by Mercedes G
“Nah, I didn’t,” Mega lied straight through his teeth, because I had called her a bitch loud and clear. “Y’all chill out-”
"You see bitch,” I laughed. “He's still in love with me. He's using you to get back at me. This nigga don’t love you, ‘cause if he did, why in the fuck did he come to my defense and not yours?" I smirked and with that being said, I walked away.
I could hear them arguing on my way outside. I wasn't about to keep playing these games with Mega. It was time for me to leave. I handed MeMe the OFF spray and respectfully grabbed DJ out of Mrs. Mildred's arms.
"MeMe, are you bringing DJ home or should I take him with me now?” I asked as I smothered him with kisses. I wasn't used to him being away from me like this, but I did want him to know and spend time with his family on Mega's side, and especially because I had no family on my side besides Kira.
“Damn you ‘bout to leave already?” MeMe asked.
“Yeah, before I catch a case,” I told her and she shook her head.
"Well can he stay with us tonight Tay? Jamelia and I would love that. I'll bring him home first thing in the morning." I wasn't sure about letting DJ stay overnight. Not only for his sake, but for mine. He was my sanity. I knew that I probably wouldn’t be able to sleep well while he was away.
"Um, yeah, I guess so." I played with DJ for a while, then I went to find Kira. Her and Rock were all over someone's car being nasty. Rock had his back up against the car while Kira stood in front of him. Her hands were locked around his neck with her knees buckled. I shook my head when I saw Rock pull his hand from her crotch.
"Ewe, y’all so damn nasty! Sorry to intervene, but Kira, I can't be here. I really shouldn't have come. I’m about to go!"
"Whyyyyyy Tay? What's wrong?" Kira whined. I wasn’t sure if she was whining because I was about to leave or because I had just interrupted that nut she was about to catch.
"I just overheard Mega dicking down his new bitch. When he finally opened the door, I leaped across the room all hell broke loose. I can't take this shit anymore. He's torturing me. He knows I love him. It seems like he's getting a kick out of seeing me like this," I pouted.
"That bitch ain’t jump stupid did she?” Kira got serious.
“Nah, that hoe ain’t crazy. Mega got her ass trained like a fuckin’ puppy!”
“Don't worry about Mega, Tay. He'll come around. If not, fuck him!" she said and shrugged her shoulders. Only if it was that easy.
"Yeah, you right…um…you want me to take you home or nah?"
"Nah, me and Rock are about to leave in a few, so you can go ahead. Are you good though?" she asked.
“Yeah, I’m good.”
We kissed each other's cheeks and I left.
I got in my car and just sat there for a few moments. I wish I was brave enough to go back inside and make Mega leave with me, but I wasn't about to keep playing myself for him, and I definitely didn’t want to put on a show in front of all these damn people and make myself look bad. I felt like a battered woman, but I hope I didn’t look like one. I pulled down my sun visor to check out my face and a piece of paper fell in my lap. Looking down at the paper, I smiled. It was the paper that Wesley had written his name and number on. Pulling out my phone, I contemplated, on whether or not I should give him a call. Fuck it! I took a deep breath and then dialed his number.
"Yeah?" His resilient voice answered.
"Uh, hey, is this Wesley?"
"It depends. Who wanna know?"
"Um, well this is NaTaysia. We met in the parking lot at the grocery store the other day, remember?”
“Of course I remember! How could I forget such a beautiful face?" The smile in his voice made me smile.
"Thank you," I blushed.
"I'm glad you decided to use my number. I honestly didn't think you would call; well, at least not this soon," he admitted.
"Well, when I pulled down my sun visor to check myself out in the mirror, your number fell into my lap. You were nice enough to help me, so it's the least I could do." We both laughed.
"Well are you busy later on? I would love to see you again and get to know you a little better." I didn’t think he would be trying to ask me out already, but what the hell. I wasn’t doing shit anyway.
"That would be nice. I'm actually free tonight."
"Okay cool. Would you like for me to pick you up?" he asked.
"How about we meet up somewhere? Club Chill is having open mic night tonight at nine," I suggested.
"That sounds like a plan. Nine it is!" he confirmed.
"Okay, I’ll see you then." I disconnected the call with a smile on my face. I know that it was too early for me to be dating but I was free tonight and I just wanted to chill. Nothing major.
Nine o'clock came around faster than expected. I called MeMe every hour to check on my lil’ man. I didn’t know how I was going to get through the night without him. I was already ten minutes late when I made my way inside of Club Chill. I spotted Wesley sitting in the front of the club at a table all by himself, with a cigar in his mouth and a glass of wine on the table. This man was too damn fine.
"Hey, I'm sorry I'm late."
He stood up and kissed me on my neck instead of my cheek.
"Oh, no problem. It was well worth the wait. Hell, I would’ve waited for you all night if I had to.” He pulled my chair out for me so that I could have a seat.
He was definitely on his grown man shit, rocking his Canali Classic Fit designer suit. We talked for a few and downed a few drinks. I was really enjoying myself as I got to know Wesley. He made me laugh and I returned the favor. I learned that he was forty-two years old, not that I was surprised or anything, but he was handsome as hell to be his age.
“So, Ms. NaTaysia, tell me something about yourself that nobody knows other than yourself.” He flashed a wicked smile.
“Um, let me see…” I began to think. “I can sing…I can really sing and nobody knows it,” I laughed shyly.
“Wait a minute here, you mean to tell me that your twenty-five years old and no one has ever heard you sing before?” he asked surprisingly.
“Well, what do you think about taking the stage tonight? I mean, it is open mic night. I wanna see if you can really sing.” He smiled again, and I thought about it.
He had definitely put me on the spot. I don’t know if it was something that I really wanted to do or the alcohol had given me a boost, because I stood up and made my way to the stage. Wesley put two fingers in his mouth and let out a loud whistle when I walked by and the crowd followed his lead, yelling out all types of perverted shit! I couldn’t help but laugh.
I had fallen in love with K. Michelle’s song “Hard to Do”. Mainly, because it gave me the sweetest visions of Mega and I. After telling the host which song to play. I stood closer to the mic, and let the music take me away. Now I don’t know if I was wrong or not being that I was out on a date with another man, but I couldn’t help but think about Mega in every word that rolled off of my tongue.
“I've been thinking ‘bout ya
Are you thinking ‘bout me?
I know I went crazy
But you were wrong
I apologize, I'll let it go tonight,
Forgive me and I'll forgive you.”
Chapter 10
It was only right that I apologize to NaTaysia for my actions. After heavy thought, I came to realize that we were both wrong in the event, because a child was involved. Our child was involved. Where the fuck is she at? I glanced at my watch to check the time. It was a quarter to one and Taysia wasn’t at home. I had been occupying her apartment for the last three hours. I had picked my son up from Meme’s house right before I came over.
He and I were sitting on the couch watching the Disney Jr. channel when she came walking through the door. She let out an aggravated grunt.
“What are you doing in my house Mega and why do you have my son?” she frown
My intentions were to remain calm as possible, but all of that shit went out the window when I saw what she was wearing.
I was pissed off at Taysia and the way that she was dressed, showing off my goodies and shit. The slutty looking dress she had on would’ve looked alright on a skinny bitch because most of them didn’t have ass, but Taysia was thicker than pancake batter! The fact that her ass cheeks were peeking at me out of the bottom of her dress as she took off her six-inch stilettos, made my blood boil, but I was trying to keep my composure as I gritted my teeth. She remained quiet, trying to ignore me like I wasn’t there.
“YO, YOU’ON HERE ME TALKIN TO YOU…WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU HAVE ON?” I stood up, looked her up and down, and put DJ down in his swing. I turned the knob on the swing to number two and it began to rock back and forth at a steady pace.
“I have on a damn dress Mega, what does it look like I have on? Wait a minute, how did you get my son? I told MeMe she could keep him tonight, not you!” She rolled her eyes and tried to walk past me but I snatched her by her arm.
“WHO YOU WENT OUT WITH TAYSIA AND DON’T FUCKIN LIE?” I caught myself gritting my teeth. Before I made it to Albany I had stopped by Rock and Kira’s so I knew her and Kira wasn’t together, and that’s the only person she kicked it with like that.
“A friend,” she smirked using the same statement that I had made to her about Brittany when she showed up at my house that day.
“You tryna be funny? Yo, don’t play with me like that,” I warned.
“I’m not playing with you Mega. I was out with a friend.” She snatched her arm from me and walked away to her bedroom. I followed her so closely that I’m sure she could feel my breaths on the back of her neck.
“YOU LOOK LIKE YOU BEEN OUT FUCKING TO ME!” I spat. Instead of acknowledging my statement, she looked at me, rolled her eyes and began searching through her drawers.
“YOU DON’T HEAR ME TALKING TO YOU?” I approached her.
“What Mega? What you want me to say? Damn!”
I didn’t know if that was a trick question or not.
“YOU BEEN FUCKING?” I asked her again.
“No, Mega, I ain’t been fucking! You happy now?” She tried to walk away from me but I stopped her. I loved her ass so much, I couldn’t believe what I was about to do, but good pussy with the right one will make you do some crazy ass shit sometimes.
“I don’t believe you. Lay down,” I told her.
“What? Lay down for what?” She looked at me like I was crazy, and I looked back at her ass because I was.
“Just lay down. I wanna see for myself,” I told her. Shit, I knew I had been doing her wrong and brushing her off lately, but I still wasn’t tryna make room for the next nigga, fuck that! I had worked too damn hard for this position in her life.
“Mega you tripping! We’re not together. You have a woman, go check her shit and see if she’s been fucking!” she snapped.
“Taysia, you betta lay the fuck down, before I slap the shit outta you,” I said through clinched teeth. Taysia knew I would never put my hands on her, but I said it with so much force, and that alone made her unsure of what I was capable of doing, and it worked.
“Nigga you crazy for real!” She let out a chuckle while laying back on the bed. I took her panties off.
“Open your legs,” I instructed her. She sighed and opened her legs for me. “Spread them lips apart too.” With her middle finger and ring finger, she gently separated her lips giving me a clear vision of her shiny pink flower. Her pussy was so pretty and pink that I had to think back to when the Laker’s had won titles back to back, to keep my dick at ease. Her pussy hadn’t been touched, and it was obvious. You could never be too sure though. Holding both of her legs in the crease of my arms, I smelled it and it was fresh. I loved that shit about her. She was a clean ass woman. If Taysia was to go to the gym and workout for hours, I wouldn’t have to think twice about diving face first into her puddle as soon as she walked in from a long workout.
“You happy now?” She stood up and pulled her dress back down and made her way to the bathroom.
DJ was in his swing, counting sheep when I walked back to the living room to check on him. I picked him up and brought him to the bedroom, and laid him securely inside of his crib. I took off my chain and placed it on the dresser, followed by my shirt, shoes and pants. I put my burner inside of the drawer on the nightstand that rested beside the bed. I laid in Taysia’s bed in deep thought with my hands placed behind my head, while she was in the bathroom taking a shower. It was crazy how the tables had turned.
Taysia came out of the bathroom wearing nothing but a towel. She sat down at the foot of the bed and opened the drawer searching for something to put on.
“Why are you here Mega?” she asked still looking through the drawer.
“I actually came over here to apologize Mrs. Lady. I been doing some thinking and I think that we both have been acting real petty lately. We have a son together. We gotta do better, ma.”
She sat up and sighed, “I agree.”
“I still love you, you know that right?” I looked at her but she never made eye contact with me.
“I hear ya,” was her response.
“Maybe it ain’t meant for us to be together.”
When I said that she stood up and walked out of the room and I immediately felt bad. A few minutes later she came back in the room and sat back down on the bed.
“You’re right Mega…maybe it isn’t meant for us to be. I mean, when you wanted me, I was taken. I had so much shit going on in my marriage at the time. Now that I’m free and have a child by you, you’re taken,” she said.
Then she stood up and dropped the towel, showing me her perfect figure. Her body was shaped like a mermaid from the back. The light stretch marks on her ass were so natural and that shit turned me the fuck on. I was never into all the chicks that had their shit pumped up with illegal injections. I liked for a woman to just be normal; normal and natural, the way that God had created her to be. I wanted to grab a hold of her, throw her ass down on the bed and fuck the shit out of her. I’m talking about put this dick deep down in her guts and have her seeing stars and shit. But I had already been inside of Brittany earlier today and I wasn’t going to even do Taysia like that. The shit just wouldn’t feel right.
I watched her walk over to DJ’s crib in her lavender satin gown that she had slipped on. It stopped right up under her ass. She didn’t put any panties on up under it. I knew she was fucking with a nigga’s head when she bent over in the crib to kiss DJ. She wanted me to catch that sneak peek of her ass hanging out of her gown, and I had caught it too.
She climbed in bed next to me and turned on her side so that her back was facing me. She knew how to make a nigga feel bad, but I needed her to understand that now I was the one caught up in a situation.
“Taysia, turn around. Don’t act like that. I’m sorry.”
She didn’t budge and I knew I was going to have to come better than that.
“I apologize for what happened earlier. I ain’t know you was coming. This shit is just all crazy right now. I just need you to give me time, okay. And for now, let’s just take it a day at a time.” I kissed her on the back of her neck and rubbed up and down her smooth legs with the tips of my fingers. Quickly, I stopped, because I remembered that I wasn’t trying to take it there with her. I wanted to but I couldn’t.
“You want me to give you time? When I was asking you to give me time you wouldn’t!” she yelled.
“You a lie! I was tryna wait for you Mrs. Lady, but when you got pregnant with my son and started avoiding me, that fucked a nigga up, for real! You don’t do no shit like that! I had no choice but to interrupt the bullshit you had going on with that nigga! Shit, I probably would still be sitting around waiting on yo ass rig
ht now if it wasn’t for our son. Just stick it out with me ma. That’s all I ask.”
She turned around so that her face was leveled to mine. Placing her hand on my face she traced my tattoos with her fingers. I was waiting for her to tell me to get the fuck out or say some shit like she wasn’t going to wait for me. Instead she did the unthinkable. She pressed her lips against mine and segregated them with her tongue. Damn! I need to figure this shit out ASAP!
Listening to Mega practically tell me that I had to sit back on the bench until it was my turn had me pissed, but he was the father of my child and I was still very much in love with him. I couldn’t deny that, but I trusted him enough to know that I wouldn’t be waiting too long. He’ll dismiss Brittany out of his life the same exact way that he dismissed that bitch Erica, and if not, then Mr. Wesley had the potential of snatching up his spot.
The tattoos that covered his face were hard to resist as I traced them with my fingers. I wondered what made him get them all over his face like that. Did he even know that his tats had the power to soak a bitch’s panties? I was still somewhat tipsy from my date with Wesley, and I needed a hard pipe laid down on my ass ASAP. I kissed Mega from his lips, making a path with my tongue that led all the way down to his waist. I reached to pull down his gym shorts but he stopped me.
“Not tonight, Mrs. Lady, not tonight.” He grabbed my hands to stop me and I looked at him in disbelief. Did this nigga just reject me?
“So what? You can’t fuck me either?” I sat up in bed with my arms folded across my chest.
“It ain’t like that Mrs. Lady. Trust me, I want to. Look at this big muhfucka!” He pulled his dick out of his gym shorts and held on to it from the bottom and it was stiff. The curve in it made me want it even more.
“Well what’s the problem?” I asked hoping he didn’t say no shit like he had contracted a STD or some shit.
“I fucked Brittany earlier, remember? Now if you was just some random broad then I would gladly take up the offer to smash two chicks in one day, but I won’t do you like that. I refuse to.” His honesty was just too much sometimes but it was real. I asked for it though, and because of that my heart was now like crushed ice.