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by Unknown

  Male Order

  written by Cassandre Dayne

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  Disclaimer: This book may contain explicit sexual content, graphic, adult language, and situations that some readers may find objectionable which might include: male/male sexual practices, multiple partner sexual practices, strong BDSM themes and elements, erotic elements and fetish play. This e-book is for sale to adults ONLY, as defined by the laws of the country in which you made your purchase. Please do not try any new sexual practice, especially those that might be found in our BDSM/Fetish titles without the guidance of an experience practitioner. Neither Rebel Ink Press LLC nor its authors will be responsible for any loss, harm, injury or death resulting from use of the information contained in any of its titles.

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  Cover Artist: Carl J. Franklin

  ©2011, Rebel Ink Press, LLC First Edition

  Chapter One

  Razer Willis grimaced as Phillip continued taking picture after picture. It wasn't that he hated modeling but he was weary from posing like some warrior God for a damn provocative ad for vodka of all things. Granted, the gig paid well and would cover his expenses for the month, which was something he desperately needed. Being out of work for almost a year, modeling kept Razer from being homeless given that marketing positions were tough to come by these days.

  "Just a few more and we're done," Phillip said as he changed the angle of the light and inched closer "Spread your legs for me. I wanna see that delicious cock of yours."

  Fighting a hiss, Razer opened his legs and placed his hands on his hips. He tipped his head toward the light as he had done several times and held the stance, adopting the look of a hungry beast stalking his prey. While the Neanderthal shoot prickled his anger, it was the photographer's overt flirting that was really driving him insane. Phillip Kruger was the hottest photographer in the business and was sought after by many of the most coveted models gracing covers. The heavy set older German made sure Razer knew he wanted more than something professional. The wretched part about the thought was that Razer knew Phillip would call him again and get him more work if Razer allowed the guy to fuck him in the ass.

  "You need me to suck that hot stick of yours and make you hard?" Licking his lips loudly, Phillip knelt between Razer's legs and took a close up shot of shaft and balls.

  Razer resisted the urge to strike him. Instead, he wrapped his hand around his flaccid dick and closed his eyes, imaging a tall golden haired blond ready to suck him off. "I'll do it." Stroking his shaft all the way to the base, he squeezed his balls, relishing in the pain.

  "That's beautiful, baby. I like that. Keep it up," Phillip cooed as he continued shooting. "I love seeing you masturbate. Turns me the hell on."

  Makes me sick. Razer envisioned Blake, his sometimes lover and best friend and groaned as he pumped his hand, his nails digging in to his flesh. His breathing ragged, Razer thrashed his head back and forth, fueled by Phillip's thick accent as the photographer cooed and inched closer and closer. Opening his eyes, Razer stared down at the man who remained on his knees leering at him, his eyes dancing with lust.

  "While I'd love to see you cum, I need the shot. Move your hand away," Phillip commanded.

  Razer nodded and lifted his hand, darting his eyes across the Phillip's face. Striking a pose, he remained hard and hungry. Desperate to cum, Razer's body shook needing relief and there was no doubt Phillip sensed his condition.

  "Perfect. You're so damn sexy to look at." Setting the camera down on a small side table, Phillip slowly rose to his feet and closed the distance between them. Sliding his hand down Razer's chest, Phillip toyed with his chest, flicking his finger across Razer's nipple. "Allow me to give you some satisfaction for your good work." The tone dripping with innuendos, he twisted Razer's nipple between his thumb and forefinger until Razer hissed. "I know how you enjoy a touch of pain with your pleasure. Don't you, boy? I know exactly what you like. You need a good master to train you. Would you like to be my permanent boy?"

  Shivering, Razer sucked in his breath as Phillip's other hand moved down and cupped Razer's crotch. He allowed the moment of intimacy, telling himself this was normal in the world of high priced modeling and that he should get over his concerns. Pursing his lips, he fought his demons, his heart thumping in his chest. He could do this. The man simply wanted to give him a blowjob. Right?

  "I see you like my touch. Seriously I'd enjoy turning you into my boy toy while I help mold you into a star. Would you like that?" Philip breathed as he leaned in and licked across the seam of Razer's mouth. "God you taste sweet." Stroking him in long, even pumps, Phillip chuckled as he moved to Razer's other nipple, pinching and squeezing until Razer hissed. "Let me suck you.

  It'll feel so good. I want to suck your juicy cock and have your cum slide down my throat. Is that something you can handle? Of course you can."

  Unable to say anything, Razer turned his head, willing his nerves to settle. Razer certainly loved the taste of men but this was…

  "Good boy. I'll make sure you have something a little extra in your paycheck and perhaps we'll set up more work for you next week. I have some clients that will flip for your beauty.

  There's nothing quite like a sexy raven haired hunk of a man to boil my clients' blood. You know you could sell millions with those green eyes of yours." Capturing Razer's mouth, he pressed his tongue inside as he pumped Razer's cock.

  Razer groaned and imagined another time and place, humiliated that he craved relief so badly. As the echo of his heart roared into his ears, he broke the kiss, palming Phillips's chest and panted.

  "I see you're hungry. I love that in my men." Sliding to his knees, Phillip purred and breathed a swatch of hot air across Razer's swollen erection. "You're gonna be so damn good to eat."

  Taking a single finger, he grazed it the length of Razer's cock until it twitched. Darting out his tongue, he sliced it across the tip before easing back and gazing into Razer's eyes. "You make this
old man want to fuck you hard. Can you imagine how damn good it'll feel as I drive my dick into your sweet ass?"

  Opening and closing his mouth, Razer began shaking. Phillip chuckled and took the head of Razer's cock into his mouth, sliding his tongue around in lazy circles while he gripped Razer's balls, squeezing with enough pressure Razer threw his head back and roared, the intensity of Phillips's mouth and hands was both scintillating and disgusting . Think of the money. Think of what it'll mean for your future. It's just sex. It's just…

  "That's it. Yyyyeeessss…you're one hot fuck and I'm going to enjoy taming," Phillip hissed before he wrapped his hands around Razer's thighs, cupping his ass and thrusting Razer's shaft into the back of his throat.

  "Aaaaahhhh!" Dazzling sensations rushed Razer's body sending a series of white-hot jolts dancing across his skin. Squeezing his eyes, trying to take himself anywhere but here, suddenly the insanity of his act flashed through Razer's mind. He didn't want this. This…man was not his lover and barely a friend. Hell, the man was a horrible representation of everything Razer hated and exactly what he'd succumbed to so many years ago. And it had nearly destroyed him. "No."

  Phillips clamped down on Razer's ass cheeks, forcefully driving Razer's shaft into the deep recesses of his mouth.

  "No!" More insistent, Razer pushed at Phillip's shoulders trying to jerk free. "I don't…want…this!"

  Phillip's grip tightened as his mouth muscles clamped over Razer, sucking as he swirled his tongue in manic motions. Grunting and growling, he bobbed his head with enough force he yanked Razer's tense body forward and backward.

  "I said…no!" Giving Phillip a long, hard shove, Razer stumbled backward, slamming into a set of lights. As the entire cluster of equipment tumbled to the floor, smashing hard against the hardwood floor, he wiped his mouth with the back of his hand and glared down at Phillip. "I said no."

  "You whore!" Phillip dragged his body to his feet and hissed. "Get the fuck out of here."

  Breathless, Razer grabbed his clothes and yanked them on, embarrassed and horrified at not only his impetuous behavior but what would come next. Phillip could make or break a model and Razer knew damn good and well he was toast.

  "You fucking kids are all alike. You think you can come here and preen and show off your naked bodies and expect to be paid for what, looking pretty?" Phillip strode to his desk and grabbed a book, forcing the pages open. Grabbing a pen, he wrote furiously. "I'll tell you one thing, pretty boy. You'll never work in this town again. Given the state of how I hear your bank account looks, you'll be coming to me in about a month begging for my forgiveness and for my cock. But you know what? You won't get a damn thing." Ripping off a check, Phillip held it out and glared at Razer. "Your pay for the job."

  Razer tucked in his shirt and zipped his jeans. Keeping his eyes pinned on the furious man, he pulled on his boots and brushed his hands through his hair. A model he could be but he refused to be a whore. Gathering what was left of his dignity, he walked forward and grabbed the check out of Phillip's hand, stuffing it into his pocket.

  Phillip laughed and folded his arms. "Don't even know if I stiffed you. Interesting. Well, I'll tell you when the proofs are ready. Now get the fuck out of here."

  Nodding, Razer opened his mouth to apologize but just shook his head instead. He had nothing to apologize for. Throwing his shoulders back, he sauntered toward the door, swaying his hips as a brazen tease. The asshole didn't deserve the likes of him or his talent. As he closed the door, the sound of something glass shattering against a wall forced him to jump.

  Razer slumped against the outside wall and cringed. "What the fuck did I just do?"


  Rage pulsed through Razer's body and he took it out on his car and the road, driving at speeds in excess of eighty miles per hour. It was late, he was exhausted and the mother fucking jerk had stiffed him out of two hundred dollars. While he longed to stop at a bar and drown his sorrows, he knew nothing good would come of it given his piss poor mood. Besides, he had a tentative date with Blake. While he certainly wasn't in the mood for chit chat, Blake knew his dark moods and would give him space while sharing in his need something hard.

  Chuckling, he stopped at the corner liquor store before traveling the rest of the way. He was in the mood for tequila. At least his paycheck could afford a tall bottle. Hissing, he licked his lips, realizing his hunger was tremendous. Why? Because the ugly man turned him on? Damn it all to hell. Slamming his hand against the steering wheel, he swallowed hard as he pulled into his driveway. Why the hell couldn't he find a real job? He couldn't believe that with all his connections he was still unemployed. It had almost been a year.

  Razer climbed out of his beloved Miata wondering whether he was going to have to sell his prized possession at auction. Tugging at the check, he eyed the amount as he leaned against the driver's door. It would get him by for a little while anyway. He stuffed the slip of paper into his pocket before heading inside. There was no need for Blake to know yet Razer would lose everything within the span of two months without securing a job.

  Opening the door, he smiled, pleased Blake hadn't waited for his call. Blake Myers was his best friend and on again off again lover for the last several years. They both understood there was nothing but warmth and sex between them but the relationship was safe and offered pleasure on lonely nights for each man.

  "You're late," Blake said, grinning until he gazed at Razer's face. "I know that look. What's wrong?" Reaching into a cabinet, he pulled out two glasses.

  "Why do you think anything's wrong?" Razer yanked out the tequila and twisted the cap feeling like guzzling it straight from the bottle instead of using a glass.

  "Because you stopped at the liquor store when you have a cabinet full of liquor here."

  Plopping ice into the glasses, Blake pushed them toward Razer.

  Razer chuckled. "Long day."

  "How was the shoot?"

  "Okay, I guess."

  "Right. Let's try lying in another language. The old bastard come on to you?"

  "Yeah and I turned him down." Shrugging, he poured heavy amounts of the pale amber liquid into both glasses. As he set the bottle down, he realized his hands were shaking. "Don't think I'll be doing any more modeling."

  "What? Oh come on. This isn't the fifties."

  "No, but the man has connections. I'm ruined." Razer gulped half his glass in one long pull.

  "You'll find something else. Fuck em." Blake moved around the kitchen island and rubbed his hand across Razer's face.

  Razer sighed and titled his head, nuzzling into his hand. "Not that pays the bills. What am I gonna do, sell my freaking art?"

  "Your art work is incredible. I have no idea why you haven't had a show yet," Blake admonished.

  "Because you need connections and evidently I have none." Razer clenched his eyes shut, his heart thumping. It wasn't like him to whine about anything but he was dead tired from interviews and rejections. While painting and writing music kept his mind from falling into the pit of hell, it was also reminding him he wasn't good at either thing.

  Blake jerked the glass out of his hand and set both down on the counter before grabbing Razer's chin and shaking his head. "You're a wonderful man, a fantastic artist, excellent in business and damn sexy. Fuck the rest of the world."

  "Then why doesn't anyone want me?"

  Growling, Blake yanked Razer's body to his. "You're incorrigible." Crushing Razer's mouth, he wrapped his arm around Razer's waist and pulled him into the heat of his body, pressing his tongue inside Razer's mouth.

  Razer shivered from the sensations rushing his body. He trusted this man with his sex and his life and Blake was one of the few men that knew his secret. He ground his cock against Blake's hips moving in long luxurious motions as every part of his body tingled, needing relief from the angst that he'd carried with him for days.

  Breaking the kiss, Blake inhaled deeply and darted his tongue, encircling Razer's lips. "You smell damn good
." Nipping his bottom lip playfully, Blake groaned and moved away, giving Razer a seductive glance. Grabbing his glass, he took a long swill. "Music?"

  Razer instantly felt better. "Sure. Why are you here by the way?" He watched his lover walk into the living room and eyed fresh ingredients on the counter. Blake loved to cook but they usually did it at his house instead of Razer's. "I thought you weren't sure you could get out of work."

  The lilting sounds of Ottmar Liebert fluttered throughout the townhouse as Blake sauntered back into the kitchen. "I had a meeting with my boss today."

  Razer lifted his eyebrow. "Uh-oh. What does that mean?" Working as a high powered attorney in one of the best firms in Atlanta, Blake had a six figure salary and excellent benefits.

  But Razer could tell by the look in Blake's eyes that something was wrong.

  "Let's go out on the balcony," Blake suggested.

  Razer trailed him outside where they stood gazing across the landscaped back. His townhouse had a dazzling view of the pool and at the hour it glimmered in the full moon.

  "What is it? You can tell me anything."

  Blake sighed and gripped the iron railing. "My boss offered me a promotion."

  "That's fantastic!"

  "You don't understand. It means I have to move."


  Blake turned slowly and gazed into Razer's eyes. "Los Angeles."

  While the news was startling, they both knew it was bound to happen sooner or later.

  Mahoney, Trevillian and Parker was blazing a trail. Considered to be one of the most influential law firms working with artists and entertainers, Los Angeles was a given. "That's wonderful, Blake. It's what you've always wanted."

  "But it means I have to leave you, unless you want to come. You'd do great modeling there.

  Think about all the connections I'll have. It's perfect, man. You can live with me until you find…


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