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Blood Bred Series Book 1: Gift Of Love

Page 12

by JennaKay Francis

  Vail drew back from Jaeger's anger. “My apologies,” he mumbled. “I thank you for helping her. I knew no good could come of her going off on her own."

  Jaeger paused a moment. “She had been raped by four men."

  Vail went white, then passed one hand over his face.

  When he said nothing more, Jaeger continued. “This does not upset you?"

  Vail sighed. “What good will it do to condemn dead men?"

  "Dead men?"

  The young man nodded. “If any man dared to touch my sister in that way, he paid with his life. I know her."

  The words brought Jaeger up short. He had never thought Rhiannon capable of killing. He wondered why she had not used her magic against the farmer who had attacked her. Perhaps carrying a child prevented it.

  Vail shuddered. “She had such high hopes,” he murmured.

  "What do you mean?"

  He looked up at Jaeger, his blue eyes shiny with tears. “My clan ... all of us ... we're Bleeders. It's something in our history, our families through time. We try to bleed ourselves, of course, but all too often it ends in death from infection or blood loss. We discovered there is something in a Vector's bite that helps slow the formation of iron in our bodies. It's as if the bite cleanses our blood, removing the iron like no simple bleeding can do. That's why, even though I bled a great deal from my wound, I still had far too much iron in my body. I needed whatever it is a Vector has to offer. Rhiannon knew all of this. She came up with the idea that perhaps Vectors could help us. And we could help them in return. We could provide the blood they need to survive. Our payment would be life as well."

  "She wanted to present your entire clan to the Vectors?"

  Vail nodded, dropping his piece of meat back into the fire. “It sounded like an equitable partnership. Only, she never returned. I've been searching for her ever since. Please, Jaeger, if you know where she is, tell me. I only want to take her home."

  Jaeger studied him for a long moment, then averted his gaze. “I wish I knew where she was, Vail. I wish I knew."

  Chapter Seventeen

  Jaeger peered over Vail's shoulder, carefully watching the water in the cup the young witch held. He saw nothing on the still surface but Vail's reflection.

  "Will this work?” he asked, not for the first time.

  Vail sighed, shooting him a quick, irritated glance. “I told you, I don't know. I'll do my best. But if Rhiannon is in the Vector Lair, I might not be able to reach her at all."

  Jaeger sighed and began to pace. Vail had agreed to attempt to scrye for Rhiannon using his magic. He had not been successful up to this point but was now hoping to draw on Jaeger's magic to supplement his own. Jaeger hadn't told Vail that he now had Vector blood, and quite possibly Vector magic of his own.

  "There!” Vail suddenly cried. “Look!"

  Jaeger darted to his side and peered into the cup. A blurry image was beginning to form. “Is it her?” he whispered, half-afraid that his voice would cause the image to disappear.

  Vail was quiet, directing more magic at the water. The image quieted, cleared; and Jaeger gasped.


  "Where is she?” he breathed.

  "She ... she's with child,” Vail stammered. “Those men ... the ones who raped her ... they—"

  "No!” Jaeger said at once. “No, it was not the men who raped her. Be assured of that."

  "Then, who?"

  Jaeger refused to answer. “Where is she?” he asked.

  "I ... I don't know. Do you recognize anything?"

  Jaeger peered closer. “It looks almost like a cave, like this one. But I don't know why she would be there."

  Vail was quiet, his brow furrowed in thought. “Let me see if I can back up a bit on the image. Maybe I can get a wider angle."

  Jaeger nodded, though he would have preferred to get closer. He wanted to see Rhiannon up close, see if she was all right. He didn't trust Celd in the slightest. Rhiannon was a feisty woman, with a strength Celd might find not only intimidating but also challenging. It would not be above the Vector to beat Rhiannon into submission, to force her with ways other than magic to do his bidding. The mere thought of Celd laying a brutal hand on Rhiannon sent fury through Jaeger.

  "It is a cave!” Vail cried, interrupting Jaeger's thoughts. “But not in the Grottos. It looks like it's somewhere near the ocean."

  "The ocean?” Jaeger was truly astonished to hear that. Vectors tried to avoid the ocean—there was something about the salt water ... he wasn't exactly sure what it was, but he had been severely warned by both his mother and his father. He was to stay away from any source of dangerous water, but most definitely the ocean. He had always taken that warning to heart.

  Now, here, apparently, was Celd, holed up in a cave right on the edge of the sea itself. It didn't make sense. He nudged Vail.

  "Is there any way to find out where she is? I mean, where along the ocean?"

  "Well, I could draw back even further, maybe get a few landmarks, but I could also lose the vision altogether."

  Jaeger hesitated. He desperately wanted to see Rhiannon closer, but he also wanted to find out her location. He supposed seeing how she was would be irrelevant, if he couldn't find her at all. He nodded. “Then back off. Let's see if we can pinpoint the area."

  Vail did as requested, but still nothing looked familiar to Jaeger. He scanned the landscape as it rolled past, taking note of anything that he might be able to use in his search. Finally, the vision wavered and disappeared. Vail sat back with a heavy sigh.

  "I'm sorry,” he mumbled, rubbing at his temples.

  Jaeger laid one hand on the young man's shoulder. “You did well. For the first time, I have direction. We will find your sister, Vail. I promise you that."

  "How?” Vail asked, looking up at him. “You can't go outside in the daylight, can you?"

  Jaeger hesitated. “I can, but not as a man. And at night, I can transform into any number of creatures."

  Vail gave a small smile. “Yes, I noticed. What a wondrous power that must be. Would that I had such a gift. I could have easily escaped those men."

  Jaeger regarded him thoughtfully. “But you did try. You used your magic."

  Vail grimaced, the smile fading. “I did. But the magic I have is very weak. Not like Rhiannon's. She has a true gift. Still, even she is at the beginning of a long journey of learning. It seems our lives are over before we really learn all that we are capable of.” He sighed. “It's too bad we couldn't find a way to extend that life, to really learn our craft."

  "And if you could? What would you do with your talent?"

  Vail looked at him. “Help people, of course. We could be healers of the greatest kind. People wouldn't have to die of disease and infection. We could stop that. We could stop people from falling victim to road bandits as well. We could enhance crops, so people would no longer starve, purify water so no one died of thirst. We could make the world a better place."

  Jaeger thought a moment. “But, first, you would have to be accepted. It seems to me people fear those with such a gift, rather than embrace them."

  "'Tis true, sadly true. But, if we had more power, we could also protect ourselves against the results of such fear."

  "But there is always the possibility such power would breed tyranny. Perhaps that is why people fear it."

  It was Vail's turn to ponder. He nodded slowly. “It's a double-edged sword, isn't it? How do Vectors deal with it? How do you keep from using your incredible powers to control everything and everyone?"

  Jaeger gave a short laugh. “I can only speak for myself, Vail. I do not wish to control anyone. I have a hard enough time merely controlling myself."

  Vail shot him a sidelong glance. “In what respect?"

  Jaeger was quiet a moment. “I have never bled a human to the point of death, Vail. In fact, I had never tasted human blood at all until just months past.” He caught the look on Vail's face. “And, no, your sister was not the first, though, in so
me ways, it would ease my guilt if she had been. At least, she was looking to be bled."

  "I sense no small amount of bitterness in that statement."

  Irritation coursed through Jaeger. “Are you an empath as well?"

  Vail hesitated. “Actually, I am."

  The words startled Jaeger. He got to his feet, turning away from the young man. “What do you know of Vectors, Vail?"

  "More than most. Both Rhiannon and I researched them before she left."

  "Researched?” The word increased Jaeger's ire. “Then I was studied, like some animal in the field?"

  "No, but we both thought it was wise to know as much as possible before we made our proposal to the Vectors."

  Jaeger whirled on him. “Proposal! I loved her, Vail! I love her still! Yet, her interest in me seemingly was purely one of business. How do you think that makes me feel? Use your empathic abilities to read that!"

  Vail was quiet a moment, then he, got up and moved to stand in front of Jaeger. “Have you made love with my sister?"

  The question startled Jaeger from his anger. He felt color rush to his cheeks, though why he couldn't say. “We ... have been intimate, yes."

  "Then there is your answer. Rhiannon has been with no man ... that is, willingly. A rape she cannot be faulted for. If my sister lay with you, it was in love, not because of a business arrangement. Do not doubt that.” He paused, as if unsure whether to voice his next thoughts. “And your love for her? How do you see that?"

  Jaeger stared at him, clearly understanding the meaning. Darius had asked the same thing. His anger resurfaced. “Do you think I mistake lust for love?” he roared. “Yes, she was the first woman I lay with, but I believe I am capable of sorting out a physical need from an emotional one! If I were only seeking something physical, I could have it! With any number of people, any time I choose. I could make even you yearn for me, Vail. I could make you answer to me. I could make you satisfy the physical needs I have!"

  He had drawn very close to the man in his ranting, and now reached out to grip Vail by the back of the neck. The man trembled, his gaze locked on Jaeger's. The Vector felt the sexual tension arc between them, and he trembled as well. For just a split second, he thought he might act on that tension, take both the young man's blood and his body. By force of will, he turned aside and stomped to the far side of the cave.

  He heard Vail's breath rush from him as the young man collapsed to the stone floor. For several moments, there was only silence, then Jaeger sighed.

  "I'm sorry,” he mumbled. “This is all still quite new to me. I have only just begun to experience this ... lust that comes with the Growth. But trust me in this—I love your sister with my heart, not my loins.” When Vail said nothing, Jaeger looked over at him.

  The young man had a distant look on his face, a furrow on his brow, as if musing over something extremely interesting and confusing.

  Jaeger frowned. “What is it? What's wrong?"

  Vail shook his head. “Nothing is wrong. I was ... I was only thinking what a wonderful talent you have."

  "Talent?” Jaeger shook his head, thoroughly confused.

  Vail nodded as if in a daze. “The way you made me want you, ache for you. I would have given myself to you. Yet, I know my interest lies not in men, but in women. One in particular.” A dreamy smile crossed his face. “Rachael,” he breathed, as if he revered the name itself. “If I could make her ache so for me..."

  Jaeger practically choked on his astonishment. He stared at Vail in open-mouthed wonder. He had used his Vector magic on the boy, almost coerced him into a sexual encounter, forced him to go against his own inclinations, and Vail was musing how to do the same thing to the woman of his dreams.

  Vail abruptly lifted his gaze to Jaeger's, only now realizing the Vector's shock. The young man went red.

  "Well, it's that—I—you see, I—” He broke off with a shrug. “I'm twenty-two and yet a virgin. Still, that doesn't mean that ... well, that I don't have ... desires. It's just that I only want to share those desires with Rachael. Now, if I could take just a little of what you just did, and...” He stopped, swallowed hard, and averted his gaze.

  Jaeger abruptly felt laughter swelling up inside him. He thought he had been imparting an explanation, a lesson in love over lust. Yet, Vail had assimilated it quite differently. A chuckle escaped Jaeger, much to Vail's consternation.

  Jaeger shook his head. “I guess I'm far older than I thought. At least mentally. At any rate, let's get some rest. Later, we go look for Rhiannon."

  Chapter Eighteen

  They left the caves at dawn, Jaeger in the form of the mountain cat. He had not yet explained to Vail that the changing was not of his own desires. He didn't see that it mattered. He had told Vail that he would not be able to converse, and so they walked in silence for several hours, each lost in his own thoughts. Then Vail spoke.

  "That arrow I took,” he began. “It was a nasty wound."

  Jaeger nodded his black head.

  Vail continued, flexing his shoulder. “You are a gifted healer. It feels like there was never an injury there."

  Jaeger drew a quick breath. He still hadn't told Vail how he had healed the wound. He wasn't sure if he wanted to. Fortunately, Vail changed the subject.

  "Back there, when you did whatever it was you did—well, you said you loved my sister but not with your loins. Does that mean, then, that your taste is not for women?"

  Jaeger shot a quick glance at him, nodded, then shook his head, further confusing the answer. Vail seemed to take it in stride.

  "The research I did with Rhiannon said that there is often a connection between the taking of blood and a sexual response. Not always, but often. Both seem to provide an orgasmic relief. So, does that mean that Vectors are attracted to men as well?"

  A sneeze is an orgasmic relief, Jaeger wanted to scream, but that doesn't mean I am attracted to noses. He let out a soft growl, indicating his annoyance with the subject matter.

  Vail looked down at him, then laughed. “I'm sorry. I'm prying."

  Yes, you are, Jaeger wanted to reply. He had already experienced the sexual side of taking blood. Many times over in the last two months. He was as confused as anyone by his responses. He supposed if he had studied his Vector heritage a little more thoroughly, he would understand these things. Still, it seemed he was rapidly finding out despite his lack of formal schooling. He cringed as Vail once more began talking. He wondered if the boy was ever quiet.

  "While we're traveling together, I would suppose you could make use of my blood. I know I could certainly use your help in that respect. I am a little concerned regarding the sexual side of it, however. I mean, not that—"

  It was more than Jaeger could take, and he bounded away from the young man.

  "Wait!” Vail called. “Was it something I said?"

  Jaeger kept running, knowing he would not only have to face the boy's questions but his own, at some point. Maybe, if he could get a good kill, he could satisfy his blood-thirst. Then, perhaps, he could resist the blood Vail offered, even though he knew that wouldn't help Vail at all.

  The area they traveled was rough terrain. Huge boulders were scattered about barren ground, looking as if the hand of God had dropped them. In between the gray rocks, scrub vied for space and whatever water was available deep underground. The whole area was a sea of subdued colors that looked as if the life had been drained out of them.

  Jaeger ran until he spotted a large jackrabbit. The rabbit saw him at the same moment. Driven by the internal fears Vail's words had evoked, Jaeger made short work of the chase. This time he did not even stop to consider if the creature had young.

  After devouring the rabbit, Jaeger debated on whether or not to return to Vail. For the first time, he was actually glad that he did not possess the ability to speak. Maybe Vail would get tired of talking if there was no response. With a sigh, Jaeger picked up the young man's trail, though he took his time rejoining him.

  Vail had st
opped to rest. He looked up at Jaeger, his eyes holding such relief and dismay, Jaeger hung his head in guilt. He sat down next to the young man.

  "I'm sorry,” Vail mumbled. “People tell me I talk too much. I guess that's true. But my mother used to tell me that's the only way people learn things. By asking questions. Course, she also used to tell me I should listen better."

  Jaeger cocked his head at the boy, then laid one heavy black paw on the boy's arm.

  Vail grinned. “Then I'm forgiven?"

  Jaeger nodded and nudged him, indicating they should continue. He wanted to find shelter before nightfall. He was exhausted and needed to rest before continuing to the ocean, though how he would find Rhiannon in the vast expanse of beaches, he didn't know. When Vail sat still, Jaeger nudged him harder, knocking him off-balance. Vail grabbed out for a handhold and caught Jaeger round the neck, pulling him over as well. That simple action saved Vail's life.

  An arrow ricocheted off the boulder, clattering harmlessly to the ground. Jaeger jerked his head up, his gaze darting over the rock-strewn landscape. Vail yelped and scrambled behind the boulder he had been leaning against. Jaeger darted away, cursing himself for his lack of attention. The wind shifted, and immediately Jaeger scented his quarry. He crouched low to the ground and crept stealthily, silently, forward. A moment later, he saw a small knot of mounted men, all armed with longbows. They had reloaded and were setting up to loose a volley of arrows in Vail's direction. Jaeger recognized them as men from the village, some of the same ones who had tried to hang Vail just days earlier.

  Jaeger hesitated, glancing at the sun. It was well on its way down. If only he could buy time, he could use the coming darkness to shapeshift to something more powerful, something better able to deal with six well-built men and their lethal weapons. He crept closer, then started in astonishment. One of them was the farmer who had attacked Rhiannon. Anger swelled inside him, and a low growl escaped his throat. The six men turned as one.

  "It's him!” the man cried. “That's the familiar that attacked my father! I knew it was the same one."

  That's right. It's me. So, come and get me. He growled again, his gaze flicking over the men.


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