All I Want is that Hood Love 3

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All I Want is that Hood Love 3 Page 2

by Mercedes G

  Mega ignored my cries, allowing them to go in one ear and out of the other, and there was nothing that I could do about it. This nigga was a muthafuckin’ maniac for real! Everything that I had heard about him was true. Despite me feeling sorry for Jamel, getting his ass beat right before my eyes just didn’t sit well with me at all. The worst thing a nigga can do is get his ass beat in front of his woman.

  Three security guards came rushing in with my nurses right behind them. It took all three of them to grab Mega and place him against the wall. Once they put his hands behind his back and slapped the handcuffs on him, the other one grabbed Mel off the floor and followed the same procedure. That was when I realized that the hospital security guards weren’t just security guards, they were certified police officers from the Albany Police department.

  Jamel and Mega were both placed against the wall, side by side in handcuffs.

  “NIGGA, YOU WAS FUCKING MY MUTHAFUCKIN’ WIFE?” Jamel asked as if he needed more clarification of what had just taken place.

  “NIGGA, I’M IN LOVE WITH YO’ WIFE!” Mega told him without a care in the world.

  I couldn’t take to hear any more of their feud. My heart was aching for Jamel because I had lead him on for my own selfish reasons, knowing deep down inside I didn’t want to be with him anymore, and it ached for Mega because in all honesty, I was in love with him too. The officer grabbed Jamel and took him out of the room first. I used this as an opportunity to say something to Mega that was justifiable to the situation at hand.

  “Mega…” I called his name in a low tone and he turned his head towards me. He could still see the tears falling down my face, and I could see the hurt in his. He frowned as if he didn’t know what the fuck I was crying for.

  “I’m sorr-”

  “BITCH, FUCK YOU!” he spat at me and turned his head the other way. “AYO, HURRY THE FUCK UP AND TAKE ME DOWN TO THE COUNTY!” he yelled at the officer.

  Mega had never talked to me that way, and it tore me apart hearing him say those agonizing words to me. I begin to cry harder, and the tears came pouring out.

  “Mrs. Taylor, I need for you to just calm down and focus on you and the baby right now. The head is crowning, thanks to all that screaming and yelling you were doing a few moments ago. I really don’t need you or the baby under any stress right now,” Dr. Smurda informed me.

  Talk about being professional. He was acting as if this wasn’t the first time he had been in a situation like this, and shit like this happened all the time.

  Y’all, I swear this was the most implausible condition that could ever take place. I mean really. What are the odds of some shit like this happening? Not just to me, but to anybody. My throat was sore as fuck from all of the hollering and screaming that I had done, but my heart was in the most pain.


  About thirty minutes later, I gave birth to the most handsome prince ever. For the first time in I don’t know how long, I was crying tears of joy. Soon as the doctor placed him in my arms, it was love at first sight and my heart smiled. Gazing at my son, there was no doubt in my mind who his biological father was. He had one dimple in his left cheek. His eyebrows were pretty thick for a newborn, and bore the shape of a crescent moon. He had a head full of curly hair that I couldn’t wait to massage baby oil through when we got home. Hell, all that he was missing was a bunch of tattoos. I named him De’Carlos Taylor. It looked as if Mega had spit him out. He was the spitting image of his father.

  Never had I imagined giving birth to my first born all alone, so I guess this was Karma’s way of getting her revenge on me for making Jamel leave MeMe alone at the hospital to give birth on her own that day, even though I eventually found out that Jamelia didn’t belong to him biologically. I had become so attached to my son within a matter of moments that I wasn’t ready for the nurses to take him down to the nursery, but I knew that he had to go and get cleaned up.

  Once he was out of the room, I used this time to analyze my life. Here I was twenty-five years old, married, with another man’s child, and confused more than a kid at Toys R Us. This shit just wasn’t right! It was time for me to put my big girl panties on, quit being petty and get my shit together before it was too late. All of the back and forth shit between Mega and I was about to come to an end. There was no way that Jamel and I could go on after this, so I was willing to accept what was done, sweep this shit up under the rug, and move on with my life.

  Finally, I was ready to give my mom a chance to be just that, my mom. She had given me life so there was no way possible that I could keep treating her as if she didn’t exist, despite how I was treated growing up, or the fact that she was indeed strung out on drugs.

  I thought about Mega and how his final words tore through my flesh, and I just couldn’t take it. I had hurt him something serious and that was something that I had never intended to do. Unfortunately, the situation that I was in led me to it. Regardless of how he felt about me at the moment that would not change the fact that we now have a child together. As soon as they release me tomorrow, I’m going to invite him over so that we can make this shit right and of course, so that he could meet our son.

  My thoughts were interrupted by Kira busting through the door with my mom right behind her. Kira pretty much knew what had gone down but I already knew that she wanted me to elaborate, and I really didn’t want to.

  “Taysia, are you okay? What the hell happened back here? I was on the phone with Rock when I saw Mega and Jamel coming from back here in handcuffs! I tried to stop that crazy ass nigga, as soon as I saw him step foot off the elevator!” She shook her head in disbelief.

  “Girl, I don’t even wanna talk about it right now. All I want to do is just enjoy this moment.”

  She could tell that I was on the verge of breaking down once again so she just let it be. My mom wasn’t saying too much of anything and the vibe that I was getting from her, I wasn’t feeling at all.

  “Well hey ma,” I spoke to her to spark some type of conversation with her.

  “Hey Taysia,” was all she said.

  I could tell that something was bothering her, but right now was not the time for me to be worrying about other people’s problems after what emerged today. I had too much shit going on at the moment. The nurse came back inside with my son swaddled in her arms and Kira immediately snatched him from her. She was excited. The reaction that I got from my mom wasn’t one that I expected. Instead of welcoming her grandson with open arms, like a normal grandmother would, she excused herself from the room and didn’t return.

  Kira kept rubbing it in my face about how much my baby looked like Mega and I couldn’t argue with that. He didn’t have any of my features at all, and now I was really starting to hate myself for being the cause of him missing his firstborn’s birth, but I honestly didn’t know. The reason I went with Jamel is because for one he’s my husband. Two, I thought that maybe it would keep down any more confusion, but now I see that I had only made shit worse than what it already was. Kira stayed with the baby and me at the hospital for a few hours and then she left. When I was released from the hospital the next day, I don’t know why I was expecting to see Mega waiting out front in one of his cars to pick me and our son up from the hospital. I thought that maybe he would’ve cooled down by now. Instead, I was wheeled out in a wheelchair with a baby in my arms, looking straight stupid and lonely. Hell, Jamel wasn’t even there, and I couldn’t blame him.

  I was just about to grab my phone to call Kira when a mountain grey Mercedes Benz CLA250 pulled up in front of me. That bitch was bad too! When the passenger window came rolling down I couldn’t help but laugh! Look at this bitch!

  “Well damn sis, you just gonna sit there or are you gone hop in!” MeMe said as she put the car in park and got out to assist me and the baby. MeMe was the last person that I was expecting to see, but I was glad that she had come to my rescue. Even though there had been quite a detachment between the two of us lately, I actually missed the bond that we once shar
ed before all of this chaos came about. She grabbed De’Carlos out of my arms and immediately fell in love with him.

  “Oh my God Tay, he is too damn handsome! You and my brother did that!” she laughed, referring to how Mega and I had created a handsome little boy. I chuckled.

  “Girl you are crazy! Where is Jamelia?” I asked her as she placed him back in my arms, so that she could put the car seat in the back seat of her car. I watched her as she locked the car seat in.

  “Girl, grandma wanted to keep her. She been over there since yesterday,” she said while grabbing him from my arms again to put him inside of the car seat and strap him in.

  “Oh okay,” I said.

  Meme helped me inside of the car as well. Meme didn’t have to come and pick me up from the hospital, but she did. She didn’t have to be this nice to me, but she was. Damn, I felt bad about swabbing Jamelia’s chubby little cheeks that day without her consent or knowledge. Lord knows I wasn’t myself when I did that shit, but the state of mind that I was in at the time had me fucked all the way up. Ain’t no telling what else I would have done.

  Since I was in the process of righting my wrongs, I had to let MeMe know what I had done, and hoped she’d forgive me for it. Instead of bringing it up right now in the car, I would just wait until we made it to my apartment. We needed to have this discussion in a comfortable space.

  “So let me guess…you already know what went down yesterday, huh?” I asked just to see if Mega had already told her.

  “Girl yeah. Me and Trigga went and bailed Mega’s ass out last night. He was too damn pissed. Hell, he still is. He crashed at my house last night, and when he woke up this morning and found out you were being released today, he sent me to pick you up.” She kept her eyes on the road as she drove.

  “How the hell did he know I didn’t have a ride home?” I asked her.

  “Well, apparently Jamel is still locked up, for whatever reason. Rock and Kira went out of town this morning, so he sent me.”

  Knowing that Mega still actually cared for me gave me a sense of relief. I mean if he didn’t care he wouldn’t have arranged for someone to pick us up right?

  “Oh…okay,” I replied as I thought about the events that transpired the day before.

  Once Meme and I made it to my apartment, I invited her in. The mood between us was pretty awkward being that we haven’t been around each other like that in a while. You could tell there was an elephant in the room so it was only right for me to break the silence.

  “Meme, I have something that I need to tell you,” I said as I watched her play with the baby.

  “What’s up?” she asked without looking up at me.

  She remained focus on the baby the entire time. My mind quickly drifted away for a second, thinking about the reaction that Mega would have once he finally had the chance to see him.

  “Well, I know we never really had the chance to just sit down and talk about the situation between you and Jamel, and what took place that day at the hospital. I know you didn’t know that I was his wife, or else I’m sure you wouldn’t have given me the phone to call him, but the shit hurt me to my soul. Not just because it was you, but the fact that he had cheated on me period. I had so much faith in that nigga that I would’ve never thought that he would do some shit like that to me. I was fucked up over that shit for a while. Even after I got shot, I still had a lot of hatred in my heart and it led me to become selfish as hell. I was so selfish and petty that I went to Walgreens and purchased a DNA paternity test and swabbed Jamelia.” I paused for her reaction, but I was unable to read the expression on Meme’s face.

  “We good,” was all she said and I didn’t understand, but that’s definitely not what I was expecting from her.

  “We good? Is that all you have to say MeMe? I mean, are you mad at me?” I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. Meme was acting as if it didn’t bother her one bit. I know that if the shoe was on the other foot, I would be ready to beat a bitch down for swabbing my damn baby!

  “Nah, I ain’t mad. I went out and bought one too,” she nonchalantly stated.

  “So you mean to tell me that you knew Jamel wasn’t Jamelia’s father all along?” I asked.

  “I honestly didn’t know while I was pregnant. I felt like it was a strong possibility that it was his, but I wasn’t sure. I just wanted to be with Jamel so bad back then, but once I found out you were his wife that day in the hospital, I cut him off completely. The only ties we have with one another is Jamelia.”

  “But I don’t understand, because for real MeMe, Jamelia looked just like Jamel’s twin when she was born. She’s starting to look more like you now though,” I told her.

  “It’s about time somebody sees it. So what’s up with you and my brother?” she asked, quickly changing the subject.

  Meme and I chopped it up like old times and I gave her a rundown of everything that has been going on between Mega and me. She suggested that I give him a call and I agreed. Meme stayed with us for a few hours and then she left to go pick up Jamelia from Mrs. Mildred. That night, I laid my precious little boy in his crib and watched him sleep peacefully. I finally climbed in bed and decided to call Mega. I know that he had seen pictures of him because I let Meme take a few pictures of him with her phone while she was here, hoping that she would show him. After calling him numerous of times and being sent to the voicemail every time, I gave up and eventually drifted off to sleep.



  Smiling from ear to ear, I gazed at the screen on my phone. Meme had sent me a picture message of my son. My lil’ nigga looked every bit of me. I couldn’t wait to finally hold him in my arms. The situation between Taysia and I was crazy as fuck. Through it all I still cared for her though, which is why I sent MeMe to pick them up from the hospital. Looking at my son’s picture made me think about what we could’ve been. If only she would let her fucking guards down and shit.

  “Aww baby, he looks just like you,” Brittany said observing the picture as well from over my shoulder. We were in bed and she was laying behind me. She kissed me on my shoulder, rolled out of bed and went to the bathroom.

  My dick immediately grew to its maximum when I heard the shower come on. I dropped my boxers off at the bathroom door and made my way over to the shower. I began stroking my thick, long, shaft as I watched Brittany’s beautiful body through the shower door. Even though her body was amazing, it couldn’t compete with Taysia’s, but she was here at the moment and I was gonna make the best of it.

  The way she massaged her body with the Dove soap, created a tingling sensation in my dick. Once Brittany realized that I was jacking off to her silhouette, she smiled, turned around and continued to bathe as if I wasn’t even standing there, giving me more of what I was hungry for. Having enough of being teased, I slid back the shower door, stepped inside, and picked her up. With her legs wrapped around my waist, I slid my dick inside of her with no hands. That muthafucka was just that hard! She held on to me with her nails deep in my skin, ready to enjoy the ride.

  “Ahh, yeah. Oooh shit! Mega. Ahh…Ahh…Ahhh!!” she panted as I caressed the inside of her tummy with my magic wand.

  “You like that shit, huh bitch?” I went deeper as I held on to her ass, spreading her ass cheeks apart giving me nothing but full admission. I slipped my middle finger inside of her asshole.

  “Oooh shit! I love it baby!” she screamed.

  “Say you love this shit B,” I demanded while pounding inside of her ferociously.

  “I love this shit. Ooooh! Fuck, I love this shit sooooo fucking much baby!” she moaned while licking inside of my ear.

  Holding her by her waist, I continued to slam her down on my wood. The only sounds heard were moans, the shower running, and our bodies connecting. Feeling myself about to cum, I pressed her back up against the shower wall and kissed her passionately, while taking slow, hard, thrusts inside of her.

  “Argh shit!” I groaned as I allowed my seeds to flow freely inside of



  My six weeks had come and gone, and I hadn’t heard from nor seen Mega. Jamel had been constantly blowing me up but I was just so over me and him, and I just wish he would let the shit go. The love was no longer there, and neither were we. Too much shit had altered our relationship and there just was no repairing it. Mega would send money, diapers, wipes, clothes, and shoes by Meme but I would send them right back. I wanted to accept them from him personally. It was pissing me the fuck off that he hadn’t even stopped by to see his son, nor called yet. He was using MeMe as the middle man.

  These had been the longest six weeks of my life, and now I was finally able to go out and do some things other than sit in the house all day. It took me forever to get myself ready, but once I finished myself I had to repeat the process all over again. After bathing my lil’ man, I rubbed him down with a bottle of Johnson & Johnson baby lotion, and put on his tiny little diaper. I grabbed the baby oil, lathered it in my hands and rubbed it through his soft curly hair, giving it more shine. He looked more and more like Mega, with each day that passed. I put him on a black Nike onesie that had a red Nike sign on the front. Then I threw on his red shorts and slipped him on some black socks with a pair of red and black LeBron’s.

  I placed him in his car seat, strapped it, and headed to the door with the car seat in one hand and my black leather Christian Dior purse, and Mickey Mouse baby bag in the other. Being a mommy was definitely a full-time job, and it was tiring as hell but I cherished every moment of it. I locked up my apartment and walked to my car. I was struggling like hell trying to get the car seat to fit in the back of my Bentley, but there was no way in hell I was going to get rid of it. So it looked like I would be car shopping real soon.

  Since relocating to Albany, I missed my hometown, so I decided to pay Cuthbert, Georgia a visit. My first stop was Mrs. Mildred’s house. I can only imagine the things she is going to say once she sees little De’Carlos. I tried calling Mega again as I had been doing for the past month, receiving the same result. I hoped and prayed he was at his grandma’s house, but when we pulled up and I didn’t see his car, I knew he wasn’t there. My heart was crushed to be honest, and it was bad enough that he wasn’t answering any of my calls nor texts. I didn’t want to seem like a stalker by stopping by his house but right now this was about our son, so I had no other choice. I got out of the car, grabbed the car seat, and the baby bag.


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