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Emma's Dream

Page 18

by M. Lee Prescott

Maggie returned Leonora’s embrace, then made her way through the group to find her dad. “So this is your doing, huh?”

  “Couldn’t let my baby girl wither away to nothing, now, could I?”

  * * *

  Chapter 58

  They moved Emma home three weeks after the intervention. The schedule they had devised was working beautifully, and Emma was being spoiled rotten by her grandparents, aunts, and uncles. Daily trips to Tucson for rehab continued, as well as lots of time at Morgan’s Run, where her caregivers took Emma to roam the fields and corrals. Maggie returned to work three days a week, happy to have Emma close by on some of the days. As another pack trip loomed, Ben was busy preparing. This was a small, private trip for two movie stars, their children and several other family members. Harley had insisted that Ben accompany him, and Maggie had agreed. With Team Emma in place, they could easily spare him for the six days.

  The day of the trip, the Lodge was hopping, the stars’ entourage driving the staff crazy with the travelers’ myriad requests for food, special bedding, and a host of other demands.

  Ben found his father in the kitchen, red-faced and out of breath. “Hey, Dad, slow down.”

  “Son, you have no idea.”

  “Not like the group last year, huh?” he said, referring to another Hollywood power couple.

  “Oh, to have Kyla, Keith, and their kids back. No, this group’s gonna drive all of us crazy.”

  “Not on the trip, they won’t.”

  “Long as you give ’em the right food and get them all tucked in.”

  “Yeah, right.”

  “Just try, son. Okay?”

  “It’s not me you have to worry about. Have you ever known Harley to coddle anyone?”

  Ben Senior laughed. “If he offends ’em, we can always pretend we’re gonna fire him when you get back. I’ll send one of the guys down with the van in a bit. The guests say they want to walk down.”

  “Well, stay calm. Don’t want you blowing a gasket. Besides, isn’t this your and Mom’s afternoon with Emma?”

  “Yup, can’t wait. Have a good trip, son.”

  With a hug, Ben headed out, hopping into the jeep just as the stars themselves stepped onto the Lodge’s front porch. Here we go, he thought, waving as he drove past the group. When he reached the stables, Harley and Jeb were saddling the horses and organizing the pack mules in another corral. “Hey, guys, Maggie around?”

  They pointed toward the office, so he headed in and spied her on the phone. She nodded, then continued talking, clearly speaking to their grain supplier. Ben sat and observed, pleased to see that she had regained some weight. Her rosy cheeks were no longer hollow, and her hair was pulled back in her usual careless ponytail. Her jeans no longer hung quite so loosely on her frame. He ached for her touch and would have swooped her up in his arms and kissed her silly if he hadn’t known his actions would be met with an angry rebuff.

  Aware of his presence even before he entered the room, Maggie yearned for his warmth, even as she was determined to keep her distance. She ended the call and wrote some notes to herself. Then, assuming her business face, she turned to him. “Hey, you ready for this crew?”

  “No, I’d much rather stay here with you and Emma. You look great, by the way.”

  Ignoring the hunger in his gaze, she replied with a lightness she didn’t feel. “I would give big money to see Harley when you set up camp tonight.”

  “He won’t take any shit from them. Dad says I can fire him if they complain.”

  She laughed and flashed the beautiful smile he loved so much. “That’s been known to happen before. Very effective, actually.”

  Ben closed the office door and pulled his chair close to hers. “Maggie, I’m dying here. I miss you so much it hurts. I love you and Emma. I want us to be a family, to be together.”

  He reached over and took her hand.

  His heat took her breath away, and Maggie longed to throw herself into his arms, to bury her face in the crook of his neck, to feel his kisses everywhere. But her body felt numb, frozen, as if all feeling had been sucked out of her.

  “Ben, I just need time. I told you. When Emma’s better, we’ll see.”

  Ben watched the ambivalence in her expression and believed that a part of her wanted him as much as he wanted her. Then the ice princess took over and froze him out.He stood and held out his hand to her. “One kiss before I go?”

  Maggie took his hand and stood to gaze into his gorgeous chestnut eyes. Oh, how she had missed him these past months. Before she knew it, his lips found hers and captured her mouth fully, deeply, his tongue teasing hers as she kissed him back. His hands caressed her back and moved under her tee shirt to cup her breasts, his fingers gentling twirling her nipples to hardness. She moaned, helpless, and gave herself to him, wanting him with a desperate need.

  Crazy with desire, she barely noticed as he magically divested her of her jeans and panties, his fingers between her legs, urging her to climax. Ben groaned, feeling how wet she was, how ready for him. His jeans dropped to release his erection, and he lifted her, wrapped her legs around him, and plunged in, a joint sigh passing between them as they became one.

  “Oh, God, Maggie, I love you,” he said, his voice husky. They moved as one, wild kisses of yearning and remembrance passing between them as they reached a crashing, simultaneous climax.

  In the aftermath, Ben’s legs wobbled. He held her, never wanting to release her, but he searched for a good place to rest. As he eyed their surroundings, they heard voices in the barn and realized Harley and Jeb were headed their way. Ben lunged for the door and pressed his back against it, their bodies still entwined. The door handle rattled and Harley called, “What the heck’s going on with this door?”

  “Hey, guys,” Ben called. “Give us a minute, will you? Be right out.”

  Silence. Ben and Maggie stared into each other’s eyes, waiting. Her arms circled his neck, holding on. They were afraid to breathe.

  A moment later, they heard chuckles from the other side of the door. “Oh, okay. Come on, Jeb, let’s go see if the van’s here. They must be taking care of some urgent business in there.” More laughing as they retreated.

  Slowly, reluctantly, Ben withdrew and kissed her softly. Then, drawing her close again, he set her down. He was grinning, but his eyes were full of love, love Maggie had missed so desperately. Afraid to speak, she kissed him, her hand caressing his cheek. She hoped her eyes spoke the love she felt for him, even if she couldn’t quite say it. Then she smiled and turned away to retrieve her clothes. “We’re never going to live this down, you know.”

  “Don’t care.”

  “Yes, but you don’t have to work with those two every day, Mr. Hospitality.”

  “Well, I’m about to spend six days with one of ’em and he’s not going to leave it alone, I guarantee.”

  Hastily she pulled on her jeans. “Oh, Lord, what were we thinking? Where’s my hat? Where’re my sunglasses? This is just too ridiculous!”

  Ben watched her and smiled as he pulled himself together. Suddenly her frenzied rushing about ceased and she turned to him.

  “Sweetheart, you okay?”

  Tears in her eyes, she ran to him and jumped into his arms, burying her face against his shoulder. “Oh, Ben, I love you. I’ve missed you so much! I’m sorry, I’m sorry.”

  “Hey, hey, nothing to be sorry about, my sweet darling. I’ve missed you, too, but now we’ve found each other again, right?” She nodded against his chest, loving his hardness and strength. “The timing could be better, but I’ll be back soon.”

  With another long, lingering kiss, she released him. “And, speaking of the trip, I hear voices. You better get out there.”

  “Sure can’t hold you any longer or I’ll have to wear my shirttail out.” He laughed and kissed her forehead. “Are you ready to meet some genuine movie stars?”

  * * *

  Chapter 59

  Ben and Harley had been gone four days, and the stables we
re quiet. Weeklong pony camps were over, college workers gone, and campers back to school. Jeb and Maggie ran Saturday pony camps during the off-season, but the first wasn’t due to start up until the following month. 4-H had its own leaders and their activities mostly took place at the farm, where the kids raised rabbits, miniature goats, and pigs. Two girls kept minihorses at the stables, but they came and went under their leaders’ direction. No mustangs had been delivered in over a month.

  As Maggie and Jeb sat drinking beers at the end of the workday, he said, “What d’ya think, Boss? They discontinuing the mustang project or what?”

  She shrugged. “Haven’t a clue. Harley hasn’t said anything to me.”

  “Guess we’ll get to keep Tabasco, huh?”

  “Hope so.”

  “Wonder how the trip’s going.”

  “No emergency calls, no heckling from the entourage so far.”

  “They staying at the Lodge?”

  “Yes, and driving everyone crazy, from what I hear.”

  “Guess you’ll be glad when they’re back?”

  Maggie shrugged. “Gotta run. Picking up Emma from the big house. She’ll be impossible tonight after being spoiled rotten all day.”

  Secretly, Maggie loved days Emma spent with the Morgans. Knowing she was nearby was comforting, and most days, she went up to have lunch with her.

  “See you in the a.m., Boss. Have a good one.”

  Jeb watched her go and marveled as he always did at how gorgeous she was, even if she was off-limits. Besides, he’d been seeing a bit of Stacy Winchester, Gracie’s best waitress, and she was pretty cute herself.

  Maggie stopped in the barn to kiss Tabasco’s nose, waved back over her shoulder, and headed for the big house.

  Emma and her grandparents were on the back terrace, playing an animated game of horseshoes. Ruthie was there as well and seemed to be the retriever of all wildly tossed shoes. Emma’s peals of laughter echoed through the house from the open terrace doors.“Just follow the noise, miss,” Carmela said, smiling as she stood aside to allow Maggie to pass. “Can I bring you some iced tea or lemonade?”

  Maggie declined. She and Jeb had spent most of the afternoon mucking out the stalls. She was filthy and eager to get home, shower, and change her clothes.

  As she stepped out on the terrace, Emma spied her and cried, “Hi, Mom! Come play!”

  “Hi, baby. Having fun?”

  Leonora came to give her a tentative hug. “Hi, dear. Would you like a cool drink? Looks like you’ve had quite a day.”

  She laughed as Ben Senior pecked her on the cheek. “Yes, we’ve been up to our elbows in you-know-what all day, so I won’t sit. Em, we probably should get going soon. A few more turns, okay?”

  Ruthie had just deposited a fresh supply of horseshoes in Emma’s lap, and her daughter nodded, turning back to the game. Leonora went to Emma’s side, clapping as they started another round.

  “Have you got a minute, Maggie?” Ben Senior indicated a wrought iron chair at the side of the terrace. “There’s something I’d like to talk to you about.”

  Maggie sat, and he took the chair next to her.

  “As you know, the mustang program has been important to the ranch. It’s somewhat profitable, but that’s not the major reason for its value to us. The collaboration with the feds has put us on the map and ensured that the land and the ranch will stay protected. We are also saving these beautiful animals that would otherwise be headed to the slaughterhouse for dog food.”

  She nodded. “Jeb and I were just talking about this and wondering why we haven’t had any new horses.”

  “That’s what I wanted to talk to you about. As you’ve no doubt been reading, the Border Patrol and all their facilities have been swamped with the thousands of unaccompanied minors comin’ across the border. They can’t release the agents long enough for them to come up and train, but they desperately need the mounts. There are a dozen or so of the mustangs down in Nogales now. Folks have been workin’ with ’em, gettin’ ’em used to the saddle and so forth, but they’re not you, or Harley, or Jeb. They can’t do what you do. Anyway, they called and asked if I’d send one of my people down to help out.”

  “I’m happy to drive down, but that’s a long way for a day’s work.”

  “They’re askin’ for someone to come for a couple of weeks, Maggie. To really get them where they need to be.”

  “That’s impossible. What about Harley or Jeb?”

  “I can’t spare Harley, and Jeb isn’t ready to do it alone. I’d like to send you both. Harley and Ben can hold down the fort, and I’ll get a couple of local kids to help with the stalls.”

  “I’m sorry, Mr. Morgan.”


  “I’m sorry, Ben, but I can’t be away from Emma for that long.”

  “I’ve already talked to your dad. He said he could handle it, Ben’ll be back, and we have our well-oiled schedule working. Honey, please think about it. If you’re willing, I’ll pay you overtime, and I have another incentive I’m hoping will sway you. You go down and do this with Jeb, and Tabasco is yours.”

  Maggie’s jaw dropped, and she stared at him. He was right, of course. Emma would be fine and happy as a clam. She was thriving with all the doting attention of aunts, uncles, and grandparents, and she would barely know Maggie was gone.

  She smiled at him. “That’s bribery. You know how much I love him.”

  “Who, the horse or my son?”

  She laughed. “Both. When do they want me?”

  “Next week.”

  “Can I think about it and let you know tomorrow?”

  “Sure, darlin’, course you can.”

  Sly old devil, Maggie thought. You know darn well what my answer will be, even though I haven’t any idea how I’ll survive for two weeks without seeing my baby and her dad.

  * * *

  Chapter 60

  “Here they come,” Jeb called as Maggie dragged a cooler of refreshments out to greet the returning riders. She had just hung up from speaking to Rose. Dr. Heavers wanted to see Emma Monday morning if they were free. Maggie had agreed and asked why, but Rose answered honestly that she was not sure. Her boss had not confided in her, but she told Maggie she thought it was probably just a routine checkup.

  The first riders to appear were Julie Bliss and her daughter Ashley. An image of Julie from her recent film, a science fiction thriller, flashed into Maggie’s head. She hadn’t seen the film, but the trailers featured the gorgeous actress floating in space, her makeup intact, every hair in place. Today’s visage was quite different. Julie Bliss’s long auburn hair, stuffed under a designer Stetson, stuck out at odd angles, limp and snarled. Makeup-free, her pale face was smudged with mud, and her usually luminous brown eyes appeared haunted. Her freckle-faced, blonde daughter looked a bit better, but that wasn’t saying much. Her face was twisted up in a scowl, and they could hear her whining voice from a half mile away.

  “Uh-oh,” Jeb said, leaning again the gate. “Somebody’s not happy.”

  “Oh, Lord, spare us. The guys must be ready to kill themselves.” She craned her neck, trying to catch a glimpse of her beloved as Harley and Rowdy came into view. He was riding alongside Bliss’s twelve-year-old son, who actually looked like he was enjoying himself. Two of the stars’ assistants came next, looking better than the ladies.

  Finally she spied Royal, who had not one but two riders. Boyd Rooney, star of dozens of action films, sat in front, his leg in a splint. Ben rode behind him, clearly ready to be rid of his fellow rider. When he spied Maggie, he waved his hat, grinning from ear to ear.

  “Too bad about the privacy agreements we all signed,” Jeb said. “We could make a small fortune with photos and a story documenting this.”

  “Perish the thought. Oh, Lord, better pull out the steps and call for the van. Looks like Mr. Dreamboat is going to be headed to the hospital.”

  Jeb called the Lodge, then pulled out the dismount steps just in time to greet Julie Bliss
as she slid from her horse and missed the steps, flopping clumsily into his arms.

  “Hey, Ms. Bliss, you okay?”

  “Get me a drink. Now.”

  Jeb set her down on one of the lawn chairs. “What’s your pleasure? We’ve got beer, water, and sodas. I’m a huge fan, by the way.”

  “I want a margarita, but a beer will have to do until we get up to that Godforsaken inn. Water, too!”

  Jeb brought the bedraggled star a Dos Equis and two bottles of water as well as the soda Ashley had requested. Maggie tied up the horses and helped the assistants down, waiting for the others. Harley and the son took care of their own mounts, and each grabbed a drink. As Royal approached, Maggie came forward and patted his nose. “Hey, guys. Rough ride?”

  Boyd Rooney said nothing. Ben rolled his eyes.

  “Okay, let’s get you down, Boyd,” Harley said as he and Jeb reached up and grabbed the nearly comatose action star. “The van coming?”

  “On its way.” Maggie gazed up to find Royal’s other rider grinning down at her. “Hey, you. Everything okay?”

  “More than okay.”

  He dismounted and swept her into his arms. “Woman, you are a sight for sore eyes.” Not caring who saw them, Ben kissed her long and deep. Maggie’s knees buckled as she returned his embrace.

  “Can we skip the Scarlett and Rhett routine and get some help over here?” one of the assistants whined, his face pinched and covered in trail grit. “In case you hadn’t noticed, Mr. Rooney is gravely injured.”

  Reluctantly, the lovers broke apart and went to assist.

  “What happened?” Maggie asked as Jeb and Harley loaded Boyd into the van.

  “What didn’t?” Ben said, arm circling her shoulder as they headed for the shade.

  Once the guests had departed, Boyd to the hospital in north Tucson, the others to the Lodge, Ben sat and pulled her into his lap. “Oh, my darling, it is good to be home. Harley’s fired, by the way.”


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