All I Want is that Hood Love 3

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All I Want is that Hood Love 3 Page 9

by Mercedes G

  “Argh…ahhh...ugh…got damn!” I groaned as the muscles around her anus began to contract involuntarily.

  Erica tried with all her might to release a sound that would seep through my hand that was still covering her mouth. The veins in her neck had swelled up, and I was still grinding inside of her giving her nothing but dick…twelve inches of dick. After about ten minutes of digging in and out of her, my semen rushed to the head of my dick and overflowed inside of her. I was grunting like a muhfucka.

  If I would have stayed another minute or so up in her ass, I probably would’ve cancelled her death. The shit was just that good, but then I would feel less of a man knowing that the person responsible for shooting my son’s mother still had a place on this earth. By the time I came, Erica was no longer moving. I’m assuming that she had to be numb, because her body looked stiff. I got up and went to her bathroom to wash my dick off. When I came back, she was still laying there as if she was in another zone. I jogged back to my truck, grabbed the gas can and came back inside. I poured it all over her living room floor. Before leaving I stood at the door, struck a match, threw it on the floor and closed the door behind me. By the time the fire would make it to the bedroom where Erica was, I would be long gone. My phone rung as soon as I hopped inside and started my truck. I pulled off and answered.

  “What’s up Mrs. Lady? You miss me already?”

  “Whatever nigga. I have a serious question to ask. The chick Erica that you were messing with, what’s her last name?” I found it funny that not even five minutes after I had tortured Erica, Taysia was calling asking me about her. I trusted Taysia with my life though.

  “Harris, why?” I frowned not feeling comfortable talking about her after what I had just done.

  “Oh God…Mega, I think Erica’s my sister!” she exclaimed.

  BEEP!! BEEP!! BEEP!!! I almost ran myself and somebody else off the fucking road after hearing that shit. The car in the left lane blew the horn. If I wasn’t disturbed by this news that I had received, then I probably would’ve slowed up, got behind the car that blew the horn, and followed them home, and set them on fire as well.

  “Mega you there?” she asked.

  “Yeah Mrs. Lady, I’m here. What makes you say that?” I was trying to act all calm and shit, but it was fucking with my mind heavily, now that the chick that I had just killed in a house fire could possibly be her sister. Even if she was, I mean, should she even give a fuck? Shit, Erica had just tried to take her life only a few months ago, or did she forget.

  “It’s a long story. What time you bringing DJ home? Or do you want me to pick him up before I leave Cuthbert?”

  “Cuthbert? The fuck you doing in Cuthbert?” I was mad that she hadn’t called me and told me she was in the city. Her ass was supposed to be in Albany.

  “That’s another long story that I have to tell you about. Right now I’m over here at the park with Kira and Rock.”

  “A’ight, um…I’ll bring him home later on tonight.”

  “Okay cool.”

  On my way back from Columbus, a million thoughts were running through my head. What if Erica really was Taysia’s sister? Should I tell her what I had done to her? Would she be upset about it? Fuck it! What she don’t know, won’t hurt? Nah, I gotta tell her…whenever the time is right!


  When I walked inside of my grandma’s house, she was sitting in her favorite chair as usual, with DJ in her arms. She had some rollers in her hair with some tissue inside of the rollers.

  “Grandma, you do know that you can lay him down while he’s asleep right?” I asked her as she held him close to her heart and rocked him back and forth in her rocking chair.

  “Mega, this my damn grandbaby! You don’t tell me what to do with him! Ain’t dat right Nanna’s man?” she asked DJ as if he would respond. MeMe was sitting on the couch going through her phone and Jamelia was laying right beside her asleep as well.

  “What’s wrong with you big head?” I flopped down on the couch beside MeMe and kissed her on her cheek.

  “Ewe, Mega! Why you do that?” I laughed as she wiped my kiss off with her shirt.

  She added, “Don’t be putting those lips on me nigga! Ain’t no telling who puss--”

  “I wish you would say it, chile, and I’ll beat the black off both of y’all ass!” Grandma grabbed her cane with one hand, and still held DJ with the other one. I couldn’t help but laugh at her. Meme just rolled her eyes and continued to play with her phone. She knew not to talk back because grandma didn’t play that shit. She would beat our asses for real, grown or not.

  “What you gone beat me for ma? MeMe the one that said it!” Sometimes, I would call my grandma, ma before realizing it. She never corrected me though, because after my mama was killed, that’s who she became.

  “Cause! Bofe of ya need ya ass beat!”

  “Daaaaaaamn, who that is MeMe?” I said low enough so my grandma couldn’t hear me. I was looking over in MeMe’s phone. She was on Facebook scrolling down her timeline and I happened to see someone that piqued my interest.

  “You don’t know her,” she smacked her lips.

  “You don’t know who I know! I’m the Boss around this muhfuc…around this city. My bad, ma,” I corrected myself quickly because grandma had reached for her cane again.

  “This chile looks just like you Mega. I ain’t think yo’ clown ass could produce something this handsome,” she laughed.

  “Whatchu tryna say grandma?” Even MeMe stank attitude ass laughed at that.

  Ignoring the question she continued.

  “I sho’ wish Shelia had the chance to see these beautiful babies y’all done created. I miss her so much.” She shook her head.

  “And daddy!” MeMe defensively stated.

  “Mmm hmm chile, and ya daddy.” Grandma gave me a look and I just turned my head the other way. Grandma couldn’t stand my daddy. She hated him with a passion, and I couldn’t blame her. My mind went into deep thought as I thought about my parents, and what really happened to them. That’s one night I will never forget.

  “Carlos, I don’t know what you are talking about!! Please get out of my face. God I wish you would stop drinking!” My mama yelled at my dad.

  I could tell she was becoming frustrated with him from the tone of her voice. The last few months they had been arguing more than Shaq and Kobe during the NBA finals. My dad was always accusing her of messing around on him with a nigga named Don. I never got involved in their arguments because his accusations were true. My mama had been messing with Don for almost a year. Majority of the time she took me and my sister, MeMe with her to meet up with him. She knew by tagging us along with her, my dad would never suspect anything, or so she thought.

  “You were with him Sheila and I know it! I followed you today after work! Matter of fact, I’ve followed you quite a few times! What, you think I don’t know? Huh?” he questioned her.

  By now, I was tired of them arguing every night about the same shit. I got up from my bed, turned on my radio and closed the door. I wasn’t up for that shit tonight. I don’t know where my parent’s went wrong, but I really did hate that it had come to this point. I was vibing to the music when I heard the sound of a gun go off. I hopped up from my bed and cracked open my door. Looking both ways down the hall it was empty and quiet. I could feel my heart burning on the inside because I was afraid of what had happened and what may happen next. I knew someone was shot but I didn’t know who. I walked towards my parents’ bedroom quietly. The sound of someone weeping became clearer the closer I made it to their room. That alone made me clench my teeth and fists. I peeped inside of their bedroom and saw my dad laying over my mother, with his head resting on her chest crying like the bitch that he was. If I didn’t think he was a bitch before, I damn sho thought he was a bitch now, and I wanted that nigga dead! Any nigga that takes the life of a woman because of some shit that his heart couldn’t take, was a pussy in my eyes. I would never forgive him for this. I watched as he
grabbed a bottle of Barton gin off the nightstand that stood beside her lifeless body, and turned it up nonstop.

  “Damn, Sheila. I’m so sorry baby!” he cried.

  I couldn’t take it any longer. I made my way back to my bedroom and grabbed my shoebox from under my bed. Resting inside was a .9mm that I had taken from my dad’s gun case a few weeks back. I didn’t think I would be needing it this soon, but I was glad that I took it. By the time I made it back to my mom’s room, he was wrapping her up in a sheet. He picked her up and threw her over his shoulder. When he turned around, he couldn’t believe his son was standing in his doorway with a loaded gun pointed directly at him. I could see the fear in his eyes and he could see retaliation in mine. He was so petrified that he dropped my mom’s lifeless body on the floor with no remorse. Even though she was already dead, seeing him drop her like a piece of shit was enough for me to show no mercy on him, father or not. Before this day I loved my dad with all my heart. I’ve always loved my mother more though.

  “Son, I’m so sorry. Please…I didn’t mean to-” Pow! Pow! Without hesitation, I shot him in the chest twice. The neighbors must’ve heard the commotion because not even five minutes later, the police were kicking down our door. When they saw me sitting in the hallway crying with the gun still in my hand, I was put in the back of a police car and taken in to custody for questioning. They didn’t get shit out of me though. I was so fucked up over everything that I wasn’t talking to nobody. Even back home the only person that could get a sound out of me was my lil’ sis MeMe. The police had gained enough evidence to play out the entire story, so I didn’t have to say shit.

  Tears occupied my eyes, but I had to be strong enough to hold them back. MeMe thought our parents had died in a car accident, and I didn’t want her thinking any different. My grandma had always told me that I had done the right thing, and I believe it.



  “Goldilocks ran down the sturrs, opened the door, and ran away into the forest. And she never returned to the home of the three burrs…THE END!”

  I caught myself laughing at Rock reading Rahley a bedtime story, in that accent of his. When I heard his footsteps approaching our bedroom, I turned over on my side and pretended to be sleep. I had been giving him the cold shoulder a lot lately, and it was because I couldn’t stand the way he let his baby mama take advantage of him. I felt him pull back the covers on his side of the bed and get in beside me. He grabbed the remote and flipped through a few channels. I’m pretty sure he went through every channel that Direct TV had to offer. Finally stopping the channel on Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, he let out a chuckle, finding the acts of Will Smith pretty humorous.

  About five minutes later, I heard the flick of a lighter followed by an aroma of marijuana that danced around in my nostrils. I wanted to turn around and watch him smoke as I always did, but I was all in my feelings once again, and I know that he knew it. His phone rung, and instead of answering he hit the ignore button. I’m assuming he ignored the call, because his ringtone cut off right in the middle of the ring. Biting my tongue began to hurt. I couldn’t hold it any longer. Not even turning over I asked him, “Why didn’t you answer it Rock?”

  “Because I don’t feel like being bothered,” he answered as if I was supposed to just brush it off and forget about it. Unfortunately, that’s not how Kira works.

  “It was Alicia wasn’t it?” He didn’t say anything.

  “Why does she keep doing this Rock? And the fact that you let her blows the fuck outta me? It’s bad enough you’re still taking care of her, but to be calling your phone all the time as if you’re a single man, is absurd and disrespectful! Don’t even hit me with she’s probably calling to check on Rahley because if something was wrong with Rahley, I’m sure she knows you have sense enough to contact her.” I had not only turned over but was now sitting up in the bed. I honestly didn’t have a problem with her calling to check on Rahley, but she didn’t have to call a million times a day.

  “A’ight ma, I feel what you sayin’. I’ma call her tomorrow and have a talk with her. Matter of fact, I’ma put her on speakerphone so that you can listen to the whole conversation. I’m not about to lose you over no dumb shit, especially when a nigga ain’t even fucking with herr like that. It’s all about my princess. That’s it. I’m tired of you giving me the cold shoulder and shit too! A nigga ain’t had no pussy in forever. I’ma fuck around and get blue balls fuckin wit you. So what’s up?” I couldn’t help but laugh.

  “Nuh uh! Nigga, you still on ass restriction. When you take care of your baby mama then I’ll let you take care of this!” I pointed down at my vajayjay.

  “Ma, you taking this shit too serious.”

  “No, I’m not. I’ve been letting this shit slide long enough. So, I’ma need you to take care of that if you want the kitty.” I tried to kiss him but he turned his head away like a big ass kid. I laughed and turned over until I fell asleep.



  “What you cooked today?” Wesley asked through the phone.

  I was standing in the kitchen over the stove fixing me a plate with a pink spaghetti strap shirt on and a pair of white boy shorts with no draws on. I knew that Mega would be pulling up with DJ in a minute. My goal was to show his black ass what he’s been missing.

  “Neck bones, mashed potatoes, yams, and some Jiffy corn bread. Why you want some?” I flirtatiously asked.

  “Absolutely. I would love to taste your cooking,” he replied.

  “Oh, really?” I incited.

  “Yeah, really! When you wanna set that up, ‘cause I would love to see you again?”

  “Set what up?” I asked hoping he wasn’t getting any sexual ideas. This shit right here was only for fun. At least at the moment it was.

  “A dinner date. I want you to cook for me.”

  “Umm, how about this weekend? But I prefer to cook dinner at your house. I mean, if that’s okay with you.”

  “I’m down with that! Yo’ young ass betta know how to cook too.”

  “I’ma beast in the kitchen, sir!” We both laughed, and then there was a knock on the door. I knew it was Mega and DJ, so I immediately ended the call with Wesley after confirming our Saturday night date.

  “Awww, heeeyyyy Mama’s man!!” I snatched DJ from Mega’s arm and smothered him with kisses. He had only been away from me for a few hours and I was missing him like crazy.

  “Damn, what about me?” Mega asked as if I was supposed to jumped into his arms and smother him with kisses as well.

  “Hey Mega.” I kissed him on the cheek and he laughed.

  “That’s cold Mrs. Lady! You gotta it smelling good up in here.” Mega walked over to the stove and pinched off a piece of cornbread.

  “Unh uh nigga, go wash yo’ hands,” I yelled at him while he pinched off another piece and made his way to the bathroom. I strapped DJ down in his bouncer so that I could continue fixing my plate. I fixed Mega one as well.

  “You moved my piece, Taysia?” Mega yelled from the bedroom. Oh shit! Now I gotta tell him what I had used his gun for.

  “It’s right here,” I yelled.

  I got up and grabbed my purse. Mega was coming out of the room. I reached in my purse and pulled out his nine and handed it to him. He looked at the gun then back at me.

  “The fuck you doing with this in yo’ purse? You got beef with somebody? Yo, if you got beef with a nigga that’s what the fuck I’m here for! Ya hear me?” Mega was upset and it was a must that I calm his ass down.

  “Mega, sit yo’ crazy ass down and eat! Nah, I don’t have beef with nobody,” I told him.

  “Well what you need the gun for? And what the hell makes you think that Erica’s yo’ sister?” He was still standing and I had sat down.

  “If you would sit down and eat, I’ll give you the rundown of what’s going on.” I watched him pick DJ up with his bouncer, set it on the table, then pull out his chair and sat down.

y you put the whole bouncer on the table Mega?” I asked him.

  “Cause he can’t see the TV from the floor.” He grabbed the remote and changed the channel to Disney Jr.

  “Jamel got my mom pregnant!” I blurted out.

  “Get the fuck outta here!” Mega laughed but quickly changed his smile when he saw that I was serious. “You serious ma?” he asked.

  “Dead ass. So, I met with him the other day to get closure and to let him know that he should be receiving the divorce papers in the mail soon. Well, at our little meeting he told me that when he and my mom was arguing, she slipped up and said that she had another daughter that she gave away at birth. Knowing that she hates the ground that I walk on, I knew that it wasn’t going to be an easy task to finding out if this information was true, and if it was I wanted the information that I needed to locate her.”

  “So let me guess…that’s why you decided to take my gun?”

  I nodded and continued.

  “Kira and Rock took Rahley to the park so I met them over there so Kira and I could look over the documents and paperwork pertaining to my sister. When we saw that her name was Erica, Kira came up with the idea of her possibly being my sister which is why I called you to get her last name. You know more about her than I do,” I said.

  I grabbed the manila folder with Erica’s information and laid it beside Mega’s plate. He pushed his plate to the side and begin looking through the folder. I watched him as he looked through the documents, but was unable to read his expression. Once he picked up the birth certificate and began rubbing his chin, I knew that it was true. Erica was my sister.

  “You gotta help me find her Mega. She doesn’t even know,” I told him but he didn’t say anything.

  “Mega!” I called his name because his mind had drifted off somewhere.

  “Yeah, I’m listening. Why you wanna find her though? That crazy bitch is the reason you almost lost your life. She put your life at risk and my son’s life. Fuck her!” he snapped.


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