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Midshipman Henry Gallant in Space (The Henry Gallant Saga)

Page 23

by H. Peter Alesso

  But the visions were only illusions. As he began to shake them off, it was Sam, who was shaking him, “Henry, Henry! Wake up! We need you! Henry! Henry, I’m administering adrenalin.”

  Gallant felt a needle penetrate his skin. After a few seconds, he began to wake. He turned his head and felt extreme pain across his temples. He moved very cautiously after that. He was disturbed and unsettled, but he was exerting every effort to regain reality and become his own master once more. It was all very well for him to think logically about what must be done, but his body would not obey. He couldn’t find a mental picture of the battle. His brain should be planning a coordinated attack, but he lacked the clarity and swift reactions to achieve it.

  The entire battlefield seemed merged into an image resembling storm clouds. A work of art painted by a brilliant, but irrational artist.

  The fanciful portrait consisted of humans and Titans, pitted against each other, powerfully intent upon disturbing space itself. But nature was manufacturing its own creation, transforming the battle’s nuclear eruptions into a violent hurricane of lightning and fury.

  Panic reached the edge of Gallant’s awareness. His mind was a blank. He couldn’t sense anything over the confusion that reigned in his head.

  As the flotilla maneuvered without specific orders, squadron commanders tried to work together to coordinate their actions, but none of them had a comprehensive understanding of the entire battle scene.

  Titan missiles were scoring more hits. Bombers and fighters were being destroyed. The battle was beginning to slip away from the United Planet’s grasp.

  Red and Neumann broke formation and moved to parallel Gallant’s Eagle to provide covering fire.

  “Henry! Henry!” Sam continued to shout, concerned about his friend and commander.

  Gallant struggled for clarity. The AI couldn’t help. And he didn’t have the genetically engineered boosters like Neumann. If he was going to recover and perform what was required, he had to find the strength within himself.

  “I’m… I’m OK. I’m OK,” Gallant managed to stammer, but he felt dizzy and disoriented. He thought, This is the critical point in the battle. I’ve got to get myself together. He struggled to recover his equanimity. He pulled his neural interface tight into position. He struggled to focus his mind, but he repeatedly lost concentration.

  “Commander Gallant! Gallant!” he heard of the communication channel. The flotilla had become disorganized, as the squadrons were forced to operate independently. This greatly reduced their efficiency and was costing lives.

  Several alien missiles detonated very near Remarkable. The first tremendous shock of explosions accentuated the already severe damage in its forward compartments. A panorama of death and destruction raged on Remarkable. The ship became a derelict. Captain Waller’s final order, before he died, was to abandon ship. The few remaining survivors escaped in lifeboats.

  Gallant made a desperate effort to regain his self-control and mental focus. Finally, he exerted all his power and restored his mental control over the neural interface. He began recognizing ships and their trajectories once more. The battlefield was once more visible to him as a cohesive image.

  “Sam, get this fire under control. I’ll reestablish control of the flotilla,” said Gallant.

  Sam immediately set about clearing debris and restoring systems while Gallant focused on evaluating the battle scene through his neural interface.

  “Henry, the fire is under control. Main controls are now functioning,” said Sam.

  “Thanks. I’m on top of the battle scene now.” As he assigned priority targets, Gallant coordinated the disparate squadrons and ordered the bombers to fire a second barrage. Once again they flew as a coordinated group on the course he set and launched their missiles at close range. The Titan cruisers had little opportunity for an accurate counterattack.

  The fighters were able to shoot down much of the weak Titan counter barrage.

  Jupiter Fleet concentrated its fire on damaged alien ships while the countermeasures of the United Planets’ forces, were proving effective in decoying the incoming Titan missiles.

  Gallant coordinated the fighters' antimissile missiles. But as the battle continued, the triumphant victory that the UP forces were beginning to roll up was becoming a costly affair. Fighters and bombers were dropping out of formation and escape pods were being released.

  The Titan ships had launched another missile barrage at the fighters. For several minutes, the UP ships were in turmoil adjusting to the incoming missiles. Gallant coordinated the antimissile swarm to defend the formation. It was an effort for Gallant to think clearly. He could only compel his mind to it by an exertion of sheer will. He was tired and tense, but he had bought breathing space for the battle cruisers of Jupiter Fleet. They were limping off, out of range of the Titan forces, given new life.

  Still there was no means of telling how the Titan force would react. Another volley from the Titans came and approached the fighter-bomber group.

  It was a situation Gallant had envisioned and he was prepared for this assault. He spun the formation around, bringing their full antimissile salvo to effectively cover the bombers. They, in turn, were coming into position to fire their third salvo. The well drilled crews fired an effective barrage while dodging the alien missiles. This proved to be an effective strike, damaging many of the remaining Titan ships.

  Finally, Gallant ordered the bomber groups to turn and fire their fourth and final missile barrage. The action went on for several minutes, but the bombers’ latest attack was proving decisive. Cruiser after cruiser was damaged or destroyed as the crossfire continued to confuse the Titan defenses. Another Titan ship suffered from a thermal nuclear blast that shredded its armor, leaving debris and vented its atmosphere. Soon alien ships were becoming easier victims, contributing to an ever widening battlefront.

  Gallant saw the Titan ships begin to maneuverer away. They left their numerous crippled ships behind while the rest of them began streaming back toward the outer planets. Each ship appeared to be operating independently, without coordination, or support for others. Clearly, the Titans were a spent force. The enemy was broken.

  It had been hot work indeed, in those critical minutes. Gallant paid little attention to the retreating Titan force. Instead, he rallied his force to concentrate on finishing off the crippled ships. He wanted to make sure that they would offer no further threat to the Jupiter frontier. Gallant watched as damaged Titan ships self-destructed.

  The vital importance of what remained to be accomplished still lay in front of them. Calls for help and life-support kept coming in from damaged UP ships.

  Meanwhile, on Ganymede, the marines showed their famous grit by counterattacking directly into the strength of the Titan ground forces at Kendra. The long volcanic coastline on Ganymede revealed a close combat action of destructive effectiveness as the Titan positions fell to the marines.

  The Titan ground forces were being hastily evacuated from Ganymede by their support ships. Many were escaping pell-mell out of the Jupiter area. The remaining Titan force was heading back toward Saturn, leaving the asteroids and Jupiter frontier clear of operational enemy ships.

  The remains of the Jupiter Fleet were two badly damaged ships. Some escape pods with dreadfully wounded men and women still awaited rescue. Gallant contacted Repulse for new orders.

  The United Planets had their victory. They had refused to settle for anything less. Ganymede and Jupiter Station radioed their congratulation for a hard fought victory.


  Several days later, Admiral Collingsworth led Mars Fleet into the Jupiter area.

  The liberation of the Jupiter frontier produced elation amongst the population. The Titan fleet had been driven off, back to the outer planets. Ganymede had been liberated from the alien ground forces. It should have been a time of unrestrained celebration. But no one was fooled into thinking the war was over. The United Planets’ had won the openi
ng round. There was time enough to worry about the next round later. For now, there was still the task of picking up the pieces in the aftermath of the conflict.

  The battle for Jupiter left devastation and pain. A huge debris field of derelict ships remained in orbit. Colonists emerged from their bunkers to find shattered homes and to look for missing loved ones. Hospitals overflowed with injured bodies and traumatized lives, all in desperate need of healing. It would be necessary to resettle of the colonists in order to the resume a normal life. The hope was that they could reestablish their lives once more in a secure environment. But the threat, though turned aside for the moment, could raise its ugly head yet again, at any time.


  A month after the Titans were routed, an aged pilot flew a tiny spacecraft from the Repulse toward Jupiter Station. The pilot flew the craft to minimize the worst of the solar radiation blanketing the area. His communication channel was animated with chatter about various ship movements and personnel transfers. He maneuvered his ship to avoid the brisk shuttlecraft traffic coming from the many warships in orbit, also on their way to Jupiter Station. Adding to the local congestion were the trade ships coming from the Ganymede settlements.

  Aboard the tiny spacecraft, sitting in the co-pilot seat next to Jake was Gallant. He thought, A semblance of normalcy is returning to the Jupiter frontier.

  In the next row, Red sat with Elizabeth Bolton. They, along with the dozen others passengers aboard, were planning on attending the award ceremony on Jupiter Station.

  “We’ll dock in a few minutes; best to stay strapped in your seats,” said Jake.

  Red nodded and then remarked loudly, “Do you know Kelsey arrived on a transport ship from Mars, yesterday?”

  Elizabeth said, “Yes, she called me. She said she would be arriving for the ceremony on the noon shuttle. That’s right after us.” She stared at Gallant and added, “I thought you’d be interested.”

  Gallant tried to conceal a smile and responded, “Thanks.”

  Red puffed in exasperation, “Well?!!”

  “Never, you mind. I’ll find her as soon as she disembarks.”

  That seemed to satisfy Red and he went back to chatting with Elizabeth.

  Red said, “I’ve been to award ceremonies before, but this one is going to be extraordinary. Admiral Collingsworth is to receive an award. Colonel Ridgeman will be decorated for the bravery of the 7th Marines. Of course, there are plenty of fighter pilots and members of ships’ crews to be honored, but Henry will undoubtedly be the star of the show.”

  Lost in his own thoughts, Gallant wasn’t listening.

  When the spacecraft docked, its passengers disembarked and scattered on individual missions. Realizing that he had a few minutes before the noon shuttle arrived, Gallant walked past the auditorium where the preliminary formalities of the award ceremony were beginning.

  A narrator was delivering opening comments. “Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. Today, we are honoring members of the UP Space Force for their courage and dedication to protect the frontier. We are pleased to have Governor Anderson of the Jupiter colonies presiding. We welcome family, friends, and colleagues of our award recipients. We are delighted you could join us in recognizing their contributions.”

  Gallant watched as Admiral Collingsworth stood stone-faced before the political leaders of Jupiter frontier. The Governor was introduced and he began delivering a speech extolling the virtues of the UP Space Force that drove off the Titans. The colonists applauded loudly and repeatedly.

  Though the opening ceremony was underway, the presentation of awards wouldn’t start for an hour yet. So at noon, Gallant slipped out and went back to the passenger terminal looking for someone special.


  Gallant saw Kelsey for the first time in months at the Jupiter Station passenger terminal. He watched her approach with a resolute stride. The fringes of his vision grew hazy as he ignored all others; only Kelsey’s slender figure appeared in focus. She wore a fashionable robin-blue civilian ensemble, the exact color of her eyes. Her hazelnut brown hair was pulled up and back, exposing her creamy white complexion and the warmth of her smile.

  Gallant was resplendent in his newly tailored full dress uniform, which he had donned for the award ceremony. A single tangled lock of brown hair fell across his forehead. He self-consciously ran his fingers through it.

  Outwardly, it might have appeared to be a mundane meeting of any two passing strangers, possibly ending with fleeting eye contact and a brief exchange of pleasantries.

  Inwardly, at least for Gallant, it was a very different story.

  On the inside, Gallant was reeling, gasping, and churning. It was like seeing a ghost out of his past, a figure that was not fully registering on his psyche. He had expected to meet Kelsey, and yet now, his heart was pounding and his hands were moist.

  His mind drifted back to his vision of her nearly lifeless body in her bloody uniform in the asteroid belt. The contrast jarred him. He wanted to reach out and grab her in order to reassure himself that she was real and whole, but he was frozen in place. Their past professional relationship had become awkward by their shared personal confidences and experiences. They were now confronting a new reality.

  He stood there looking at her, hoping she would speak first, but she didn’t. The mist slowly cleared from his eyes and he wanted to say something to ease the unbearable uncertainty. He was able to stammer a few words “Are you well?”

  Kelsey said, "Never better.” She waited, and then added softly, “It’s good to see you. I’ve missed you.”

  You’ve missed me? I’ve missed you too, Gallant imagined himself saying, but no sound came forth.

  Kelsey put her fingers to his lips, as if they contained some special healing power, to give voice to his thoughts. The intimacy of the touch established an emotional connection. It was vexing for Gallant to feel this deluge of emotional impulses. He was still uncertain and could only speculate on where they might lead, but blind instinct took charge now.

  He moved closer and put his arms around her. Their lips touched.

  But their reverie was shattered when the XO’s voice boomed from across the compartment, “Gallant! Mitchell!”

  They jumped apart, as if they had been shocked by lightning. They looked stunned as the XO came running toward them.

  “I’m so glad I found you,” he said, panting for breath. “The governor wants to meet you before you receive your award. Mitchel, why aren’t you in uniform? Gallant, come with me.”

  Just like that, they were being torn apart, leaving so much unsaid.

  The XO began walking away. “Move it, you two. Besides the ceremony, there are still the Titans to deal with. You need to get your priorities straight.”

  Gallant and Kelsey looked at each. With a glint of mischief in her eyes, Kelsey asked, “Just what are your priorities, Henry?”

  Placing his hand under her chin, Gallant tilted her head up and kissed her.



  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1 Joining the Fleet

  Chapter 2 Shipmates

  Chapter 3 Communications Officer

  Chapter 4 Fighter Requalification

  Chapter 5 Mock Combat

  Chapter 6 JOOD Training

  Chapter 7 Jupiter Station

  Chapter 8 Roommate

  Chapter 9 Enemy Scout

  Chapter 10 Mind Revolution

  Chapter 11 Ganymede Research Projects

  Chapter 12 Deep Space Radar Search

  Chapter 13 Radar Contact with Alien fleet

  Chapter 14 Merchant Ship’s Escorts

  Chapter 15 Deep Space Probe

  Chapter 16 Advanced Pilot Qualification

  Chapter 17 Stella Bordeaux

  Chapter 18 Battle of Jupiter

  Chapter 19 Mission to Mars

  Chapter 20 Surprise in the Asteroids

  Chapter 21 H
iding in the Asteroids

  Chapter 22 The Great Escape

  Chapter 23 Debriefing by SIA

  Chapter 24 Homecoming Weekend

  Chapter 25 Senatorial Committee

  Chapter 26 Admiral’s Evaluation

  Chapter 27 Asteroid Battle

  Chapter 28 Flotilla Action

  Chapter 29 Priorities




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