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Rocket Babe_Reflection

Page 11

by Stephen R. DeArman

  “Addison, 107’s status?”

  “Shipshape and Bristol Fashion, sir!”

  “Watching old movies on BBC again, Lieutenant?”

  “Just a tad.”


  “As my trucker friends would say, ‘Wall to wall and tree top tall!’”


  “Fangs out, loaded for bear!”

  “Excellent! Now, let’s check out the first satellite on the chart. Addison, get us in the air.”

  “Aye, sir!”


  “Olympus Flight Control, 107 requesting permission for takeoff, runway two niner.”

  “107, you are cleared for rolling takeoff. Have a great flight!”

  “Roger, Olympus. 107 rolling now.”

  Twenty minutes later 107 arrived at the first target to find it in geosynchronous orbit over Australia, and as they closed to visual range Penelope seemed confused by what she was seeing on her screen.

  “Commander, didn’t you say CVERS was only supposed to list the ones that could not be accounted for?”

  “That was the plan.”

  “My scan shows it’s just an old derelict weather satellite and it’s listed on every chart.”

  Randall walked over to the starboard window and stared out at the dead piece of metal slowly tumbling through space 22,000 miles above the Outback.

  “I don’t understand.”

  “This is weird, sir. Do you think CVERS has some kind of glitch?”

  “I don’t know but we can mark this one off of our list. Pilot, get us to the next target. COM, prepare to analyze target number two.”

  “Aye, sir, changing course. Target two, coming up in fourteen minutes.”

  “Location, COM?”

  “It is also in geosynchronous orbit over the USSR!”

  “Let’s check it out.”

  A short while later 107 was approaching the second object.

  “COM, let’s have a look. Put target on main viewer, mag 3 and scan for emissions.”

  “Main viewer, magnify third power, aye; beginning scan.”

  Addison gazed intently at the piece of metal off their port bow. “It doesn’t look American to me.”

  Randall glanced at the chart Starr had supplied. “There are eleven American spy satellites over the USSR, but this isn’t one of them.”

  “COM, what do you make of it?”

  “Well, it has an odd shape, that’s for sure. Almost looks like two satellites joined together. Definitely not ours, sir, or Russian.”


  “No, sir. The Xichang Satellite Launch Center has just officially begun operations, mainly weather satellites to this point. They’re easy to identify; a small cylinder and looks like your basic flying garbage can, with a satellite dish for a lid. Whatever that is, it has no markings and looks nothing like any satellite I’ve ever seen. I have no idea what that long rod pointing down is supposed to be. An antenna perhaps.”


  “Yes, sir, but low level, in the extreme upper X band, only 10 watts.”

  “Have you noticed? It’s not spinning. Pilot bring us around and to within one hundred yards. I want a closer look at the other side.”

  Addison slowly maneuvered as instructed then held position.

  “COM, max mag.”

  Penelope looked again. “What’s that little hump? Most of it is as smooth and bare as a baby’s backside, no markings anywhere. I don’t even see rivets, but that hump makes it look like a pair of satellites that have been joined.”

  “Is it transmitting?”

  “No, sir, seems to be in standby mode. No, wait! Something is happening. Power just jumped to 50 megawatts!”

  “Pilot full reverse thrusters! Back us off 2,000 feet. W.O. standby on main guns.”

  “Aye, sir, target acquired. Standing by.”

  As Addison backed away, the object split in two and rotated until the long rod was pointing directly at 107.

  Randall leaned toward the main screen. “Is it just me or is that rod beginning to look like a gun barrel? I think we may have found what we’re looking for. W.O., say hello, put a few rounds into it and let’s see what happens.”

  Sela grinned as she flipped the safety off. “Knock, knock!”

  Two short bursts found their target in less than a second, but the object remained intact and unmoved.

  “Did you miss?”

  Sela instantly scowled at Randall but managed to keep her lips together.

  Randall tried to keep a smile from crossing his face. “Sorry, I don’t know what I was thinking. Knock again.”

  After taking a deep breath Sela fired a much longer burst and this time they could see tracers bouncing off of the object on the main viewer. Less than a second later they were being bombarded with rapid laser fire from the long rod.

  “That’s not a man-made satellite! Arm Striker and fire!”

  Sela’s hands were a blur as she quickly prepped a missile and launched it.

  “Striker away!”

  “Pilot, hard to starboard, max thrust!”

  As the missile detonated, 107 accelerated away on a severe arc into open space. Randall had to wait a moment for the flash to dissipate before he could tell if the satellite had been destroyed.

  “It’s gone! I don’t see it anymore.”

  Penelope did a double take before she spoke. “It’s not gone, sir. It’s following us and firing!”

  “Aft viewer!”

  Randall had a hard time believing what he was seeing and hearing. The object was indeed following them, and gaining as it continued a laser barrage that could be heard and felt impacting the aft end of the ship. Each hit caused a power drop as though energy was being drained by each strike.

  “That’s no satellite! Pilot, max thrust evasive! Let’s see if they can keep up. COM, patch through to HQ so they can monitor this!”

  Addison rolled and weaved her way further into open space for several minutes with the unknown ship right behind. Before long she glanced at her board. “We’re at 60k mph and it’s gaining on us!”

  “We’re a long way from top end, maintain max thrust!”

  “I’m doing my best, sir. We seem to be losing power with each hit. Reactors down forty five percent!”

  “Great! That last hit took out the aft missile array.”

  “How is that possible?”

  “I don’t know. Except for the aft missile system there doesn’t seem to be any physical damage to the ship, but my gauges show a reduction in power every time we’re hit. Coolant temp climbing close to red line!”


  “70k, sir, but I need to back off.”

  “That doesn’t make sense. This ship can easily make 200k.”

  “Not right now, it can’t. We’re in the red!”

  “Sir! HQ is online. They’re sending 101 and 103 to assist. ETA three minutes.”

  Randall thought for a second. “Emmett and Jack won’t be here in time. We need to deal with that thing ourselves and we’re not getting out of this by showing them our backs. Pilot, on my signal hard over, bring us around, collision course! W.O. this time launch three Strikers; Starr penetrator pattern.”

  “Aye, sir. Strikers ready, penetrator pattern.”

  “Pilot… now!” The crew and 107 groaned as Addison executed a sharp turn back toward the small vessel and lined up for a head on run.

  “I’ve got a lock!”

  “Light ‘em up!”

  “Missiles away, four seconds to impact!”

  “Pilot, max vertical!”

  Addison pulled back on her stick putting the ship into a steep climb while throwing everyone deep into their seats just as the missiles reached their target.

  “Three, two, one…”

  Three bright flashes illuminated the aft monitor as 107 passed over the alien ship. Once they were clear everyone watched as the glare of the explosion lit up their screen.

  “COM, st
atus of alien ship.”

  Penelope watched as the beam on her scope swept the area behind them before finally announcing the results. “Nothing but debris, sir. We got it! Or them… or something.”

  Sela leaned back in her chair with a huge smile as she turned toward Randall. “To answer your earlier question, no, sir, I don’t miss, and to coin a phrase, ‘If a hammer isn’t working, you need a bigger hammer.’”

  Randall smiled back and nodded. “Pilot, decelerate to 20k mph and take us back to base.”

  “Aye, sir! Power slowly coming back. Reactors now in the green.”

  “Excellent. Good work, all of you.”

  After a few seconds Addison looked confused. “You weren’t kidding about the mission being difficult, but who were they, sir? Why were they there? How did you know?”

  “When I said difficult, I meant finding the satellite I was looking for, but neither of the ones we found were it. Who they were or why they were there, I don’t know. Either the pilot was alone, or they were very small. That was a small ship even for the Greys, but I don’t think it was one of theirs. We need Starr to analyze the video, hopefully she can tell us something.”

  “Sir, 101 and 103 send their congratulations on our victory.”

  “Thank them for that, and for their response.”

  Randall didn’t share his thoughts on the way back, but he began to wonder if he had been sent on a wild goose chase. It didn’t seem possible that CVERS would provide incorrect information on one satellite and fail to detect a rogue ship for another.

  “Ladies, our mission was not completed but before we continue our search I want this ship checked from Amazing Grace to Floating Opportunity as soon as we’re tied down. I’m going straight to Verna for her analysis.”

  “Aye, sir. Olympus has us in the pattern. ETA to touchdown, five minutes.”

  “Very well pilot. Take us home.”

  “Aye, sir! Half flaps, full rich. I’m lined up for a rolling landing but there’s a 46 mile per hour crosswind. Should I go to a vertical landing, sir?”

  “Do as you wish, but if it were me, I’d just crab it.”

  Penelope suddenly looked concerned. “Crab it?”

  Randall smiled. “It will be fine, Lieutenant.”

  Penelope quickly turned to watch the main view screen as they neared the end of the runway, then grabbed her console and hung on for dear life. “Why are we coming in at such a sharp angle to the runway? We can’t land sideways!”

  “Have you never landed in a cross wind?”

  “No, sir! And I don’t want to now!”

  “Relax. It will be fine.”

  Penelope looked at Sela who was pretending to be asleep. “I’m glad you’re all so calm.”

  As 107 reached the runway they were indeed at a severe angle to the tarmac, but as the wheels touched the ground the oversized fighter quickly corrected it self, rolling in straight and smooth.

  Addison quickly glanced over her shoulder. “See, no problem.”

  “Sometimes Addi, sometimes, I think you enjoy messing with me!”

  Addison feigned innocence as she giggled and shrugged her shoulders. “When have I ever messed with you?”

  Two hours later Randall was having an early dinner with Starr as they discussed the day’s events.

  “Now that you’ve seen the video, what are your thoughts?”

  “The Rigelian data base says it was an Emim drone. All indications are that it was watching activity in or over Russia and reporting.”

  “Reporting? To who, where?”

  “My theory is that it recoded activity for a time then transmitted data deemed to be important to its point of origin in short bursts. It would be very hard to detect transmissions of that type much less their origin.”

  “It’s kind of funny how one satellite was a well-known but defunct weather satellite, and the other was actually an alien drone.”

  “Not really, as advanced as CVERS is, it’s still a machine and only as good as those who program and maintain it. It would be very rare, but it is conceivable that it can make mistakes too.”

  “CVERS… yes, you… no.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “My instincts tell me I was sent on a snipe hunt.”

  “I think your Cherokee senses are a little paranoid. What is it with you and the…”

  “Black Knight.”

  “Ok, that one.”

  “I don’t like covert alien satellites, even if they say they’re protecting us.”

  “Do you not see the irony of that? Until recently, you worked for a covert agency to protect us.”

  “That’s different.”


  “I know what I’m doing, but I don’t know them, and I think I have proven the Rigelians are not the only ones with a satellite up there.”

  “Do you think I would send you on a mission and not tell you there would be a hostile alien ship if I knew one would be there?”

  “No, of course not. I know you would never deliberately put anyone in unnecessary danger.”

  “Well, that’s a relief. I was terrified when I saw what happened. We have to figure out how to deflect or deal with the power drop caused by those laser hits. According to CVERS the Emim employ two types of light beams. One is a high-energy laser, similar to human design, and mainly used to burn through whatever it hits when they mean to destroy their target.

  “The other is actually an exotic form of antimatter beam that absorbs energy from a target. It is not meant to destroy but can cause damage when used at close range. Its main purpose is to defeat a target without destroying it, kind of like the idea behind a neutron bomb, where you eliminate your enemy while leaving his resources intact, but as you have seen, the effects are temporary. They primarily use it when they want to capture their enemies’ resources, procure slaves, torture them for information or their own twisted enjoyment.”

  “How convenient. So, what about CVERS?”

  “CVERS is running a complete self-diagnostic at the moment and a team of programmers are doing another one manually. If they find anything I will be notified immediately, but it will be awhile. It could even be tomorrow morning. I really should be there helping them, but I chose to be with you tonight. Now, can we take a break and just relax?”

  Randall pulled her close. “Let’s hope for in the morning. That sounds good to me. Seems I remember someone was going to put a big smile on my face this evening.”

  Verna shook her head. “Funny how you always remember things like that. Alright, I tell you what. I’m going to take a quick shower and put on something a little less… formal. You go down to the commissary and get me a pint of Neapolitan and I’ll let you feed it to me… in my quarters.”

  Randall liked that idea and wasted no time as he jumped to his feet and bolted toward the commissary.

  “No need to run. You’ll be back before I’m ready.”

  Randall was on the way back with the ice cream when he ran into the lieutenants outside of their quarters. Sela began to smile as he approached. “Evening Commander. You seem to be in a hurry.”

  “Hello, ladies. I have to get this back to Verna before it melts.”

  All three began to giggle. “Ooooo!”

  “Alright ladies, we’re married, remember? You even showed up on our honeymoon.”

  “Oh yeah, I guess we did, at that. What did the Captain think of the video, sir?”

  “She believes it was an Emim drone apparently reporting events in Russia to the Emim, but we put an end to that and Computer Services is checking out CVERS too, just to be sure everything is ok.”

  “So, we are finished looking for rogue satellites after all.”

  “Not at all. Y’all get some sleep. We haven’t completed our search just yet. I have to go now. This is beginning to drip.”

  “Aye, sir, good night.”

  When Randall was far enough away, Addison shook her head and began to lament. “He’s our commander, but he’s her p
uppy. She says fetch, and he does!”

  Her comment caused Penelope to grin. “Are you jealous?”

  “I suppose I am, but not of them; for myself. I’m really very happy for them.”

  “I hear ya. What woman doesn’t want a handsome man who is totally devoted to her? Our times will come.”

  “Do you really think so?”

  “Sure, why not? What do you think Sela?”

  “I think we need to get inside for a better look.”

  As they watched Randall disappear into Starr’s quarters, Addison became almost giddy. “Let’s go watch something romantic!”

  Sela turned to follow her but Penelope looked a little perplexed. “I don’t think there’s anything on TV like that tonight.”

  “We weren’t talking about TV. Haven’t you noticed? If her curtains are open, we can see into Starr’s quarters.”

  Sela shook her head. “Come on Patience.”

  “Sounds dangerous to me. What if we get caught?”

  “We won’t. It’s almost dark. We’ll just leave the lights out.”

  All three went inside and straight to their window. “Bingo! Targets acquired! All we need now is some popcorn.”

  They had gotten to the window just in time to see Verna walk in wearing the same sheer nighty she had worn at home the night before. While he waited for her, Randall had turned down the air conditioning to the coldest setting, then lit a few candles before killing the lights. But the ladies had no problem seeing them sitting on the sofa facing the window.

  “Now that’s a short nightie! I wonder where she shops.”

  “Yeah, but she’s looking pretty good in it. I need to exercise more.”

  “Shhh! Turn it down! The way y’all are talking and giggling they’re going to hear us.”

  “How can they hear us with their window closed?”

  Verna leaned over to give Randall a quick kiss then sat down facing him. His pulse quickened as the sight of his perfectly proportioned, yet strategically covered wife nearly took his breath away.

  “You look amazing!”

  “Thank you,” she whispered. “I thought candles were a girl thing.”

  “They aren’t for me. They’re for you, but even in candle light you are obviously the most beautiful woman on this planet.”

  “There are many beautiful women around, but I’m glad you think so.”


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