Rocket Babe_Reflection

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Rocket Babe_Reflection Page 10

by Stephen R. DeArman

  “Ready, Commander?”


  “Good! Since you can’t seem to let it go and to save time and precious resources, here it is. During my time on Kontana’s shuttle I learned that approximately 6,000 years ago the Rigelians were the very first space travelers from outside of our solar system to find Earth. They spent many years examining various civilizations around the world, and once they became aware of how primitive humans of that time were, they knew it would be a very long time before we advanced into space, and if discovered, the inhabitants of this planet would be easy prey for the more hostile space faring races of the galaxy. They also knew our technology would one day advance far enough for us to venture into space, so they deployed the satellite some people refer to as the Black Knight. The Rigelians call it ‘Guardian.’

  “The primary mission was to shield this planet and humans from detection by other races until we could interact with them on a level playing field. Basically, Guardian jammed, deflected and absorbed all radio signals coming in to us from space or emanating from this planet. Secondly, the satellite was to regularly monitor planetary climate conditions and report to the Rigelians. That would allow them to manage the environment and become our behind-the-scenes mentors, while protecting us from everything from meteor strikes to hostile aliens.

  “For 5,100 years all went as planned. Human knowledge and technology advanced toward the inevitable first step into space, that is, until the reptilians stumbled into this solar system. They and their allies immediately began to enslave humans and exploit Earth’s resources. The first thing the Gorgon did was disable Guardian and alert all other races to earth’s existence. Eventually the reptiles ran amok until the Ant Men, that is, the Rigelians, stepped in and restored our natural progression toward the day we would officially meet in space.

  “Since that time, the reptiles have kept their distance until recently because they also were frequently opposed by the Nephilim who later became allies with the Greys. Together the Nephilim and the Greys were too much for the reptiles, until we crippled Anakim’s forces and all but wiped out the Greys. To the reptiles, it appeared that all they had to do was finish off the Nephilim then swoop in and take over. If not for Kontana and his people, they probably would have succeeded.

  “So, there’s no need to search for the satellite. I know exactly where it is, what it’s doing there, and it cannot be detected by conventional means. Not even you can find it, and don’t take that as a challenge! You would have to know its frequency. Now, guess who’s not getting it.”

  “So, the Rigelians knew the Gorgon were dug in on the moon before they got here?”


  “And they only acted because the reptiles were attacking us?”


  “Are you are one hundred percent positive the Black Knight, I mean Guardian, is the only alien satellite in orbit right this minute?”

  “As sure as I can be.”

  “So, not one hundred percent.”

  “Let me put it this way: the discussion about covert satellites is over for now.”

  Randall wasn’t finished, but he knew not to say another word on the subject and nodded his head in agreement. “Ok, can we discuss something other than satellites?”

  “Depends on what you want to discuss.”

  “Am I correct in assuming that after many months you have finished uploading the information you acquired from the Rigelians?”

  “Yes, the main data base with everything they shared with me is now programmed into CVERS but, except for the tactical information coming online to the fleet, you must have Cosmic level clearance to access it. I can only share certain information by permission from Kontana, but all data will be accessed when it is deemed necessary according to Rigelian protocols.”

  “And that’s a problem right there. Who are the Rigelians to tell DSSF what we can or can’t do or see or whatever?”

  “It’s their information and I agreed to their terms of revelation, so it’s only a problem for you.”

  “Fine! What can you tell me about the wormholes they use to get from point A to point B so quickly?”

  “There are three locations in our solar system where a handful of races can safely activate what they term a corridor, when needed.”

  “Can the Rigelians activate one anywhere or anytime?”

  “Yes, but they don’t because there are dangers to nearby planets and moons. They and the other races have a very detailed list of conditions for what they consider a ‘safe zone’ and only three locations near us meet them all. And by near us, I mean within 40 light minutes of Earth. From one of those entry points they use their light speed abilities to travel shorter distances.”

  “Hmmm. Obviously, the Rigelians and Gorgon have long range capabilities. How many other races have similar long distance or hyper-speed technology?”

  “Kontana’s people have amazing abilities and are at the top of the food chain, for now. Think of them as one of three or four galactic superpowers. Only three other races have anywhere near their capabilities, but Kontana believes within twenty years or less several others will have similar technologies. For us, it was nuclear proliferation. For them, it’s wormhole proliferation.”

  “So, the Emim are one of the three or four?”


  “And that’s what makes the situation in Russia a serious problem right now?”


  “And the latest alien problem comes to us by way of Etamin?”

  “That’s correct.”

  “Etamin… why does that ring a bell for me? There’s something about that name that’s significant, some minor event.”

  Verna’s reflexive gasp and look of shock told Randall he was about to regret the question.

  “You never cease to amaze me! In all the days over all the years you sat behind me in class, did you ever see or hear anything other than me?”


  “Never mind! I know the answer. What you are trying to recall, my love, is that Etamin, or as you should know it, Gamma Draconis, is the right eye and brightest star in Draco. It played a very important part in our modern understanding of the universe and more specifically, our own solar system. Perhaps the year 1728 and the name James Bradley will ring a bell.”

  Randall’s mind went totally blank for a moment then slowly Verna could see a very dim light in his eyes.

  “Bradley… Bradley… wait! He’s the guy that failed at measuring the parallax of Etamin but discovered the aberration of light that comes from the movement of the Earth, and accidentally confirmed the Earth revolved around the Sun!”

  “Yes… the Copernicus theory. Congratulations! Not the most eloquent explanation but yes, that minor discovery and that guy.”

  “Ha! Didn’t think I knew it did you? Is there any other significant event I should know about the star?”

  “Sure. Did you know as Draco and our solar system continue to move through space, in just 1.5 million years Etamin will only be 28 light years away? And at that time, it will be the brightest star in our night sky!”

  “Oh boy, I can’t wait! Why is that significant for us?”

  “I suppose it’s not, but now you know something else about the star.”

  After a few seconds Randall’s expression turned to one of awe. “There really is a great deal of… information in your head. I don’t know how you carry it all around. Seems like it would get heavy after a while.”

  Verna crossed her arms and rolled her eyes. “Anything else?”

  “Only this: I read your report about the Emim and their nasty little character traits, including shape shifting.”

  “Yes, that one really worries me. The only good thing about that is they can’t maintain a different form for an extended period of time. From what I’ve seen their ability to morph has some limitations. Mostly it’s the ability to temporarily look like someone else. They can change their personal appearance. I.e. a female can qu
ickly change hair, or eye color, body type or facial appearance, even appear male, but they can’t turn themselves into just anything.”

  Suddenly Randall seemed to have had an epiphany. “I just thought of something. The Emim and their ability to appear as some other human form could account for many of the unexplained superstitions and monsters from throughout history. Maybe they are where werewolves, elves, vampires, pixies, Bigfoot or even reanimation came from. What if any or all of those things were shape shifters using our own fears against a backward population in centuries past?”

  And there it was. A look of complete exasperation. Verna’s head tilted to the left as one eyebrow arched. “I suppose… it’s possible.”

  “I knew it! I’m a genius!”

  “Not quite, but you are… the love of my life. Can we please go to bed now? We have to get up at 0400.”

  “Well, that’s par for the course! I just solved a dozen ancient mysteries at one time and all I get is a yawn. I don’t suppose…”

  “Nope, sleep!”



  “Like I’m going to sleep now.”

  Chapter 8

  “You’re being very quiet this morning.”

  “I am?”

  “Are you upset? You seem a million miles away.”

  “Why would I be upset?”

  “Well, whatever it is I’m cleared to land, so snap out of it. I have to go directly to my office and will probably be tied up most of the day. I can’t be interrupted but I’ll call you when I’m free and we can go to dinner together.”


  Verna put 100 down next to 107 and dropped the ladder. Randall hit it almost as fast as it hit the ground, with Verna right behind him, but before he could escape she grabbed his arm.


  Looking around and seeing no one nearby, Verna smiled as she lightly bit her lip. “Aren’t you forgetting something?”

  “I don’t think so.”

  “What’s wrong?”

  “I guess I’m just in a bad mood.”

  Verna smiled again then softly kissed him.

  “How’s your mood, now?”

  “A little better.”

  “I thought it might be. Go to work Commander, and tonight I’ll put a big smile on your face.”

  Randall grinned slightly as Verna turned and began walking toward the main door of DSSF HQ while he stood and watched. During the hundred-yard walk, she exchanged salutes with several officers all of which made backward glances as she continued on her way.

  With his eyes locked on his shapely wife, he watched Verna disappear into HQ as a pretty blonde quietly eased up behind him. “You’re getting better, Lieutenant. Have you been practicing?”

  “When I can. Is everything ok, sir? You sound, tense.”

  The commander ignored her question. “What’s our status?”

  “We’ve all been here since 0430. When you called at 0400 you said this would be one of the most difficult missions we have ever been on, so we wanted to make sure the ship was ready when you arrived. I just performed a complete check of the weapons systems and we’re loaded to the gills. Addison and Penelope should be finished checking their respective systems and preflight by now.”

  Randall smiled. “Looks like my little girls have grown up. I want to see you all in my office in ten minutes for a preflight meeting. Get the rest of the crew and meet me there.”

  “Aye, sir.”

  When Randall reached the door of his office he was greeted by private Bell with a message for Addison.

  “Can I help you, Private?”

  “Yes, sir. Captain Starr wants to see Lieutenant Addison immediately.”

  “Very well, Private. Tell Captain Starr the lieutenant is on her way.”

  Randall was just about to go find Addison when the lieutenants arrived.

  “Addison, Starr wants to see you ASAP. I’ll hold the meeting until you get back.”

  “Aye, sir, as fast as I can.”

  “You ladies make yourselves comfortable until she returns. I have some paperwork to do until then.”

  Addison soon found herself at attention in front of Starr’s desk. “At ease, Lieutenant. What you see me holding are orbital charts for every satellite circling this planet. I’m pretty sure when you return to Commander Randall’s office you’ll be going on a classified mission and I want you to give him this printout from CVER’S data base. I’ve marked the two he should begin with.”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  “That will be all, Lieutenant.”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  As soon as Addison had gone, Verna was on the phone to David Miller at Sirius.

  “This is David.”

  “Good morning, Mr. Miller. This is Captain Starr.”

  “Good morning, Captain. How may I be of service today?”

  “It seems we are where we hoped we would never be. I need you to assign Second Lieutenant Lucy to my team until further notice and I need to borrow an Interrogator.”

  “I see. How bad is it?”

  “Randall has the Guardian satellite stuck in his craw and I have been unable to dissuade him.”

  “That’s hard to believe. I thought you could get him to do anything.”

  “I can when I’m upfront with him, but in this case, I prefer to handle it covertly. It will just be easier. There would be too much to explain, and you know how he is when he thinks there’s a conspiracy of some sort. He’s determined to locate it, today if possible, so I have to move quickly, and I can’t use my ship, or he’ll know I’m not here. I’ve told him I would be unavailable all day.”

  “Very well. Lucy will be there in fifteen minutes. In the meantime, I’ll have an Interrogator prepped. You can depart from the Sirius test flight runway.”

  “Thank you, Mr. Miller, and tell her to come ready for space flight.”

  “Mr. Miller? How many times do I have to tell you, it’s Dave?”

  “I appreciate that, and going forward, during off hours, it will be Dave.”

  “Good! Lucy will be with you shortly. Good bye.”

  Lucy arrived a few minutes later in full gear and with a big smile.

  “Second Lieutenant Lucy reporting, ma’am.”

  “At ease, Lieutenant. Did Mr. Miller explain that you are now assigned to me?”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  “Good! This mission will be pretty simple. A satellite has lost the ability to receive uploads from the ground, so we’re going to input a new code to correct the problem. We need to reprogram it and its flight path from onboard the satellite but since there is no docking port, someone has to fly this ship while the work is performed. I need you to enter the satellite and input the changes while I hold position. The data disk you need is in the portside panel box. Just enter the satellite, input the info and return to the ship. It shouldn’t take you more than two minutes.”

  “Yes, ma’am, no problem.”

  “This is a Sirius mission, so…”

  “I understand. It never happened.”

  “Correct, and going forward, if you are asked, all you will say is you’re my new personal aide at HQ.”

  “Aye, Captain. I’m looking forward to working with you.”

  A half hour later Starr had the Guardian satellite in sight.

  “Is that our target, Captain?’

  “That it is, Lieutenant.”

  “Wow! That’s the biggest satellite I’ve ever seen! Why would they put a flat black satellite up here? Wouldn’t it be easier to find if it was silver or white?”

  Verna didn’t answer the question as she brought the Interrogator to within inches of her target.

  “Lieutenant, I will hold position here next to the satellite and open the canopy. It will be your ladder. Use the handles on the canopy to pull yourself up to the hatch and input the access code. Once inside, go to the third panel on the left, find the disk slot, insert the disk and input the upload code. When it�
�s finished you’ll get a green light. Then return in the same manner.

  “When you’re inside the ship or the satellite, you’ll be protected, but once the canopy is opened and while you’re out there, your flight suit will only give you about six minutes of protection from deadly gamma and x-rays. It will take approximately thirty seconds each way to get in and out and thirty seconds to upload. That means in no more than two minutes from start to finish, I want you back in the ship, mission accomplished. Is that clear?”

  “Yes, ma’am. No problem!”

  “Standby for depressurization. Do you have the disk?”


  “Extending canopy now.”

  The moment the canopy locked open, Lucy was out of her seat grabbing handles as fast as she could go. Seconds later she punched in the door code and watched as the hatch retracted before disappearing inside.

  As she entered the hatch Lucy could see hundreds of lights on what appeared to be circuit boards and the disk slot was to her left as expected. A few seconds later a green light snapped on and she was on her way back. Starr watched as Lucy closed the hatch behind her then quickly made her way back into the ship.

  “Closing canopy; pressurizing. One minute thirty-three seconds! Excellent job, Lieutenant. Any problems?”

  “Thank you, Captain. No, ma’am, it was a piece of cake, and fun!”

  “We’re going to work well together.”

  Verna slowly moved the small fighter two miles away from the satellite, then held position.

  “What are we doing, ma’am?”

  “We’re waiting to see if the corrections are properly executed.”

  It was a short wait as the satellite rotated forty-five degrees then swiftly moved away from them. Verna followed along until Guardian had settled into its new orbit.

  Back at Randall’s office…

  “Ok, now that we have the charts from Captain Starr I’ll begin. I’ve been concerned about a few things lately that don’t quite add up when it comes to space communications. Today, we’re going to make sure the only satellites orbiting this planet, originated on this planet. The chart you see here came from Starr’s super computer, CVERS. CVERS has accounted for all but two satellites and we’re going to put eyes on them to make sure they do not belong to some alien race.


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