by Mercedes G
The next morning I was disturbed by someone banging on my door. I glanced over at the clock and it was 9:00 A.M. I already hadn’t gotten any sleep because I had to wake up three times in the middle of the night to feed DJ his bottle. Glancing over at his baby crib, I saw that he was wide awake, gnawing on his fingers. He always did that when he was hungry. I couldn't help but laugh. Ignoring whoever it was banging on my door, I walked over to his crib and picked him up.
"Hey there mama's lil pud! Whatcha doin up, huh? You watching mommy sleep? Huh? Ooooh, mommy needs to change the baby's diaper!" DJ's pamper was soaked. Laying him down on his changing table, I changed his pamper and made my way to the door.
"Taaaaayyy, open up!"
It was MeMe’s loud ass. I opened up the door and let her ass have it.
"Bitch, are you tryna get me kicked out my apartment today?" I asked and she fell out laughing. She had Jamelia with her. Jamelia had gotten much bigger since the last time I saw her.
"Whatever girl! Get my nephew dressed, he's rolling with tee tee today," she happily stated.
"Mmm hmm. And where is tee tee trying to take him? Meme quit tryna be slick, ok!" I said letting them come inside and closing the door.
"What you talkin ‘bout sis?" she laughed. I gave her ass a look that told her that I knew that she was up to something. Mega had sent her to pick DJ up, and I knew it.
"Okay, okay, damn! Mega's having a cookout at grandma’s house later on today. He wants DJ to come…hold up!” She raised her hand in the air as if she knew I was about to interrupt her. “Before you think about saying no, Grandma said that you and DJ should come, and if you don’t want to, then you better at least send DJ. After hearing about what happened the other day I didn't think you would want to come," Meme said.
I don’t care what happened between me and her brother, her ass always knew about it.
"And you are absolutely right! Yo’ brother dissed the fuck outta me the other day! Not only that but he questioned if DJ was his," I rolled my eyes.
"Why you let my brother get to you like that? I done told you about that shit! Same thing happened with that fake ass engagement. Mega be tryna read you and see where yo’ head at. You hurt him so he's trying to hurt you. Real talk, both of y'all are petty as fuck if you ask me. There's a child involved for Christ’s sake. I'll be glad when y'all get y'all shit together, I swear, because both of y’all are starting to really piss me off. So you letting DJ go or nah?"
I trusted MeMe with my baby. She was his aunt and we were cool. This would be perfect being that I was supposed to meet up with Jamel later on today. My feelings were kind of hurt that Mega didn't invite me to his little cookout. That's okay though! As soon as my meeting with Jamel was over, I was going to that damn cookout, whether Mega wanted me there or not, and I know that bitch would be there so I knew I was going to have to shut shit down with my attire. I only got a glimpse of her the other day when she appeared at Mega’s door, so I really couldn’t see how she looked.
After getting DJ ready and sending him off with MeMe and Jamelia, I hopped in the shower. I threw on a pair of skinny jeans, with a pink "I Work Hard Bitch" t-shirt by Shekinah Jo, and a pair of pink and black Air Max. Thanks to DJ, my hair had grown very thick and long while I was pregnant, so I pulled it back into a ponytail, and headed to the mall.
After spending two hours in the mall, I finally found the perfect attire. It was simple, but with the body that I possessed it was damn sure to turn heads and break necks, from both males and females. Once I left the mall I went straight home, jumped in the shower again, flat ironed my hair and headed to meet Jamel at Ruby Tuesday. His car was the first car that I spotted when I pulled into the parking lot.
Well, here goes nothing! I approached the table where Jamel was sitting and this nigga stood up as if we were supposed to hug or kiss. I think not!
"Hey," I spoke dryly as I slid into the booth.
"Hey sweetheart," he said.
This nigga here!
From there, we let silence fill the air, neither one of us really knowing what to say to each other. Especially after what happened the other day. I couldn’t even believe that I was meeting with this muthafucka, but I knew that it was best for me. I needed to do this so that I could move forward. Sensing the tension, Jamel threw his hand up for the waiter. The waiter came over and took his order. The only thing I ordered was a glass of water. I didn't plan on staying that long, so if that meant that Jamel would be enjoying dinner by himself then oh fucking well.
"So Jamel, tell me what made you agree to meet me here today?" I asked.
"Well honestly Taysia, I haven’t been to sleep in days…I just been thinking. I feel that we have a lot of unresolved issues, especially after the incident that took place at your mom’s. I've come to realize that…you and I,” he took a deep breath, “will never work. I would love for us to work, but I know in your heart that you will never love me the same, and I can’t be with you like that. Ya know, knowing that you don’t love me the same."
He was absolutely right, and I wanted to give him a round of applause. There was no way in the hell that I could ever love him the same. And I definitely couldn’t be with a man who fucked and got my mom pregnant. Hell, even if he hadn’t gotten her pregnant, they still fucked and that was enough for me.
After about an hour of talking, our dirty laundry was done. Everything was aired out, and it felt damn good. He told me from the beginning how he and MeMe had met, when, and why he would cheat on me. Hell, he even told me that he used to let Simone suck on his dick occasionally. That didn’t surprised me at all. Hearing how my mom had snuck her way into our home and blindfolded him didn’t really sound realistic to me, but it didn’t matter. Either way that it went, they still fucked.
When it was my turn to tell all, that’s exactly what I did. He knew how I had met Mega, and about our trip to Miami. I even told him how Mega had come to see me in the hospital the night that I miscarried when he left to go get my food. He couldn’t believe it when I told him that he was the only one that didn’t know what was going on at the engagement party that night.
The last thing we discussed was getting a divorce. He wasn’t upset about it, but more like hurt. I was just glad that we were able to get everything off of our chest and finally let this shit be!
"Taysia, before you leave there's one more thing that I think you should know. During one of the many arguments I had with yo’ mama, she yelled out some serious information that I think you may want to look into." He sat up at the table with his hands clutched together.
"I'm listening."
He continued, "Apparently, your mom had another child that she gave away at birth.”
I wasn't sure if I had heard him right.
"I’m sorry, what did you just say?" I asked listening more carefully than before.
"Your mom…she uh…had another child, but gave the child away when she was born. You have a sister Tay."
Confused would be an understatement to explain how I was feeling, but from the look on Jamel's face, I knew that he was telling the truth.
“Mel, please tell me you’re playing. Are you serious right now?” He nodded.
“I can’t believe that bitch!” I slapped my hand down on the table, loud enough to draw attention. “Why are you just now telling me this Jamel?” I asked.
“Honestly Taysia, there was so much shit going on that it slipped my mind. I had planned on telling you but shit had gotten real hectic between us during that time,” he explicated.
“Oh, okay. Well, I appreciate you for letting me know about this. I really do.” I stood up and gave him a genuine hug. That was the least I could do.
“I’ma miss you Tay,” he whispered in my ear and held on to me as if he never wanted to let me go.
“Take care Mel. You should receive the papers in the mail within the next few weeks.”
He responded by nodding his head. I grabbed my purse and walked out of Ruby Tuesday feeling like a free wom
an. I hopped in my car and went straight to Cuthbert. My thoughts ran wild the entire drive there. My mama, no, that bitch, Debra was a fucking snake! There was no if, ands, or buts about it. The bitch was the leader of the fucking pack. I know that if I wanted to find out about this long-lost sister of mine, I was going to have to do some thorough research. I wouldn’t be able to do that unless I contacted this bitch, which is something that I didn’t really want to do, but right now I would have to deal with this bitch, at least until I was able to get what I needed from her. I had all of my answers from Jamel, and now it was her turn. I was going to put this shit behind me for the moment because I was on my way to handle some other business. I couldn’t wait to shut shit down at this cookout. Kira said that Rock had invited her but she declined. She had been giving him the cold shoulder lately, but once she found out I was planning on making a grand entrance, she hopped on board.
Turning into Randolph Heights, I could see that the cookout was deep at Mrs. Mildred's house. Cars were lined up on the side of the street, people were sitting on the hoods of their cars listening to music, and the buckets of Randolph County were posted in every direction bidding on what nigga from Mega's camp they could cuff for the night, and some were looking for a lifetime sponsor. There was a huge bounce house in Mrs. Mildred's yard along with a pool for the kids. I wasn't expecting this for a cookout. It looked like Mega had brought the whole city out.
Kira and I found a park in somebody's yard, a few houses down. We checked each other out and stepped out of the car looking like the lead models in a Young Jeezy video. DJ left a few pounds on me, but they distributed into all the right places. My ass was already big before the pregnancy, but now it was bigger. My waist wasn’t as small as it was before, but my stomach was still flat with the exception of a few stretch marks that were barely noticeable. The stretch marks didn't take away from my appearance and beauty at all. Shit, I was proud of my stretch marks, and I owned them. Niggas was hissing and trying to get our attention.
“Damn lil’ mama, where you get all that ass and hips from?” one guy asked as we passed by his vehicle.
“Fuck all that, I want the slim one with the sexy gap between her thighs!” the other said as they dapped each other up.
Ignoring their thirst, we kept it moving and made our way around to the back of the house. Rock saw us and immediately dismissed some thirst bucket bitch up out of his face. Unfortunately, he wasn't quick enough, because Kira had caught it and was now making her way over to where he was, and you already know that I was right behind her.
“What’s up bae, what you doing herr? I thought you said you didn’t wanna come,” Rock asked.
I’m assuming he didn’t know that Kira had already saw ole girl up in his face.
“Don’t what’s up bae me, who was that bitch up in ya face? Why was she all up on you?” Kira asked.
“Aww… that was Shenequa. Don’t nobody want herr. She thirsty for a nigga tho’, for real. All I want is this right herr standing in front of me,” he laughed.
I could tell Rock was high and had been drinking up something.
“Rock, don’t make me show my ass out herr today?” Kira tried to mock Rock’s St. Louis accent, and sounded awful. He and I both couldn’t help but laugh at her crazy ass.
“Girl, come herr. All you do is talk shit!” He pulled her up close to him by her waist. “I’on want nobody but you. Believe dat!”
I spotted DJ, Mrs. Mildred and a few other older people sitting at a table under a shade tree. DJ was in Mrs. Mildred's arms and she was fanning him with her church fan. MeMe, her friend Shay and a few other girls was sitting at another table right beside them. As I made my way over to where they were sitting, I searched for Mega but didn't see him.
“Hey y’all!” I hugged Mrs. Mildred and kissed DJ. My lil’ man know he was getting fat.
“Heey Taysia baby, I’m glad that you came!” Mrs. Mildred hugged me with one arm. “That ole trot is here!” Mrs. Mildred whispered in my ear and I laughed at her, warning me that Mega had brought his “thot” or as she said “trot” to the cookout.
“I knew yo’ ass was gonna come!” MeMe laughed.
“Shut up! What’s up Shay?” I nudged MeMe and sat down beside her.
“I’ma gone and let you know now before some shit pop off. Mega is here and so is Brittany,” she warned, not knowing that Mrs. Mildred had already put me up on game.
So Brittany is the thot’s name. She had to be the same chick that Mrs. Mildred said that Mega had brought to her house that night.
“Oh, I’m good. I ain’t worried about that mess. If that’s who Mega want to be with then so be it,” I lied. “I’m still gonna give him his blood test like he asked though. I don’t want him having any doubts at all. I know that bitch gonna be filling his head up and shit.”
“Tay, please don’t waste ya money! DJ is a full-blooded BANKS! Look at him.” We both looked over at DJ in Mrs. Mildred’s arms and fell out laughing. He was absolutely Mega’s twin, no doubt.
“MeMe, you crazy!”
“He damn sho’ look just like him,” MeMe’s friend, Shay added.
“Ain’t lyin’, and grandma won’t let nobody hold him at all. Shit, you gotta use the hand sanitizer if you wanna touch him. She be acting like DJ is prince charming!!”
“Quit hating MeMe…my baby is prince charming!” We laughed.
I looked back over to Mrs. Mildred and saw a bottle of hand sanitizer sitting in front of her on the table.
Where the hell is Mega? I thought to myself. I didn’t want to ask MeMe where he was, because I didn’t want to seem like a thirst bucket myself, but I wanted to see him and his new boo together, little Miss Brittany. It was so damn hot outside that I was regretting that I had even come. The gnats and mosquitos had taken over the cookout. Everywhere I looked people were fanning them away. I, myself had been slapping my arms and legs since I sat down.
“Damn MeMe, y'all ain't got no OFF spray out here? These damn Mosquitos ain't no joke!” I asked.
"Yeah, grandma got some in the house. I forgot all about that stuff. Go look in the cabinet under the sink, in the kitchen. Bring some out here for us too, ‘cause they damn sho’ biting," she agreed.
"Okay." I stood up and strutted my way inside the house.
Looking in the cabinet, I found the OFF spray, shook it up and sprayed it all over my arms and legs. The mosquitos had already tore my ass apart. That’s what the fuck I get, tryna be cute and shit!
"Mmm shit! Yassssss!" I heard a female’s voice moan as I was about to walk back outside. Something told me to just keep going and mind my own fucking business, but my heart was telling me a whole ‘nother story. I followed the voice until I was in front of the guest bedroom in Mrs. Mildred's house.
"Ahhh fuck! Got damn this pussy good B!" Mega groaned. I knew that moan and that voice from anywhere. They were so into it that they didn't hear me trying to turn the knob to open the door. Too bad the damn door was locked. Fuck it!!!
"MEGA, OPEN UP THIS MUTHAFUCKIN’ DOOR!" I yelled and hit it hard with the OFF Spray can that I had in my hand. I could hear them trying to get themselves together, as if they were some young ass teenagers who was about to get caught fucking by their parents.
"Mega, who is that?" the chick nervously asked in a whisper. I couldn't hear his response but I'm sure Mega told her who I was. He had better!
"De’Carlos muthafuckin’ Banks! You got five seconds to open up this got damn door or I’ma kick this bitch down, I swear! One! Two! Thr--" The door came open as Mega pulled his shirt over his head.
"Taysia, this Brittany. Brittany, this Taysia." He introduced like this was some type of family reunion or some shit.
"Well nice to finally meet you, Taysia," she smirked while extending her hand out to me.
I looked down at her hand like it was poison and before I knew it I had leaped across the room at Mega. He was
trying to block my licks but I was wearing his ass out with that OFF Spray can. Finally, he was able to gain control of me by grabbing both of my wrists, throwing me down on the bed and climbing on top of me.
“Calm the fuck down crazy ass girl!”
“Get the fuck off of me Mega! I’ll show yo’ muthafuckin’ ass crazy!” I tried to get up but he was too heavy.
“Hell nah, Taysia, I ain’t getting up until you calm yo’ ass down!” he said while shaking his head. “Yo, you sum’ else Mrs. Lady! Give me a kiss,” he said trying to be funny and I didn’t respond. I just looked at him in disbelief.
He had this bitch Brittany in fucking check because she didn’t say or do shit. She just stood there and watched. Couldn’t have been me! What type of bitch is this? Mega thought this shit was funny but I was pissed. I laid there trying to catch my breath. What the fuck was I doing? Why was I even here?
After sensing that I was a bit calm, he pulled me up from the bed.
"So this is what we’re doing now? This is what you want? You got my son outside while you in here fucking this bitch! It's crazy how not too long ago you was all in love with me, trying to convince me to leave my husband and shit. Now you tryna play me as if that shit wasn't real, and what we had don’t fucking exist!" I spat!
"Hold the fuck up! Who are you calling a bitch, bitch? And maybe it wasn't real," Brittany finally spoke up and Mega stepped in before I could retaliate.
"Hold up Brittany, chill out with that bitch shit," he said in a more serious tone.
"What the fuck do I have to chill out for Mega? Did you not hear her call me a bitch first?" she asked.