Rocket Babe_Reflection

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Rocket Babe_Reflection Page 8

by Stephen R. DeArman

  “Not to mention you have the patience to stare at SRN for hours without losing your edge.”

  Sela finally looked up from her station and turned to face Penelope with a half grin. “Why do you think we call you, ‘Patience’? I couldn’t do what you do.”

  “Me neither,” Addison confessed.

  Penelope grinned a little then looked at Addison who was nodding at her.

  “I didn’t think I was that important, sir.”

  “We’re a team, and you are just as important as anyone to our success. Don’t ever forget that.”

  Addison had been soaking in every syllable of Randall’s story. “Ok, now that we have all that settled, I want to know more. Tell us everything about your covert missions!”

  “For obvious reasons I can’t tell you anything specific, but I can say Vasilisa was basically correct. I’ve worked with several intelligence agencies around the world including the British and Mossad, with the main goal of borrowing prototype aircraft or advanced weapons from many of our cold war enemies.”

  “I don’t understand how you got your call sign by doing that.”

  “That’s easy enough. When I began, there had never been a successful mission for anything the size of a jet fighter. For security reasons most research and development bases are placed in remote areas where it’s hard to get in and out. One of the more favored air routes over Russia usually meant a portion of the mission required those with a thirst for knowledge to cross the Volga River. As you should know, prototype planes are not usually armed while initial flight tests are taking place, mostly because their owners can shoot them down before they can get out of the country if stolen.

  “On the first few missions no one survived to make the return trip across the Volga, and for those attempting to steal information or planes, it became known as the River of Death. So, you can understand why even veteran combat pilots wouldn’t be too eager to take such a mission. But once the Cestris was certified for service, its incredible speed, long-range power source and ability to routinely perform vertical takeoffs and landings changed everything, and at that time, I was the only pilot trained to fly her.

  “Early on, my missions only required that I drop people off or pick them up, but there were a couple of times where I ran interference or flew cover for borrowed aircraft. One of the agents I worked with loved Greek Mythology and was a huge fan of the Ferryman legend. On all nine of the missions I was involved with, we tried to escape undetected, but more than once I was forced to down a MiG or two, to make sure the appropriated plane escaped. But all of those I picked up or protected made it home safely without so much as a scratch.”

  “Ok, I get it! You were like the guy that takes people across the river Styx, ol’ what’s his name.”

  “You mean, Charon. Yes, exactly.”

  “Did you have to knock down many planes?”

  Randall hesitated for a few seconds then seemed to become sad before quietly answering. “Too many; just under 20.”

  Seconds later Addison quickly changed the subject. “It seems like we’ve been sitting here forever. How long have they been at it?”

  Sela glanced at the ship’s chronometer. “A little over two hours, but it seems longer to me. If they haven’t been able to work together for almost forty years, what do they hope to accomplish in a few hours?”

  “You never know, Lieutenant. Miracles happen every day, but no matter what, we have to be out of here in 55 minutes.”

  Chapter 6

  “Now, Mr. President, let us get down to business, and please, for the sake of time, allow me to tell you what we know about U.S. military space operations as well as inform you of what has been happening in Russia recently.”

  “I’m all ears, Mr. Secretary.”

  “Thank you, Mr. President. Because time is short I am going to be blunt. Since the turn of this century, in my country, there have been thousands of reports of strange lights in the sky, various types of unidentified flying machines, and strange creatures that haunt the remote forests of Russia. There are disturbing stories of many people being taken prisoner by all manner of alien creatures, from little grey men with large black eyes, to very large humanoid giants, to reptiles that devour those they take.

  “For decades these stories were considered to be nothing more than myths or bedtime tales, told to little children, much like any other fairytale, but on the morning of June 30, 1908, there was a great explosion over a remote area of Siberia that devastated more than 800 square miles of forest. The blast flattened more than 75 million trees and all life in the area was killed by the shock wave; animals, villagers, fish, even microorganisms! Today, we refer to it as the Tunguska Incident. The epicenter of the blast eventually formed Lake Cheko. It was our first, ‘Roswell.’ There have been several such events in Russia over the years.

  “Immediately after the incident, survivors on the perimeter of the blast zone told of flying machines that came down from the sky a short while later to search for survivors, but when they landed, and the villagers saw the occupants, those who could escape quickly fled and never returned. We do not know what happened to the villagers who were unable to leave.

  “It was all but forgotten until the summer of 1945, when the rumors of space people began again. So, even though it had been many years since the incident, at the end of the war the Russian Army and Navy sent personnel to search the area and to dive the lake to settle what happened that day once and for all. Their search was very productive, and after almost two months their findings were quite astonishing.

  “Except for the perimeter, very little had changed. All looked as though it had just happened and still, little or no life. A tremendous amount of exotic metals was found, along with high levels of radiation. Many of the men involved in the search suffered from radiation poisoning. But the most amazing discovery was made by the divers. From the bottom of the lake, the remnants of two very different alien ships were removed. The lake is very cold much of the time and the larger of the two ships contained the complete mummified bodies of four small grey men.

  “In the end, those conducting the investigation concluded that in years past Mother Russia had been visited by more than one race of space beings with opposing desires, and they had engaged in their own battle for control of the area. The result of the battle was the Tunguska Incident and the mutual annihilation of the beings involved that day.

  “Of course, the authorities could not release the truth. There would have been mass panic and total chaos, so the government officially reported that a highly radioactive meteor had exploded in the atmosphere and the resulting airburst caused all the destruction and contamination. All other stories, rumors and reports to the contrary were dismissed as the mass hysteria of the surviving witnesses.”

  The President grinned as he shifted in his chair. “That’s a very intriguing story, Mr. Secretary, but what does that have to do with us here today?”

  “I am coming to that now, sir. You see, from 1908 until mid-1982, the number of sightings and abduction reports remained almost constant but then overnight something drastically changed. Suddenly there was a large spike in UFO sightings and abductions, but we could not determine the cause until we began seeing so many U.S. space launches, and not long after, many explosions in space. It did not take a genius to conclude the U.S. was engaged in a space war. As we turned our satellite cameras away from your ground forces and toward space, we found several new satellites over the U.S. and some of its allies. Imagine our surprise when we discovered what you had proposed for a U.S. space missile shield in March of last year was already a reality! You call it S.D.I., do you not?”

  President Reagan nodded.

  “For almost four years our intelligence resources have gathered a large amount of information on your country’s activities in space. Our radars and satellites have detected many unannounced launches of manned and unmanned rockets from multiple launch sites that do not officially exist! They have recorded multiple explosion
s in space, some near earth, some closer to the moon and some well out into space. Now we know who your space military is fighting and why.

  “We were shocked when we began to see images of beam weapons being fired outward destroying alien spacecraft. We also have images of advanced space planes like the two parked outside today, knocking alien ships out of the sky.

  “Your planes and satellites have been most successful in driving them away from the U.S., and now that the aliens can no longer enter your airspace to take your people, they are coming to Russia, where there are no such defenses to stop them.

  “I am going to assume it was not your intention to drive them here, but they are here nonetheless, and we are losing people and resources at an alarming rate! Thousands of lives have been lost in the last 72 hours along with billions of rubles in military equipment. We have tried to fight them with conventional methods but with little success. The aliens are on us so quickly there has been no time to react. Our radar is useless. Planes are destroyed coming off the runways and many military facilities have been wiped out along with the men and women who manned them. We are defeated before we can begin to fight and all the while they take our people as though we are animals to be harvested, and just before your arrival I received the most disturbing report of all. We now have confirmation of people being eaten… while still alive.

  “The way I see the situation, I must strike an alliance with you today or the invaders. I would prefer that we, the U.S. and Russia, fight them as allies against a common enemy, but if you and I can’t reach an agreement here and now, I will be forced to try and bargain with the aliens. Either way, I will do whatever I must to ensure my people survive. Can you understand that, Mr. President?”

  Reagan sat quietly for a moment, then stunned everyone present with his response. “What you have said is true, all of it. However, there is much you do not know. Captain Starr, please correct me if I’m wrong, but what you described, Mr. Secretary, indicates at least three or possibly more alien races are operating in your country right now.”

  Verna didn’t hesitate. “I’d say four and it would be a very grave situation to find they have formed an alliance of their own.”

  The president shook his head. “You’ve asked if we can form an alliance and the answer is yes, yes we can. But it will have to be between you and I, and for me to make it palatable enough to be accepted, there would have to be some major concessions on your part.”

  “Name your concessions, Mr. President.”

  The President leaned forward onto the table between them and calmly and clearly laid out his requirements.

  “I would be willing to share limited information with you, sufficient to extend whatever protection is physically possible over Russia and to coordinate our air defenses, with the understanding that you will allow some Russian states to try a limited form of democracy, and soon. In addition, the Berlin Wall must be torn down within a decade. I say ‘decade’ because I know you have to answer to those you work with, as I do. They will need to be convinced it is to Russia’s advantage to do so.

  “This meeting and agreement will have to be kept secret for the foreseeable future, and quietly executed in such a manner that allows for the proper presentation for both of our governing bodies to accept it. I believe the current situation presents us with a golden opportunity. Let’s end the Cold War, here, today.”

  Gorbachev turned to his aide to find her nodding her reluctant approval. “It appears Miss Sokolav and I agree. It may surprise you to know that even before the events of recent days I have been working on my own two-pronged initiative. The old ways have led us to where we are now. It is time for a new era, one of glasnost and perestroika. We must be more open as we restructure our nation and economy to be one of global importance. Major changes are past due. We are being left behind as the world advances. The changes needed will take some time, but we can begin now. If I can make the proper presentation, by next spring there will be a shift in policy that has never been seen in Russia. But make no mistake, what you ask and what I intend to do will mean the Politburo and the USSR as they have been will eventually cease to exist, and that which replaces them may not be what we hope. Things could be far worse in the long run. Only time will tell.

  “And you are correct in saying there are no papers, no contracts to sign. Our meeting here today will remain a secret, perhaps forever, but I will inform my generals to expect help from the Americans within 24 hours. By the time you are back in Washington, our ambassador will have provided all the appropriate contact information to begin joint operations over Russia.”

  Starr rose with the president as he stood with his usual broad smile and hand extended to the Secretary. After a firm handshake, the president answered.

  “Paper is for those whose words mean nothing. I give you my word; help is on the way. Now, I have to ask, will you be safe? Will you have enough support within the Politburo? I know convincing the KGB we are coming to help will not be an easy task.”

  Gorbachev grinned and took a deep breath. “The Politburo I can handle, and I will leave the KGB to Vasilisa. They are afraid of her. We shall do our best to convince them, but after they see the results of your assistance, I know things will fall into line. But make no mistake, we are about to make great changes and there will be significant opposition.”

  The President nodded. “Great change requires great sacrifice, and an even greater man to achieve it. Have you ever heard the old tale about boiling a frog? If you turn the heat up slowly, the frog doesn’t know he’s being boiled. It would not be necessary to make the changes needed all at one time. You can phase them in over the next decade. All I want from you here today is your solemn word that you have the will to begin. If so, that’s good enough for me and we will begin immediately to assist your great nation anyway we can. With our help, you will be able to protect your people from abductions… or worse. Captain Starr will share the tactics she developed for fighting them on Earth.”

  “I have the will, Mr. President. The decision is an easy one to make because if we do not achieve our goal we shall die as a nation, but if we get through this, you will see the wall come down. It may take a little time, but it will happen.”

  “In that case, Mr. Secretary, brighter days are ahead for both of our great nations.”

  “Excuse me, sir. I’m sorry to interrupt, Mr. President, but we’re out of time. We need to leave now if we are to get you back to the White House on time.”

  “Very well, Captain. Mr. Secretary, I look forward to our next open meeting.”

  “As do I, Mr. President. Thank you again for coming. Have a safe journey home.”

  “Mr. Secretary, it would be best if you and your people stay inside the building as we lift off. Sometimes the engines can blow up a lot of dust and debris.”

  “Of course, Captain. We will remain here. Good bye.”

  “Dasvidania, Mr. Secretary, Miss Sokolav.” Starr quickly led the president to 107 where she handed him off to Addison and company.

  “Mr. President, I just want to say that was the most amazing piece of negotiating on the fly that I have ever seen!”

  “Thank you, Captain. I saw an opportunity to lay the ground work for some incredible changes that might never have come about without a crisis like they are facing now. And he’s right. The aliens will annihilate them without our help, but I must admit I admire his willingness to do whatever is needed to save his people. He is a true leader.”

  “I agree, sir, and it’s to our advantage, too. We certainly do not need a large alien base in Russia.”

  “Exactly, Captain.”

  “COM, put us through to Commander Randall.”

  “Commander Randall is on COM 1.”

  “Randall, what’s our status?”

  “No contact since we returned to the ship and nothing nearby, but for the last hour I’ve been watching a small bogie that is stationary directly over us, altitude 65 miles.”

  “Just one bogie?”

  “Affirmative, based on new data I believe it to be Emim.”

  “Did you get that pilot?”

  “Message received. Engines spooling up.”

  “Addison, this time you’ll be my wingman until we reach Quantico. I will engage any threat. Your only job is to see to it the President meets Marine One intact and on time. From now until he is delivered, we’re at General Quarters.”

  “Roger that, COM. GQ!”

  “GQ, aye!”

  “Prepare to launch.”

  Half a minute later Verna was seated in the cockpit of 100.

  “Thank you for handling preflight, Commander.”

  “So, how did the meeting go?”

  “Much better than expected. But the gist of it is, we’re going to help the Russians fight whoever has been attacking their installations in exchange for some astounding concessions.”

  “So, who has been attacking the Russians?”

  “From the sound of it, all the usual suspects.”

  “How is that possible? They’re not known for their mutual cooperation, and nothing has gotten through our defense perimeter for nearly a year.”

  “Perhaps they are learning a few things from us, but who’s to say they weren’t already here even though the Emim ships were spotted for the first time only two days ago. They’re the ones that really worry me.”

  “Maybe the Emim, but not the Greys, Gorgon or Nephilim?”

  “We can debate it later. Rocket Babe to Vixen, lifting off now. Standard rate of ascent, suborbital cruising speed, 20,000 mph.”

  “Roger 20k, Rocket Babe.”

  Penelope glanced over her shoulder at Addison with a slight grin. “Vixen? Who came up with that?”

  “Commander Randall. He said it was time I had my own call sign for when I’m in command. If I had gone through normal military training I would have had one already, so he thought it was time.”


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