All I Want is that Hood Love 3

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All I Want is that Hood Love 3 Page 10

by Mercedes G

  I know that Mega was still upset about everything that had happened, but I needed for him to help me.

  “Mega, she didn’t know that we were sisters though.”

  “You can’t possibly think that if Erica knew that you were her sister, she wouldn’t have tried to kill you. I know that she would’ve, because I know her.”

  “Well, she’s still my sister Mega that I never even knew about. She and I don’t have to be best friends after we meet. I just want her to know. I feel like she and I need to discuss this. Who knows, things probably would’ve been different if we knew we were related. If you don’t want to help me find her, then fine, you don’t have to!” I bellowed.

  I unstrapped DJ out of his bouncer and took him to the bedroom to give him a bath. Mega had pissed me off so badly that I didn’t even have an appetite anymore. Mega knew that he was the closest thing to Erica that could help me find her. Shit, he had a damn engagement party for the girl. If he didn’t want to help me find her then I would take matters into my own hands.


  “I’m sorry, Mrs. Lady.” Embracing me from behind, Mega planted sweet soft kisses on the base of my neck. I had just finished bathing DJ and I was about to fix him a bottle, feed him and put him to sleep.

  “Let me do it.” Mega insisted on fixing his bottle. I watched mega grab a four-ounce bottle and rinse it out. He added the water, followed by two scoops of milk, and shook it up.

  “I see you learned pretty fast.” He handed me the bottle and we went back to the bedroom. I picked DJ up from his crib, sat down on the bed with my back against the headboard and fed him his bottle. I was waiting for Mega to take off of his clothes and join us in bed, but all of that changed when his phone rung.

  “What’s up B?” he answered the phone. I could faintly hear what the other person was saying on the other line, but I knew that it was a female. Brittany, that is, and I’m assuming that he had nicknamed her B.

  “Give me, about an hour…a’ight cool.” He ended the call and walked over to where DJ and I were sitting.

  He bent down and kissed DJ on his forehead. I knew I was next so when he tried to kiss me I turned away.

  “Don’t be like. What I told you about that?” he said and I didn’t respond. He quickly kissed my forehead before I could turn away.

  “I’ll be back over her tomorrow, a’ight?” I continued to watch TV as if he wasn’t standing there.

  “I’ll see if I can get in contact with Erica.” Mega knew I was mad and now he was trying to come up with anything. I didn’t want to talk no more.

  “Mmm hmm. Lock my door on your way out.” I put DJ on my shoulder and started to burp him. Mega shook his head and walked out.



  It had been two months since the incident took place at my house that night with Jamelia’s biological father, which is Jamel’s brother, Jay. His threats and acts were getting worse by the minute and I was so sick and tired of playing games with him. My relationship with Marcus, was dwindling slowly because I was unable to give him my undivided attention. Hell, I couldn’t. How could I focus on what we had while I was too afraid that our sexual encounters would be leaked for the world to see, and if my brother Mega hadn’t killed me about dealing with a married man, I was more than sure that he would be planning my funeral if he ever came across a flick starring his baby sister.

  Contacting Taysia’s friend, Kira was the best thing I could’ve ever done. Come to find out, this nigga had been harassing her too, and was possibly the cause of her house burning down to the ground. Hearing that Rock had already made plans to knock his head off sounded good and all, but right now Kira and I had other plans.

  “Table for two,” I told the waitress.

  She guided me to our table. Kira was meeting me at IHOP for breakfast to discuss how we would handle this psychotic muthafucka. When she walked in, I immediately saw what Rock saw in her. Her lil’ slim ass was bad. I’m far from a lesbian but if I was, Kira would definitely be my type. Her hair was no longer short. She rocked a side-part layered bob that contained honey blonde highlights. She approached the table and we greeted each other. As soon she sat down we got straight to the issue at hand.

  “So how do you think we should handle this nigga?” I asked her.

  “How far are you willing to go? I personally want the muthafucka dead!” Kira said that shit as if she had no problem with putting Jay to sleep, but I did. I wasn’t a murderer. I left shit like that up to my brother. People had he and I misconstrued. They thought just because he didn’t give a fuck that I didn’t either.

  “We’ll let Rock handle that part. In the meantime, I think we should torture that sick bastard! Chop his dick off or sum’ but I don’t want his life at my hands. I couldn’t live with that. My heart won’t allow it,” I told her.

  “Are you sure Mega’s your brother?” she asked and I felt slightly offended.

  “Yeah, why you asked me that?” I frowned.

  “Because, y’all are the total opposites. He’s a ruthless muthafucka, and you’re scared to body a nigga. I just asked.”

  “I have a daughter to raise, you damn right I’m scared! You may not have any kids, but you have a lot to lose as well. That would be the perfect news headline for yo’ ass, Kira, especially since you are a teacher.” She began to contemplate on my statement.

  “Okay, okay, I get it. So how we gonna do this?” Kira sat up in her chair with her hands clasped together. This muthafucka was causing too many problems in both of our lives. We made our plots and came up with the perfect plan that we hoped could take our lives back to normal.



  A few weeks had passed and Mega was still running around the city as if he owned it.

  “What I wanna know is, why the fuck is this nigga still opening up shops around this muthafucka! Every time I send y’all niggas to shut shit down, another one opens up the next fuckin’ day as if we ain’t did shit!” I threw the bottle of Hennessey against the wall causing it to break into a million pieces.

  “Boss, he done upped his security. Not only that, but the last few shops we raided were not stacked like the one we hit before. That nigga been making his moves like a chess game,” Nikko said. He praised Mega, like he was a walking God or something.

  “Sound like you praising that nigga to me. You wanna join his squad? Huh nigga? That lil’ young nigga don’t know shit about no chess! Mega? Who the fuck is a Mega? You riding that nigga dick or sum?” I asked.

  “Naw, boss, I was just saying,” he explained.

  “You was just saying huh…you was just saying what?” I put my hand behind my ear as if I was hard of hearing.

  “That he’s no rookie out here in these streets that’s all.”

  WHAM! I took my fist and rammed it into his nose causing it to crack and bleed.

  “Don’t you ever praise that nigga in my presence, you hear me nigga?” Nikko nodded his head quickly while holding his nose trying to stop the bleeding.

  “Chino…Dub…what y’all got for me?” I took a seat and rubbed my hands together.

  “Shit, right now, nothing. He’s changing shit up every day without telling us. I think he knows Dub and I got sum’ to do with his shops getting raided,” Chino stated nervously.

  That wasn’t like him at all. Chino and Dub were some coldblooded youngsters. They had already informed me that Mega and his right-hand man, Rock had knocked Bo and his girlfriend off. That explained the phone calls and texts that I had been receiving from Bo’s phone number.

  “Yeah man, I bet that nigga Bo started bumping his gums right before they killed him; he had too!” Dub stated.

  “Baby girl!” I called out.

  “Yes daddy,” she answered softly.

  “What you got for me? And don’t say nothing because you been fucking with that nigga for a few months now, and have only brought me a tad bit of information.”

  “I need more ti-” Before
she could finish her sentence I cut her off by holding up my hand.

  “More time? Too much more time and you’ll be done fell in love with the nigga! Are have you already, huh?” I asked her trying to read her body.

  “No…I…I haven’t daddy. This is business for me, you know that!” she lied.

  I stood up and walked closer to her. I thought maybe my eyes were playing tricks on me. I studied her body carefully, as she tried to remain calm.

  “What are those?” I pointed at her neck and chest that were covered with hickeys. She looked down at them as if she didn’t know they were there.

  “Oh…um…Desmond and I are dating again,” she forced a smiled. Desmond was her ex-boyfriend that she had met years ago while she was in college. They had that on again, off again relationship, but I knew better though. Mega had put those on her body and she had let him. I had never had this problem with her. Anytime I sent her on a mission, it never took this long to accomplish it. I was gonna have to pull her out of this game before it sucked her in, and spit her out.

  “Brittany, don’t lie to me! If you can’t handle this shit, then let me know now and I will send someone else to do your job,” I commanded.

  “I’m not lying daddy. Trust me, I got this. He’s trusting me more and more, every day now,” she stated.

  “Oh, I’m sure he is,” I told her, pointing at the love marks that were stamped on her.

  I sat back down and took a swig of my drink. The little progress we had made so far wasn’t enough, and the shit was moving way to slow for my liking. It looks like I was gonna have to go ahead and take this nigga out and stop bullshitting. The only problem is I wanted his connect; I needed his connect. Brittany claimed to be working hard on retrieving that information and so far she had come up with nothing, nada. The drugs he had dancing on these streets were pure, just how the fiends liked it. I gotta get to him before he got to me. My phone vibrated snapping me out of my thoughts. It was NaTaysia.

  NATAYSIA: Can’t wait to see you tonight (smiley face)

  ME: Can’t wait to see you either beautiful.

  She wasn’t much of a help at all, when it came down to him. Anytime that his name was mentioned in any of our conversations, she would quickly change the subject. I wasn’t going to give up on her though. At least not yet. NaTaysia was a rare breed, with her glabrous skin. She put me in the mind of a Greek goddess. She was so beautiful, and I really did enjoy spending time with her. Her small waist, wide hips, and plump ass made her hard to resist. I had planned on snatching everything from Mega; the city and his baby mama.

  “Y’all dismissed,” I told them.

  I was disappointed in them all but I wasn’t going to let them fuck up my night, especially when I was so close to getting some pussy. The few times that Taysia had come over to have dinner with me, all she and I did was kiss and touch. She was very protective of her womanhood and it was obvious, the way she seemed so timid when it came down to that. Downing the rest of my drink, I stood up and adjusted my suit. It was already 7:30 in the evening and I needed to prepare for our date.

  Chapter 20


  “Whew!! Shit, that was close!” I said to myself with my head planted back on my headrest, looking up at the ceiling of the car as my chest heaved up and down. I thought about if I wanted to continue doing this shit. I placed my hand up on my chest so that I could feel my heart beating. It felt as if it wanted to break through my chest.

  I was still parked, sitting in my dad’s driveway. He had pointed me out in front of everybody and I didn’t like that shit one bit. Of course, I had gotten caught up with Mega and fell in love, but was the shit that obvious? Maybe it was written across my forehead. Mega had called my phone while I was in the meeting with my dad but I couldn’t answer his call at the moment. I called him back to let him know that I was on my way to my house and he said that he would meet me there.

  Pulling down my sun visor, I observed my neck and chest in the mirror to get a better look at the passion marks that Mega had placed on my body. I didn’t know that the hickeys had become so noticeable, because they didn’t look like that a few hours ago. They looked worse now than they did before I had left my house. I started my car and headed home. The entire drive all I could think about, was the shit that I had gotten myself into.

  Being that I was beyond beautiful, my dad had used me plenty of times to help carry out missions for him. Majority of the time the niggas weren’t my type or they looked like they belonged in a damn zoo somewhere. That’s what made my job so easy in the past. Mega was a different breed though. With him, my job was to gather as much vital information from him as possible and bring it back to my dad, Wesley. He was my dad, but nothing was done free. So he would cut me a fat ass check after every mission I accomplished. He had a no-sex policy and he trusted me not to fall in love. Unfortunately, this time that plan didn’t work. How could I not when I was fucking with the largest, no let me change that, the only Boss in the city. Nigga was walking around here looking like a million bucks.

  Mega and I had been sexing each other like wild animals for months now and it was the There was no way this shit would be easy for me to let go. He had that long term type of dick, that I wouldn’t mind having in my life forever and a day. Mega was definitely a Boss nigga, and he stood out everywhere he went, no doubt; from his cars to his clothes, all the way down to the respect that people showed him in the streets. I really had only gotten a glimpse of his street lifestyle because he was so secretive, but what was understood, damn sho didn’t need to be explained. Whenever he conducted business he would leave or talk in certain codes that I didn’t understand, and he definitely never took me along with him to handle business, and I never asked to go. Majority of the time I was either about to go to work, or wore out from him beating up my insides and couldn’t find the strength to get out of bed.

  “Hey baby,” I greeted him as I walked into the house and closed the door.

  Yep, I had given him a key to my house. I guess you could say that I was dick whipped, and if you ever got the chance to feel that pipe you would be the same way, trust me! Seeing him resting on my couch, toking on a blunt with his hands in his pants made my adrenaline rush and I wanted more of him.

  “Sup B. Where you been?” he asked.

  “I stopped by my mom’s house to chat with her for a few,” I lied.

  “Come here, hit this blunt with me,” he requested.

  “Mega, you know I don’t smoke. Plus, I work at a bank. They do random drug screens sometime.”

  I walked over, sat down beside him and propped my legs up on his thigh. He was high as hell.

  “So what if they fire you. I’ll just buy the bank and hire you back,” he laughed as he pulled on his blunt, held it there, and then exhaled. I laughed, shaking my head.

  “Really Mega? Buy the bank? You’re too much!”

  “I’m dead ass.” He began to massage my feet with his other hand. The feeling was so good that I laid my head back on the chair. Mega was a feet man. Mega loved manicured toes, I could tell how he would suck on them while we fucked. Right when it was feeling good, a text came through to his phone. He responded and waited for a reply.

  “So what’s up with you and your baby mama?” I asked him.

  “We good. We moving one day at a time,” he said and started back rubbing my feet.

  “Do y’all plan on ever being together? Like in a real relationship,” I asked.

  True enough Mega and I were not in a relationship at all, but I just wanted to see where his head was at. He was feeling me, and I often felt like he cared about me, but it seemed as though he was still in love with his baby mama, and the way that he came to her defense that day at the cookout was more than enough proof. Another text came through. He stopped rubbing my feet again and replied.

  “One day we will. We taking shit slow for right now. She and I know what it is,” he said. That hurt my feelings in a way, and he noticed it. “But I en
joy what you and I have going on too. I care about you.” He smiled and so did I.

  Even though I knew that he more than likely said that to reconcile my feelings; or maybe he did care about me, just not as much as he cared about her.

  “Let me ask you something else Mega. Is she okay with what you and I are doing?”

  “I won’t say she’s okay with it, but she loves me, so she understands a nigga.” He continued to smoke.

  “So right now, would you be okay with her if she went out and found somebody to kill time with, as well?” I asked. I knew this question would seal the deal on how he felt about Taysia.

  “Fuck no! I wish she would, I’ll break her fuckin’ neck!” he snapped.

  That answer pained me, but I knew that he meant that shit from the bottom of his heart, and I had no other choice but to accept it. I would just enjoy it while I had it, and make the most out of it. To avoid an argument between us, I changed the subject and we chatted for a few. Time spent with him was worth having and sometimes I never wanted it to end. Knowing that I was pretty much a temporary thing, made me realize the real reason behind all of this. This is business Brittany, nothing personal, I had to remind myself.

  He put out the blunt and moved my leg from his thigh. He stood up and stretched.

  “I’ll be back be later on, a’ight?”


  He bent down with his lips perked and I returned the gesture with mine. His lips were so soft. I couldn’t imagine them on another female. Well I could, but I just didn’t want to.

  Chapter 21


  When Armad and his brother messaged me and told me that they had followed Chino and Dub to Wesley’s house, I felt like I had hit the jackpot. I told them to meet me at our spot so we could go over our plan to take that nigga out once and for all. We had been tryna track that nigga down for a minute now, and our chance had finally come. I could’ve easily rolled up to his residence and put a bullet in his skull, but it was something about making a muthafucka suffer that made my adrenaline rush; it gave me a high, so I wanted them to bring that nigga to my territory, and make him bleed.


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