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Pure Will

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by Kristi Pelton

  Pure Will

  Kristi Pelton

  Text copyright © 2014

  Kristi Pelton

  All Rights Reserved

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form without written permission from the publisher, except by a reviewer who may quote brief passages for review purposes. If you are reading this book and you have not purchased it or won it in an author/publisher contest, this book has been pirated. Please delete and support the author by purchasing the ebook from one of its distributors.

  Editor: Lisa Loewen

  Published by Kristi Pelton


  This self-publishing thing is hard! Marketing, getting your name out there, establishing credibility as a writer… So I truly want to thank so many who share that they enjoy the book and spread the word. I can’t thank you enough.

  Mad…your/you’re awesome! Thanks for the read through. Meg…as always thanks for the undying support. Clista…I don’t have the words. Addie-thank you!!

  Venturing out and away from Oregon and the Zach and Emma crew…was fun but scary. I hope you all enjoy Camden and Will as much as I did.

  I love to hear from everyone. Getting emails is fun and I will always respond.

  K, B, Z….1

  Mom- sorry…more sex… 

  Go Jayhawks…go Ducks…go Cubs

  When I woke up—the crushing pain was there again. For seven days, I’d prayed that sleep would take it away, that when I woke, it would somehow lessen but it didn’t. It was as if someone was holding me under water, and I couldn’t come up. Worse than when you’re trying to run in a dream and your legs won’t work; or as if you’re stuck in quick sand going under and there’s nothing you can do but go down. Three hundred and eighty-one days ago was one of the worst days of my life, and at that time, I didn’t think that my heart would ever hurt like that again. This…losing Cam…was worse. Worse than any pain I could ever imagine.

  Cam was wounded and untrusting when I’d found her. I lured her in—taking her into my heart and home, and she finally trusted me. I broke down her walls and chased away her insecurities and then…I destroyed her.

  She wouldn’t take my calls. She wouldn’t text back. She wouldn’t see me. Hell, I wasn’t even sure where she was. Going on without her was not an option. I wasn’t sure if a heart could physically break, but if it were medically possible…mine was shattered.

  My cell phone rang and I glanced at the screen—my mom. She wanted answers as much as I did. Angrily, I tossed the phone into the sofa, also known as my bed for a week. I couldn’t bear to even look at my real bed. Our bed. I only saw her when I looked at it. Smelled her.

  There was one thing my father had taught me well…never get upset about losing a girl. “Just go and fight for her” he’d say. He engrained it in me daily. That and when a fight is inevitable—hit first and hit hard and always, always draw first blood.

  So far in my 24 years of life, I’d followed those rules to a tee—except until now I’d never had a girl worth fighting for. The problem with fighting, Dad had been arrested for battery more times than I could count. Most of the time charges were dropped; mainly because my mother would hire him a kick-ass attorney.

  My father was a jealous man and couldn’t abide any other man even looking at my mother. I despised his jealous rants with a vicious passion and decided when I was young that I would never be jealous of another man. And I hadn’t been…not until I met Cam.

  And now…she was gone.

  Chapter 1

  Four months prior

  When the hot-ass girl skipped into Eaton Hall, it was clear she didn’t belong there. Her blond hair tied up with a crimson and blue ribbon, the Jayhawk on her cheek and the short-as-hell, skimpy skirt, were all a dead giveaway. Clearly a Rock Chalk dancer…cheerleader…something…and my guess was she had never had an engineering class in her entire blonde life.

  Noah and I eyeballed each other and chuckled. Her short shapely legs trotted over to the information board. Being a good citizen and a University of Kansas alum, I found it to be my civic duty to assist when needed.

  “Can I help you find something?” I asked, standing about two feet behind her.

  She spun around in her spotless, white shoes obviously taken back by my kindness. Her full, red lips fell open as she roamed over my chiseled body. Typical reaction.

  “I, uh,” she giggled and glanced over at Noah who was half my size and goofy as shit but still my best bud. He simply shook his head.

  “What’s your name, sweetheart?” I asked the easiest question of all since the first question she was unable to answer.

  She giggled again, so I offered her my disarming smile. This was normally the undoing for most babes. “Kate,” she said. “I, uh, was looking for Professor Walton. My roommate needs some papers from him.”

  Loved when I was right! Of course it wasn’t for her. I wasn’t sure of her major yet, but my guess would be elementary education or sorority girl in search of a rich-prick husband.

  I folded my arms across my chest, which only accentuated my biceps. “Well, I tell you what Kate, I just so happen to know exactly who and where Dr. Walton can be located and I’d be happy to tell you…show you… on one condition.” I took one step closer and her blue eyes stared up at me.

  She twisted her hips back and forth making her skirt twirl and she giggled again.

  “What’s the condition?”

  “You have a drink with me.” A drink was safe territory. Buy her a drink, loosen her up to where she decides to make a bad decision, but not drunk because then she can’t remember the decision…allow her to undress me first that way she feels like she’s behind the wheel. Boom…business is done…meeting adjourned.

  “OK. When?”

  God, it would be so nice if a girl would be the least bit challenging. It’s the same old shit every time. Though I’ve had more conversation with this girl than the last twenty. “What time is the game today, 3?”

  She nodded, batting her eyes like she had something in them.

  “Then how about 7 o’clock?”

  “Perfect. What’s your name?”

  “I’m Will.”

  The rest was easy. She gave me her cell phone number and address, and I knew by 9:00 this girl would possibly be blowing me.

  As directed by her, I waited in the car because she didn’t want me to have to “walk up the two flights of stairs.” Her athletic legs pattered down the steps and she threw me an energetic wave. I wondered if I had the energy to endure this evening. My lower half said yes.

  Her hair was down now and longer than I thought. If I didn’t have to go up to get her, I wasn’t sure how hard I needed to work the rest of the night, but I did go ahead and open the truck door for her. My father taught me manners.

  “How was the game?” I asked. I already knew we lost. I’d attended KU for five years now. Got my bachelors in engineering and was now working on my masters. Our football team was getting better, but it was nationally known that we were a basketball school. Five national titles.

  “We lost,” she said sticking out her bottom lip. “But my friends are having a party, and I thought we could go,” she suggested.

  I nodded. This bordered outside my agenda of a drink but screw it, she was hot. “OK. Tell me how to get there.”

  Ten came and went and I hadn’t really gotten anything yet outside the phone numbers of three of her friends who thought they were being casually cool as they handed me something with their names and numbers on th
em. There was one thing about this university. It drew in hot-ass girls. Rich-ass girls. Drunk-ass girls. My kind of girls.

  As we walked to the truck, she was suddenly full of questions. It was amazing what liquor did to one’s courage.

  “Will? Do you have a girlfriend?”

  “Nope,” I said, steadying her as we walked.

  “How old are you?”


  She giggled. This giggling thing I couldn’t figure out.

  “So 23 and you still go to school here?” she turned up her nose as if maybe I was the dumbest person she’d ever met.

  “Yes, that’s right. How old are you?”

  “Twenty-one,” she said then followed it with, “hmmm.”

  We’d gotten to the truck, but before I could open her door, she slipped around and pressed her back against the door staring at me.

  “You want to kiss me, Will?” she asked, and I truly tried desperately not to laugh. How was she to know that I didn’t like to kiss? Well, it wasn’t that I didn’t like to kiss, but I was a bit of a germaphobe and it was below the neck that interested me.

  “Maybe someday,” I said.

  I’d been with her most of the night and knew she wasn’t as drunk as she was acting. Two beers and two jello shots…that was it.

  She held up her index finger and motioned for me to come closer, so I did. She took my hands and wrapped them around her waist, spread her feet apart on the curb, and I stepped between. Then she rose on her toes and kissed me. Damn, what did she not understand about maybe? Maybe wasn’t a yes.

  Her lips were coated with a gloss that tasted funny. When her tongue forcefully darted into my mouth, I pulled away with her staring at me. I wiped the edges of my mouth with my thumb and index finger.

  “So, I have a roommate but you could come back to my apartment.”

  “Is that what you want?” I asked. Another fine lesson from my father, let the girl navigate the sex. That way you could never overstep your bounds.

  After her nod, she guided my hand beneath her mini skirt. Turning my hand upward, she actually forced my hand to cup her crotch, and I felt the wetness beneath her panties seeping through.

  Nice. Now I didn’t give a shit whether or not her tongue felt like a rough piece of sand paper. Even if I didn’t really dig the girl I was with—feeling that I turned her on to make her that wet brought my tool to attention. I opened the truck door and she got in without another word.

  Once I buckled in the truck, she was unfastening my britches and inching them down.

  “Kate, let’s wait till we get back to your place,” I suggested, but she had other thoughts, and I lifted my hips to her hand once she gripped me.

  “Oh holy shit!” she said, and I grinned. Another thing my father claimed that I got from him was my well-endowment. I’d seen porn and lots of it and there were all kinds of shapes and sizes. And I, thank God and my genes, was above average on all accounts. Now granted the rest of my six-foot-two inch frame was hefty as well but I’d been training and competing in the cross fit games for four years now.

  “What’s wrong?” I asked knowing what the remark was about.

  But by then she started doing what she had set out to do and I sure as hell wasn’t going to stop her. Now Lawrence wasn’t a big town, but don’t think for a second that I hurried back to her apartment. I took every possible side street you could imagine.

  Once I parked, she sat upright and looked around. She smiled and said, “Let’s go.”

  The inside of the apartment smelled great, feminine, soft, clean…and she immediately put her finger to her lips to shush me. The TV was on and flickering but hardly any sound. A child looked to be sleeping on the sofa curled up under a blanket.

  “Wait,” I whispered. “Do you have kids?” This was a deal breaker for me.

  She yanked on my arm. “No! That’s my roommate.”

  “God she’s tiny. What is she 12?” I asked.

  “Shut your hot little ass up and get in here,” she said then shut the door behind me. Who was I to argue?

  Chapter 2—Camden

  I hated when Kate brought guys home. She ran into a bit of a dry spell, which was nice—but clearly scored tonight with an honest to goodness dipshit. Do you have kids? Is she 12? How about you bite me boy toy? As hot as he looked through my squinted eyes...brains were a must for me.

  The longest a guy had stuck around for Kate was about two months. He typically put her feet to sleep and she needed to move on. Rarely did she get dumped. But then again, she was a beautiful rock chalk girl. Everyone wanted to date Kate.

  We’d been best friends since we were four, and nothing would ever come between us. We were perfect for each other. Complete polar opposites. I, of course, was the studious valedictorian of our high school. She was the homecoming queen, prom queen and captain of the cheer squad. She’d dated lots of guys and well, lets just say I was dating challenged. I mean I dated, but I was very picky of who was coming into my apartment and whose tongue I might allow in my mouth. Kate absolutely loved sex…all parts of sex…and she was leading the sexual revolution for women. I, myself, was a closet freak. Didn’t really like sharing my bed or my vajayjay with just anyone. I used poor judgment once and wasn’t sure I trusted myself a second time.

  So after tutoring hot athletes for the university, I always went to bed…alone. But please don’t feel sorry for me. I’m not totally pathetic. I’ve attended several of those sex toy parties and purchased a toy or two so I’m not a complete sexual cripple.

  The TV was muted, and I couldn’t very well turn it up so I heard the gigglings of Kate through the college thin walls and I could hear the bass of his voice. Then I heard the ever-telling squeaking of bedsprings. Great!

  I lifted the pillow, buried my head, then pulled the pillow down over my ears.

  Chapter 3—Will

  Kate begged me to stay, but that was so far against policy. I did have to give the girl credit. She was well versed in sexual encounters and though repeating was risky, I mentally noted her as a definite repeat.

  As I dressed, she gawked at my body. Though I wasn’t ashamed of any part of me, it was odd being stared at naked. “So, tomorrow night, same time?” she asked.

  I couldn’t remember what I even had going on. “Maybe. I’ll shout at you later.” I regretted saying maybe…clearly, as with the kissing, she misconstrued maybe as a yes, and I was NOT saying yes.

  After curling up in her sheet, she waved like she wasn’t going to walk me out, or lock the door behind me. Quietly, I opened the bedroom door and stepped into the living room. The little figure from earlier was now fully stretched out on the sofa albeit still tiny, but clearly an adult. I knew this because she had on a short shirt and her muscled thighs and perfectly rounded calves stretched out below it. I watched her, trying to figure out what she was doing as she was face down, pillow over her head, her arms holding the pillow firmly in place and her legs steadily kicking as if she was trying to pass time. Exercising?

  I cleared my throat, and she froze but kept the pillow intact.

  “I’m leaving,” I whispered loudly. “Come lock the door.”

  With her head still covered, she gave me a thumbs up. I grinned and closed the door behind me. How stinkin’ cute was that? For some dumb reason, my heart swelled a bit.

  When my phone buzzed at 9:30 a.m. annoyingly waking me from my deep sleep, I had a strong hunch it was Kate, and not surprisingly, it was. I’d apparently left my wallet there, which is not the worst collateral damage in my history book. I’d actually had a cell phone disconnected once because I didn’t want to return to psycho hell to retrieve the damn thing. But given that my wallet held my drivers license, my student id, my credit cards and my cash…I needed it. DAMN!

  I didn’t go by until after lunch and there she was as peppy as the night before. Surely cheerleaders had bad days, right? This was rare that I’d see a girl 12 hours after laying her down—even for an hour. Totally not m
y style, so I wasn’t staying long. She sat on the sofa with my belt draped over her shoulders, guess I forgot that too. Looked like I was going to endure a little game.

  “You hungry?” she asked. I figured from last night it was evident I didn’t go down on girls. Hell, I barely kissed them. I mean, I could and I would but not someone who I didn’t know where her business had been.

  “What’d you have in mind?” I inquired.

  “Maybe working up your appetite,” she smirked, walked over to me and wrapped the belt around my back and pulled me closer. Maybe this girl would be more fun than I thought.

  The other bedroom door opened and Kate whipped the belt on the floor with a loud whack making me flinch. “Now! Have sex with my roommate!” she yelled.

  The young girl who must have been a freshman, pursed her lips and her green eyes hidden behind black rectangle glasses met mine. She shook her head full of strawberry blond curls and walked past me. Her smell waffled up through my nose and the thought of having sex with her made me harden. She was beautiful. Like freakishly so.

  Kate let out a wicked little laugh and said, “I’m kidding of course. We only do threesomes with black guys.”

  I laughed out loud unsure what to think of what was going down.

  “Good morning, Sunshine. Don’t forget your meds,” Kate said.

  The redhead flipped around, her long curly mane circling in the air. “Kate really? In less than 10 seconds, you requested…” she flew her arms up in my direction. “HIM to have sex with me, told him we have threesomes with black guys and now reminded me to take my meds? What the hell?”

  “Well! You’ve been down lately. You still haven’t gotten laid, and I saw you here with two big black guys just three days ago.”


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