Hekate's Passage: A Story of Sex and Rock'n'roll, Part 1, Vol. 1
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I look at her doubtfully, but I give it a try… I taste it. “You’re right, it is better now.”
The guys also help themselves to the mustard and cheese and then praise the combination.
“It’s very popular in France,” says Babette. “That’s why I brought cheese and mustard.”
Jim gets curious. “We have a Polish gal, a French gal, an Argentinean gal and you Melisa, where are you from?”
“I’m American,” Melisa is proud of it, as we all are proud of our own origins. She smiles, glancing at Jim, who is devouring everything that is in front of him.
Tony joins the conversation.
“And you’re all from the future, babies. What did you tell me, Eleyne? My memory is not very good.”
“We are here thanks to our connection with Yasmin, she is the expert on paranormal research.”
“Paranormal research?” Ted asks sleepily. “Are you kidding me?”
“Do we really have to start it again from the beginning?” I say a little irritated.
“No, my God, don´t get angry but understand that… it’s so weird,” Ted retreats.
“It is better to postpone this discussion for later, I think.” Colin tries to soothe me and changes the subject, just a bit, “So, if you all met us in the future, in the same circumstances as yesterday, what would you do?”
I see he’s curious. After all in 2011 they are all 60ish.
“We’d pounce on you, guys,” Eleyne smiles lasciviously, “with the same intentions as we had yesterday.”
“Oh, yes. Our pussies were wet for you all evening, even before you showed up,” Melisa fawns to Jim.
“Imagination can do a lot,” Eleyne feeds Tony a piece of lasagna, “all of us had been fantasizing what we would like to do with you even before you arrived here. And these were hot, dirty things,” she licks her lips.
“Naughty girl,” I hear Tony whisper to her.
I don’t know if they believe us or not. They are still looking at all of us a bit incredulously. Don’t they believe us that they will still be attractive for us in 26 years, or is it about something else?
“But how did you come here? I mean, how did you make the passage between the times?” Colin’s curious, “and what was this fucking fog? Why did we have to escape?”
Eleyne and Melisa shudder. And I try to rake in my mind for a rational, intelligent reply but I find none…
“I have no clue what it was but for these few moments out there I was terrified, I don’t know why,” Melisa answers.
“Me too,” Eleyne agrees, “it was really irrational, but I just panicked when it touched me. It was almost as if it wanted to drag me somewhere…”
The guys keep silent, listening to our comments and hoping to hear something that could reduce their anxiety about the subject. I can see it clearly in Colin’s eyes.
“I saw the fog, but then I just fainted,” Babette adds, “so I have no clue how I got transported here.”
The gals and all four guys look to me as if they wanted some answers. But before I answer anything Jim says shaking his head. “Gals, it all sounds as if you all got drunk and were bullshitting us. How can you prove you’re from the future?”
We feel slightly disgusted by his comment, but Jim cannot be blamed for not believing in our incredible story. “Listen, gentlemen, you have been extremely kind and passionate with us,” I say, “and you have supported us despite our delirium, or what you can consider delirium with patience. For sure, we’re grateful you didn’t call the cops or a shrink after you heard our story about our strange travel through time to this place.”
I look at their faces, their loved faces that are showing the tense feelings inside their hearts; they are aware that I am making an attempt to sound logical.
“We cannot offer you much more than what you have seen. You found naked women dancing, a girl lost at the side of the road, some bottles of wine with weird labels, and that creepy fog that acted like a creature, but...”
“That does not mean that you came from the future,” Colin points out. “All those events can be connected by hazard, the bottle labels could have been prepared in advance as part of a joke... the fog was just...fog. Our minds played the trick!”
“The gadgets!” Eleyne and me exclaim simultaneously.
“Yeah... the equipment that doesn’t work,” Colin nods. “What if they are just empty boxes?”
I start to protest but Melisa’s remark stops me.
“The gadgets are all in the garden, we have to bring them into the house or they will get soaked if it rains.”
“Fortunately, it did not rain and probably it will not later,” I say.
“We have to do it anyway,” she insists.
“If one of these things worked, we would believe you,” Tony makes a funny face and finishes his glass of wine. He pours more wine for everybody.
“Nice wine, I have rarely tasted Italian wine,” Colin changes the subject again. “We should go shopping for some Argentinean wine, too, what do you say?” I look at almost zombified Colin, who eats relentlessly.
Oh my God, how much they are eating… we have almost killed them… I smile at this thought and, then Colin opens his brown eyes as if to see better and nods at me, grinning.
“Later on the day, baby. Just go to sleep soon.”
“It is almost dawn,” Babette remarks looking through the terrace door, “but we can sleep till noon.”
“Ok,” I agree. “I will try to sleep. Tomorrow I will try to charge the battery of some of our devices and let us see.”
“Yasmin, don´t do that to me,” Eleyne whispers disgusted. I lean towards her and whisper.
“Eleyne, you’re inconsistent, there’s no other way. You see that they don’t believe us. They have been and may remain nice to us, but I’d rather they treated us seriously.”
She whispers back. “They do like us. While you were in the kitchen and Melisa went up with Babette, I overheard their conversation. It was really educational to listen to.”
“What were they saying?” I turn curious.
“Well,” she answers and tries to summarize everything she heard, but before she finishes Tony joins us with the bottle of wine in his hand. He pours more into our glasses, emptying it. He asks. “What’s the secret, babies? What’s the whispering about?”
Eleyne pets his cheek. “Promise us that if the gadgets work tomorrow you won’t get too busy playing with the new toys.”
He chuckles. He’s sitting next to us and I can feel his warmth and smell his manly scent; it’s all mixed with the aroma of wine, but it is enticing. We probably smell the same.
“Baby, Jim has already told you that. Do you really think we would prefer to play with electronic gadgets if we can have these warm delicious titties?”
Eleyne looks hypnotized into his eyes. But I answer him.
“You know, these electronic toys have some possibilities that you don’t know about yet. And I know men, too...”
“You underestimate us and your assets,” he laughs and then suggests, “let’s open some more bottles… You were right, Eleyne, three bottles for eight is nothing. Everything is gone.” He goes to fetch more bottles.
He comes back in a short while with three more bottles of red wine.
“We have some Spanish wine for a change now,” he opens all three bottles and pours for everybody, as our glasses are empty. I taste mine – not bad.
Our little party continues. We carry on drinking, talking and laughing. Eleyne flirts with Tony, I overhear him asking if she really thinks he’s her sex god. Her eyes are bright when she whispers something back to him. Tony looks really pleased, like a cat that has been stroked the right way, I can certainly understand why. It must be really flattering for his ego. I suppose it would be for every man, to be nicknamed this way. But I notice she keeps on glancing at Jim. I know she feels attracted to him as well, just as we were talking during the day. I wonder how we could convince Melisa to share him with us.
Well, and to convince our men, too. Though I suppose Colin would be open toward the idea. After all, he said he wouldn’t be jealous anymore. Melisa is trying to keep Jim’s attention on her, not allowing him even to look at us; but he’s whispering something to her while stroking her skin. And I notice her blush and turn evasive, but he insists. His hand slides down to her nipple, begins to tease her. I gasp seeing it and so does she. She seems to be almost writhing like a caught eel, but he’s not letting her go. He just continues cooing something into his ear. She finally whispers something to him, then adds something more after more questions and strokes from him. Jim smiles naughtily then bites her ear, then he casts a really impish glance at Eleyne and then at me. I keep on wondering what she has told him.
Babette is really busy with Ted, she keeps on seducing him, feeding him the remains of the lasagna morsels, wrapping him skillfully around her finger. I don’t think he’s even noticing us and what is going on around him. He has his eyes on her only. Colin is next to me, cuddling to me, drinking his wine and doing small talk, but I see his eyes are closing. He must be really tired now.
The morning begins to show all the glory of the garden, the rising sun is bright enough to make me feel bad. I never liked morning hours and I just want go to the bed and sleep. Having imbibed all the wine Tony has poured, we open some more bottles. This time it's champagne. But the bottles are empty now and the talk is getting dull. Not many words, or brilliant dialogues, everybody is getting heavy with food and alcohol, so I think we should drink some coffee to clear our minds. I go to the kitchen to search for coffee packs, prepare the infusion and bring it back to the table. But the whole band and the gals are already going upstairs to sleep. The coffee gets sipped by only Colin and me; we stay up a few minutes more at the terrace, looking at the dead devices we brought from the future.
“Charge something now,” says Colin.
So we go inside the house, leave the cups and the coffee pot in the kitchen and make our way upstairs to Colin’s bedroom. I plug in the charger to my dear Blackberry and for a moment I think, ‘what will happen if he sees the material I have in the Blackberry: some pictures from Remedy and a mp3 of one of his best solo albums?’
But I try not to worry for now, the day or rather the night was full of excitement. I’m really tired, though I still need to take a short shower and wash my top and underwear. When I come to bed Colin is already sleeping.
Chapter 5
Eleyne’s Story:
Somebody’s hand shakes me awake…
“Eleyne, wake up. Tony, you too,” I manage to open my eyes, my head aches, my tongue feels fuzzy. I lift my head to look around and I immediately start to regret it. “Water, please… And a bucket of coffee,” I’m able to mumble, bracing my head on my hands blinking.
Jim stands excited and smiling next to the bed trying to wake us up. I turn to look at Tony – he doesn’t seem to feel much better than me. I try to start up my mind, how can Jim be so fresh and cheerful? After all, he imbibed almost the same amount as us yesterday night. Jim apparently sees it’s no use trying to raise us up like this, and gets us water. After drinking almost a bottle each, we are more ourselves and our brains start to function a bit better.
“What’s the matter,” asks Tony. “Why did you wake us up?”
“I talked to Melisa. She told me something interesting about you, Eleyne, and also about Yasmin. Though, I have to admit, she was pretty sulky about it,” Jim replies with impish sparkles in his eyes. “And I got particularly impatient after hearing that... I could not wait for you to wake up and have breakfast when such a sexy fantasy was chipping my brain.”
“Aha...What did she tell you?” I stretch lazily showing off my curves. I know his eyes are on my boobs peeking out from under the covers, but I don’t care. After all he saw me naked yesterday and also back in the stone circle.
I definitively feel a bit better after water, but I still need a lot of coffee to get rid of the headache. And a shower, I really don’t feel too fresh, last night I was too tired to wash properly. I remember perfectly well how we teased Melisa yesterday. So she told him everything... I wonder how he got it out of her.
“You will see, Eleyne. Tony, apparently your sweet Eleyne and Colin’s equally sweet Yasmin want to share us. All of us. What do you say to that, mate?”
Tony explodes, laughing. When he manages to stifle his guffaws he chides me mischievously.
“Baby, you’re really naughty to say things like this. Do you really think we would share you?”
I blush and lick my lips a bit nervously, but I decide to reply truthfully.
“I hoped Tony. I was fantasizing about you both before coming here...”
“How interesting,” he croons, exchanging glances with Jim, “could you elaborate on this, honey?”
I gasp and swallow. Even bedraggled and hungover, he has this irresistible sexy quality that makes my knees go soft. Jim also is looking at me in a very interested way, and the expression on his face makes my pussy wet. Could my dreams come true? Could I really have a threesome with them? Have they ever done a girl together?
I try to answer them but I start stuttering under their piercing eyes.
“You see... I....”
“Yes, baby... continue. Don’t be shy,” I hear Tony’s whisper in my ear. I gasp. Jim keeps on staring at me with this sweet and naughty smile of his. I simply take the bull by the horns and exclaim.
“I want you together! At the same time!”
My heart beats fast after this confession, it keeps on racing when they continue staring at me. Then again, they exchange looks between each other.
“At the same time, baby? You mean a sandwich? Or a spit roast?” Jim’s smile turns really naughty.
I gasp and swallow. I’m getting more and more anxious. To tell the truth, the first thing is exactly what I’ve been fantasizing about. The twin axes screwing my holes simultaneously. It looks that my face reflects my emotions and I don’t need to answer, they know it’s a “yes,” to both.
Jim looks eager, Tony’s more enigmatic.
“What do you say, mate?” Jim asks. “I, for one, wouldn’t refuse... But it’s up to you...”
Tony hesitates then whispers to me.
“You’re really naughty baby, but I suppose you had this in you.”
Is he thinking about the way I pounced at him back at the hill? Or how I and Yasmin were making out during the night? But he answers my unasked question.
“I loved your screams when I was doing your pussy with my dick and your nice tight arsehole with my fingers. And I could see you loved it,” he whispers in my ear making me soft, wet and burning. I gasp again.
“Tony, you and Jim are both very, very special to me,” I whisper, “and I want both of you more than you can imagine. But I won’t do anything behind your back. You are my sex god.”
I was a bit afraid of this. Some men are possessive and don’t like sharing their women. But I still hope he will agree. I look into his eyes trying to gauge him, not knowing what he will say.
“So you won’t do anything behind my back?” he whispers again.
“I won’t, Tony,” I fawn against his skin, then glance at Jim. God, I want him so much, too, but if Tony says no... Please, Tony, I think frantically, say, yes!
“I’ll think about it,” he says, biting my neck. “Jim, but even if I agree, from what you said I gather that Melisa is reluctant.”
“Yes, she’s jealous,” I confirm, “she didn’t like it when I and Yasmin were joking about sharing you yesterday.”
“I suppose we could talk to her,” Jim wonders, “and try to convince her... Or …” his sudden change of expression tells me that he has a really naughty idea.
“Well, we could all go to my bedroom. Melisa went down to the kitchen a few minutes ago. She should soon be back with coffee and some food any minute.”
“Ok,” Tony surrenders, “let’s go there and also wake up Colin and Yasmin.”
st let me get the fuzz off my tongue. I feel as if I swallowed a dead rat,” I go to the bathroom to freshen myself up a bit.
When I go out of the bedroom and meet the others at the landing upstairs, we all hear some piercing screams coming from downstairs. Everybody shudders at this terrible sound. In a moment we can make out the words:
“Devils, Anti-christs, Satans!!!”
Me and Yasmin look at each other, then at the guys quizzically, who the hell can that be? Obviously, there’s no talk now about going to Jim’s bedroom, instead we head downstairs. When we enter the living room we see the cook, in a state of hysteria, throwing insults at the guys and screaming something about devil’s tricks. She’s clearly shaken by something. The guys try to calm her down and get to know what actually happened, but she doesn’t listen. She just keeps on being hysterical, exclaiming something about a disappearing girl. But our attempts at finding out what happened fails. The woman starts crying.
My eyes suddenly fall onto the cabinet with alcohol and I have an idea. I open it and find a cognac bottle and a glass, pour a big dose. I get the glass to the woman, the bottle, too. I get her to sit down, hand her the glass and make her drink it.
“Go on, it’s a ‘medicine,’” she empties the glass and just sits gasping, but at least she’s not screaming anymore.
I try to gauge if she needs another dose and ask her:
“What happened? Can you tell us what you saw? What disappearing girl?”
The woman keeps on panting deeply, then says.
“Pour another one, sweetie.” I comply and she drinks half of the glass again. But now she’s much calmer and she’s finally able to tell us what happened to our friend.
Yasmin’s Story:
Before I can figure where I am, I’m shocked to hear a knocking at the bedroom door and my mind puts together all the pieces: I’m lost in time with my deliciously sinful rocker. I’m lying at his side. Then I remember a dream I just have had. There is a voice calling me from a circle of gray stones, a creepy fog is crawling to my feet. Then I look up and hear the same voice whispering the word “North, North… on!”