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Rocket Babe_Reflection

Page 6

by Stephen R. DeArman

  “There are two main classes of Emim: soldier and slave. The warrior class rules everything with a titanium fist. The slaves consist of all those considered to be less than perfect. They may have congenital defects, lower intelligence or simply did not fully develop to their normal size. And of course, all females are slaves. It seems sexism is not limited to human cultures.

  “The Emim are highly advanced intellectually, but they are also extremely evil. Nothing Hitler or Vlad the Impaler ever did would come close to what the Emim consider sport. They have many talents, some beyond belief, particularly when it comes to inflicting endless physical pain on their enemies. Their physicians are not like ours. They have physical specialists, who can actually make it impossible for most life forms to die and thereby prolong excruciating torture, almost to infinity; literally, Hell on earth.

  “When you combine their physical size, athletic ability and flexible skeletal structure with the stamina of an elephant, you have an Emim soldier. That’s what we’re facing, and the adult females are almost as athletic, only smaller. While strikingly beautiful, the females do possess one unique skill; they are masters of seduction and according to the Rigelians about five percent have the ability to shape shift for brief periods.”

  “I had no idea! Does anyone other than you and I know any of this?”

  “No, sir. You and I are the only ones. I just haven’t had time. There was so much to input, it has taken me almost a year just to upload the highlights of each race to CVERS. The good news is that I completed that arduous task earlier this morning. I’m also happy to report Rollie has the software and hard drive to handle it all ready to go here at Tactical, but until our ship’s computer systems can be upgraded, we’ll have to use an uplink from HQ to the fleet when needed. When everything goes on line at 0800 tomorrow, all ships and fighters will have almost instant access to alien linguistic translations, ship recognition and tactical information at the touch of a button. Within a couple of months the computer updates will be completed and it will all be onboard and available in real time.”

  General Barrett was spellbound by the flood of information. “That explains a lot Captain, including your reaction when you saw their ship and who we are up against this time.”

  “Yes, sir. When I first realized those were Emim ships it shook me to the core, but I’m fine now. The images Kontana shared with me of their engagements with the Emim and what happens to their captives was extremely disturbing. Kontana had to help strengthen my mind in order to get past that part of the experience, but just now all of those images came flooding back and I had to manage it all on my own. Be glad you can’t see them. I wish I couldn’t.”

  “Well, it’s good to see you smiling now. May I ask why?”

  “I was just remembering something I told Ahiga a while back. ‘A man who says he’s never afraid is a fool.’ I just realized… I’m not a fool.

  “Except for the Rigelians, it seems every time we encounter a new race they are progressively worse than the last. First it was the Greys, then the Nephilim, then the Gorgon, and now we have the Emim, who are worse than all of the others combined.”

  “But you have no specific idea why they are here, now?”

  “No sir, none whatsoever, but I do know without question, mankind has never been in greater danger of extinction.”

  Nephilim Directorate, four hours later…

  “Lord Anakim, an Emim ship has just arrived. General Thuban has sent a communication stating he wishes to meet with you at once on a matter of great urgency.”

  “Is that so? Very well, bring him to me here.”

  “At once, my lord.”

  When Pollux had gone, Anakim began to laugh as he walked over to the highest seat of power in the Nephilim Empire, the Judgment Throne of the Council. The chair was massive, diamond encrusted and overlaid with two hundred pounds of pure gold, and from it all matters of importance were executed. Anakim seated himself. As he waited for Pollux to return, he slowly ran his giant, gnarled hands over the smooth, shiny metal, and as he did, he imagined that he and the seat had much in common. They both were cold, unfeeling, and from them great power was exercised over all, and without mercy.

  In a few moments Pollux returned with two visitors in tow and as they approached Anakim he raised his hand for them to stop.

  “Come no further. Reveal yourselves!”

  Thuban removed the hood of his cloak, opened it fully and boldly stared directly into Anakim’s eyes. Then without concern he sarcastically began to mock. “Anakim, you are moving up I see. How many Directorate members did you have to kill to obtain such a position of power?”

  Looking disgusted, Anakim roared back. “Obviously not enough; you are still standing. Perhaps you have come so that I may add your name to the list. What is it you wish to speak about Thuban, and be quick! Are you here only to cast insults?”

  “Amazing! You do not know why I have come? Did you forget our plan? Perhaps you are in need of a physician.”

  “Our plan? It has been so many months since our last meeting I assumed you were unable to deliver as promised and had given up.”

  “Given up? No, far from it. Behold, thou who sittest over all. Judge and tell me who can best deliver on their word; Emim or Nephilim!”

  Thuban snapped his fingers and pointed to the floor before him. His companion performed as instructed, coming forward then stopping halfway between Thuban and Anakim before slowly removing her hood. When she did so, Tyl lifted her face allowing Anakim to see her fully. As the cloak fell to the floor, there before him stood the perfect likeness of Verna Starr wearing Pim Ono’s curve-hugging black flight suit.

  Thuban had a wicked smile. “Exquisite, is she not? Ask her anything Starr should know.”

  Anakim knew this was not Starr but he could not keep from smiling. “Very well, let’s begin with something simple like rank, name, age and so forth.”

  Tyl smiled seductively then began her recital using Verna’s voice. “I am Captain Verna Starr, age 28, married to my childhood sweetheart, Randall. Our home is in Alabama. My parents are Katherine and Marvin Hullett. I attended school…”

  “Enough! Tell me something more relevant.”

  “My ship is a Cestris class fighter listed as 100. I am the best pilot and Strike Leader of SF-1 and serve as head of Alien Eradication. I only answer to two people: DSSF General Peter Barrett and the President of the United States. I have earned many service awards including the Medal of Honor. In addition to saving many human lives, my major accomplishments include helping to eliminate the Greys on Mars and defeating your forces in battle. Most recently I led DSSF forces against the Gorgon and with the help of the Rigelians they were annihilated.”

  “Is there anything else you wish to include?”

  “I was also blackmailed by you and I surrendered in order to protect my parents. However, soon after, I escaped. I have mopped the floor with every Nephilim I have ever encountered in battle, including you.”

  After her last statement Anakim looked ready to explode. “Do you know the coordinates of DSSF HQ, their security protocols and points of access? How many ships do they have, where are they deployed and in what numbers?”

  “I am completely up to date on DSSF tactics, protocols and resources.”

  “Let’s try something else. Pollux, activate photo display and randomly flash the faces of all DSSF personnel and at the highest speed.”

  Pollux did as requested and soon began the next test. “When you see a face, state the corresponding name. Begin!”

  Images streamed across the display at the rate of five per second. “Starr, Randall, Rolf, Miller, Barrett, Stephens, Sela, Addison, Penelope, Francis, Ono, Sims, Captain DeArman, Lieutenant DeArman, Brown, Captain Purcell, Lieutenant Purcell, Hullett, Foster, Lucy.”


  “What is Randall’s favorite meal?”

  “Prime rib and lobster.”

  “His pet name for Starr?”

ade or angel.”

  “Before DSSF where was Randall employed?”

  “He was an operative of a clandestine weapons development organization known as Sirius.”

  Anakim nodded and admitted he was impressed. “One last question: what is Starr to Randall?”

  “In addition to his commanding officer she is his friend, wife, lover, soul mate; in essence, everything.”

  “Exactly, his love for her is his greatest weakness. Do not forget that, and use it against him.”

  After months of intensive study Tyl had a different opinion but only muttered it to herself. “It may be his greatest strength.”

  “I am convinced she is ready, Thuban. When do we begin?”

  The Emim Prefect was smiling, but as Anakim watched, his body contorted into a hideous demonic shape as he answered. “Now! We will mass our ships and set my plan in motion.”

  “Mass our ships?”

  “I thought you were going to do this covertly and without loss.”

  “That is correct. Their detection network will see our armada coming for days before it reaches their imaginary line. Once they are distracted, General Dziban will use his ship to capture one of theirs. After much study we know when Starr should be in space. It will be a simple matter of replacing Starr with Tyl. Once that is accomplished the humans will fall within hours.”

  “We shall see, Thuban. When it comes to Starr, things do not always go as planned.”

  Chapter 5

  Verna was about to return to her office when Corporal Stevens came running into Tactical.

  “Sorry to interrupt, General, but we’ve been monitoring some strange chatter out of Omsk, USSR.”

  “Well spit it out, man. We don’t have all day!”

  “Yes, sir. Since approximately 0400 today, at least sixteen Russian air bases have been obliterated including Chkalovsk, near Omsk. The Kremlin is having a meltdown because, by all reports, their people could only identify the aggressors as multiple UFO’s. It appears the Russians were caught completely off guard. Most of their forces were destroyed on the ground, and the few jets that tried to respond barely made it into the air before being shot down by some kind of light beam. The attacks continued until there was almost nothing left of the installations; not a truck, not a jet, not a building, there’s nothing left! And when they were finished the aliens landed and abducted several survivors.”

  “Was there a description of the UFO’s, Corporal?”

  “Well, sir, that’s where it gets really weird. They found an old farmer who was out working in a nearby field. He reported the objects were basically shaped like a ball made of triangles and they made no sound at all until it fired its weapons. They made a snapping sound like arcing electricity.”

  “Losing sixteen bases would be devastating. Any information on their total losses?”

  “Nothing official yet, but from what I know of the bases involved, I’d estimate twenty to twenty-five percent of their air force and support personnel have been lost.”

  “Let me know when you have more information, Corporal. Dismissed.”

  “Sounds like the same ships that were shadowing the shuttle, Captain. But why would the Emim move against the Russians?”

  Verna seemed to be in deep thought. “From what I know of their tactics, I would say their analysis of the Russians is complete. While the Russians have superior defenses when compared to almost every nation except the U.S., their airspace is the soft spot in planetary defense. We have S.D.I. and for now, the only military capability in space. I believe the Emim were looking for someplace to dig in and they found it in the Urals. Getting them out won’t be easy but first we have to find them and that’s going to be difficult without Russian cooperation.”

  “Yes, well, that’s above my pay grade. It’s time for me to call the president with the wonderful news.”

  “I’m sure it will make his day, sir.”

  Barrett looked at Starr and shook his head. “Someday, Lucy and I are going to retire. I don’t know where just yet, but it will be far away from aliens and all that goes with them. Might even get a dog and go someplace far away to relax.”

  The general’s statement made her grin again. “You’re starting to sound like Commander Randall.”

  “God in heaven, I hope not! Don’t go far, Captain. This won’t take long.”

  “I’ll be in my office, sir.”

  As Verna went through the door, the general picked up his phone. “Stevens, get me the president.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  In the Oval Office…

  “I am sorry to hear your country has been attacked, Mr. Secretary. My condolences to those who were lost. Who was it that attacked you? It certainly wasn’t our troops.”

  “We know it was not the U.S. that is why I am calling you instead of launching ICBM’s but I think you know who, Mr. President. They began infiltrating our air space several months ago from directly over their targets.”

  “You mean from space?”

  “Yes, that is correct. Those who operate these ships are not human, but you already know this and please, let me save us both a lot of time with what you call ‘tap dancing around the subject.’ You and I both know that for some time now there have been several types of aliens visiting this planet. Over the last 4 decades many of my people have been abducted and the few that have been returned are little more than human vegetables. I have heard of your DSSF, so we will concede that your country is now far ahead of us in outer space operations. The reason I am calling you is to ask for a private meeting between you and I later today.”

  “Today? Well, I don’t know. Moscow is more than 5,000 miles from Washington and I would have to rearrange quite a few things on my schedule. I’m not sure how I could explain my absence.”

  “Again, let us not dance. There is no time for normal channels. Please, allow me to put it plainly. Your space shuttle is a decoy. You have a military space force that could safely place you anywhere on the planet in less than an hour. I can get coordinates to you for a location to meet in fifteen minutes. Let us not waste any more time and agree to meet five hours from right now. That will allow you to arrive before dark local time. Please!”

  “It’s against my better judgment. There are those on both sides that would go into orbit without a space ship, if they found out we had a private meeting. It would not go well for either of us, but just the same, I believe you are sincere. Send your coordinates. I’ll do my best to see you in five hours.”

  “Thank you, Mr. President! You will not regret this. Good bye.”

  “Good bye.”

  The dial tone returned to the hotline as the receiver reached the cradle. “I think I regret it already. Let’s see, I need to speak with the general. Miss Ingram, please get General Barrett at DSSF on the line.”

  “Right away, Mr. President.”

  The general had barely gotten into his seat when he heard, “General Barrett, the president would like to speak with you on Priority channel.”

  “Hello, Mr. President! I was just about to call you concerning a little problem the Russians are having today.”

  “I’m aware, Pete. I just spent the last ten minutes on the phone with Gorbi. They’re in a full-blown panic and want to meet with me this evening. Is Captain Starr available? I’ve just received the meeting coordinates and I’d like her to take me.”

  “Yes, sir, she is available, but do you think this is wise?”

  “Probably not, Pete, but my gut says to take the chance. Only you and Starr will know where we’re going and, of course, the Russians.”

  “Sir, with all due respect, considering all that’s going on over there I don’t think it’s safe for you to go, but if you insist, have Marine One take you to Quantico. She’ll be there in half an hour.”

  “I’m on my way. Good bye, Pete.”

  Barrett shook his head. “Well, this should be a disaster. Stevens, get Starr in here.”

  The President took several minutes to suit
up but exactly 60 minutes later he lifted off from Quantico on his way to a deserted airstrip at the southern tip of the Ural Mountains. It was the first time for the president to be aboard a Cestris fighter and he was very impressed. Once they achieved cruising altitude, he was given a complete tour of the ship and even took the controls for a few minutes, but the ride was over before he knew it.

  “Mr. President, it’s time to belt in. We’re beginning our descent.”

  “Of course, of course. This has been so informative and exciting! It’s not every day I have a beautiful pilot take me into space.”

  “Actually, sir, we’re just below what is considered space and the ship can perform combat maneuvers well above today’s flight. We were careful to make your flight as smooth as possible.”

  “Oh, I’m sure, and thank you for taking it easy on an old man. I can’t wait for the return trip!”

  A few minutes later Verna was circling the lone building at the clandestine meeting site.

  “Anything on infrared?”

  “Affirmative. I’m showing four warm bodies and a Hind Mi-24 loaded for bear, but as long as it’s in the building we won’t be dodging rockets.”

  Verna put 100 down about 60 yards from what appeared to be the main door of the structure and prepared to disembark. Just about the time the engines came to a halt, two large men in dark suits emerged from the building.

  “Locking all systems. Setting self-destruct for 60 minutes.”

  “Looks like they’re coming to meet us. Let’s get down and seal the hatch.”

  Verna and Randall scrambled down the ladder and moved quickly to intercept the men as far away from the ship as possible. As the two groups merged they stood in a circle eyeing each other but the Secretary was not among them. The men were very muscular, about six-foot six and around 275 pounds. They seemed to look right past Randall as their eyes locked on Verna.


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