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Page 17

by TL Reeve

  “I need you to shift, mistress.” His voice was tight, more animal than man.

  “Which direction?”

  “No, Fú zé. Shift. Into your tigress. Please, mistress.”

  “But I—”

  “Remember, the only ones in this relationship who can get you pregnant are Warren, Abraham, and Grainger.” His words didn’t make any sense. “Shift, mistress, so we may finish this.”

  She frowned, why did she have to shift? She opened her eyes and saw the giant lion towering over her. Suān ní was power and grace. The regal way he stared down at her before he roared at her, stole her ability to breath. He chuffed nudging her to give over to her baser needs. Fear chased away some of her arousal. She’d never experienced this before and as if he read her mind, Suān ní laid beside her and began to clean her.

  With each swipe of his tongue, he called to her tiger begging her to show herself. She trembled, allowing her tiger to take over. She hadn’t seen her tiger in years and now, giving over to her animal instincts, sent her for a loop. Adrenaline and a healthy dose of trepidation warred within her when Suān ní fit himself to her sleeker feline figure. When he entered her again, a yowl of indignation fell from her.

  It was foreign. A little weird. Still, the knot of pleasure within her snapped tight. Fallon tensed as Suān ní quickened his pace. She didn’t want it to end. Nevertheless, he gave a mighty roar and their bodies were locked together. Her cry of bliss followed his roar and finally the drastic lust pounding through her veins settled. She melted into the bed, becoming human again. Suān ní’s body was draped over her, his hips flexed as he continued to fill her with his release.

  “Better, mistress?” The worry in his voice caught her attention.

  “A little out of sorts,” she answered. “What happened?”

  “I am not sure. I must have your blood for Mr. Ghost to test.” He peered over her shoulder. “Unfortunately, I cannot pull out. We are stuck together for the time being.”

  “Uh, we’re not wolves.” She frowned.

  “Precisely,” Suān ní replied. “Though, felines do barb during estrus.”

  “I don't want to talk about that with you.” She shivered. “Regardless, I'm not close to my cycle. I can't be in heat.”

  “You exhibited all of the traits as did Abraham. This wouldn’t have worked, had you not been.”

  Suān ní began to move within her again. “Instinct is telling me to mate you again.”

  “Are we going to shift again? Because, I’ve gotta tell you, it’s really weird.”

  He chuckled and they both moaned. “No. I think we can do it this way for now. If the need arises, I am sure we can muster the courage.”

  “What about the blood?” She moaned, arching to him.

  “In a moment, mistress. When our bodies are not so desperate.” He bit her neck and picked up speed.

  She cried out. When she figured out what the hell happened to her, she was going to kick someone’s ass.

  Fallon woke hours later, her body heavy and her mouth dry. How long had she been sleeping? She cracked her eye open and snapped it shut. The dim light of morning hurt. Her brows furrowed. She’d never had a light sensitivity before. She turned over and her joints popped and cracked. Ow. She opened her eyes again. Suān ní wasn’t there. The bed was empty. Fear lodged in her throat. Had she hurt him during all of the commotion? Her stomach turned. She closed her eyes and bit her lip, taking deep breaths through her nose to steady her riotous stomach.

  What is wrong with me?

  The sound of someone gagging then vomiting in the bathroom snatched her attention. They weren’t supposed to get sick. She sat up and instantly regretted it. The world spun and her heart hammered. Her stomach churned. Fallon swallowed hard forcing her stomach to settle even as the person in the bathroom heaved once more.

  “What is going on here?” She rubbed her arm, fearing she’d missed something important.

  “You are awake.” Suān ní's sleep-addled voice greeted her. “I worried.”

  “I’m sorry,” she murmured.

  “It is no trouble, mistress. I have already gathered your blood sample and Mr. Ghost is testing it now.”

  Fallon scrubbed her face. “Blood sample?”

  “Yes. Do you not remember?”

  She shook her head. Her memories were like swiss cheese. She could recall bits and pieces of what happened up to a point then she had a large black spot in her mind. Like, she didn't want to remember or couldn't recollect what happened.”

  The door to the bathroom opened and Warren helped Abraham over to their bed. His shirt was covered in red and though Abraham was always pale, now, he had a grey tinge to his skin. She sucked in a breath. What happened to them? “Is... Is he going to be okay?”

  Warren nodded. “He needs blood and sleep. He’ll be right as rain when he wakes from his sleep.” Once he removed Abraham’s shirt, he pulled the blankets up then went over to the cooler next to the dresser. “We’re going to have to do this old school. Thankfully Ghost hooked us up.” Within no time, Warren had Abraham attached to an IV and was pushing bags of O negative into Abraham’s body.

  “I have explained the situation as best as possible.” Suān ní joined her on the bed. “She does not remember anything.”

  “Typical,” Warren said. “You and Abraham were tagged with Éviel.”

  She gasped. “What?”

  “According to Ghost, it wasn’t enough to do actual damage to either of you. I found a small scrape on Abraham’s arm where someone must have grazed him with a needle. Something that wouldn’t heal instantly. Neither of you would have realized it.”

  “Until it started working.” She sighed. “We were so careful.”

  “I think they were testing you.”

  “Were we followed?” she asked, worried they’d blown their cover.

  “No.” Warren took her hand. “I think they were waiting to see your reaction to the drug. Since it didn’t hit until you arrived here, they might have been disappointed.”

  “A test of sorts?” She couldn’t believe it. “Do you think the head guy did it?”

  “The head guy is, Dima Popov and no I don’t believe he did. His workers on the other hand...” Warren shrugged. “They might see you as competition.”

  She struggled to remember who they’d ran into while at the warehouse, but only remembered Dima and the two guys standing guard. Could it have been them? Then she remembered her contacts. “We have pictures.”

  “I have them already. Suān ní gathered them after you fell asleep.”

  She blew out a breath. “I feel gross. I think I want a shower.”

  Warren nodded. “Take one. Abraham and Suān ní didn’t go easy on you nor did you go easy on them. Some of the gashes on Abraham’s back still haven’t closed all the way.”

  Guilt ate at her. “I’m sorry.”

  “It is nothing for you to concern yourself with, mistress.” Suān ní held out his hand for her to take. “Allow me to help you.”

  She took his hand. “Thank you.”

  When she was cleaned up, she felt marginally better. The hunger tearing through her surprised her most of all. It was as though she hadn't eaten anything in days when it'd been a matter of hours. While she waited for her food, Ghost went over the test results with her. It was crazy, to say the least, and she could hardly wrap her mind around it. They'd been hit by the same drug as Aurin and Bain, a man named Rafe, and also Jase Raferty. Unlike them though, she and Abraham didn't feel the full effects. Abraham had processed it rather quickly. Usually, a person who ingested the drug experienced the effects for seventy-two hours. For her and Abraham, three and a half. It also appeared there was a new mode of transmission. When a vampire had the drug introduced to their system, they could share it. The idea of person to person transmission left a knot in the pit of her stomach.

  Transmission in shifters, humans, and psychics came from direct contact and use of the drug. Now, with a vampire, any exch
ange of bodily fluid could introduce it to their unsuspecting partner. “Do you think they know about Abraham?”

  Ghost shrugged. “It’s impossible to know at this point.”

  “The pictures you sent us,” Warren said, changing the subject. “Where were you when you found Yevgeni and Grainger?”

  “Under the warehouse.” She pushed aside her fear. “It’s deep down there. It’s like they keep all the dangerous beasts below them.”

  “Were there others?” Ghost pressed.

  She shook her head. “No. They could keep at least twelve large shifters or demons in the bowels of the building. They also use iron shackles. Grainger’s skin is...” How could she allow herself to forget about Grainger? His skin was blistered and torn from where the cuffs rubbed his skin.

  “He’s allergic,” Warren finished for her. “We know. You had pictures of it.”

  “There’s something else we need to discuss with you.” Ghost stood. “It’s about your parents.”

  Fallon swallowed hard. “What about them?”

  “Warren was telling me about your aunt erasing your memories of the night your parents died. He also said you regained them recently.”

  “Yes.” She cut her gaze in Warren’s direction. “What about it?”

  “Can you tell me anything about the night?”

  “Bits and pieces. It’s fragmented with lies to cover up the truth, but needless to say, I didn’t kill them because I wanted to go out. We were trying to run. Someone found out where we lived and were coming for us.”

  Ghost grunted. “Someone within PBH had found your records. Several safehouses and teams were found that night.”

  “I didn’t know,” she murmured.

  “We’ve finally figured out the mastermind behind it.” Ghost sat in the chair in front of her. “Do you want to know who?”

  Revenge and righteousness filled her, shoving out the last waves of queasiness from the drugs. “It is my right to know.”

  “Yegor Orlov along with Dima Popov.”

  She sagged. Millions of questions swirled through her mind, but none of them mattered anymore. She had a target for her vengeance. She could now avenge her parents’ death and know they could find peace in the afterlife. “Thank you.”

  “Do you understand what that means?” he pressed.

  “Yes. It means at some point my parents were in that warehouse too.” Anger boiled in her veins.

  “Or one like it. We have to find out more information about their operation.”

  “Sure. It makes sense they'd have more than one place. Their operation is huge. One warehouse in Florida would be suspicious, to say the least.” She shrugged. Fallon would torture them to get the information from them then kill them slowly.

  Ghost chuckled. The dark rumble held a note of menace. “You’re going to kill them.”

  “Well, obviously. I started all of this to avenge my parents’ deaths and learn the truth of that night,” she said. “Now, I can.”

  “Are you going to be a liability to the team?” His gunmetal grey eyes bore into hers.

  “No. I’d never jeopardize the mission. However, when push comes to shove, I want to be the one to pull the trigger on both of them.”

  Ghost sat back. “I believe we can work something out. In the meantime, I need you to eat and hydrate. Also, if you need someone to talk about being exposed to the drug, I can put you in touch with someone.”

  She shook her head. “I think I’m okay. Weirded out for sure, but nothing major.”

  “I’ll give Warren the number just in case.” He stood. “You have a call with Kalkin soon, along with getting ready for the auction.”

  “Do you know where it’s supposed to be?” She glanced up at him.

  “I do. I'll give you the info before you're ready to leave to keep suspicions down.” He strode to the door and opened it. “You did well last night, even though it was a shit show.”

  She snorted. “Yeah, a real shitter.”

  “Be ready by eight.” Ghost exited their room, closing the door behind him.

  She let out a breath. Holy shit, she had the answers she needed. After two years, she could finally be at peace as well. However, she had to get through the auction and bring Grainger home before she could exact her revenge.

  “You okay?” Warren wrapped his arm around her.

  “I will be. Right now, I’d love some food.”

  He chuckled. “On it. Room service should be here shortly.”

  “Thank you.” Her bottom lip trembled. The adrenaline high she hadn't realized she'd been on, crashed. She fell apart. The full-body sobs hurt her. She hadn't experienced anything like it before. It was worse than the night her parents died and when her memories were returned to her. Her chest felt like it'd been cracked open and her heart had been ripped from her once more, yet it beat in her chest.

  “Hey now. We’ve got you. It’s okay. You’re okay.” Warren wrapped her in his embrace, holding her close.

  “I’m s-sorry.”

  “Don’t be. This has all been traumatic for us. You’re allowed to cry.” He pressed his lips to the top of her head. “Last night didn’t help either. Having to deal with your first heat rut. I can’t imagine.”

  She didn’t say anything. It was still so weird and exciting and terrible. She couldn’t sort through how she felt about it other than she’d rather experience it when it wasn’t faked. She sniffed and shuddered in his arms. “I suck at this stuff.”

  Warren laughed. “No, you don’t. You’re doing amazing. We have one more part to this mission and then we can move on.”

  “Yeah.” She sighed. “I guess I should fix my face for when Kalkin calls huh?”

  “Might be a good idea. He doesn’t do the whole crying jag very well.” Warren released her.

  “How is he even mated?”

  “Well, if you have to ask.” Warren wiggled his brows. “We haven’t been doing a good job of showing you.”

  She held up her hand. “You’re showing me very well, thanks. You’re not Kalkin though.”

  He laughed. “True. Keeley has the magic touch. Now, go get cleaned up, your food should be here soon, and we have to talk to Kalkin.”

  Once she washed her face to help with the redness and swelling due to crying, she exited the bathroom and found a covered plate on the table. Warren lay in bed with Abraham asleep while Suān ní was back in her shadow and had been since Ghost began talking to her. He’d been unusually quiet, but she couldn’t blame him. It was a lot to take in about her family and the turmoil from the night before. Later they would talk.

  When she pulled the lid off her plate, Warren sat up. “I hope it's okay. I didn't know what you'd like.”

  The juicy burger and fries were perfect. She took a bite and groaned. “Best burger ever.” She grabbed a fry and popped it into her mouth. “Thank you.”

  “No problem.” He joined her, placing his phone between them. When it rang, he answered it. “We’re here.”

  “Good.” Kalkin’s gruff voice didn’t faze her anymore. “Ghost filled me in. This is fucked up.”

  “Have you told Natasha?” Warren hedged.

  “About her uncle being in a meat market of sorts?” Kalkin grunted. “Fuck no.”

  “I don’t think you should,” Fallon said between bites. “It’ll only cause chaos there.”

  “It’s how I feel about it as well,” Kalkin replied.

  “I am tempted to pull the plug on this mission and send a group to take down this part of the syndicate.” He blew out a breath. “Keeley reminded me you have all sacrificed and it would be for nothing if you couldn’t follow through.”

  She’d been ready to beg him not to shut them down. Relief surged through her. “Thank you. We will finish this and make sure Yegor and Dima get what they deserve.”

  Kalkin laughed. “Kid, you won’t get your hands on him until after we’re done interrogating them.”

  “Then I want in,” she said. “I’m sure I can p
ersuade them to talk.”

  “Shit kid, you’re not tough enough yet. You haven’t even gotten your metaphorical dick wet.”

  Warren choked on a laugh.

  “My what?”

  Kalkin grumbled under his breath. “It’s what Keeley says all women have. She usually tells me to suck hers when I deny her anything.”

  Fallon laughed and some of the sorrow washed away. “Well, technically, she is correct. Our dicks are also bigger than yours. So, I want in. I think I deserve to have my questions answered too.”

  “I’ll take it under advisement. Until then, get some rest and be ready by eight. Ghost will text you the directions to the place where the auction will be held,” Kalkin said, before hanging up.

  “Well, you heard him. Finish eating.” Warren pointed to her plate. “When you’re done, we’ll catch a nap. I am beat.”

  Again, guilt assailed her. “Sure. A nap will do both of us good.”

  He kissed her cheek. “You're going to lay between Abraham and me because you scared the shit out of me last night. I don't ever want to see you like that again.”

  Yeah, well, that made two of them. “Never again. Promise.”

  Chapter 13

  Fallon took Warren’s hand as they stepped out of the stretch limo Ghost had sent for them. The directions to the auction site were given to the driver with the instructions to not stop until they’d arrived at their destination. It was a bit ominous, however, she understood why. If anyone found out the help turned up at the auction, they weren’t given directions to, the mission could blow up in their face.

  She wrapped her arm through Warren’s and waited for Abraham to join them, then placed her hand on his forearm. When he woke at sunset, she’d worried he wouldn’t be able to carry out the mission. Even with all of the blood Warren had transfused Abraham with, he’d been weak and hungry. She supposed it was bound to happen though when he puked up all of his reserves. However, when Abraham and Warren asked for some privacy, even though it hurt, she’d given it. Abraham needed to feed, and she could only imagine what would happen between the two.


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