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Page 6

by TL Reeve

  “Aurin and Bain along with everyone they were assisting with the trek to Window Rock—except for a newborn—were killed. This morning at 0600 hours, the Salem Police Department found their remains in a remote location. At 1700 hours we received intel about a black market facility in Florida near the Tampa area.” Kalkin handed them the file the secondary team, already on scene, was able to piece together.

  Surprise filled her. Gabriel and Natalie were in Salem, Massachusetts. The file, though small was thorough. PBH was manufacturing a new designer street drug, Éviel. According to the information Gabriel and Natalie provided, it was a synthetic combination of pheromones, and other ingredients to create a false mating for shifters. The shifter, once they ingested the drug, would be unable to find satisfaction. The side effects listed within the file made Fallon shiver in revolt. It was a loss of control so severe, it would do permanent damage to anyone who might happen to become a hapless victim.

  “Where is the infant?” Warren asked.

  “With Gabriel and Natalie. They will be keeping the girl, Halo with them.” Kalkin handed them another file. “This is the information we could gather from our source on the inside of PBH before he too went dark. Though this black site used to be owned by PBH, the owner now is, Yegor Orlov.”

  “Bratva,” Abraham muttered. “Of course. It makes sense. He who controls the market—”

  “Controls the funds.” Kalkin nodded. “Due to the complexities of how PBH operates and how ingrained it is into our government and society, the only way we'll be able to win this war is to cut the heads off the snake. We believe Yegor Orlov is the main head of this snake. Take him out, and PBH will wither and die.”

  “If you’re trying to make a hydra reference,” Fallon said. “Hydra’s heads always grew back. You’ll have to go for the heart.”

  Rapier smirked while Caden, the cooler twin to Kalkin, chuckled softly. It was one of the things she enjoyed the most about Greek Mythology. Hydras were complex creatures. They were created to be durable and strong. It wasn’t until Hercules killed it did anyone realize it could be done.

  “Right well good thing you'll be there to go for the heart.” Kalkin crossed his arms over his massive chest. “The plane is waiting for you. You'll be leaving tonight. The sooner you arrive the quicker you can get into place and begin preparations for this takedown.”

  “This particular market specializes in vampire blood and shifter body parts. Claws, skin, fur, nails.” Caden rolled his shoulders as a visible shudder of disgust rolled through him. “Most specifically, tiger. The plan is this. Infiltrate the market, and offer up Grainger and Fallon then ask for a job. Use your charisma Warren. Abraham, persuade them with your glamour. Learn as much as you can about the operation and when the time comes, burn it down.”

  “There are resources on the ground in case you find yourself in need. Also, should the mission go sideways, abort. There’s no point in getting yourselves captured or killed.” Jerome didn’t have to add the, ‘just like Aurin and Bain did,’ it was an unspoken consequence.

  “I want updates every twelve hours,” Kalkin added. “Make sure when you’re ready to call in, you have data to transfer. Even the most inconsequential thing, could be the evidence we need to raze the PBH.”

  They stood then and gathered their things. There was nothing left to say. They had their orders and they were leaving. Nervous energy squirmed through Fallon’s stomach. She wanted to shout in excitement and also puke her guts out. She slipped her backpack over her shoulders and grabbed her go-bag before starting for the door.

  “Fallon,” Kalkin called out. “One more thing. We have arranged for you to see your aunt while you’re on this mission.”

  Fuck. She mouthed before pivoting. “While I am thankful you’ve given me the chance to see my aunt again, I don’t think it’s necessary. She is, after all, the one who sent my siblings and me here to Window Rock, as orphans.”

  “Sometimes, things aren’t always as they seem,” Kalkin stated. “Go see your aunt, Fallon. That’s an order.”

  Well, shit.

  Fallon stepped into her adjoining room and sighed. The five and a half hour flight gave her too much time to contemplate what her aunt would say to her or what she might say to the woman who turned her family away. Ugh, don’t start again. All she wanted was a shower and sleep. It was after midnight as it stood, and she had to be up early to go see her aunt.

  Since Abraham and Grainger couldn't leave the hotel until the sun set, it was easier for her to take care of her family issues first, then stake out the warehouse with her team. Fallon dropped her bags on the bed and ambled into the bathroom. She hated planes. Hated the funk they left on her body the minute she stepped foot onto them. The only way to get rid of it was to scrub her body.

  She turned on the shower and set it to warm while she undressed. Suān ní had been unusually quiet. She wondered if he hated being on the airplane as much as she did. Fallon smirked. she could imagine all of the questions he’d have had if he’d made his presence known on the plane. They probably would have crashed, because of his open curiosity. She loved that about him. She enjoyed seeing mundane things as though they were brand new and unseen before.

  Fallon stepped under the spray and groaned. All of the tense muscles in her shoulders and back unlocked, leaving her a bit lightheaded. She stood with her head bent under the water with her eyes closed allowing the spray to pelt her skin. Her first mission and the first time she'd seen her aunt since her parents' death. The anxiety of both was making her edgy. She didn't like it. It made her uneasy and as if she needed to do everything that minute or else face someone’s disappointed wrath, which, to her, didn’t make a lick of sense.

  “May I ease you, Mistress?” Suān ní’s voice startled her.

  Fallon spun around, covering herself, while he stood before her naked and proud. “What... What are you doing here?” She blinked several times, trying to clear her eyes of the water running down her face.

  “I thought we could discuss HeQi.”

  “Uh...” She licked her bottom lip. “Is it not something we could do fully dressed?”

  Suān ní frowned. “It is best to show.”

  “You said discuss,” Fallon replied.

  “Forgive me. I meant to say, I would like to show you HeQi.” He stepped into her space, forcing her back to the cool tile wall. “You desire me, yes?”

  “Isn’t it weird though?” She trembled under his scrutinizing gaze. Suān ní’s imposing body was all brawn yet lithe.

  “Because of our bond?” He nibbled on his bottom lip, picking up some of her mannerisms. “I would believe it might be better for us since we are in-tune with one another.” The shower cascaded down his chest, following even ridge and dip of his form. “Is my size not adequate?”

  He’d caught her peeking at the size of his dick. He was thick, not too long, but enough to satisfy her and then some. Heat filled her cheeks as she tried to think of something witty to say. “You’re perfect.”

  He puffed out his chest. “Let me show you the HeQi, mistress.” Suān ní leaned in and brushed his lips over hers, igniting her arousal. “Since we are bonded, we will share everything.”


  He grinned and made a sound of approval mixed with excitement. “Yes. Though I fear I cannot procreate.”

  She held her hand up. “Whoa, wait a minute here. Are you saying we’re mates?”

  “Pair-bond.” He inclined his head. “Mates.”

  “You knew for a year and didn't tell me?” She didn't know if she should be furious or excited with him or Kalkin or both. “Why wouldn't you tell me?” In an instant, she felt so small standing there with him. So insignificant he hadn't even told her the truth.

  He placed his finger under her chin. “If I had told you, would you have allowed me to cut your palm and bind us?” The compassion filling his soulful brown eyes caused her bottom lip to tremble.

  “No.” A year ago, she'd have walk
ed out or better yet, been thrown in a cell. First, she wouldn't have believed him. Second, she'd have thought he was crazy. However, now that she thought about their year together, it did make sense. Why she didn't feel lonely. Why she could face each day with a small smile and some sense of accomplishment. It also explained why she and her tiger were on speaking terms—sort of. “You listened to Calli and I talking about Warren and Abraham and Grainger. You even repeated what was said to them, aren't you mad at me?”

  Suān ní grinned again and shook his head. “They can give you what I cannot.”

  “Are you telling me we won’t be mates forever?” The thought of not having this man in front of her in her life until she ceased to exist, gutted her.

  “No,” he said. “We will always be pair-bonded mates. I, however, cannot give you children. Grainger and Abraham can too along with Warren. However, all three will be excellent additions to our Polyamory. If you are willing and accepting of them.”

  Suān ní was moving too fast for her. “Ha-have you been staking them out for me this whole time?”

  “Staking them out?” His features quirked into a confused look. “I do not know what this means, staking them out.”

  “Were you seeing if they would be compatible with me? Or if they liked me?” She stared up at her familiar, the water still beating down on them, the steam fogging up the glass.

  “I do not have to. I can tell.” He wrapped his arms around her. “They like you very much, including Grainger. He is prickly about his feelings.”

  “Well, he is an asshole.” She shrugged.

  “May we return to the HeQi?” Suān ní nuzzled her neck. “I would very much like it if we did.”

  Her eyes fluttered shut. “Have you done this before?”

  “Once or twice.” Suān ní nipped her ear lobe.

  “Once or twice?” Fallon wrapped her arms around his neck. “What do you mean?”

  His dark brown gaze locked with hers. “Do you trust me?”

  Yes. Everything Suān ní had done since they bonded was to protect her. If she couldn’t trust the other, she could him. “Of course, I do.”

  He lifted her without effort, bracing her to the wall. Her body quivered. Her heart raced. Were they going to do it in the shower? He kissed her. The passion bouncing between them left her a bit lightheaded and unsteady. She clung to him, afraid if she opened her eyes, he’d let her go, or it might all be a dream. There was no fumbling with him. No rush either. He’d been content to kiss her. Taste her. He sipped from her lips before trailing kisses along her jaw then down her neck.

  He groaned. “It’s been so long, mistress.”

  Fallon released his hair before raking her fingers through the silky tangles. “Confession time, I’ve never done this er, well, done it a lot.”

  He grinned again. “Then I shall be your teacher.” He lowered her onto his cock.

  She gasped. Her eyes went wide as he slowly filled her. He took his time, giving her small thrusts, awaking nerve ending she didn’t know existed, cliché as it sounded. The sensual rock of his body reminded her of dancing. There was a give and take there. She rolled her hips, chasing him. He pressed his forehead to hers. Tension radiated from him with each stroke. “I’m not fragile.”

  “Shh...” He kissed her again. “With me.”

  Her breathing slowed, matching his. Their eyes locked. Excitement and arousal coursed through her veins. This was sensual. It didn’t have the frantic edge of two inexperienced teenagers. She whimpered, arching to him. The coil of lust burned brighter within her. Fallon’s release was there, beyond her grasp. The tingles of pleasure zipping down her spine added to the connection between them.

  Suān ní braced her hands above her head with one of his then used the other to guide her hips over his. The brilliant flash of color, the one she'd seen in the interrogation room the day she bonded with her gargoyle, filled the shower, dancing along the tendrils of steam. This time she saw what it was though. This time it took her breath away. A ghostly image of her tiger circled his guardian lion until they meld together into one form.

  A roar was ripped from his lips before he bit down on the junction of her neck and shoulder. The pinch of pain coupled with the erotic bliss already flowing through her set off a powerful orgasm. She jerked in his arms. Her cry of release rivaled his as she sagged in his arms, worn completely out and satisfied as well. She tingled from head to toe, even her bones hummed with well-spent energy.

  “Wow,” she murmured once he placed her on her feet. “I never knew it could be so...”

  “Interesting?” The corner of Suān ní’s mouth kicked upward in a smug smirk.

  “Fun,” she replied. “I need to finish my shower, but I’m not sure I can stand.”

  “Allow me, mistress.”

  Suān ní bathed her quickly then wrapped her in a plush robe and sent her to bed while he then cleaned up himself. She didn't feel him when he came to bed, but when she woke a few hours later he was there, wrapped around her. She snuggled down into his embrace and closed her eyes. At least for one night, she had a reprieve, starting tomorrow, the mission would begin.

  Because Abraham and Grainger couldn’t be out in sunlight, they stayed behind at the hotel, allowing Warren and Suān ní to take Fallon to her aunt’s house—a place she didn’t want to go. She didn’t have very many memories of her aunt. What she did remember was the fact the woman didn’t like her, or her brothers much. She always looked down on them, like it’d been their fault their parents decided to have kids and she was still alone, in a house way bigger than she needed. It reminded Fallon of a museum. There were paintings and vases her aunt pronounced as ‘voz.’ Not to mention the restrictions her aunt had for the house.

  You can’t go up there... The shadow of a memory floated through her mind and it stopped her mid-stride. Fallon frowned as she scrubbed her forehead, the immediate headache accompanying the minute detail, left her confused.

  “Are you okay?” Suān ní came up beside her and grabbed her arm.

  “Yeah, fine.” She pushed the confusion aside and smiled, trying her best to not alert him. “Why? You okay?”

  He stared at her for a moment then nodded before throwing their packs into the back of the SUV. “Is it your aunt? Are you worried?”

  “Nope. My aunt and I have nothing to talk about. This should be easy.” Fallon opened the passenger door when Warren hit the key fob.

  Suān ní stared at her for a moment before getting in behind her. She worried it would be awkward when they woke up, instead, she’d been worried for nothing. Telling the others might not be as easy. He was right, she did like the others. Had she not shaken from Warren’s hold, Fallon realized she’d have gone into their room and joined them. Instead of the idea freaking her out, she’d been at ease. Grainger though, she worried about. He hated her guts. Sure, they were amicable while she went through her training, but it didn’t mean anything. She’d seen the disgust on his face. Caught the snarls of disdain when she laughed at something Abraham or Warren said. How did they get past that? How did they compromise?

  “You’re not excited, are you?” Warren glanced over at her as he drove. “Wanna talk about it?”

  She cut her gaze toward the incubi. “I’d rather not.” She didn’t have anything nice to say about her aunt. It was better for her to keep her opinions to herself.

  Warren winced “That bad?”

  “You have no idea.”

  “Give me something,” he pleaded.

  “Fine. She has a thing about her shit. Don’t touch it. Don’t look at it. And, if you want to walk out of the house with your horns intact, don’t break anything.”

  Warren blanched. “Shit.”

  Fallon shrugged. “I’m just telling you. My aunt is a pit viper. She’ll strike when you’re not paying attention.”

  “I will protect you both,” Suān ní said.

  Warren chuckled. “No offense, but I think I have this covered. I’m good with family members.
I’ll hit her with the charm.”

  “You do that.” Fallon stared out the window as they drove down the highway. The quicker they got through this little meeting with her aunt, the faster they could get to work. Sometimes it sucked having two vampires on the team. Had they been able to stake out the warehouse during the day, she wouldn’t be on her way to the one person she loathed more than anyone.

  “So, this neighborhood is nice.” Warren turned onto a small secluded cul-de-sac street.

  The houses were spaced at least five hundred feet apart. Each had their own rocked fence, and each were at least two-story with some being three. At the base of the road sat her aunt's home. Yep, same old house. The white colonial revival home stood out in contrast to the others. Yet, the faded white paint and general plainness of the place left it a bit conspicuous as well. It was nothing flashy or fancy. It didn’t have the spark of modern hipness or whatever Calli would call it. It was just a house.

  “Talk about different,” Warren murmured, pulling to a stop in front of the house.

  “You haven’t seen the inside.” Fallon popped the door open. “Let me go to the door first. I would hate for you to get tangled up in something you don’t want to be tangled in.”

  Warren waved her off. “We’re a team. Right, Suān ní?”

  Fallon peered around her seat. Suān ní grinned. “Warren is correct. We are a team. We go together.”

  She rolled her eyes. “Okay, your funeral.”

  Once they were all out of the vehicle, she went to the gate and opened it. Though she knew the house, her memories were few and far between. The shiver of dread she experienced every time she stepped over the threshold, caused her to pause once more. She shouldn't be there. She should have told Kalkin no. There should be some kind of hard limit in her contract, preventing her from doing things that might hurt her. Well, this was one of them.


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