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Rocket Babe_Reflection

Page 4

by Stephen R. DeArman

  “Did these men hear them speak?”

  “Yes, sir, they spoke Russian and with the proper accent.”

  “Have these men been drinking?”

  “I assure you, they are sober, but scared out of their minds. I believe they are too shocked and afraid to lie.”

  “Have you found anything of tactical importance, Captain?”

  “No, sir, only that the description of the UFOs matches those that have been taking people from other villages and attacking our military installations the last few weeks.”

  “Very well, Captain. Expand your search area and let me know if you find anything I can use. Good bye!”

  The secretary slowly hung up the phone and turned to his most trusted aide. “Vasilisa, I think it’s time to proceed with operation Pentagon. We need to know once and for all if we are dealing with the Americans or… aliens.”

  “Are you sure you want to do this, Mr. Secretary? Even with all they have done covertly, I do not think the Americans are behind the recent attacks or abducting simple townspeople. And if we are being attacked by aliens now, and our agents are caught, it could mean a war with the Americans or perhaps a war with very advanced forces we do not yet understand. Would it not be better to ask the Americans for assistance rather than risk so much on a speculative spy mission?”

  “No, my little lisichka, we need to confirm this one way or another without speaking to the Americans. If it is the U.S. it would confirm to them they are far stronger than we are and that we are afraid. If it turns out not to be the Americans, we can still seek their help once we know for certain.”

  “As you wish. I will order the mission to proceed.”

  The Pentagon, Arlington, Virginia May 17, 0200 hours …

  Deep within the Pentagon, a pair of Soviet spies have spent almost an hour making their way past multiple layers of security only to find themselves five floors underground in front of a locked door labeled Janitorial Supplies.

  “This does not make sense, Dimitri. I believe we have been betrayed! It appears no one has been down here for months! I can barely see, and all this dust makes me want to sneeze. The air smells like two-week old borscht.”

  “I think we are at the wrong location. Why would they keep classified files in the janitor’s closet?”

  “I agree, it does not make sense but then you might also ask why there is a security keypad on the door.”

  “I knew we should have found someone other than a washed-out pilot to bribe!”

  “We cannot be concerned with that now. We are here, and we must hurry! The plane will leave the airfield in thirty-five minutes, with or without us.”

  “I understand, but we have come too far to leave without the information. Now hurry, punch the numbers into the pad and open the door!”

  Unsure of their inside source, Dimitri slowly took a deep breath and held it as he entered the security code he had been given by an extremely upset, former DSSF lieutenant. His hand was beginning to shake as he entered the last number but to their relief the men heard a brief buzz as the door popped open.

  “It opened, Nikolai!”

  “Good! Now all we have to do is find the file.”

  The pair stepped inside to find a large room filled wall to wall with file cabinets. Dimitri’s mouth dropped open as he almost went cross-eyed counting the cabinets.

  “There is no way we can find the right file in all of this in time, Nikolai. We must abort!”

  “No! The lieutenant gave me explicit instructions for finding the files quickly. You stand guard and I will get them.”

  “Very well, but we have to leave in four minutes if we are to get out of the country.”

  Nikolai carefully looked for the markers he had been given and in only a few moments he was standing in front of their target.

  “This is the cabinet, Dimitri, and I have found the microfiche!”

  “The Colonel said to take everything listed for 1982.”

  “I have them all, Dimitri! Now, let us make our way out as we came in.”

  Having made a clean getaway, the men arrived at their plane with only seconds to spare. An hour later they were outside of U.S. jurisdiction and on their way to Moscow with detailed information about DSSF activities.

  Early the next morning, Commander Randall and his crew were in his office next to 107 going over new tactical information when the phone rang.

  “That figures. Every time I try to finish this, something comes up. Penelope, would you be so kind as to answer that?”


  “You are the communications officer, aren’t you?”

  Penelope frowned as she picked up the phone. “Well, I’m not the receptionist! Commander Randall’s office.”

  “This is General Barrett. I need to speak with Commander Randall, ASAP!”

  “Yes, sir! One moment please. It’s the general, sir, for you.”

  Now Randall was frowning, too. “Good morning, General.”

  “Commander, we have a situation and I’m going to need your special talents and crew to take care of it.”

  Randall looked annoyed and shook his head slightly as he put the general on speaker. “Go ahead, sir.”

  “Commander, the president has just informed me that less than 24 hours ago KGB agents managed to steal several extremely sensitive files from the Pentagon. One of the files taken contains a great deal of information on DSSF, and to make matters worse, by the time the breach was discovered they had made it as far as Nicaragua.”

  “Sounds like security in D.C. could be improved, but I really don’t understand how we can be of help. Wouldn’t a C.I.A. operative be a better choice on this? Surely they know how to find the KGB agents and missing information.”

  “Yes, they do have some clear images of them from the security cameras, but beyond that, all we have to go on is a code name: Boris.”

  The name caused Randall to smile slightly. “Well there you go! Just send a SEAL team after ol’ Boris and take care of things; no problem! I think the president has some friends operating down that way. Contras, I believe?”

  “What! How do you know about that, Commander?”

  “Well, all I can say, sir, is that I’m not just another pretty face.” Randall smiled as he winked at Penelope then added, “And I know someone who is outstanding when it comes to classified communications.”

  At that point Randall could hear the tension in the general’s voice beginning to rise. “The president would like nothing better, Commander, but it seems Boris managed to elude our advisors on the ground there and he is now airborne. There’s a lot of air traffic in and out of Managua all the time, but fortunately one of our men managed to plant a tracker on Boris’s jet just before it departed.”

  “Do we know his heading and what he’s flying?”

  “Of course. We have a tie-in to Managua radar. They just don’t know it.”

  “General, please standby and we’ll call you right back. We need to get aboard 107.”

  “Move it, Commander!”

  “Ok, ladies, you heard the man. Move it! Penelope, get him back as soon as you are belted in.”

  “Aye, sir.”

  In a matter of seconds Randall was locking the main access hatch of 107 in place and as he reached his seat he heard, “The General is on COM line 3, sir.”

  “Go ahead, General, we’re ready.”

  “Boris is flying a MiG 29 and he will have more than a two-hour head start on you. I’m sending the tracking frequency to you now.”

  Randall turned to Addison and smiled. “I don’t think that will be a problem, sir. How should we deal with him?”

  “The President would prefer to have the files back but if that’s not possible…”

  “Understood. 107 out! COM, locate that jet!”

  “Already have it! SRN shows him cruising, 700 knots at angels 30 over the Pacific. He’s currently 420 miles off the coast of Mexico. If he maintains course, he’ll pass directly over Socorro Island. At the mome
nt, it appears he is about to rendezvous with a Russian IL-78 tanker and three additional MiGs.”

  “Really! Sounds like he’s preparing for the long haul back to Mother Russia. How far from our current position?”

  “Approximately 1,473 miles, sir.”

  “Display your scope on main viewer, Addison… parabolic intercept and don’t spare the anti-matter.”

  Addison’s face lit up. “Intercept, aye! SF-1 tower, 107 requesting permission for immediate vertical takeoff.”

  “How long to intercept?”

  “I can have us there in ten minutes, sir.”

  “107, permission granted. You are cleared for takeoff.”

  “Commander, we’re ready. All systems in the green.”

  “Let’s try for eight! Pilot, punch it!”

  “Aye, sir. Turbines coming up to speed. Vertical takeoff, now!”

  As 107 reached apogee and began descent…

  “COM, scan the area out to 1500 miles. Do you see any other tanker aircraft?”

  “Scanning… yes, sir. Another tanker seems to be orbiting 1,700 miles northwest of Socorro.”

  “That’s what I figured. Get me a line to Lieutenant DeArman and send him the co-ordinates for the second tanker.”

  “Aye, sir. I have 102 on speakers.”

  “Crimson Knight. Go ahead, Commander.”

  “Charlie! Sorry to bother you on such short notice but we may need a slight assist with a Russian tanker. How soon can you be in position?”

  “No problem, sir. Glad to help. As luck would have it, we’re in strike range now. My W.O. already has a weapons lock.”

  “Roger that. Stay close and wait for my order.”

  “Aye, sir. Moving into position.”

  “Commander, we’re in his radio range now and tuned in. Use COM 2.”

  “Attention Russian tanker MiG group! This is U.S. Intelligence. You are in unauthorized possession of classified documents of the U.S military. In a few minutes we will be in range of NAS North Island. I order you to land there and surrender the documents and your aircraft. Acknowledge.”

  Dimitri, aka Boris, quickly checked his radar but found nothing to indicate his group was in danger. “This is the leader of the Russian group. We are on a peaceful training mission, but we will not tolerate any interference. Do not force us to defend ourselves.”

  “Russian group, let’s try this again. I know you are KGB and in possession of sensitive documents stolen from the Pentagon. If you land and surrender the microfiche, you will be returned to your homeland. Otherwise, I will be forced to remove you all from the sky.”

  Boris checked his radar again but could only see the other MiGs and tanker. Smiling he answered, “Whoever you are, how will you shoot us down if you are so far away we cannot even see you on our radar?”

  “I am closer than you think, but no one has to die. Just land as instructed. I give you my word. You will be allowed to leave as soon as the documents are returned.”


  Randall turned to Sela and nodded, “Splash the tanker.” Then he turned his attention back to the main viewer.

  “Aye, sir! Fox two!”

  A few seconds later the tanker became a fireball as the MiGs scattered to avoid falling debris. Once they regrouped Randall tried again.

  “Does that answer your question, Boris?”

  “Who is this? How do you know my name?”

  “Boris, surely you remember… Ferryman.”

  “Ferryman! You son of a… it has been a long time my old friend. We thought you had retired or hopefully, were dead!”

  “Yes, well, I have missed you, too. I hated to extinguish the tanker, but you left me no choice. Now that it’s gone you will accompany us to North Island.”

  “I am thinking we will not be doing that today. All MiGs turn and attack!”

  Faster than the MiGs could loop back on them, Addison climbed 10,000 feet while maintaining 107’s superior firing position. After a few minutes of searching for Ferryman the MiGs resumed their original formation and heading.

  “Was that fun for you, Boris? You still haven’t seen me, have you? We can’t be found by your radar and you might as well be blind visually.”

  “I commend those who provide your camouflage, Ferryman, but I still think we will not be accompanying you to your airbase today.”

  “Surely, Boris, you don’t think you might still make it to your other tanker. Yes, I know there is a second tanker about two hours away, but I assure you, it won’t be there in a few minutes unless you agree to cooperate.”

  Again, Boris glanced at his radar but could only see his group. “You must be an extraordinary pilot to be in two places at one time.”

  “Haven’t you seen enough?”

  “My answer to your kind invitation is still, nyet!”

  “Have it your way, Boris. Ferryman to Crimson Knight: terminate the tanker.”

  Charlie turned to his weapons officer. “W.O., light ‘em up!”

  Only seconds later an orange fireball illuminated the sky where the tanker had been. Penelope tracked the missile to its target. “Kill confirmed, sir. The second tanker has been eliminated.”

  “Ok, Boris, contact your tanker, if you can. I’ll wait.”

  As the remaining four fighters continued in formation, Boris changed frequencies and tried to raise the tanker, but what was left of it would soon be floating on the surface of the Pacific.

  “Are you satisfied, Boris? You now have just enough fuel to come with me. You know without midair refueling you can’t make it home. What will it be? Come with me and surrender the documents or join your comrades in the Pacific?”

  Boris did not respond immediately but after he had thought it over he answered, “I think I will join my comrades, but I also think I will take you with me!” Again, Boris ordered his group to turn and attack, but as before, they could not find 107.

  Randall watched the MiGs scatter across the sky far below as they began to search for him again.

  “Watching them try to find us would be funny, if they weren’t all about to die.”

  “Come now, Ferryman, do not hide. I offer you alternative. I will fight you all by myself and order the other MiGs to stand down, if you will show yourself. What do you say, just you and me?”

  Randall looked at Addison a moment. “Bring us alongside their formation so he can see us. Skin to white and hoist the colors.”

  “Aye, sir. Conditions set.”

  In seconds 107 became the last aircraft on the starboard end of their formation and plain as day. Their sudden appearance and the size of 107 next to his MiG 29 startled Boris for a moment and as he turned in his seat to get a full view he could see the twin Jolly Rogers on the tails.

  “Your ship is most impressive, Ferryman, but there are four of us.”

  “Boris, Boris, I thought you were going to fight me alone?”

  “I was, but since your jet is so much larger than mine, I think I need some help to even the odds.”

  Randall laughed. “Well, Boris, I can’t say I’m surprised. C’est la vie!”

  At that moment the formation exploded in five different directions with the MiGs all using various tactics to gain an advantage over 107.

  The closest MiG to them instantly went into a Pugachev Cobra and Addison went right along with him as the other fighters sped on ahead. The Russian pilot was left stunned as she stood 107 on its tail and came close to a complete stop alongside. For nearly thirty seconds Addison hovered 107 while rotating behind the MiG in a semicircle, from one wing tip to the other and back again, while the shocked Russian watched in disbelief.

  Randall had no trouble believing she could perform the maneuver, but he was rapidly growing tired of lying on his back as Addison taunted the MiG. “Pilot, why are we still standing on our tail? Stop show boating!”

  “I’m not show boating, sir. As long as we’re next to or orbiting their leader, they can’t fire at us without hitting him and I can guarantee yo
u, I can do this much longer than he can.”

  “Let me ask you something. What makes you think they care if they hit him or not?”

  A look of confusion covered Addison’s face, but before she could respond to Randall’s question the Russian was forced to level off and as he resumed normal flight 107 again moved into the wingman position and kept pace. After a few seconds, on the main view screen they could see the Russian pilot with both hands up as if to say, “I surrender!”

  “Ferryman, this is Major Vladimir Nosova of the Soviet Air Defense Force. I have the articles you seek. It is obvious you have a great tactical advantage over us. My men and I will follow you to North Island without further delay. If Boris does not follow, you may shoot him down without further resistance from us. And, I trust your word is more reliable than the word of Boris.”

  “I’m glad to hear that Major, and yes, I will keep my word. We will proceed to North Island and once I have the documents, arrangements will be made to return you to your homeland.”

  “I can ask no more. Nosova, out.”

  “COM, send my thanks to Lieutenant DeArman and the crew of 102. Tell them to resume station.”

  “Aye, sir!”

  Twenty minutes later a group of MiG 29’s peacefully landed at the base on the tip of Coronado peninsula. Finally, back on the ground Randall met briefly with Major Nosova before handing him off to Naval Security.

  “Here are the files you seek, untouched and complete.”

  “Excellent! I’m glad you agreed to cooperate. I would not have enjoyed shooting you down.”

  “Yes, I am also glad. And I’m sorry we had to meet in this way.”

  “Perhaps one day, Major, our countries will no longer be adversaries.”

  “We can hope.”

  The major could not keep his eyes off 107. “That’s an amazing aircraft! I don’t suppose I could have a tour of your beautiful ship.”


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