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Do Not Return To Sender

Page 12

by Unknown

  Dyson said nothing for several minutes. Walking to the small window that overlooked a back alley, he stood staring, barely blinking. "There was something haunting Trenton. He told me after the first two months we were together that he'd been abused. It was really hard for him to talk about and honestly, I couldn't understand much of what he went through. How could anyone fathom something so horrendous?"

  The sound of Dyson's strangled voice kept Razer quiet.

  "Anyway, Trenton told me a few stories about what happened to him over time. I allowed him to tell me when he could. He was a kid, barely eighteen when he got involved with them.

  They were an international group that sold kids into slavery but he didn't know that. His owner took a liking to him so for several years Trenton was allowed certain privileges the other boys weren't. Then everything changed when they had a new owner come into the group. I couldn't get much out of Trenton but from what I gathered he was a real monster."

  Dyson clucked his jaw. He'd read enough about the middle-eastern slave trades to know they were the worst. Selling boys and girls into slavery for Sheiks was profitable and the kids were never seen again. Beaten and used as nothing more than fuck machines, their life of servitude usually ended early from torture. Shivering, he tried to envision such horrors.

  Dyson stole a glance before continuing. "When everything changed with this new freak coming into the fold things got dicey and new kids were being traded in and out all the time.

  Trenton's owner certainly didn't have clout. So…" Sighing, he shook his head. "So the new owner took a liking to Trenton and a forced deal was made. Of course he mistreated Trenton and as you can imagine, Trenton didn't take to his new owner well so he fought back and…"

  Closing his eyes, Dyson shook his head.

  From where Razer stood he could see a tear slip from Dyson's eye. His heart racing, he moved toward Dyson knowing the story was the truth. "What happened?"

  "The freak gave Trenton a choice. Either beat and rape a new boy or take his place with every owner that stood hungry and waiting."

  "Shit!" Razer could barely believe what he was hearing. "What…"

  Dyson shook his head and wiped his eyes. "Yes, Trenton beat the boy but he could go no further."

  "That meant…" Fuck! In his wildest imagination he couldn't visualize the horrors Trenton had gone through.

  Dyson waved his hand. "He wouldn't tell me and you know, I didn't ask but he did say he was able to escape and he was able to get the boy away with him but by that point the kid was catatonic. You know most of this story we'll never be able to confirm but I was able to check on this kid. I found some newspaper articles about the missing boy and several others at the time.

  There was a rash of kidnappings because of this gang of fucking savages."

  A sense of love filled Razer's heart. No wonder Trenton couldn't tell him the entire story.

  Given what he knew about Razer's past, for him to harbor such guilt when he was the hero was unbelievable. "Anything on the boy?"

  "All I know is that the boy was reunited with his family and they were going to get him help. I haven't looked any further and I'm not sure I want to know," Dyson whispered as he stared at Razer. "Now do you understand? It took everything Trenton had to make a man of himself and he's fought harder than most. You know what the oddest thing about this is?"

  "What?" Razer closed the distance and took Dyson's hand, intertwining their fingers together.

  Dyson swallowed hard and pressed his fingers across Razer's cheek. "I have no idea why either one of you would want to have anything to do with playrooms or the thought of being tied up. I don't understand. Can you tell me why so I can try and understand?"

  It was a good question. Sighing, Razer tried to find the right words. "Because it's something that we both crave and enjoyed certain aspects of the lifestyle. Because it's about the most extraordinary level of trust that two people can share. For me and perhaps for Trenton I suspect now that I know about what he endured, it's about healing and righting horrible wrongs. Karma has an interesting way of making us relive our horrors and either face them or delve into our own private worlds of insanity. Trenton and I lived that way for too many years.

  Our private monsters stole our needs and a part of our souls. It's time to stop the vicious cycle."

  Dyson allowed the words to settle before nodding. "Then I have to ask you two very important questions and if either one of them is no, I'll leave you here today. But I refuse to have you throw your life or your talent away and you'll be a part of this gallery for as long as you want to be. Fair enough?"

  Razer smiled as a new level of peace entered his system. "Fair enough."

  "Do you love Trenton? Do you trust him?"

  As the simple questions raced to the back of his mind and stilled his heart, he knew the answer immediately and the joy that filled his soul brought tears to his eyes. "With all that I am and all that I have."

  Dyson smiled, his eyes darting back and forth across Razer's. Yanking his body forward, Dyson hugged him tightly. "You're amazing. You're both amazing. I'm so damn happy!"

  As Razer pulled back, he wiped the tears from Dyson's cheek and smiled. "And you're a wonderful friend to both of us."

  Dyson looked away.

  "Please don't tell me there's something else."

  "I have an idea. One that I think one that will really allow both of you to get rid of your monsters. I think it's going to be more difficult than you know so I want you to think about it before you agree."

  Narrowing his eyes, Razer nodded. "Tell me."

  Dyson shook his head.

  As Dyson explained his idea, Razer smiled. It was the perfect suggestion and one that would either bring them together or shove them apart or good, but it was worth the risk. Either way, it was something they both needed. "I'll do it."


  "I don't want to be here," Trenton hissed as he climbed out of the passenger seat and stared at the marquis. "You know better than to bring me here, especially now."

  "I had to get you out of the damn house. You were driving me crazy," Dyson sniffed as he locked the door. "You're going to follow me or else."

  "Damn it!"

  "You own the club, Trenton. Yet you've never even been into it!"

  "I own a small portion of Club Trinity and you know damn well why I've never been here other than to sign the bloody papers." Why in the hell would Dyson do this? He'd barely slept over the past week and going out was rough enough. To be forced to go to a sex club was too much to ask.

  "Then why did you spend so much money putting together a playroom?"

  "Because…" Hell, that was a good question.

  Dyson eased in front of him and took his hand, bringing Trenton's palm to his lips. "Trust me."

  "Said the spider to the fly."

  Chuckling, Dyson held out his hand. "Come on. We'll just stay for thirty minutes. I think this will be the beginning of your healing process."

  "I'm already healed, Dyson."

  "Then why haven't you confronted Razer and told him told him the complete truth?"

  Opening and closing his mouth, Trenton shook his head. He'd longed to tell Razer every ugly detail but he knew his lover would never allow him back into his life, not after the betrayal and not after learning part of the truth. His heart ached. "I tried and he refuses."

  "Uh-huh. Let's go." Pulling Trenton toward the entrance, they brushed past security and into the club.

  Trenton had been in the club during the daytime signing papers and surveying activities before purchasing a portion of the club. His attorneys handled everything else. Seeing the colorful neon lighting and shimmering LED's pulsing throughout the darkened space was inviting but his heart raced knowing what was happening behind closed doors. He gazed at the signs above the doors. There was a room for almost every type of proclivity from group sex to voyeurism, BDSM and vanilla spanking. No matter how high or low your level of kink was, Club Trinity could meet it

  "I can tell you like what you see," Dyson pressed a kiss along the side of Trenton's neck as he drew him further into the bowels of the club.

  "The designer did well," Trenton acknowledged as the bar and center portion of the club came into view, the elliptical design banking the center allowing access on all sides. Rows of tables surrounded the area. A dance floor with streaming lights and heady beats was nestled in the corner. While Club Trinity was primarily a sex club, many patrons came to enjoy and simply watch the erotic activity. By the looks of collared and uncollared guests, there seemed to be a fairly equal number of Dom's to subs. Every corner of the joint packed, Trenton could easily see why the place was so popular. The managers kept the place clean, well run and trouble free.

  "You were the designer my friend."

  "Tell me what we're here for again. Exactly?" Trenton's blood sizzled as they passed an open door. As sounds of intense flogging floated out and his heart skipped, creating an echo of thumps in his ears.

  "A few drinks and a bit of relaxation." Dyson headed for a booth in the far corner of the room.

  Trenton could tell there was purpose in Dyson's step and as they neared the large table surrounded by red leather, instinct kicked in. "Who are we meeting?"

  "Meeting?" Dyson stopped and turned, gazing into Trenton's eyes. "Whatever do you mean?"

  "I know that bad boy look. What do you have up your sleeve?"

  Dyson moved behind him and wrapped his hands around Trenton's waist. "This is long overdue."

  Trenton's eyes opened wide as he was pushed forward. "Razer." Barely able to breathe, he bit his lower lip as the gorgeous man stood. Flanked by the man he'd seen in the gallery, Razer stood and nodded. Dressed in tight leather pants and a flowing white silk shirt, Razer reminded him of a dream he never wanted to stop living.

  "I'm glad you came," Razer said as he moved from the booth.

  "This must be Blake," Dyson said, inhaling deeply as his eyes sparkled.

  Trenton smiled sensing an instant connection. "Did Dyson put you up to this?"

  "Let's just say he convinced me," Razer took Trenton by the hand. "Blake, allow me to introduce you to Trenton Masters and Dyson Withers."

  Blake tipped his head and smiled, his eyes darting the length of Dyson. "You've been holding out on me, Razer. Your friends are positively edible."

  Trenton burst out laughing, tension easing from his body. "This could prove to be an interesting evening." He nodded to Blake and then Dyson as the two men shook hands.

  Suddenly there was enough testosterone in the room to fill an entire evening with blazing sex.

  Smiling, he thumbed Razer's palm absently, inhaling his rich scent and spicy cologne. Everything about Razer turned him the hell on.

  Razer glanced back and forth between Blake and Dyson and grinned. "Why didn't I think of this little pairing before?"

  "Why indeed," Blake purred.

  "I've missed you," Trenton sighed as he tried to figure out how to apologize, thankful that Dyson cared about him so much.

  "You have no idea how much I've wanted to talk to you." Pulling his hand away, Razer wrapped his arms around Trenton and pulled him into the heat of his body. "You still me."

  Capturing Trenton's mouth, he kissed him gently before pressing his tongue deep inside Trenton's mouth, French kissing him in a slow and passionate manner as he brushed his hands up and down Trenton's back.

  Trenton shivered as he fell into the kiss, his heart racing from nothing but unadulterated desire. His cock twitched and for a minute he contemplated encouraging Razer to try one of the rooms.

  "I think we might want to leave the two love birds alone to play," Dyson cooed.

  "I think you're right. Care to dance?" Blake asked, his voice dropping to a dangerously sensuous level.

  Breaking the kiss, Trenton turned his heated gaze to the two men as they sauntered off and chuckled. "Zero to sixty in less time than it took us."

  "You know what? Those two are the only reason we're together. I'm thrilled," Razer cupped Trenton's ass, kneading as he nipped Trenton's lower lip, taking the tender flesh inside his mouth.

  The move so intimate and so telling, Trenton sighed and closed his eyes. Grinding his hips back and forth across Razer's, he could tell the man was in as much need as he was.

  "You too, huh?" Razer purred as he moved back. "Sit. I took the liberty of ordering a bottle of champagne." He led Trenton to the table and as they set down, Razer gave him a wicked look.

  "You keep looking at me that way and we won't talk much."

  As Razer poured a glass of bubbly and refilled his glass, he inhaled deeply and let his breath out in a slow and languishing manner. "I hope that's true."

  "What are we celebrating?" Trenton knew in his heart why Dyson suggested the club for both of them. This was the moment that would either be cathartic, dragging Karma smack in the middle of their lives again or it would break them both. If they could survive their combined pasts and the club even for one night, they might be on their way to healing.

  "To throwing monsters away and beginning a new life together." Razer raised his glass.

  "Together." As they clinked glasses, Trenton knew what Razer felt and yet Trenton wanted to be the first one to say the words. "Razer, I love you. I won't be the perfect man or the perfect lover but I can promise I'll never keep anything from you again. Can you trust me?"

  Razer licked around the edge of his glass and nodded. "I have no idea how this happened but I fell in love with you the first minute I saw you. I trust you completely."

  As they leaned in and kissed, Trenton could swear he heard angels singing, forgiving him.


  Razer lay in bed savoring the feeling of the soft sheets on a lazy Sunday. In the two months since he'd moved in with Trenton, he'd been blissfully happy. His art was selling well and working in Trenton's company was much more exciting than he had anticipated. They'd openly shared every ugly detail about their past and then literally wrote their horrible stories down on pieces of paper, each forgiving themselves before rolling the damning notes into scrolls and tying a red ribbon signifying blood lost and love found. Placing the scrolls into an ebony painted box, the lock was forged of steel and the key throw into a nearby landfill. Together they buried the box in the backyard, planting a scarlet rose bush directly on top. Afterwards they'd cried and held each other until night fell with the promise that the past was never to be mentioned again.

  Razer wiped a tear from his eye thinking about the beautiful moment and the second Trenton walked back into their bedroom, his cock standing at full intention, two glasses of champagne in his hand, his heart swooned. "That's the kind of morning greeting I want to for the rest of my life."

  "Think you can handle me?" Trenton cooed as he handed Razer a glass before easing onto the bed.

  "Hmmm…I might need another taste before I let you know for sure."

  "That can be arranged. Let's toast."

  Razer sat up and scooted closer to Trenton, folding his legs over Trenton's. "What are we celebrating?"

  "Some news."

  "Wait. I have news first." Razer kept the snazzy bit of information from Trenton for an entire day, trying to figure out how to tell him.

  "All right. You go first," Trenton teased.

  "I had a call from Blake yesterday. Seems that Dyson is going to be moving to LA." Razer smiled as Trenton thought about the news.

  "They're…really?' Beaming from ear to ear, Trenton smiled. "That's wonderful."

  "Get this, they're talking about getting married."

  "What? Those buggers," Trenton said, laughing.

  "I said more than that. We might be attending a wedding in the spring. What's your news?"

  As a mischievous glint crossed Trenton's face, Razer groaned.

  "Seems you've been holding out on me. Do you know a Mrs. Worthington?"

  "Who? No." Razer met a few of his clients selling his work but the name didn't ring any bells.
  "Is she interested in a painting?"

  "I'll say and more than one. Mrs. James Sutterling Worthington? Seems she's a huge fan of yours. Said she met you at the gallery opening and loved your work so much she wants to commission you for several pieces. Oh, and Andre also said she brought in get this, fifteen of her friends that want you too. I wonder in how many ways." Trenton grinned.

  Razer narrowed his eyes. Why did the name sound familiar? Suddenly it dawned on him.

  "You mean…" His hand shaking, he took a gulp of champagne. "As is the Governor's wife?"

  "The very one and a real Southern Bell. Daddy owns half of Atlanta. So a toast and if you ever hold out on me like this again, I'll beat your ass. By the way, we have a contract to talk about.

  You know the one I mean."

  "Contract eh?" Razer sighed. They hadn't discussed his supposed contract through Male Order in two weeks. Hmmm… Feeling a bit naughty, he moved back from Trenton and grabbed his glass.

  "What are you doing?" Trenton purred.

  "Lie down."


  Trenton let out a long slow breath. "Then you're going to tell me what you're doing."

  "Perhaps," Razer took a long sip of the champagne and held it in his mouth as he set both glasses down. Crawling in between Trenton's legs, he wrapped his hand around Trenton's cock, stroking and caressing before lowering his head and pressing his shaft inside his full mouth.

  " Aaaahhhh! " Trenton roared, arching his back up from the bed. "What the shit!"


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