Blood Bred Series Book 1: Gift Of Love

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Blood Bred Series Book 1: Gift Of Love Page 10

by JennaKay Francis

  Jaeger sighed and rubbed his furred head gently against her shoulder.

  She glanced sideways at him, swallowing hard. “We need to come up with some sort of language, Jaeger. I need some way to talk to you, to understand you.” She paused, studying him. “You can nod and shake your head, right? So, at least we have yes and no. And I think I understand when you want me to move.” She gave him a wry smile, then her shoulders sagged. “But I just want to hear your voice again. I want to feel your touch again. And—and I want to apologize. I should have expected you to be upset with me. I should have told you that I was following you from the start. I'm sorry."

  Jaeger placed one paw on her knee and shook his head. She frowned.

  "No? I shouldn't have told you?"

  He tried again, this time nodding. That only served to increase her confusion and brought fresh tears.

  "I'm not going to be able to take this, Jaeger,” she sobbed. “I need you as a man. I need you to hold me, to be with me. I need to know you forgive me for causing this. Even if you don't want to bleed me anymore, I still need your touch."

  Jaeger started. He had quite forgotten about the bleeding. She would still need to be bled, to lose the extra iron that her pregnant body was creating. How could he help her now? He leaned against her, rubbing his cheek against hers in a comforting gesture, though he was far from comforted himself.

  She clung to him, sobbing, then abruptly reeled dizzily. He lay down, his action pulling her with him. She lay still, trying to get her tears under control.

  "I don't feel well, Jaeger,” she mumbled.

  Help, he thought. You need human help. Something I can't give you. Decent food, someplace warm to rest. The clan! If only he could get her to her clan. He slipped from her grasp and went to the entrance of the cave. Rhiannon watched him with open alarm.

  "What are you doing? Where are you going? You can't leave me here, Jaeger!"

  He glanced back at her, then walked slowly out into the sunshine. Relief coursed through him. It didn't burn, didn't so much as make his eyes water. He could be outside in the daylight! He sent a heartfelt mental thank you to Darius, then whirled and dashed back inside, his euphoria guiding him. Rhiannon sat up slowly, watching him as he grabbed up the pack. He dropped it near her, then darted back toward the cave opening.

  "We're leaving?” she asked, wiping her face dry on her sleeve. “And going where?"

  Jaeger could see no way to answer that. But it was enough that she understood his suggestion to leave. He went back to the pack. Using his teeth and claws, he managed to open up a laced pouch on the back. Rhiannon peered into it.

  "Money?” She looked up at him. “A village? You want me to go to a village, don't you?"

  He bobbed his head up and down, then on impulse, licked her full on the lips. She pushed him away, and gave a shaky laugh.

  "They will never let you in, you know. In fact, if they see me waltz into town with a black mountain cat as a companion, they'll have me hanging for witchcraft in moments. Have you thought of that?"

  In fact, he had. At least, the part about not being able to go inside an inn with her. He hadn't really thought about the witch part of it. Still, he thought, if he could just get her close enough to a village, she could do the rest. He could wait for her in the outskirts. He nudged her.

  "Wait,” she said, her smile disappearing. “What will I do about my blood? This child—it seems to be forcing my body to produce more iron than it normally would. I need to be bled, Jaeger. Who will do that for me?"

  Jaeger sat back for a moment. Then, slowly, he rose and went to her. He nuzzled against her neck, then licked it several times. Rhiannon sighed and wrapped her arms about him.

  "If I close my eyes, Jaeger,” she whispered, “I can still sense you. The man inside the beast."

  He heard the tremor in her voice, knew that tears had once more filled her eyes. Heartache gripped him. He would have cried as well, if only he could. Instead, he bared his fangs, then quickly, expertly, bit into her neck. She gave a brief cry of pain, something she had never done before, but she did not relax her hold on him.

  Her blood was warm, sweet, exotic. He licked it away as fast as it flowed, reveling in the strength it gave him, in the heightened emotions it fueled him with. When it stopped, he let out a soft growl of disapproval and bit again. This time Rhiannon's cry of pain echoed in the cavern, startling him. He backed away, his eyes widening, his body trembling. Rhiannon reached up to her neck and brought back a hand covered with her own blood. She looked at Jaeger in confusion.

  Repulsed by his own actions, Jaeger backed further away. What was happening to him? What was this sudden urge to taste flesh?

  "Jaeger?” Rhiannon's voice was soft, not angry.

  Grief-stricken, Jaeger spun and bounded from the cave. He tore down the mountainside, blinded by his own despair. So, this was what he had to look forward to? Having the emotions and intellect of a man, yet the primitive instincts of an animal? To be able to know how his prey was feeling, even as he tore them to pieces? He raced on, ignoring the fatigue pressing against him, threatening to drop him. He could kill her. He would, if he stayed with her. Yet, how could he leave her?

  His gait slowed; and at last he stopped, sides heaving, tongue lolling from his mouth. He needed water. Not to drink, but to end his life. Just as his father had done. Now, Jaeger understood what had driven his father to leap into raging rapids, to allow himself to be dragged under, to suffer a horrible death. There was little that could kill a Vector, but drowning was one thing that was very reliable.

  Anger slowly replaced the exhaustion running through him. Jaeger let out a long, low yowl that floated eerily over the flower fields. He needed to hunt, he needed to eat, and he needed blood. It wouldn't be Rhiannon he would feast on. Resolve guiding him, he rose and once more went on the prowl.


  He returned to the cave to find Rhiannon gone. She had taken the pack with her and left an arrow made of sticks. The sight of it lightened his mood. She apparently wanted him to follow, despite the fact that he had just tried to tear her throat open. He turned and quietly followed her trail.

  It didn't take him long to catch up to her. She was struggling along a slope of loose shale, holding to whatever she could find to brace her footing. Jaeger watched her a moment, then slipped up next to her. Her relief at seeing him was obvious.

  "Oh, Jaeger,” she breathed, collapsing to the rock to hug him. “I was afraid you wouldn't come back."

  He tried to avoid looking at the dried blood on her neck, but couldn't help himself. She noticed and rubbed at the wound.

  "I understand. Believe me, I do. I'm not angry with you. Don't be angry with yourself. Please."

  And who should I be angry with? he wondered. Tentatively, he touched the wound with his tongue, and licked the blood away. Rhiannon sat very still, not challenging him, though she trembled. She seemed as relieved as he when the cleaning did not spur him to once more take a bite. She managed a shaky smile.

  "Thank you. And, just so you'll know, the bleeding did make me feel better.” She got to her feet and once more took up the pack. “Do you have any idea in which direction there might be a village?"

  Jaeger shook his head and fell into step beside her. More than once she slipped on the shale, but always he was there with his muscular body to stop her fall. By nightfall, they still had not reached a village, but Jaeger's keen sense of smell caught the scent of cooking meat. He peered ahead into the darkness, finally spotting a dark huddle of buildings in the distance. The faint glow of lamplight and the wispy tendrils of smoke brought him vast relief. He looked up at Rhiannon, concerned by her pallor and quite noticeable fatigue.

  He gave a low rumble, drawing her attention, then turned his head in the direction of the buildings. Rhiannon followed his gaze.

  "A farm,” she mumbled. Though relief was in her voice, her steps faltered. “Do you think it will be safe?"

  Jaeger bobbed his head, then l
et out a soft growl. Rhiannon looked down at him with a small smile.

  "You'll be there? With me?” She gave a light laugh. “And you think the owner will let me in with you at my side?"

  Jaeger saw her point, but was determined to stay close. He would let no harm befall her. Not now, not ever. He nudged her on, thinking only of her comfort for the night.

  Rhiannon sighed and walked on. They reached the house not much later, and Jaeger prodded Rhiannon to the door. She cast him a tentative glance as he slunk to the shadows, then she knocked on the wooden door. It was a moment before it was opened. Jaeger peered up at the man from his hiding place.

  He was older, almost bald, with sagging jowls, and watery brown eyes. He was dressed in a nightshirt hanging to his ankles, but gaping open at his broad chest. He seemed startled to see a young, pregnant woman standing on his doorstep.

  "Sir,” Rhiannon began, her voice wavering. “I was wondering if you would be so kind as to let me have a stall in which to spend the night?"

  Jaeger started. A stall! No! He wanted her bedded down properly, with a bath beforehand and a good hot meal in her stomach.

  The man opened his mouth to answer, but at that moment, Rhiannon swayed dizzily and caught at the doorjamb to keep from toppling. The man grabbed her.

  "Here, now, young miss,” he said. “You look like you could use a damn sight more than a stall. Come on inside. Easy now.” He led her into the house and shut the door.

  Jaeger felt just a flicker of concern rush through him. He crept alongside the house until he reached a window that was left un-shuttered. He pulled himself up with his front paws on the sill and peeked inside. The man had led Rhiannon to a chair before the fire and was ladling out a cup of soup from a pot over the hearth. He presented it to her, then busied himself with cutting bread, his mouth moving in conversation the whole time.

  Rhiannon glanced about the room, her gaze finally meeting Jaeger's. She gave a small, wary smile of acknowledgment, then returned her attention to the man. Satisfied she would be cared for, Jaeger continued his investigation of the house, inspecting each window. He wanted to be near her, to be able to respond at a moment's notice. It wasn't much later he saw the lamplight move to one of the back windows. He followed, once more rising up on his hind legs to peer inside the room.

  The man was motioning Rhiannon to a low bed piled with blankets. He tipped his head, then took his leave, closing the door behind him. Rhiannon went immediately to the window and opened it.

  "Will you come inside?” she whispered.

  Jaeger shook his head, and licked her cheek gently. It wouldn't be safe, but how he yearned to be next to her, to feel her arms about him, her warm body pressed against his. Once again, he felt the pain of his situation, the shattering heartbreak of his entrapment. Hers appeared to be no less. With tears glimmering in her blue eyes, she leaned forward and kissed him gently on the forehead, then closed the window and went to bed.

  Jaeger watched for a few moments, then dropped down in the dirt below the window. He curled into a ball, shivering in the cold night air, tucked his head into his paws, and dreamt of raging rivers and an end to his torment.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Jaeger woke to sounds of movement, someone arriving at the farm on horseback. He lifted his head, sniffing the air. Scents of ale, pipe smoke, and sweat set his nerves on edge and raised the fur along his back. He got stiffly to his feet and reared up to peer into Rhiannon's bedroom. It was pitch black, the lamp having been put out long ago, yet Jaeger could see her sleeping beneath tangles of blankets. He dropped back to all four feet and padded silently around the corner of the house. Nothing moved.

  Senses still on the alert, Jaeger continued his patrol like a black shadow, completely circling the house. He returned to Rhiannon's window just as he heard her muffled cry of alarm. Immediately, he sprang to look inside. A low growl erupted from his throat.

  A man had entered her room. Not the old man. This one was younger, more muscular. He sat on the edge of Rhiannon's bed, holding her against him with one hand, the other tight over her mouth to prevent her from calling out. She struggled against him, trying in vain to wrestle free as he forced her down upon the bed, covering her body with his as he pushed up her nightshirt.

  Jaeger dropped to the ground, backed up, then flung himself against the window. It shattered, sending wood and glass flying. He landed on the floor of the bedroom, his fur raised, a roar of fury erupting from his throat.

  The man rolled away from Rhiannon, toppling to the floor in his haste. She scrambled off the bed in the other direction, her eyes wide with fear. Jaeger let out another low, throaty growl, his gaze fixed on the man, who now scuttled backward in terror. The door to the bedroom crashed open; and the older man stumbled inside, rubbing sleep from his eyes. His gaze flew to Jaeger, and the color drained from his face. He turned and bolted.

  Jaeger lowered his head, taking another step toward the younger man sprawled on the floor. Rage burned in Jaeger's gut. He drew his mouth back to reveal sharp, white teeth and advanced another step. Rhiannon's cry of warning stopped him. His gaze darted upwards. The old man had returned to the doorway and had an arrow trained on him.

  "No!” Rhiannon screamed, coming to her feet.

  Jaeger sprang just as the arrow hissed from the bow. He felt the impact on his rear flank as the arrow embedded in muscle. Yowling in pain, he struck the old man, knocking him to the floor. Then, seizing the bow in his mouth, he disarmed his attacker with one powerful twist. “Jaeger!” Rhiannon screamed at him. “Go! Run! I can handle this!"

  He felt her shoving him from behind. He staggered into the main room, pain flaring through his hip. Rhiannon brushed past him to fling open the front door.

  "Go!’ she shrieked. “I'll find you!"

  He looked up into her eyes, then fled, trailing blood in his wake. He got as far as the barn, where he staggered into a stall and collapsed into the hay. His hip was on fire, his whole body trembling with agony. He hoped his Vector blood would sustain him now, would heal him. He twisted, jerked the arrow from his flesh with his teeth, and began to lick his wound, letting his animal instincts take over.

  Once the bleeding had slowed, he rose, wincing in pain. He was not about to run off and leave Rhiannon at the mercy of those two men. While he still trusted the older man, he harbored only hatred for the younger one. Silently, he crept from the barn and slipped through the darkness back toward the house. He heard voices as he drew nearer.

  "What were you doing?” the older man bellowed.

  "Trying to keep that animal from attacking her!” The younger man's voice was slurred with drink.

  "Liar!” Rhiannon screamed.

  "Be still, wench!” The older man's voice was sharp, cold, and commanding.

  Jaeger stole to the window and peered inside. The younger man was slumped in a chair, his face still ashen, while the older man paced angrily before the hearth. Rhiannon sat at the table, her back stiff, eyes glowing with rage.

  "Are you going to believe her?” the younger man snapped. “A witch?"

  The older man stopped abruptly and spun to face Rhiannon. “Are you?” he demanded. “Are you a witch?"

  "Oh, please, father! It doesn't take much to see that. You saw how she commanded that cat. She called it by name. It did her bidding. Likely she was expecting it to kill us both so she could have the house and land."

  "If I had wanted him to kill you,” Rhiannon seethed, “he would have."

  The old man looked from one to the other, then ran a thick hand through his already-tousled hair. “Well, I'll not have it,” he mumbled. “I'll not have a witch staying in this house. You gather your things, missy, and you get."

  "You can't let her go!” the younger man cried, surging to his feet. “She's a witch! She should be hanging from the gallows, not traipsing about the countryside terrorizing decent folks."

  "Shut up!” the old man roared at his son. He looked again at Rhiannon. “Get your things."
br />   She rose, shot a quick glance at the younger man, and went into the bedroom. Jaeger raced around the side of the house to the broken window. She noticed him at once. Quickly, she slipped from the nightshirt the man had given her and dressed in her own clothes. She grabbed the pack, flinging it out the window over Jaeger's head. Without a word, she slipped over the sill and dropped to the ground. She gave Jaeger a brief hug, then snatched up the pack, and the two of them melted into the darkness.

  Jaeger heard the old man hollering for her to hurry up, then his cry of surprise to find her already gone.

  "How dare he?” Rhiannon murmured, her steps fast and furious. “How dare he touch me?"

  Jaeger limped alongside her, trying to ignore the pain that flared through him with each step. He only wanted to put some distance between them and the two men. Guilt brought him almost as much pain as his injury. He never should have taken her there, never should have trusted another man to protect her, to care for her. But, he was not going to be able to do it. He knew that. He wished with all his heart he could find her clan, return her to their safekeeping; yet he knew he was not going to be able to do that, either. With a heavy sigh, he followed her as she moved at a steady pace back toward the Grotto Mountains and the caves.

  Her steps finally faltered at dawn, her anger spent. She stopped, letting the pack fall to the ground. Jaeger limped up beside her and gingerly eased himself to a sitting position. Rhiannon glanced down at him, then collapsed beside him in tears. She wrapped her arms about his neck and sobbed into his black fur.

  "What will I do?” she cried. “I want you to come back, Jaeger. I need you. I can't do this alone."

  He rubbed his cheek against hers, his heart gripped with agony. She needed help, more help than he could give her, but he was not about to risk the world of man again. He knew what he needed to do, and it brought him nothing but more heartache.


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