightly. “Y-you’re good at this!”

  “Mmm,” Tana moaned.

  The futanari groaned as the inches vanished past the other woman’s soft lips. Tana’s lashes fluttered as she swallowed Amala’s cock, her nose coming to rest at the tuft of hair at Amala’s mons. She inhaled deeply, taking in as much of Amala’s musky scent as possible. Then began to move.

  “F-fuck!” Amala gasped. She thrust into Tana’s mouth, feeling the muscles of the pale woman’s throat work. Pleasure rocked her. Different from fucking Dava. More intense. She groaned, looking down at the bright hair and dark eyes of the woman sucking her off. “Did you ever suck off Jalt like this?” Amala said, tightening her grip in Tana’s hair. “Did you ever suck his cock?”


  “Like this?”


  Amala chuckled. “Then you better make me cum.”


  The vibrations of her humming thrummed up Amala’s length. The sight of the woman debasing herself on her cock sent an unimaginable thrill up the newly made futa. She grit her teeth, groaning as she felt her body begin to tense. “Yes. Fuck. Oh yes. Oh f-fuck!”

  Amala came, exploding in Tana’s hot mouth. Eagerly, Tana swallowed the futa’s hot seed.

  Gasping, Amala pulled her cock from Tana’s mouth. Breathing heavily, she grinned down at Tana. “Think this is where I get soft?”

  Tana, mouth parted, cum staining her lips and eyes hazed with lust, shook her head. “N-no.”

  “So you know what happens next?” Amala purred as she crawled onto the bed. Her sinuous movements like a stalking cat. Her cock stiffened beneath her again, responding to her desire.

  Tana edged back to the head of the bed. Her heart beat quickly with a giddy sense of anticipation and a tinge of fear. “N-no?”

  Amala chuckled as she reached up and hooked her hands in Tana’s panties. With a jerk she tore them free, baring the pink flower of Tana’s cunt. “Now I’m going to lick you into a desperate mess. Get you nice and wet. Then,” she said, leaning forward, her hot breath rolling over Tana’s trembling quim. “I’m going to fuck you like you’ve never been fucked before. I’m going to make you scream my name and beg for more.”

  She glanced up, through the valley of Tana’s breasts and to the blonde’s flushed face. Amala grinned, then leaned forward and ran her tongue up Tana’s gash.

  “Ah!” the girl arched, pushing her mons against Amala’s tongue. The dusky skinned woman growled and grabbed Tana’s hips, pushing her down onto the bed. She held her lover there easily, her powerful arms restraining Tana’s bucking hips as her tongue slipped into Tana’s folds. The power of the position hardened her cock even more. The ease with which she controlled Tana sending a thrill through her. Her every reaction spurred the futa on. She pressed her lips to Tana’s folds and plunged her tongue into the woman’s tender pussy.

  “Ah!” Tana gasped, fisting the pillows, trembling beneath Amala’s hands. “S-stars! Oh stars!”

  Amala laughed. “Enjoy that don’t you?”

  “Y-yes,” Tana whimpered.

  “Well the best is yet to come.”

  Amala drew back and scooted between Tana’s parted thighs. She wrapped her hand around her shaft, stroking it, eying the flushed and flustered woman laid out before her. Legs parted willingly and baring her lust slickened cunt. Amala leaned over, pressing a hand to the wall beside Tana’s head. Her other grasped Tana’s hip, holding her in place. Shadowing her. Surrounding her in a cage of powerful female flesh. The head of her cock teased Tana’s twitching folds. Her face inches from the other woman’s, staring into her lust hazed eyes.

  “Here I come,” she whispered.

  Amala jerked her hips and filled Tana with a single thrust. Tana’s eyes shot wide open. Her head banged against the wall. “Oooooh!”

  Amala groaned as she felt Tana’s clutching channel about her cock. Far tighter than Dava. Far sweeter this prize. “Yesss,” Amala gasped. She grabbed Tana’s hair, pulling back her head before devouring her lips in a rough, dominating kiss. Tana moaned, rocking her hips as Amala began to move inside of her, roughly fucking the young woman.

Amala broke the kiss, gasping. “Kiss my breasts,” she gasped.

  Eyes lidded, drunk with desire and pheromones, Tana did so, her lips locking on the peak of Amala’s nipples. “F-fuck!” Amala gasped. “Yes! Suck them. You little slut. How’s my cock feel? How does it feel to be fucked by me?”

  Tana popped her lips off the dusky nipple. “So good,” she gasped, breathe hitching as Amala thrust again inside of her. “Ah! So go-oo-ood!”

  Hungrily Amala took the quivering blonde. The wet slap of flesh on flesh echoing in the room as she hammered her throbbing cunt. Felt the tight clutch of Tana’s hungry quim. Tana arched, moaning. Amala felt her tense about her cock, fist the sheets, and scream as she came.

  Amala groaned, thrusting and riding out Tana’s orgasm, holding back from cumming in the quivering cunt of the other woman with difficulty. Not yet. Not yet! She gave Tana’s hair a painful yank. “I don’t remember giving you permission to cum,” she said.

  “S-sorry,” Tana moaned.

  “It’s okay.” Amala kissed her cheek. “I forgive you. You just couldn’t help it. My cock just feels so good in you. But you can’t cum until I say so. Got it?”

  “Y-yes,” Tana moaned. “Yes. Can’t…”

  Amala chuckled. She stretched herself against the other woman, pressing her into the mattress beneath the softness of her breasts. “Good. Because here is where it gets hard!”

  He powerful legs thrust her deep into Tana. The girl cried out, writhing. She wrapped her arms about Amala, clutching her for support as the dusky futanari hammered her cunt. Moaning, whimpering, she endured the hard ride on the end of the other woman’s cock.

  Amala revelled in it. Revelled in the feeling of the woman Jalt had betrayed her for impaled on her shaft. Helpless, begging for more in a daze of lust and desperate arousal. She felt Tana’s insides quiver, clutching her. She was close. So close.

  “Please,” Tana sobbed. “Please.”

  “Y-yes,” Amala moaned, feeling her own orgasm stir. “Yes! Cum! Cum for me!”

  “A-Amala!” Tana screamed as she came, her juices running down Amala’s cock and thighs. Her name, cried out in the heights of ecstasy, sent Amala over the edge. She screamed, balls clenching as she shot her seed again into Tana’s warm depths. Her orgasm singing through her.


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