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Knowing You (Jersey Series #2)

Page 17

by Sienna Skye

  After multiple rounds of axe throwing and even more shenanigans, it was time to go. The rest of the Stepping Stone staff said their goodbyes leaving us, Morgan and Julia, Hunter and Sarah, Trey, Kyle, and Callie. “

  “Would you guys like to go out somewhere and grab something to eat or head back to Morgan and Julia’s?” Hunter asked.

  “If we go out to eat we have to decide where to go,” Kyle offered.

  “Even if we go to Morgan and Julia’s we need to decide what to order,” Trey piped up.

  “Maybe we could grill at Morgan’s? Sarah and I could stop along the way and pick up what we need.”

  I could see where this was going. I knew this crowd. It was going to take a good twenty minutes to come up with whether they wanted to go out to eat or go to Morgan’s and who knows how much longer to decide what to eat. Then I remembered a fairly new place I wanted to try.

  “How about that new hibachi place that opened up?”

  “Oh yeah, I’ve been wanting to try that place out,” Callie agreed.

  “Good idea, Jace.” Morgan slapped me on the back. “Are we all good with that?”

  Hunter looked at everyone as they nodded. “Hibachi it is.”

  The laughter and fun continued through dinner. The hibachi chefs were a riot and they put on a show trying to outdo each other. One was getting customers to snap selfies and then photobombing with ridiculous facial expressions.

  We had two waitresses. One was probably in her early twenties and the other in her thirties. The younger one stopped short when she saw us and took in all the men at the table. I watched her do the calculations and even if everyone were coupled up there was one extra male at the table that might be available. It was a subtle observation, but I caught it. I snuck a quick glance over at Trey. He looked back at me with a smirk and nodded.

  The other waitress, however, had Morgan in her sights. She looked at him like he was a snack. She made sure to serve him first. She never said anything out of line or touched him, but there was no doubt that she would have let him bend her right over the bar if he asked. Morgan knew it. Women had been going gaga for him for years and had it been years ago, there was a chance the waitress would have gotten her wish. He just pretended he didn’t see it so they wouldn’t be encouraged to keep trying. Julia saw it too. I caught a wise ass look on her face and then she whispered something to Morgan that had him laughing.

  “That waitress sure does have a thing for Morgan,” Madison said while squinting her eyes.

  “Yeah, she’s not being overly subtle about it, is she?”

  “Do you think Julia realizes?”

  “Sure, she does. Women have been acting like that around him for years. She’s just used to it.”

  I studied Madison as she digested that information.

  “Do you think it’s part of their thing?”

  “Their thing? What thing?” I asked her.

  “Like maybe he gets off on the attention or they get off on it or something?”

  “I’m sure he’s flattered when someone finds him attractive. I think most people would be. Provided there are no lines crossed.”

  She didn’t say anything, but I could tell it bothered her that Julia wasn’t letting it get to her. Madison didn’t understand their history, though. Didn’t understand that Julia had grown up watching both Morgan and Hunter having tons of women falling all over them. Didn’t understand that they had been through hell and back to be together.

  When she still didn’t respond, I told her a story I remembered.

  “It wasn’t always that way. I remember years ago, when they were first dating and hadn’t told anyone. We were at a party and some girl was climbing all over Morgan. Julia was going out of her mind with jealousy. They were both still trying to figure out how to handle the dating in secret thing. I pulled her by the hand and took her off to this guest house. I knew it would get his attention and make him jealous enough to come see what was going on. And I was right.”

  “So, Morgan was concerned that there could be something between you and Julia?”

  Well, fuck. That didn’t go as I had planned.

  “No. My point is that when they were younger, they had that jealousy. Whether it was warranted or not. A lot of years have gone by. They understand the need isn’t there.”

  She was having trouble wrapping her brain around something. I could see it.

  “What are you having trouble wrapping your head around?”

  “You know, I don’t honestly know.” She frowned and shook her head.

  Before the conversation went any further, some noisy activity to our right caught our attention. The two chefs were having a contest. They each were throwing food into the air. Kyle and Trey were each trying to catch it in their mouths. I don’t know who was hamming it up more, the hibachi guys or Trey and Kyle.

  An hour later, we were all splitting ice cream for dessert. I looked over at Callie who was sucking the very last of her drink through a straw. I couldn’t quite tell from where I was sitting, but I thought she might be too tipsy to drive. I caught Kyle giving her the same once over and he must have come to the same conclusion.

  “Callie, I’m tempted to give you a field sobriety test in the parking lot,” Kyle said teasingly. But, he really meant it.

  “I didn’t drink that much. Just the two.” She shook her head and frowned in confusion, but she was obviously trying to figure out if Kyle was right.

  “Two sweet drinks, Callie. They go down easy and hit you hard.”

  Sarah’s comment had everyone paying attention. Callie didn’t drink a lot. The two drinks would be enough to knock her on her ass, despite how long we had been sitting there.

  “Let me go to the bathroom and we will figure it out when I get back.”

  With that, Callie stood up and damn near toppled over. Trey jumped up and grabbed her arm.

  “I’ll drive you home. I can pick you up in the morning so you can get your car,” Trey said as he continued to steady her.

  Callie looked like someone just offered her a million dollars.

  “Trey, you drive her home and I will follow you in her car. Then once she’s settled inside, you can take me back here for my car,” Kyle suggested.

  She looked a little less excited about Kyle’s offer. Or she was trying to process what Kyle just said. Maybe a little of both.

  “Yeah, sure. That’s no problem.” Trey turned his attention to Callie then. “Then you won’t have to worry about your car being here all night.”

  With the driving situation settled, we all headed out. Madison and I headed back to Morgan’s house to get the kids. Alexis was asleep when we got there, and Ryan was watching some movie with Samantha and Ashley. He looked like he was half asleep but was fighting it for as long as he could. By the time we made it back to Madison’s place, he had lost the fight.

  I helped Madison get them in the house and then said goodnight.

  “I’ve been thinking about what you said to me earlier. About the kids.”

  “And what do you think?”

  “I think we should plan something to do together. And we can tell them that we’re involved.”

  It was exactly what I asked for. Exactly what I had been so sure I wanted. So, why was I suddenly so nervous?

  Chapter Thirteen


  About a week later, I was on Morgan and Julia’s doorstep. I hesitated a moment before ringing the bell. Shit, I was nervous. I wasn’t exactly used to the feeling. Not in situations as simple as this anyway. Talking to Julia. I was just going to talk to Julia. Just like I had a thousand times before. I was about to ring the bell when I realized another sound was announcing my arrival. Barking. That was new. I rang the bell.

  Julia answered, her leg trying to hold back a very effervescent Golden Retriever puppy. “Casey! Back!”

  The puppy caught notice of Julia’s shoelace, grabbed it in its mouth, and then started pulling her foot.

  Julia rolled her eyes. “Com
e on in.”

  “Babysitting or a new addition to the family?”

  “He’s ours. He’s actually a pretty good puppy. And cute too. Plus, he wears out the boys. Or the boys wear him out. I’m not quite sure. It works in my favor either way.”

  I squatted down and rubbed the pooch between his ears. He threw himself down on the floor and rolled over. I rubbed his belly. I glanced down the hall when I heard a sudden stampede of little feet hitting the floor.

  “Uh oh, Casey. Incoming.” I picked him up so he wouldn’t be trampled.

  Julia took him from me. “Here. Let me. I’ll put him outside.”




  Choruses of “Uncle Jace!” rang through the room as I was suddenly hit by three little bodies.

  “Hey guys!”

  Sophia let me go after giving me a hug, but the twins each hugged one of my legs like little monkeys hugging a tree. I walked to the couch with an exaggerated wide gait, a giggling boy on each leg. I plopped down on the couch. The boys tumbled off for a hot second, but then scrambled back up on my legs.

  Sophia ran off to the kitchen and was right back with a handful of apple slices.

  “Here Uncle Jace.”

  “Thanks, Princess.”

  Julia raised an eyebrow. I nodded. The silent communication noting Sophia’s penchant for feeding me.

  Sophia asked her mother if she could go outside and play with the puppy. The boys stayed inside and continued to use me as a human jungle gym.

  “Please tell me these apples were pre-sliced and the kid isn’t some kind of culinary genius.”

  Julia laughed. “No, they were sliced. Though, I am pretty sure she is going to be even smarter than her Daddy. That’s kind of a scary thought.”

  “Her mother is no slouch in the intelligence department, you know.”

  “Hmm. Maybe.”

  Julia sat down on a living room chair, quietly watching the boys and I play. I saw her shake her head before she spoke.

  “Are you planning on telling what you came here to talk about?”

  “I can’t just come to visit?”

  “Of course, you can. But that’s not why you’re here, Jace. It’s written all over your face.”

  “Not quite sure where to start.”

  That surprised her. Her eyebrows shot straight up into her hairline.

  “I’ve never heard you say something like that before.”

  “First time for everything.” I shrugged.

  “Go ahead. Just keep stalling. I’ll just sit here and wait. I’m not going anywhere.”

  And that’s just what I did. Stall. I sat there paying the boys more attention than necessary. When I finally glanced up at Julia, she looked smug. Like she just figured something out.

  “Ahh, so this is a woman issue. More to the point, a Madison issue.”

  “You’re so sure of yourself, aren’t you?”

  “We’ve been friends forever, Jace. When have we ever had difficulty telling each other anything?”

  I didn’t say anything but let my gaze settle on Sophia playing with the puppy outside before looking back at Julia.

  “Those were unique circumstances. Try to find another time.”

  “I can’t.”

  “In all the years I’ve known you, I’ve never seen you head over heels for a woman. Kind of coincidence that I’ve never known you to be at a loss for words either. Or to have trouble trying to tell me something. Just like when you asked me for help with candles and towels.”

  “Maybe I don’t know if I need to speak to you or Ask Nikki.” It was another stall tactic and I knew she knew it.

  “I guess it’s a good thing they are both sitting in front of you. Just start talking. The rest will come.” The challenge and teasing expression she had been wearing changed into something softer. More understanding.

  “It’s like you said. I’ve had my share of one night stands and friends with benefits. I’ve had steady girlfriends before. I’ve just never felt the connection to a woman the way I do with Madison.”

  She caught on to my need to pause and filled the silence.

  “I could see that spark that very first day in the gym. She intrigued you from the start. Sometimes it’s just there. There’s no denying it. That’s the magic of it. You’re not fighting your feelings for her, are you?”

  I chuckled. “No, I’m a smart enough man to know I’m too far gone to try that.”

  Julia was right about the years of friendship. I knew she’d be able to read it on my face.

  “Are you worried about how Madison feels about you?”

  Shit. Was I? That wasn’t why I was there. But… “She does have some concerns about the age difference.”

  I’m not quite sure how to describe the sound that came out of Julia’s mouth. It was partially a raspberry. Partially a frustrated puff of air. Kind of sounded like a horse.

  She waved her hand around in the air. “Hurdles can be jumped. Take it from someone who knows firsthand. From what I’ve seen, Madison does have feelings for you. But, we don’t really talk much, so—”

  An unsure expression passed over her eyes and I wondered if Julia had picked up on Madison’s insecurity about her. As I watched her for a beat longer, I was sure of it. I’d never lied to Julia before and I wasn’t going to start.

  “Julia. I don’t want to betray Madison’s trust, but I will tell you that her ex-husband did a number on her. Sometimes she is unsure of herself. There’s an insecurity there that doesn’t have anything to do with you. Not at the root of it anyway.”

  “I wouldn’t want to be something that stands in the way of your happiness. I also wouldn’t want anything to change…”

  She bit her lip as she tapped her fingers against her leg and darted her eyes to the other side of the room. The woman had a lot of tells and she had more than one of them in play. She was nervous.

  “Nothing is going to change, Julia. You guys are my family. I promise you that.”

  She smiled at me, but it didn’t quite reach her eyes.

  “Well I will tell you that what you are talking about is not all that uncommon. I give tons of advice about this. There are a lot of women who have exes who did a number on them. Men too. Different mechanisms, but same intent. I’m all about empowering people to shake it off and live their best life.”

  Concern spread across her face and I saw her make a mental note of where each of the kids were, despite the fact they were all well within line of sight. The hair on the back of my neck stood up.

  “What’s wrong?” I asked her, suddenly concerned.

  It took her a moment to answer. She carefully tried to change her expression to one that was light but didn’t quite succeed. She shook her head.

  “It’s nothing. Really.”

  Screw that. She was lying. I knew my words sounded scolding when I spoke.

  “Julia. Don’t lie to me.”

  “It’s just. I was… It… Someone was not happy with some advice I gave. Probably someone who had their game ruined when I gave encouragement to a reader to take charge of their life.”

  “It’s more than that, isn’t it? Tell me.”

  “No, it’s fine. I’m sure stuff like that happens all the time. Probably the first time it got through to me before it was filtered. Back to what we were talking about. Is there something else concerning you about Madison?”

  I let her change the subject. Something in my gut still didn’t feel right, but I took her at her word.

  “Madison comes as a package deal.”

  Julia nodded in understanding. “She does.”

  “I suggested we start hanging out together with the kids. So that they know who I am and get used to me hanging around.”

  “They know who you are, Jace.”

  “I mean more than just the gym or when we all get together. I want them to know I am part of their Mom’s life. Their life.”

  “Got it. Has Madison brought other men ar
ound the kids? I mean someone she has dated.”

  “I haven’t asked her, but I doubt it. I know they have seen it with their father.”

  “Yeah, but that’s different. For a couple of reasons. One, if their father has already established that habit, that is what the kids are used to. If Madison hasn’t, then this is something completely different for them. It’s not what they expect from her. Not that it’s wrong for her to bring someone around. I’m sure they see Madison as their safe haven. Their constant. You need to make sure they see you as something good added to their life and not something that is going to take away from what they have. You and Madison both need to make sure they get that.”

  This is why I came to her. I appreciated her advice. Her candor.

  “What if they don’t like me?”

  She made a point of looking at the boys. Sawyer was using my leg as a slide and Wyatt was sitting on my shoulders.

  “Yes, it’s clear how much kids hate you. Would you like another apple slice?”

  “Different circumstances.”

  “It’s not like Morgan and I tell them they have to like you. They came to that conclusion all on their own. I have an idea that will hopefully help a couple of different issues. You are planning on inviting Madison to the benefit, aren’t you?”

  “I am.”

  “Excellent. Sarah, Callie, and I are planning on doing a girl’s day to prep for the benefit. Spa. Shopping. Lunch. I’ll invite Madison to go with us. She can get to spend some time with us. You can offer to watch Ryan and Alexis at my place. You’ll have Morgan as back up if you need it. I’m sure Hunter will come over. Maybe Trey and Kyle too. My kids will be there. It will give you a nonthreatening way to hang out with them.”

  “That’s not a bad idea.”

  “I do try.” She stuck her tongue out at me. “Just make sure the kids have spent a couple of times with you and Madison together before that.”

  “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome. Just how thankful are you?”

  I laughed at her. “What do you need?”

  “I really need a shower.”

  “I didn’t want to be rude,” I said teasingly.

  “Hush you. Do you think you can hang out with the kids while I jump in the shower?”


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