Rocket Babe_Reflection

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Rocket Babe_Reflection Page 9

by Stephen R. DeArman

  Sela smiled. “I like it. It suits you.”

  “He said he has one for you and Penelope, too, but didn’t tell me what they are yet.”

  “Vixen to Rocket Babe. COM says the bogie is maintaining its position, no attempt to follow us. The scope is clear.”

  “Roger, Vixen. Proceed as planned.”

  The rest of the flight was uneventful and before long the president was boarding his helo as 100 flew cover for the handoff.

  “Well done, Vixen! Report back to HQ, then enjoy what’s left of your time off. We will rejoin you soon.”

  “Roger HQ. Vixen out.”

  Penelope turned to Addison. “I wonder where they’re going.”

  “No! I don’t know, and I don’t want to know! Do you want to go through tracking them down again? No! Nope! Nada! Never again! Besides, they’re married.”

  Sela smiled. “Right call! You’re learning. Now, how about kicking this thing in the tail and let’s get on back. I’m starving!”

  Grabbing her console, Penelope tried to brace herself for max thrust. “Oh, come on! Can’t we just take it easy for once? Just once?”

  There was a short pause before she received a loud, “MAX THRUST!” in stereo.

  Fifteen minutes later, approaching their home near Odenville, Alabama…

  “COM, status!”

  “Scope is clean, nothing on infrared, you’re cleared for final approach. Raising hangar door, now.”

  “Dropping gears; standby for touchdown.”

  Verna set the huge fighter down gently with the nose only a few feet from the rear door of their home hangar, then eased the ship inside.

  “Door sealed. Shutting down all systems. We’re secure and your orders completed.”

  Verna smiled at him as she chuckled. “Excellent! You’ll make a fine Second one day.”

  “You’re not funny! You love to give me orders, don’t you?”

  “Oh, not nearly as much as I love seeing you carry them out. Besides, why are you complaining? You get to spend the evening at home and you’ll sleep with me in your own bed for a change.”

  “That will be nice, and as long as we’re home, I have some papers I need to go over.”

  “You? Papers? I thought you’d have something a little more romantic in mind.”

  “We’ll get to that, but if you don’t mind taking care of dinner, I’d like to get started on some research that may help explain some things I’ve been wondering about the last few months.”

  Verna cringed as she understood what he meant. “Things?”

  “Gorgon and Rigelian things.”

  Verna tried not to sound exasperated. “Are we back to that again? I’ve told you, I can’t share everything… for now.”

  “I understand and I’m not asking you to share anything, but that doesn’t mean I can’t look for answers to some questions I have on my own. I just want to satisfy my curiosity on a couple of things, and what I want to know doesn’t involve any kind of advanced tactical information and shouldn’t be a problem for anyone.”

  Verna knew if Randall had unanswered questions or was genuinely curious about anything, he was going to keep on searching for answers until he was satisfied.

  “You know, there are times when you’re like a wolf with a bone.”

  “Ha, ha, very funny Indian reference, I get it. Now hop in the golf cart and let’s get to the house. I’m not in the mood for a 300 yard hike up a rocky 30-degree slope.”

  “A little hike might be good for you.”

  “Am I off duty now?”


  “Good. Get in the cart.”

  “How about this: if we hike up, after dinner I’ll put on that little black baby doll with the pleats you love so much.”


  Smiling wryly as she faced him, Verna tilted her head to one side and placed her arms around his neck as she nodded, “Yes.”

  “The one with the matching heels?”

  Verna kissed him softly before lightly placing her forehead against his, then after a moment or two he could feel her gently breathe into his ear. “Yes.”

  In response Randall lightly brushed the side of her face with his, and after one final long and passionate kiss he leaned back just enough to look her in the eyes.

  “It’s a nice evening. How would you like to hike up to the house?”

  Chapter 7

  “Angel, that was a fantastic supper! Just imagine what it would be like if you were home to cook every night. I’d soon be too heavy to go into space!”

  “You and me both, but right now I think I need to clear away the dishes. Why don’t you go on downstairs and work out whatever it is that has you mystified, and after that we can spend a little time cuddling under the stars.”

  “That sounds nice, and even though there’s a lot of paperwork to cover I’ll try not to take too long. Don’t forget your promise.”

  “What promise?”


  “Oh yeah, that promise. Ok, get started and I’ll join you soon.”

  Not long after, Verna stood at the top of the stairs and called down to Randall.

  “Hey… are you finished?”

  “Give me about twenty minutes and I will be. I’ve been going over every satellite from Explorer I to Vela and then some. New, operational, or defunct, I now know where to find them all.”

  “Ok, that’s perfect. I’ll have time to shower.”

  Quickly Verna showered and changed, and before long she was standing in front of a full-length mirror in a sheer, pleated, black baby-doll nightie. Pleased with how she looked and smiling as she went, silently she tiptoed down the carpeted steps until she was standing directly behind Randall. She found him pouring over a mountain of orbital charts that were spread all the way across the large roll top desk she had given him for his last birthday.

  Verna rarely wore perfume, and when she did, only the slightest hint. Her rule was that perfume should be discovered, not shouted from the rooftops. Even so, Randall instantly began to relax when he caught the faint aroma of his favorite musk as she materialized behind him.

  “Oh, my goodness, just look at all of that! Makes you wonder how many satellites are up there.”

  “Officially there are 746, but according to CVERS latest scan, the total is 982.”

  “If you’re planning a trip it looks like you’ll be going around in circles. Makes me dizzy just looking at all those orbits.”

  Randall shifted in his seat and continued to scan the charts as he sat with his back to her. “I’ve been going over these charts and wondering.”

  “About what?”

  “Haven’t you ever wondered how all the alien races found out about Earth, or how the Rigelians managed to show up at just the right time? Did you ever find out how that happened?”

  “No, I didn’t ask them. Wouldn’t that be a little rude? Besides, I’ve been too busy to wonder about anything. Does it really matter?”

  “Maybe, maybe not, but you know me. I don’t believe in coincidences, and it all makes me curious.”

  Verna shook her head and turned her gaze toward the ceiling. “You mean, suspicious.”

  “Potato, pa-tata. With all that you learned from Kontana you really haven’t shared a great deal, not even with me, and I don’t mean share the ‘good for all mankind’ stuff. I mean the real meat of it all. It seems there are some things you have been deliberately vague about, but that’s ok, I have my own theories.”

  Briefly Verna hesitated, then giggled quietly as she tried not to appear concerned about his search for more information. She had a good idea as to why he was studying the charts, and that soon he would find the answer to his questions, but some things were better left unknown.

  Much of the knowledge Verna had obtained during her time with Kontana was to be kept secret until such time it could be properly utilized and for very specific purposes. There were many things that even she had a hard time accepting as facts, or true, and a la
rge portion of it would terrify the bravest of men. For that reason, since the day she had returned from her Rigelian education she had done her best to only share minor bits and pieces and never in real detail.

  “And what meaty items would that be my love? Share your theories with me.”

  Randall looked more suspicious than ever as he grinned at her reply. “You’re deflecting, angel. Why should I share my theories, when you won’t share your facts?”

  ” I’ve told you many times, there are some things I can’t share with you for now, but in time, as Kontana and circumstances allow, there will be many fascinating revelations that will be significant in very real and historical ways.”

  Verna had been standing behind him in three-inch heels for several minutes, and when she finally shifted her weight from one foot to the other, a slight grin came across Randall’s face. He had been watching her reflection in the large brass knobs of the desk. As she maneuvered behind him, the sight of her, even by way of the dimly lit brass, was enough to cause him to forget the charts and completely focus on her.

  Verna began to massage his neck and shoulders as she leaned her head down next to his. As her soft lips arrived next to his ear she seductively whispered, “Tell me, how can I convince you to share your theories?”

  Slowly Randall tilted his head toward her and closed his eyes. Her warm moist breath made him shiver slightly as it filled his auditory canal and seized his full attention. Once she saw he was completely focused on her she rotated his chair until he faced her. A few moments later he opened his eyes while a huge smile covered his face, obviously pleased as he gazed clearly at his curvy wife and not a pale image.

  Verna eased herself onto his lap sideways before kissing him again and after a few seconds she sat back and waited for him to open his eyes. “Now, don’t you want to share your theories with me?”

  Randall struggled to control his breathing and his smile as he replied. “Maybe, with a little more convincing, I might.”

  Feigning disappointment she made her saddest pouty face as she pretended to bite her lip. “You want to tell me, don’t you?”

  Her attempt to distract him from his work seemed to be working, and after another long kiss she slowly pushed herself back to arms’ length. Randall chuckled quietly as he enjoyed her game and the devilish little grin on her sweet face. “You know, you don’t have to seduce me to find out.”

  “Yes, I know, but sometimes it’s more fun this way, don’t you think? Besides, when it comes to you keeping anything from me, you don’t stand a chance. I know you too well. I know all of your weaknesses. I gave them to you.”

  “I know.”

  “So, will you tell me?”

  “You know I will, as long as you agree to convince me some more later.”

  Giggling softly, she answered. “I promise. Now, what’s your theory?”

  “Have you ever heard of the Black Knight satellite?”

  Randall felt her stiffen slightly. “I’m familiar with the legend.”

  “And that’s just it. I don’t think it is a legend. I believe it’s up there and I’m going to find it.”

  Verna was growing more concerned by the minute as she worked hard to maintain a soft tone. “And what makes you believe it’s real?”

  “Oh, there are a number of incidences and reports, past and present. I’ve spoken to several people recently who believe as I do, that more than one alien race is monitoring this planet by way of a satellite or satellites, yet undiscovered officially. But, I think I know how to settle the question once and for all.”

  “Sweetheart, don’t you think NASA or DSSF would have something on a rogue satellite, if there was one? Don’t you think as head of Alien Eradication I would know?”

  “Perhaps, but what if they are keeping it under wraps for some reason?”

  “Well, I have to give you credit. You always have been up for a good conspiracy.”

  “Wait a minute. I didn’t say anything about a conspiracy, you did. I just want to eliminate the possibility of a covert alien operation being conducted to spy on DSSF or Earth.”

  “So, with all that we have to worry about, now you’re going to begin chasing an old legend?”

  “How many old legends have turned out to be fact in the last couple of years? For the last month I’ve been going over a very long list of satellites, including the ones circling the moon and not just ours, all of them. I believe there could be alien satellites orbiting with our own, and that’s what I want to find out once and for all.”

  Verna knew where this was going but she wasn’t sure how to stop it.

  “The legend of the Black Knight isn’t anything new. I’m sure you know all about Nicola Tesla going as far back as 1923 and what he heard over his radio. He was convinced he was receiving communications from a civilization on Mars. He believed the Martians were trying to communicate with us by using numbers as a universal language.”


  “And we know what we found there, now, don’t we!”

  “Co-incidence, my love, nothing more. I seriously doubt the Greys were trying to communicate with Tesla.”

  “Yes, well, I agree with the current experts who think what he actually heard may have been a transmission from the Black Knight satellite.”

  Randall grinned as he watched Verna shake her head in disbelief. “Do you really think I’m crazy? All I want to do is eliminate the possibility that we are being watched by unknown forces. Wouldn’t that be part of keeping us secure?”

  “Sure, we need to do all we can. Ok, I’ll play along. For the sake of argument, if the Black Knight is real, why would aliens put it here?”

  “I think it could be many things; a navigation beacon, a marker, possibly a protector, or a monitor. They may even use it as a relay satellite for communications, and I believe it’s how the Rigelians knew we needed their help with the Gorgons.”

  His answer caused her more concern as she pretended to laugh. “Sounds like a politician to me. All things to all people. But if that’s true and they did come to help because of it, shouldn’t we leave it alone? I mean, if it really exists.”

  “Wait, I never said remove it, but let me ask you this: do you implicitly trust the Rigelians? I know they were a tremendous help to us and I have no reason to doubt they are excellent allies, but we do not have a long history with them and they are only one high stakes player in a very large poker game.”

  Randall’s speculation was coming too near extremely classified information, and now she desperately needed a quick distraction. Slowly she kissed his neck as she worked her way to his lips, and after several minutes of soft kisses she whispered.

  “It’s getting late. Are we going to talk about old legends all night, or lie down on the deck with some blankets and do some quality cuddling under the stars?”

  Randall finished the kiss then squeezed her tight. “Make no mistake I want to cuddle, but first I’d like an answer.”

  Verna gave a heavy sigh then stood to her feet. “Fine! Yes, without hesitation or question, I trust Kontana and his people. When we joined consciousness, I saw their entire history, everything! They held nothing back. I felt what they felt. I know what they know, and I sensed no deception on their part. Don’t you trust him?”

  “I have no reason not to trust the Rigelians and I’m grateful for their help, but I still have questions about a lot of things, including them. They are much more advanced than we are, so how do you know you didn’t see only what he wanted you to see?”

  “Do you trust me?”

  “Of course, I do, but you are the only one I trust implicitly.”

  “Well, that’s good. I was beginning to wonder.”

  “And I still can’t help but wonder why the Gorgon ships were camouflaged, even on the backside of the moon. I think it’s safe to say they were not concerned about humans finding them. If we take Kontana at his word, his people do not seek confrontation with any race, so I have to draw one conclusion. I believe t
he Gorgon were hiding from some as-yet unknown race. Who were they afraid would find them?”

  “Too bad we can’t ask them. Now can we cuddle?”

  “Not yet. The Rigelians made quick work of the reptiles once they arrived. You created the database for all the intel Kontana shared with you. What other races are a threat to the Gorgon? They sure weren’t hiding from us or the Nephilim. The reptiles walked through them like a hot Eradicator through an icy comet.”

  “Sweetheart, why does it matter tonight?”

  “Because tomorrow, while there is a lull, I’m going up there to start looking for that satellite. I’ve done a lot of research on this and I think we now have a way to find the Black Knight once and for all. I just need you to feed all the known satellite information into CVERS, scan space around the Earth and moon out to say 250,000 miles, then create a chart to account for every object scanned. You then have CVERS remove all the known satellites from the scan, and the ones that are left, if any, have to be alien. What do you think?”

  “CVERS already has that information.”

  “Good! All the better. I’m not asking for specifics or for you to share anything you’ve sworn to keep secret, but maybe you can save me some time.”

  “If I can.”

  “Flat out, did Kontana say anything about his people having a satellite in orbit here?”

  Verna hesitated a moment then started up the stairs. “Good lord, you are like a wolf with a bone! I’ll be right back.”

  Randall sat grinning as he watched his shapely wife practically run up the steps in her high heels. “God, she’s got the best legs I ever saw!” A few minutes later she reappeared wearing a pair of shorts and a crimson Alabama jersey with the number 22 and her name on the back.

  “Hey! What happened to your…”

  “Too late! The time has passed. You talk too much and ask too many questions, but for now listen and listen well, because I’m not going to repeat what I’m about to share with you ever again. Nothing I’m going to tell you is of major importance other than for history and when I finish I’m going to sleep.”

  Verna’s sweet soft seductive voice had been replaced by Captain Starr’s command voice.


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