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Page 20

by TL Reeve

“It’s not like...” Lyle fisted his hands.

  “It’s okay, big brother. Take your time.” She winked at him. “You need to focus on healing.”

  “We’ll help,” Lake added. “You’ll see.”

  “That’s all we can ask for.” Ayí stepped forward. “I don’t know about the rest of you, but I am starving. We should eat.”

  “You took the words out of my mouth, mate.” Rey pressed a kiss to her cheek. “I hope Fallon can cook.”

  “We ordered out,” Warren announced.

  Rey laughed. “Good enough for us. Let’s dig in.”

  Ayí sat at the head of the table while Fallon took the chair at the foot of the table. The balance of power for the family. It was different being at a level of equality with her family after being so alone. Love swirled around them as they sat there. She’d missed the sense of togetherness she experienced being there with her family. Nothing had been the same since her parents’ death.

  Now, she promised herself she wouldn’t let it go.

  “We should do this more often,” Fallon said. “Dinner as a family.”

  “I agree,” Lyle added. “It’s been a long time.”

  “It has,” Ayí agreed. “I guess we’ll have to figure out a way to be here for them as well.”

  It’s only right. Crow grinned. We are one family.

  “Yes. One family.” Fallon grinned. “Our family.”


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  Fallen Protector

  Chapter One

  The cursed pounding in Rafe’s head woke him. The scent of sex, stale alcohol, and a sundry of other things he didn’t want to think about made his stomach turn. He moaned, throwing his arm over his too sensitive, still-closed eyes. What the fuck happened? How the fuck did I get here? Where is here? He tried to remember where he’d been, yet when he delved into his memories, all he found was a black wall which caused the incessant throb to intensify.

  He tried to sit up, but couldn’t force his body to move. His limbs lacked the coordination even a newborn possessed, and his dick ached from too much use. Even his balls had a void in them he’d never experienced before. Why couldn’t he recall where he’d been or what he’d done? He smacked the bed then cursed the fact he’d done so.

  Raphael “Rafe” Angelo cracked one of his eyes open and hissed. The dim light of a new day burned his retinas. Was this what a hangover felt like? He’d laugh if he could. Beings like him didn’t get hangovers. It was physically impossible. Yet, there he lay, in a bed caked in crusty jizz and... Was that piss he smelled and rank B.O.?

  He wrinkled his nose.

  What kind of debauched fuckery had he partaken in?

  He tried to swallow and coughed. Sticks—damn near the size of sequoias—or what felt like it, were lodged in his throat. He slid his tongue across the roof of his mouth and grimaced. The sandpaper-like appendage surprised him as well. Something was wrong.

  Very, very wrong.

  The pounding in his head increased once more as he tried to recall his memories for the last week along with where he’d been and what he was doing. A giant black void greeted him once more, causing him to wince in pain.

  I’m dying, I know it.

  Rafe sat up then fell back over.

  Nope. Not happening. The world around him spun. His stomach lurched. The burn of bile creeping up his throat left an acidic trail along his esophagus. He closed his eyes again, willing the marching band currently taking up residence in his brain matter to disperse. It didn’t work. Any other time, waking up covered in dried cum would have turned him on. He would have relished it. Puffed his chest out and strut around for several days, but this was bad. He should have been able to remember what he did.

  Where he went.

  He glanced over at his clock. The blurry red numbers came into focus. Five forty-five? In the morning? He’d missed his run. Shit. Caim, his second in command, would have his ass. As the leader of the Fallen Angels unit, under the direction of the FBI, Rafe had certain expectations of his men. One of them being, they had to be at their peak performance. Every morning, they went for a run. Every evening, they worked out. If they had an assignment, they took the opportunities as they came.

  Here he was, slacking off.

  Rafe sat up again. The world tilted and rolled, causing him to suck air between clenched teeth. A sour sickening feeling sloshed in his stomach, and he willed the poor, abused organ to still. Unfortunately, it didn’t listen. He stumbled into the bathroom, making it in time to give a horrid offering to the porcelain god or whatever humans called a shitter when drunk.

  The thick bile ripped at his insides as he heaved the meager contents of his stomach into the toilet once more. Twice more, he dry heaved then nothing. The pain in his brain cleared. The dizzy roller coaster stopped. A new ache took root in his gut—hunger.

  Now I know something is wrong.

  He flushed the toilet then stood on weakened legs. Even with whatever plagued him being purged from his system, the lethargy remained, making every task that much harder to accomplish. Rafe flipped on the shower, hoping the hot water would flush the remains of whatever caused him such ailment. His skin dampened from the steam filling the bathroom, and the skin on the back of his leg felt off. He scratched the area and frowned when his fingers came into contact with something rough.

  A patch, no bigger than a small round bandage, lay a bit below his left butt cheek. He traced the fabric disk, trying to remember what he’d done to warrant such a tiny object, especially since his healing abilities were twice what a normal fallen angel’s were. Rafe scratched at it again, and it peeled away from his skin without effort. He glanced down at the sticky object and frowned. The letters É V I E L were printed diagonally on the front of it. On the back, a yellowish, odorless substance.

  Somehow, he knew, without it having to be analyzed, that thing resting in the palm of his hand had been the culprit for all of his issues. What it was or how it got onto him, he’d have to figure out. He carried it back into his room where his go-bag lay on the floor next to the door of his room. Inside, were several small evidence bags. Rafe removed one, then placed the disk inside.

  Once he got it into the pouch and sealed with evidence tape, he initialed it, then went to take his shower. He bent his head under the warm spray and closed his eyes, trying to figure out everywhere he’d been. No matter how hard he concentrated on the time he’d lost, it was still a blank canvas. It was as if someone had wiped his memories for fuck knows how many days or hours or hell–with the way his bed smelled–weeks?

  When he finished getting all the crusty grime off of his body, he felt a little more like himself. For sure, he’d be worried if he was human. No one wanted to wake up in their bedroom, covered in their cum, and someone else’s without memory of what they did. Fallen and wolves wouldn’t get human diseases, nor were there any types of paranormal afflictions. Didn’t mean it didn’t wig him out.

  As he wrapped a towel around his waist, he caught a glimpse of a receipt in the bathroom trash can. Louis’s Bar. His normal hang joint when he wanted to grab a drink. Rafe glanced at the order and frowned. He’d had two drinks. So, how the fuck did I end up so messed up? He growled, crumbling up the paper.

  The last time he’d felt so lost, had been the day he fell. The only thing Rafe remembered from God casting him and his brethren out, was falling and his spirit binding with a wolf. Raum had been the only other member of his team to have a dual nature. His spirit bonded with a crow. Together, they learned how to interact with the creatures dwelling within. Now, Rafe’s wolf became an extension of the man who walked with it. If he lost the furry monster, he didn’t know what he’d do.

  After he dressed, Rafe grabbed his things, determined to figure out what had transpired. He slipped the small evidence packet into the pouch of his bag then grabbed his phone off the nightstand. At least he’d had the wherewithal to put his phone somewhere safe. It
vibrated in his hand and Rafe frowned. Glancing at the screen, he realized he’d missed several phone calls including six from Caim.

  Shit, what did I do?

  He slid his finger across the screen as he stepped out of his apartment. “Angelo here.” His bike wasn’t parked where it should be. It was six spots down on the opposite side of the building divider.

  “Where the hell have you been?” Kendrick—his boss.

  “Good question,” he answered.

  “Are you smart mouthing me?” Kendrick snapped.

  “Nope. What can I do for you?” He placed his pack in the left-side saddle bag then straddled the beast of a bike.

  “I need you to haul your ass into the office, if it isn’t interfering in your sabbatical.”

  Rafe frowned. How long had he been missing or in Adams’s estimation taking a vacation? “Sure. I’ll be there in fifteen.”

  “Hurry up.”

  He clipped his phone to the holder on his bike then started it. Later, after his meeting, he’d send the package off to the lab and wait for the results. He pulled out of the driveway of his apartment and headed toward the office. A niggle at the back of his mind said he should be worried. Maybe not about getting sick, however he couldn’t account for his lost time. What the fuck had he done?

  The drive to headquarters gave him the chance to access whatever memories he had. He could recall everything up to the void in his mind and waking that morning. Anything in between–still nothing. The last thing he’d said to Caim was taking downtime. The whole team needed it after the last case. They agreed to meet up on Monday and debrief.

  What day is it?

  The usually stalwart wolf within him, whined. The sound caused the hairs on his arms to stand on end. Be at ease, brother. We’ll figure this out. He pulled into the parking lot of the FBI field office and found a spot near the door. On a normal day, he’d park in the north forty, but due to the situation at hand, he didn’t have time for dilly-dick’n around.

  Rafe hurried inside and came to a sliding stop at Kendrick’s office. The door was open, and his team filled the space. All eyes were on him. He cleared his throat and took a seat next to Caim who stared him down. The wolf inside him sat up at the challenge, demanding his second come to heel or be ready to throw down.

  Caim snorted then shook his head.

  “We done pissing around?” Kendrick grumbled. The half-demon half-shifter with abilities, stared a hole in the middle of Rafe’s head. He knew what the man was trying to do, and Rafe allowed it. If anyone could cut through the black goo keeping his memories at bay, Kendrick could.


  The man snorted. “Nope.”


  Kendrick handed Rafe a file before opening his own. “This morning, a call came in about a shallow grave off of the Old Forest River trail in Salem. An investigative unit is already on scene with two more highly trained agents in route as we speak. This isn’t a human matter. It’s something else. Have any of you heard of a covert government unit called Paranormal Bounty Hunters or PBH for short?”

  Rafe had heard some rumblings about the group. PBH was a collection of government scientists willing to kidnap shifters and others—those with psychic abilities—to breed/create new super soldiers for the defense department—or that’s what PBH wanted people to believe. Hell, it’d been almost thirty years or so since he heard the first rumblings of them and about ten years since the last time he’d been aware of their existence. If the last bit of information was correct, all of their original leaders were either dead after spending life in prison or were killed on the spot.

  “It’s been a long time,” Rafe said. “What do they have to do with this?”

  “Everything,” Kendrick replied. “A group of shifters out of Window Rock, Arizona have been trying to protect shifters, others, and those with abilities. In the last fifteen years, PRA—Psychic Retrieval Agency, has relocated hundreds of children and teens. This, I suspect, has been the first fuck up for them. If the intel is correct. The shallow grave contained the two agents, two adults, and two children. We don’t have much to go by, other than the report taken and the initial outreach phone call made to our unit.”

  “Hence why you want us on the ground,” Raum stated. “You know we lost our sight when we fell.”

  They couldn’t see the dead anymore. They’d also lost their link to the other angels and to God. They were completely blind on the mortal plane, which made their job ten times harder while also making them somewhat human.

  “This isn’t the first case, though,” Kendrick said. “With the little digging I did while waiting for you guys to show up, I found several similar types of cases. None could ever be linked, but this might be the one that does. I have sent them to your tablets and requested all of the crime scene photos be sent to your hotel. It should all be there when you arrive.”

  Rafe nodded. “Makes sense. Sometimes, serial killers hone their skills. Do it enough times, and they can become proficient enough to not get caught.”

  “Like the Zodiac killer,” Raum said.

  “Exactly,” Kendrick answered. “Which also means this case might be like finding a needle in a haystack. However, that’s where the two agents come in. You’ll meet up with them on-site and work together to find those responsible.”

  “What’s their ETA?” Rafe flipped through the meager paperwork from the incident form and frowned.

  “Two hours. They will be escorted in by two federal agents, Hauser Benefield and Maxwell Steele. A perk, I guess, of who they are and their clout.”

  Got it. Self-important agents. “Then we should get on the road.” The drive would take an hour and half, depending on traffic. Plus, they still needed to gear up and load their equipment into their SUVs.

  They broke from their meeting, and Caim grabbed Rafe’s arm. “Where the hell have you been?”

  “Apparently,” he answered, “home.”

  “For three days?” Caim cocked a brow.

  Three fucking days? How the hell had he lost that much time? What the fuck had he been doing? He’d freak out later when he was alone; right now, he had to keep his shit together. “Yeah, why?”

  “I have been trying to call you since you left the bar with that guy.” Caim matched him stride for stride as they headed for their supply room.

  Well, that also explained the stains and smells on his bed. They’d been laying in their own cum and bodily fluids for days. I am burning that fucking shit when I get back. No way in hell I’ll be sleeping on that mattress again. “Sorry, I think I shut off my phone on accident.”

  “It’s been three fucking days,” Caim hissed in a hushed tone.

  “Good piece of ass,” Rafe replied, trying to keep his shit together. “What can I say?”

  Caim shook his head. “You suck at being a leader.”

  He never claimed to be the best, either. “Whatever. Let’s get our shit and go. It sounds like we have some haughty agents coming in, and I don’t need them riding my ass because we’re not there to escort them or whatever the hell they expect from us.” The patch in his bag would have to wait. If PRA agents were involved in their case, even the little bits Rafe knew of them, all hell had broken loose.

  The heads of the agency were asshole shifters. Kalkin Raferty, the Sheriff of Apache County shared PRA duties along with his Co-Alpha Rapier Dryer, and Jerome Blackhorn, a highly decorated former FBI Agent, and Beta Caden Raferty. Their mates Keeley, Danielle, and Jasmine also had a hand in the agency. Keeley Raferty ran the traces and hacked databases along the way, kind of like an underground railroad getting all who needed help from point A to point B—to them in Window Rock. Danielle Raferty was their resident healer and doctor, while Jasmine Dryer ran the children’s therapy clinic. Brienne Blu worked with the adults who happened upon them for services as well. The Alpha, from the information he could recall about the man, made it his mission to protect their kind. For all his bullshit bluster, Kalkin Raferty, even though
he was an asshole, had been a stand-up guy, and a fair Alpha, more than most packs would ever see.

  “Yeah, this conversation is far from over, but you’re right. Our victims need us. I won’t let you fuck this up.” Caim pushed past him and went straight to his locker.

  Ouch, my feelings.


  Chapter One


  Another raven, another case closed. I stood back from the marker board I’d assembled next to the door of my shitty apartment and stared at the stamp I’d just placed there. Well, the place isn’t so shitty. I mean, on a scale of one to ten, I’d say it’s a six. I’m in the middle of a bum-fucked desert—sand everywhere—nothing but Joshua trees, yucca plants to keep me company, and a bar I chose to stay out of, due to Window Rock’s notorious reputation, I had to deduct points.

  I didn’t grow up here. I was raised in the northeast, near Baltimore. My parents were Edgar Allan Poe fanatics and believed they shared some weird kinship to him because my father shared his name, we’re raven-shifters and my mother’s great-grandmother’s middle name had been sweet Lenore—minus the sweet part. Every Halloween, my dad would shift and sit on the railing of our porch and screech out Nevermore in this hideously macabre tone, scaring the shit out of the neighbor kids. More than a few times, parents complained about the animatronic bird who frightened their poor Jimmy, days later.

  Instead of my father being contrite about the incidences, he started planning right away for the next year, and what he'd do to terrorize the community. At one point, my parents also tried to buy the notorious Poe house, even though it's a museum. They wanted to host parties there all year round. Of course, it fell through, but you get the picture. There's not a sane bone in their bodies. I suppose, there isn't a sane one in mine either.

  When I grew older, their shenanigans became too much for me. I love my parents to death. I’d take a bullet for both of them to make sure they lived, however, a guy could only be kissed so many times by his mom on the cheek while his friends were present. After the last time, I started looking for a job, someplace where I could find myself and give myself, and my parents, some room. Why I chose the middle of nowhere, in some dirt-water town, I don’t know, but the job was too much to resist.


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