by Mercedes G
“Mrs. Mildred!” I knocked and yelled through the screen door. Mrs. Mildred came to the door with a smile brighter than a diamond. I could tell she had gotten use to walking without her cane because she was walking much better and faster. She looked as if she was doing pretty well, and physical therapy had helped her out tremendously.
“Chile, what I done told you about knocking on my door! If it’s open come on in! You just like my grandchild…Awww looka dere. Y’all come on in.”
She held the door open for us. Mrs. Mildred went and sat down in her favorite rocking chair and I sat down across from her on the couch.
“No, ma’am! Chile, if you don’t get up and bring my grandbaby over here,” she demanded holding out her hands and I did as I was told. I couldn’t help but laugh as she examined my son’s face like she was some type of medical examiner.
“Yep! He belongs to us alright. He looks just like Mega when he was a baby. Hell, he looks just like him now. Look at that one dimple. Ooohh chile! I’m so happy, I got me another great grandbaby!” Mrs. Mildred was filled with delight.
“Has Mega been over here lately Mrs. Mildred?” I just had to ask.
“Mmm hmm, as a matter of fact, he stopped by here late last night. I gave his black ass the business while he was here! Don showed up to my damn doorstep with some trot, or thot, however y’all youngins pronounce it!” she confessed. “Let me call him now and tell him to bring his ass back over here.” She reached for her house phone but I stopped her.
“No…that’s okay Mrs. Mildred. I’ll see him later,” I told her. Mrs. Mildred had pretty much crumpled my lil’ spirit when she said that Mega had brought another female over to her house. For him to bring her to his grandmother’s house, whatever they shared had to be serious.
“You sure baby? Cause I’ll call his clown ass right now! Ain’t that right Nanna’s man,” she said while playing with the baby. “Nanna gotta give you a nickname. Let me think of something…Oooh I know! We’ll call you DJ for De’Carlos Jr. Don’t make no sense how much you look like ya daddy! Tehehehe,” she laughed.
Mrs. Mildred didn’t know that technically he wasn’t a junior because he didn’t have Mega’s last name, but I was cool with the name she had given him. I allowed her to spend time with DJ for a while and then it was time for us to go. I had text Mega once again and he still wouldn’t text me back. This nigga got me fucked up! I understand he was still mad and shit but it was time for us to act like the adults that we were and talk about this shit. Not to mention, those words he said to me when he walked out of my hospital room. I was still feeling some type of way about that. What if he really meant that shit? I just had to see him so that we could talk.
By the time we left Mrs. Mildred’s house, DJ had fallen asleep that fast. I loved my son so much that I couldn’t help but watch him through the rearview mirror as we made our way to Mega’s house, or should I say his daddy’s house. A few of Mega’s cars were parked in his driveway, but that didn’t mean he was home because Mega had so many cars, you’d never know which one he was driving. I put the car in park and turned off the ignition. I hopped out and let the seat up so that I could get DJ out. I unstrapped him from his car seat, took him out, placed him on my shoulder, and made my way to the door. I rang the doorbell about three times. I knew someone was in there because I saw someone peeping through the blinds from the window upstairs. I wasn’t leaving until somebody came to the door so I rang the doorbell again. After about five minutes of waiting, I was about to pull out the key that Mega had given me to the house but the door came open.
“What’s up?” he asked standing in the doorway with a pair of blue gym shorts on, white socks, and some black Nike flip-flops.
“What’s up? Really Mega, that’s all you have to say is what’s up?”
He shrugged his shoulders.
“I mean what else you want me to say.” I could tell he was still in his feelings.
“Aren’t you gonna invite us in?” I asked looking at him as if he had lost his damn mind.
“Nah, we can talk right here? So what’s up?” He folded his arms over his chest.
I couldn’t help but admire him, but I really needed to talk to him about our son. The fact that I could see his love handles and a small peak of his pubic hair line wasn’t doing me any justice at all. He was making this shit harder than what it was.
“Are you serious right now? That’s how it is Mega?” I asked as I stood in front of him with our son sleeping on my shoulder. I was standing there rocking him, while patting him on his back at the same time.
“Damn right that’s how it is! Shit, you can’t blame nobody but yo’ self, Mrs. Lady. I tried, ya feel me? A nigga tried!”
As bad as I didn’t want to admit it, he was right, he did try and it was all my fault, but still.
“Really Mega? You really need to act like an adult right now! You’re mad at me, okay, I get that, but do you realize your son is right here on my shoulder and you won’t even allow us to come in your fuckin’ house! What type of bullshit is that?” Mega had me thirty-eight hot with his ass, and I was on the verge of snapping on that nigga!
“Oh, he’s my son now?” He laughed, pointing his finger to his chest but I didn’t find a damn thing funny.
“Mega, don’t fuckin’ play with me! You know he’s yours!” I yelled.
“Shit, I’m not playing! Your entire pregnancy, you kept hollering he wasn’t mine, right? Correct me if I’m wrong ma. You made that shit perfectly clear that he ain’t mine!” he spat.
“Whatever! Look at him Mega, look! He’s yours and you fuckin’ know it!”
Mega was really trying me right now. Tears began to cover my face once again. I had become so tired of crying and shit that I felt like a damn crybaby. I hoped and prayed that this would be the last time that I shed a tear, especially over a fuckin’ man!
“For all I know, I could’ve just been feeding him.” He grabbed his dick.
I was just about to go the fuck off.
“Mega!” a female called his name in the background. I was trying my best to look past him to see what bitch he had up in his house.
“Yeah! I’m downstairs. I’ll be up in a minute,” he yelled and turn his attention back to me.
“Who the fuck was that Mega?” I asked, trying to look over his shoulder.
“A friend,” he said.
“A friend. What fucking friend? Let me see her. Move!” I said trying to brush past him trying to get in the house but he kept blocking me so that I couldn’t get by.
“Girl, quit playing ni!” Mega chuckled blocking my way.
“Get the fuck out the way Mega! This shit ain’t funny! Come down stairs bitch and show your face! What, Mega got you hiding out up there?” I said still trying to walk past him but he wouldn’t budge. Whoever he was fucking around with must’ve been trained well because she didn’t even respond.
“Look Taysia, I don’t do drama. I told you she’s a friend of mine. We not ‘bout to do this. You didn’t want me, ma. I’m done with the back and forth shit! I’m doing me now. You told me a thousand times that this ain’t my baby, so now a nigga feel like he should get a blood test. Go ahead and set that up ASAP, but right now I gotta go.” Mega had cut me once again with his words.
“YOU KNOW WHAT? FUCK YOU MEGA!!! FUCK YOU!!!” I screamed and DJ jumped in his sleep. I walked to my car and cried the whole way there. Mega followed behind me.
“Taysia, wait up ma, I’m sorry yo, don’t act like that. Come here.” He grabbed my arm and I snatched it away from him.
I strapped DJ in his car seat, and hopped in the driver’s seat. Mega wouldn’t let me close the door.
“Get back out the car ma. Come on,” he demanded.
I saw a chick standing at the door, and she then she suddenly walked away.
“Yo’ bitch is at the door!” He looked up at the door and I quickly closed my door shut. I didn’t want to admit
it but I had officially become a ‘baby mama’. I shook my head and started the whip. I needed to talk to Kira ASAP. I was so mad that my hands were shaking as I dialed her number.
“What up hoe?” she answered while inhaling what I assumed to be a blunt. Kira had officially turned into a weed head. Thank God her contract was almost up and this was her last year teaching.
“Where you at? I’m in Cuthbert,” I asked.
“I’m at Rock’s house,” she exhaled.
“Okay, I’m about to stop by.”
Chapter 5
It took everything in me not to reach out and grab my son from Taysia, but I had to show her that I wasn’t playing with her ass no more. The scent of him melted my heart, and I know the shit I just did was petty but damn. If Taysia really wanted this shit, she was going to have to show me that. Seeing her cry did something to me on the inside, which is why I went after her, but Taysia had to learn. I wasn’t trying to hurt her but she needed to feel where I was coming from. I had been trying to be there for her and my son since I found out that she was pregnant, but she dodged me pretty much the entire pregnancy. It’s too many females out here for me to be tripping off of one that has showed me plenty of times that this ain’t what she really want.
When I made it back upstairs, Brittany was getting ready to go to work. She was looking good as fuck in her work attire. She sported a black, one-button pinstriped pantsuit that I was ready to take off. I stood behind her, held on to her waist and licked the back of her neck gently. Giggling, she turned around.
“Unh uh Mega, I have to go to work! While you were downstairs letting your baby mama consume all of your time, you could’ve been up here dicking me down,” she laughed.
“Man, come on with that bullshit and stop playing!” I told her while palming her ass.
“No Mega, I’m already about to be late for work.” She pecked me on my lips then sat down on the bed. She started putting on her black shiny Christian Loubutin pumps.
“Yo B, if you think I’ma let you up out of here without getting a nut, then you got me fucked up!” I told her and she laughed, but I was dead ass serious.
“I’m serious Mega, I gotta go. I’m about to leave and you are not gonna stop me.”
“Shid, you wanna bet?”
“You gonna have to take this pussy then cause I got to go!” She grabbed her purse and then stood up to leave.
“I ain’t got no problem with that.”
I dropped my shorts down from my waist, picked her up and threw her back down on the bed. She was killing herself laughing. She liked when I took that pussy from her. I started biting on her softly until she finally gave in like I knew that she would. My dick was on swole, so she really ain’t have no choice. I ripped her clothes off of her and punished her for about thirty minutes straight. Her boss was going to let her have it as soon as she walked through the door because she was already pressed for time, but I didn’t care about that right now. All I wanted was some pussy. Once I got my rocks off, Brittany cleaned herself up and left. I hopped in the shower right behind her.
The streets were calling my name and I had to answer. Not only that, but that nigga Wesley was still in hiding, yet steady sending shots. He had sent niggas to hit up four of my spots but only succeeded once. That night me and Rock bodied that nigga Bo and his girl, I messaged him from Bo’s phone but he didn’t respond like I thought that he would. I know that Chino and Dub had informed Wesley on what was going down but it was all good. My lil’ niggas had their ears to the streets, and I had two of my lil’ homies following Chino and Dub’s every move just in case they decided to pay him a visit. Wesley was having a hard time dealing with the fact that I was the boss in these streets, a young nigga at that. I had about six slugs with his name on it. You can run, but you can’t hide! In due time my nigga, in due time.
It was the first of the month and Andrew Street was filled with nothing but junkies. I had niggas posted up on damn near every corner and block, across the tracks serving fiends in every direction. Whipping my car up by the pool room, I hopped out when I saw Taysia’s mom in the cut by one of my trap houses trying to make a purchase. My nigga Roe was walking her behind the trap house to take her inside from the back.
“Aye Roe!” I yelled. “Don’t sell her shit,” I said as I jogged towards them.
“You sure my nigga, she tryna cop a solid piece for the 250?” Roe expressed like I was crazy. Roe know I wasn’t hurting for nothing, so she could keep that lil’ 250, and put it back in her pocket or take that shit somewhere else!
“Nah man, don’t sell her shit! I don’t care what she tryna get. Matter of fact, don’t sell her shit else from here on out,” I ordered.
As soon as I said that, she snatched the little piece of dope that Roe already had in his hand, and took off running. Roe was about to chase after her but I stopped him.
“Let her have it my nigga, charge that shit to the game! You shouldn’t have had that shit out like that anyway for her take it! Like I said, from here on out, don’t sell her shit else. Let everybody else know that as well. You got me?” I asked for confirmation.
“Word my nigga, I gotchu.” We slapped hands and we went inside of the house.
“Where you ‘bout ta go?” I asked Rock as I watched him pull his dreads up, wrap them around into a ball, and put a rubber band around them. This nigga was too damn fine, standing six feet, five inches tall. Rock had long dreads that hung past his shoulders when they were down and his body was covered with tattoos. Rock had tattoos on his legs as well. I had never met a man with tattoos on their legs but Rock’s tattoos on his legs made him even sexier.
“I’m about to run by the trap for a sec. Do me a favor, cut up that grass, and bag it up for me,” he told me.
Rock would only let me handle the minor shit like weed. He wouldn’t dare let me touch the other products yet. He loved hollering, “You gotta crawl before you walk.” Shit, fifteen hunnit a week just for breaking down and bagging his shit up, I wasn’t complaining at all. Right now I was just following his lead.
My relationship with Rock was growing stronger and stronger every day. Our only problem was his stupid ass baby mama, Alicia. I had nothing against that girl, hell I didn’t even know her like that, but she made it her business to try to interfere with what Rock and I had going on every chance that she got. She would take Rahley to the ER for any and everything just because she knew that Rock was going to stop whatever it is he was doing and tend to her. Now don’t get me wrong, I respected him for that, but I knew better. He didn’t but I did. That bitch was doing that shit on purpose, and it was starting to irk the hell out of me.
A few days ago, she took Rahley to the ER for a damn mosquito bite, but she told Rock that a spider had bit her. Rock was in the middle of giving me some deep long dick when his phone starting ringing nonstop followed by a text that said Rahley had got bit by a spider and she was on her way to take her to the emergency room. It was hard trying to act like I wasn’t bothered by that shit, because I was. I think Rock was starting to notice it too.
“Okay. Taysia ‘bout to stop by so we ‘bout to chill for a while,” I told him while slipping on a pair of red jeggings.
I grabbed a spaghetti strap shirt from the drawer and pulled it down over my head.
“A’ight cool. Tell Taysia I said what’s up. I’ll be back later.” He kissed me on my forehead and walked out the door.
While cleaning up the living room, I noticed Rock had left his phone on the charger. Am I being tested? I wondered. My skin began to itch. I wanted so badly to pick up his phone and ramble through it, but as the old saying goes, “You look for shit, you find shit!” I definitely wasn’t up for finding anything that would do any damage to my heart, especially not right now. I ignored the phone and continued to clean up before Taysia arrived.
“Gimme Tee Tee man! He’s so handsome Tay. You really need
to move back home, so he can get used to his auntie!” I said while grabbing my lil’ nephew off of Taysia’s shoulder.
I closed the door behind Tay and we made ourselves comfortable on the brand new living room set that Rock had purchased for me. Rock’s crib was already laid, but since I had moved in with him, I had put a woman’s touch to it. The bright colors that flattered the living room was all me.
“So what’s up with you? What made you come to da 7 today?” I asked Taysia. It was rare for her to come through town since she moved to Albany. I was glad that she came through though because I had been missing her like crazy ever since she moved, but I knew she only left for the better.
“Girl my six weeks is up. I had to get me and DJ out the house. I took him to see Mrs. Mildred.”
“What she say? I know Mrs. Mildred went in on ya ass!” we laughed.
“She pretty much said the same thing that everybody else is saying, how much he looked like his daddy. I even took him to see Mega. I’m regretting that shit now though,” she said and I could see it in her eyes that it didn’t go so well.
“Why? He needs to know his dad,” I told her, and I couldn’t have been more honest.
“Well, apparently Mega has a new bitch in his life, and now he’s asking me for a blood test. I know that hoe got something to do with it,” Taysia confessed.
“Maybe he’s asking for a blood test because you kept telling him that it wasn’t his remember?” I asked Taysia as if she had suddenly caught amnesia because she was acting like she did.