by Mercedes G
“Oh, yeah, I can respect that. Well, have you bathed since then?” I asked him. I had completely forgotten about him fucking her earlier today. I guess I was a little tipsier than I thought.
“Hell yeah, I bathed,” he frowned.
“Is her pussy better than mine?” I could tell I caught him off guard with that question from the expression on his face, and then he burst out laughing. I was serious though. After hearing him moaning as if she had the best pussy on this earth, that shit had me feeling some type of way. Especially hearing him groan to her about how good her pussy was.
“What? Girl, don’t be asking me no shit like that!” he laughed.
“I’m dead ass serious Mega, I want to know since you was all up in it talking about how good it was. I mean, you seem not to have a problem being brutally honest with me, so tell me. I’ma big girl, I can handle it,” I looked at him.
“I don’t know, it’s been a minute since I tasted yours. Come here, and refresh my memory.”
He pulled me down beside him then climbed on top of me. He picked my legs up and positioned them over his shoulder. I felt his tongue slide in between my lips and my legs instantly began to shake as they went numb. His tongue slid up, down, then around in a circular motion, followed by him wrapping his lips around my clit and tugging on it. He held on to it hard before pulling then releasing it. He slurped on my juices and then smacked his lips as if he was trying to determine the taste.
Looking up at me, he smiled. “Yo’ shit is 10 times betta, Mrs. Lady!”
He went back to work making me cum three times before my body went limp and I was more than satisfied. Mega was just about to make his way up so that I could taste my own juices, but right when his lips were about to meet mine, a loud cry put a halt to our intense situation. We just looked at each other and burst out laughing. DJ was straight blocking on mommy and daddy. I went and cleaned myself up before taking DJ out of his crib and feeding him his bottle.
Mega was in the bathroom getting himself together. When he came out, DJ was tugging on his tiny bottle still asleep. After I burped him, I laid him in between Mega and I. Mega couldn’t stop smelling him and touching him. I could tell that he was already attached to him, and I could really get used to this, but only time would tell.
The loud voice caused me to jump up out of my sleep. He was there, in my house, in my room, sitting at the foot of my bed with his back facing me.
"How the fuck did you get in my house? You need to leave now, before I call the police!" I reached for my phone and he stood up from the bed causing me to panic. He came at me like a maniac, snatched the phone out of my hand and threw it against the wall, causing it to break. Pulling out a pocket knife, he pressed it up under my chin.
“DON’T BE STUPID BITCH!” he spat at me.
"Please don't hurt me!" I panicked through my trembling lips.
He drove the tip of the knife down my chest stopping it right in between my breasts. He dragged the knife back up, tilted my chin with it and kissed the side of my face, as I squirmed in disgust. What the hell is wrong this animal?
"Why are you doing this to me?" I panted out of fear.
Ignoring my question he stated, "I see you still smell good as fuck!"
Without saying a word, I closed my eyes praying that by the time I opened them, he would be gone, and this would all be a dream.
"I ASKED YOU A QUESTION MEME! WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU KEEPING MY DAUGHTER FROM ME?" he asked with a lot more force this time.
I wish we were in front of a mirror right now then this psychotic muthafucka could see why I was keeping my daughter away from him. He didn’t deserve to know my daughter, which is why I chose to keep her as far away as possible from him.
"BECAUSE YOU RAPED ME!" I yelled and he grabbed me by my neck.
"You liked it, though!" He let out a devilish laugh, then sat back down at the foot of my bed.
I didn’t move. My back was still stuck against the wall that he had pushed me up against. Jamelia was still lying in bed asleep, and I prayed to God she didn’t wake up.
“You do know that I could take her from you if I really wanted to right?” He pointed over to her.
“YOU WOULDN’T DARE TRY IT!” I challenged.
“Oh yeah? Come have a seat right here and let me show you some shit.” He pulled out his cell phone.
I didn’t want to sit down beside him but something told me that I needed to see whatever it was that he wanted to show me.
“You see this right here?” he asked and my mouth dropped!
There was a video of me engaging in adult activities with Marcus, a friend of mine that I was now dating. I couldn’t believe this shit.
He laughed before saying, “Oh that’s not all.” He switched to a video of me doing drugs. Nothing more than marijuana, but still. That was enough information to be held against me, and that would be one of the first things that DFACS (Division of Family and Child Services) would challenge me with, if this lunatic were to ever try and take this shit to court, or to the police.
“Oh my God! Why would you do some shit like this? Where are the cameras?” I began looking around for a red blinking dot, or anything that even looked like it was affiliated with a camera. It was obvious that this bastard had set up cameras in my home because every video that he showed of me took place right here in my home.
“Oh they’re gone. I took them shits out as soon as I gathered up enough information to build a case against you, so that I can take my daughter from you.”
“Look at what you’re doing right now. You think this shit is normal? This right here ain’t good for her! You should wanna save her from you! Not from me, but from you! You are on worse drugs than me! Coke ain’t got shit on marijuana. Explain that to the white folks!” I yelled.
“Well guess what…coke only stays in your system for about three days, so it ain’t nothing for me to stall and get clean,” he laughed. I assumed he found that to be funny because marijuana stays in your system thirty days at the least.
“Could you please get out of my house?” I commanded.
“Not until I get what I came here for.”
“You’re not taking my daughter. You can kill me dead now if you want, but I won’t let you take her. You can miss me with that shit!” I was ready to die about mine. If he thought for a second I was letting Jamelia leave with him then he had another thing coming.
“Nah…I want some of that!” He pointed down at my vagina, and my stomach sunk in. I didn’t want to go through this a second time, especially while my daughter was in the room.
“Well you’re not getting any!” I stood up but he yanked me back down on the bed by my hair.
“Oh yes the fuck I am,” he assured me.
“What you gonna do? Take it from me like you did last time?”
“If that’s what it takes!” He stuck his hand in between my legs, moved my panties to the side and stuck two of his fingers roughly inside of me. There was no way I could put up a fight. Not here. Jamelia would wake up and witness what was taking place and that would hurt me more than anything. There was no way that I could let her see me in such a vulnerable state. My job was to protect her, but how could I when I was barely able to protect myself.
I was going to have to do something about this nigga. If I tell my brother he’s gonna kill him without thinking, and Lord knows if I lost my brother to jail or the streets, I wouldn’t know what to do. If I go to the police, he will release the videos without a doubt and I didn’t need anything hanging over my head that could cause me to lose Jamelia. I just couldn’t.
If Jamel would have never sent him over to check on me that night when I was going through a depression over his dumb ass then I would never be in this condition. At the time I refused to tell anyone about the shit b
ecause Jamel would’ve no longer wanted to fuck with me because I’m sure he would’ve taken his brother’s side. Mega would’ve killed him on sight, and the police department would’ve aired my business out to the entire city. I rather save myself the embarrassment.
There was only one person that I needed to get in touch with right now, and that was Taysia’s friend Kira. She had to be able to help me figure this shit out. If there was anybody that knew this nigga, it would be her. I just prayed she could keep her damn mouth closed and not tell Rock, because Rock would tell Mega and those fools would light the city up like it the 4th of July. I closed my eyes and just let him have his way with me for a second time. His day was coming.
The next morning, I woke up to Mega sitting up on the side of the bed feeding DJ his bottle. I grabbed the phone to check the time and was surprised to see a text from Wesley.
WESLEY: Good morning beautiful. (emoji kiss)
Deleting the message, I made a mental note to message him back later.
“Mega, how many scoops of milk did you put in DJ’s bottle?” I asked.
“Shit, I’on even know. I just filled the bottle with water and dropped about 10 scoops in there, shook it up and until it looked ‘bout right.”
I just laughed. I couldn’t even be mad with him for not following the directions on DJ’s milk container. The doctor put him on the powdered milk so you had to follow the instructions down to a T. His milk was thirty-five dollars a can, and those bitches went fast.
“What water did you use? Did you use his baby water that’s sitting on top of the island?”
“Nah, I used the water from the sink. I ain’t see no baby water. Babies got their own water and shit now?” he asked as I walked over and took the bottle out of DJ’s mouth. I wanted to slap the shit out of Mega’s ass for giving my baby that damn tap water, but he didn’t know. He was going to have to learn though.
“Yes, they have their own water. Follow me Mega.” I led him to the kitchen and laid down the instructions.
“This jug of water right here with the pink top, is DJ’s water. You’ll find it sitting on the island. If not on the island check this cabinet right here, but never the refrigerator!”
“Why not the refrigerator? That shit gone be hot as hell. I like my water cold. Ice cold,” he asked as if he was in somebody’s science class and I was the instructor.
“Mega you’re an adult, he’s too young for me to be giving him cold water. I leave it out so that it can be at room temperature when I prepare his milk. These bottles right here, all of them are eight-ounce bottles. For every eight-ounce bottle, you’ll use half which is four scoops of milk. If the bottles if four ounces, you’ll use half which is two. I only give him the four-ounce bottles right now,” I stated and poured out the rest of the milk that Mega had fixed and prepared another bottle for later on. The bottle that Mega had fixed was damn near empty.
“Aight, aight, Nurse Taysia. I got it now,” he said rubbing his hands together.
“You sure?”
“Yeah, I’m sure, damn. You know I gotta get used to this shit.” We laughed.
“You will.” I handed him back to Mega and went to brush my teeth.
“Get him dressed and pack his things. He rolling with daddy today,” Mega said while he and DJ went and sat down in front of the TV to watch cartoons.
“Where y’all going?” I asked.
“We going to the mall. He got a stroller right? If not I’ll buy him one. Them hoes gonna be all over us, watch!” Mega boasted.
“Nigga, don’t be using my baby to pick up them thot ass bitches you be attracting!” I slapped him upside the head.
“Ouch, girl! You know I’m just playing, but for real we just chilling. I’ma take him to see my grandma too, and MeMe since I practically went and snatched him up from her last night.”
“Okay cool.”
I gave DJ his bath, and put him on some clothes. By the time I finished getting him ready, Mega had just stepped out of the shower. He didn’t have any clothes at my apartment so he threw on what he had on the night before. I begin having second thoughts about him taking DJ with him when I saw him go inside of the drawer on the nightstand that sat beside of the bed where he slept last night, grab his gun and place it inside of his pants.
“Unh uh, no sir!” I said shaking my head and Mega looked back at me confused.
“What? What you talking about?” he asked.
“That damn gun!!” I snapped.
“What about it? You know I never go nowhere without it.”
“Well you are today if you plan on taking my son anywhere with you,” I told him.
“Oh, damn, that’s right. My bad ma, you know I’m used to toting that thing everywhere I go. And it’s OUR son,” he corrected me.
“Mmm hmm, whatever!” I said as he took it from his waist and placed it back inside of the drawer. He came over to where DJ and I were standing and took him out of my arms.
“Come on, DJ. Ya mama trippin’ on daddy today!” he said and placed him in his car seat. After strapping DJ in the car seat and handing Mega his baby bag, they were walking out the door. I stood and watched them get into Mega’s truck until they pulled off.
After showering and putting on some clothes, I took a seat on the couch in my living room and began flipping through channels. I couldn’t really focus because the bomb that Jamel had dropped on me about having a long lost sister, was now corrupting my thoughts. I knew that trying to retrieve that information from Debra’s unstable ass would be like having a wisdom tooth pulled without surgery, but I was going to get it though, by any means. I thought about Wesley and messaged him back.
ME: Good Afternoon! (emoji kiss)
It was now noon and after waiting ten minutes without a reply, I decided to head to Cuthbert, and make a surprise visit at Debra’s house. Throwing on my Air Max, I went to grab my necklace out of the drawer on the nightstand and stumbled across Mega’s gun. I smiled at the idea that immediately popped in my head as soon as I saw the gun. If I couldn’t get my mom to talk rationally, then I’m sure this nine millimeter would.
I picked it up and analyzed it for a few seconds. I had no idea how to use a gun, but I was sure I could manage. I found the safety button and made sure that it was on, because I didn’t need any accidents happening. My luck was so bad these days that I would fuck around and shoot my damn self, trying to scare somebody else. I placed it inside of my pink Marc Jacobs bag, grabbed my keys and left my apartment. When I jumped on the highway a message from Wesley came to my phone.
WESLEY: What are you doing, beautiful?
Instead of replying to his message, I put the phone back down. There was no way I could tell him what I was actually doing, which was heading to Cuthbert to pull a gun out on my mama. That didn’t sound right at all. He would think I’ma damn lunatic.
Five minutes had passed and I had been standing outside of my mom’s door banging like crazy. I knew she was in there because I could hear voice over powering Beyoncé’s as she sang “Single Ladies”. As bad as I hated to say it, Debra could sing her ass off. That’s where I got my voice from, but no one ever knew I could sing. Hell, she didn’t even know that I could. When I was younger, I would record myself singing on my tape recorder that I had gotten for Christmas and I would play it back just to listen to myself. I was way too shy to let anyone else hear me sing. I was about to start banging again until she swung the door open, looking halfway decent.
“QUIT BANGING ON MY GOT DAMN DOOR!” she yelled but a smirked spread across her face when she realized that it was me. She blew the cigarette smoke out of her mouth and then her nostrils. I walked right past her and to my surprise, she didn’t try to stop me. I couldn’t believe the way her placed looked. Then again, I could. It looked like Hurricane Katrina had reappeared and took place in her home only.
��First, let me just say that I didn’t come over here to start no shit with you aight. I came to speak my peace and get some information from you, that’s all. I’m not gonna ask you why you fucked my husband and had a baby by him because I already know the answer to that,” I told her.
“And what’s the answer?” She toked on the cigarette again and blew the smoke out directly in my face. Strike one bitch!
“Cause you’re a pathetic, selfish bitch!” I don’t know where that came from. My intentions were to act civil unless she gave me a hard time, but looking at her and thinking about what she had done, made me want to fuck her up because of the principle. You just don’t do no shit like that!
“Listen you lil smut, I am still your mom! I gave birth to you and you will not disrespect me up in my own shit,” she pointer her finger at me as she walked up on me. Strike two bitch!
Lord please forgive me if I have to beat my mama’s ass today!
“You’re a fucking disgrace. A bitch like you shouldn’t be able to give birth to any child! There’s people out there that can’t even have kids, yet your grimy ass don’t mind popping them out, leaving them to care for themselves! And you don’t even give a damn about who puts one in you either. Do you even have the slightest idea of who my father is?” I asked her.
I knew that she didn’t, because I had asked her about my father plenty of times when I was younger and she never could give me a logical answer.
“Oh bitch, you done lost yo’ fucking mind!” She cocked her hand back and tried to slap me. STRIKE THREE!!
I caught her hand and pushed her back so hard she fell back against the table.
“Just like I thought, You don’t know! And where the fuck is my brother, oops, I mean my stepson? You probably don’t know that either do you?” I laughed and shook my head at her in disgust.