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Auctioned: An Omegaverse Anthology

Page 6

by Merel Pierce

  A needy whine filled the air. She cut off the noise as soon as she realized it had come from her.

  Shaking her head, Kasi tried to clear the fog that had settled over her mind. Her body felt heavy and slow like the time she had tried to trudge her way through her father’s field after a spring flood. Her muscles ached and the apex of her thighs pulsed.

  Kasi knew there were other males around her, but the only face she could see with clarity was Ander’s. There were other things she needed to focus on, but only getting back to her mate mattered—to feel his heat against her flesh and to have his mouth back on hers.

  She whined again and Ander pulled her back into the shelter of his arms.

  “You are mine. I can smell how close you are to your heat. Are you going to welcome my cock in your pussy, little Omega? I want to spread you out and feast on that slick pussy of yours, but not here. We need to go.”

  His bold words sent a shaft of heat through her, but the urgency in his tone helped to clear her head and make her aware of her surroundings. The arena had emptied out except for a few unmoving bodies. Dust still hung in the air, and from outside the amphitheater, Kasi heard shuttles taking off.

  She turned her head and found her gaze captured by the male who looked like her mate. “Brother?” she asked.

  “Older and wiser,” the male replied with a smirk.

  Kasi couldn’t help the answering smile and giggle that escaped when Ander cut off a growl of annoyance.

  “I have three. All older,” she replied before adding in an unhappy whisper, “I had a younger sister.”

  With a kiss to her forehead, Ander let go of her to turn and face his brother and two other warriors. “We need to go, Casan. We don’t have a lot of time.”

  Kasi felt her face redden when his brother and the two other males caught her scent in the air. Casan appeared unaffected, and Kasi’s eyes were drawn to the raised mating mark on the side of his neck. The other two males shifted just a bit closer, but that was enough for Ander to release a warning growl that vibrated under her fingers where they rested on his back. That vibration continued straight to her core and she gasped.

  When the two males tried to step around to see her behind Ander, Casan cut them off with a growl of his own. “Back to the second shuttle.” When one of the two hesitated for a moment, he added, “Now!”

  Ander didn’t relax his aggressive stance until the two males disappeared through an exit. He kept her firmly behind him, but she tilted her head so that she could see around his bulk, “What about Lucius? He’s not going to let us go easily.”

  “That won’t be a problem,” Ander said.

  “Wh—“ Kasi started to question when she looked to where Ander nodded. A mass of bloody flesh pressed up against the arena’s barrier rested several feet from where they stood. The clothes were Lucius’, and Kasi sucked in a breath at the sight of a single unseeing blue eye that had belonged to her former master.

  Closing her eyes and taking a deep breath, she asked, “Won’t they come after us? They’ll see that he bought us at auction.”

  “Taken care of. Before he set it to blow, Theron hacked into the shuttle’s computer. According to the updated records, you were both sold to someone here at the arena because the ‘Alpha was uncooperative.’ ” Casan smirked. “He never could follow orders. We set the rest of the slaves free. It made for a nice explosion.”

  Ander’s glare at his brother was the kind of look only siblings could perfect. Kasi recognized if from her experiences with her own. It was a combination of love, embarrassment, and exasperation only family could share.

  She smiled at the two brothers. “Thank—”

  Her words turned into a surprised cry as a wave of pain swept across her midsection. Slick, thick and scented, trailed down the inside of her thighs and she curled her fingers into the back of Ander’s waistband. Her forehead dropped to his back and she pulled in deep breaths to steady herself.

  Ander growled. She took a deep breath and glanced up to see his eyes almost entirely black with only a thin ring of green lining the outside. Casan had stepped back several feet and had his hands up to show that he wasn’t a threat.

  “Easy, brother. You know I’m mated. Remember I claimed Hanna?” Casan’s softer tone was the sort someone might use when confronted with an aggressive animal. “You can take the shuttle back to the village. It will be much safer for her to go into heat there.”

  Ander’s muscles loosened slightly, but he still resonated with aggression. It wouldn’t take much for him to unleash violence. Kasi followed her instincts and stepped closer to her Alpha so that her breasts pressed against his naked back, and she started to hum.

  It was a soft noise at first, but as her Alpha’s tension seeped away, she let the noise grow until he had dropped his aggressive stance and his eyes returned to their vibrant green shade. When he turned to look down at her, a smile tilted his lips.

  “I’ll meet you back at the village in a few days,” Ander said.

  “Take care of your new mate, brother.”

  With a nod to Kasi, Casan turned and went out the same exit as the other two males.

  Ander turned to her once his brother disappeared. Kasi squealed as he bent and tossed her over his shoulder so that her hair streamed down his back and his huge arm secured her thighs. When a firm smack stung her rear, she let out another squeal before he started off.

  Chapter Nine


  Ander ground his teeth hard enough to make his jaw ache. Handling the old shuttle’s tricky controls while his newfound Omega moaned and called to him should have won him an award for self-control.

  Soon after they’d reached the craft and sealed the door with Kasi still balanced on his shoulder, she’d let out a keening cry and clutched at his waist. A rush of pheromone-laced slick flooded from her pussy—the pussy that had been so close to his face that he’d turned to bite the side of her hip before he’d even processed the thought. Her slick had drenched him in her scent as it flowed over his bare chest. It added to his torment. He could feel her essence on his skin, a sweet, hot burn, and every time he inhaled, jasmine filled his lungs.

  Ander’s cock had been in a state of arousal since he’d seen her on stage. He’d had a brief respite while waiting for his fight to begin, but once he’d scented her in the arena, it had shot straight to his cock.

  Fighting with a hard cock had been a slight distraction. Flying with his rock-hard cock that pulsed in time with his heartbeat was torture.

  He’d settled her into the passenger cabin of the shuttle, but when he tried to step away, she’d clung to his arm and dug in her tiny little fingers. She’d cried his name when he’d strapped her in and left for the flight controls.

  He needed to get them back to the village. Patrols were already starting to arrive to investigate the explosion. Oolan hadn’t been caught in the attack, and if they didn’t get away now, they could be taken into custody. Since they weren’t mated, Kasi would be alone and incredibly vulnerable in her heat, and Ander would tear apart anyone who tried to separate him from his mate.

  Another wave of Kasi’s fragrance wafted into the control room, followed by an agonized sob. Just as her suffering became too much for him to bear, he spotted the familiar clearing. Using skills best suited for a fighter plane rather than a passenger craft, he swung the aft section of the shuttle around so fast the deck beneath his feet shuddered.

  The landing gear had barely settled onto the ground when Ander threw off the safety restraints and hurried to Kasi’s side. “I’m here. I’m here, little mate.”

  She clutched at her middle and let out another one of those cries that hit him so perversely. He hated that she was in pain. He would shoulder her every pain if he could, but at the same time, each cry went straight to his cock. His primal Alpha side recognized those cries. Knew that it meant his mate wanted his knot. Wanted his cum.

  Fingers fumbling for the first time, he reached for the buckles on her s
traps to set her free. When he reached for the strap that ran between her legs and clasped over her abdomen, he couldn’t withhold a groan. His head fell forward to rest against her damp brow as his fingers ran through a puddle of slick trapped by her thighs.

  He wanted to taste her like he had in the tunnel, but her heat had caused his rut to start, and if they didn’t get out of the shuttle now, they’d be riding it out in a metal box without any supplies or comforts.

  He released the remaining straps and scooped her into his arms. At the exit, he punched the button release hard enough that he heard it crack. Swearing under his breath when the outer doors didn’t open fast enough, Ander shifted Kasi in his arms, cradling her against his chest with an arm under her knees and another around her back.

  Twisting sideways, Ander didn’t wait for the doors to finish opening before he maneuvered his bulk out of the craft and onto the packed ground of the landing zone. He nuzzled into the graceful column of Kasi’s throat and pushed his lips against the delicate shell of her ear.

  “Soon, Omega. Soon I’ll notch my cock into that wet pussy of yours. I’ll take such good care of you. Will you be good for me?” Ander let his purr call to her, and her muscles relaxed infinitesimally.

  “Alpha… Alpha, please! I need…”

  Kasi trailed off with a whimper. The muscles in her spine contracted and her hips tried to draw up towards her stomach. If he were a lesser male, she might have flung herself out of his arms, but Ander tensed to keep her against his chest without holding her too harshly. Compared to him, she was so tiny and delicate. So perfect.

  Dropping his lips to her nearly bare shoulder, he let the vibrations from his purr roll over her. “I know exactly what you need, mate, and I’m going to give it to you. All of it.”

  At the sensation of wetness on his chest, Ander glanced down to see tears trickling down Kasi’s cheeks. Her legs tried to shift within his hold. When she looked up at him, her eyes looked black with the force of her desire.

  “Shhh, mate. I’ve got you.” Ander continued to purr for his mate as he started off on a loping run into the woods surrounding the landing field.

  Kasi’s weight was nothing in his arms, but her scent and whimpers threatened to bring him to his knees. He said a silent prayer of thanks when the isolated cabin built for mated pairs came into view.

  He toed the door open with his boot and swept inside with Kasi. Once across the threshold, he shifted her so that her back met the door and shut it with a bang. His huge hands gripped her thighs and wrapped them around his waist. Pressing his chest into her, he captured her mouth with his and drank down her fire.

  She laced her arms around his neck and clutched at the back of his head before moving her small hands to his shoulders and digging in her nails. Ander put one hand under her ass and used it to grind her slick-drenched pussy against the straining length of his cock. His other hand flattened against the door under her left shoulder to keep them upright and to keep the bulk of his mass from crushing her.

  Sliding his mouth from hers, he trailed a wet path to her ear, murmuring as he traced the outer lobe of it with his tongue, “So hot and ready for me. Burning me up, Omega. Want to give you everything.”

  Drifting lower, he ran his tongue down the left side of her neck to the sensitive flesh at the curve of her shoulder. Opening his mouth wide over the creamy expanse, he sucked a bit of her skin into his mouth before giving her a sharp nip. Her cry from above his head caused him to clutch her hip tighter to press into her even deeper.

  “Right here. I can’t wait to sink my teeth into you right here. Going to claim you as mine, mate. Going to give you my mark. There won’t be any doubt you belong to me.” Another sharp nip and a gasp from her had him smiling wolfishly against her shoulder. “Fill you up with my cum and spread my scent all over your skin.”

  “Alpha, Alpha, Alpha,” she chanted.

  Leaning back so that the pressure of his hips helped to keep her pressed against the door, he swept his eyes over his Omega. Kasi’s tilted head rested against the door. The skin at the base of her neck shone wetly from his saliva and a small, dark bruise was forming.

  Dropping his gaze to her heaving chest, he felt a flash of irritation at the cheap dress that shielded her breasts from his gaze. Ander had been grateful for all the concealing fabric during the fight, but now it was in the way.

  With one hand still supporting her under her hip, Ander leaned forward and took hold of the fabric at her chest with his teeth and free hand. With a sharp jerk of his head, he started a tear in the fabric that he finished quickly. The flimsy gown split to where her hips were pressed against his cock. The cloth draped over her chest, leaving her breasts covered by the ruined cloth, but revealing a swath of creamy skin from her neck to the top of her mound.

  Ander placed the palm of his hand against the bottom of Kasi’s throat and wrapped his fingers around the slender column. He let his hand rest there for a heartbeat not as a threat but forming a collar of flesh this time instead of leather. She was his. Flexing his fingers, he felt the hitch in her breath and the flutter of her heart.

  He slid his hand down so that his thumb and pinky slipped under the fabric on either side of her chest. Stopping between her breasts, her heart pounding against his warmth, he turned his hand over to run it back up to her shoulders.

  Moving one of his huge thighs between hers, he used that muscled length as well as the press of his hips to keep her in place against the door. His other hand joined the first, fingers inching under the straps of her dress.

  “Kasi.” Ander waited until her heat-dazed eyes met his. “Have you been with an Alpha before?”

  He wanted to rage at the thought of another touching his mate, but he couldn’t blame her for what happened before she met him. He would make damn sure there would be no other after him, but he needed to know to make sure that he didn’t accidentally hurt her. Alphas were large by nature. With his rut rising to match her heat, he needed to know how careful to be.

  Her gaze sharpened for a moment before red blazed in her cheeks. “N-No. I’ve nev—”

  “Never?” He kept his tone calm despite his Alpha roaring in his head. He’d be her first. Her only.

  Letting his fingers trace abstract shapes on the almost bare flesh of her shoulders, he would have missed her response if he hadn’t been watching her face so closely. The barely perceptible shake of her head and her hands shifting to push rather than cling to him had him leaning his head in closer to hers so that their lips were almost touching. He could feel the ghost of her breath.

  “Shh,” he purred. Using small, gentle brushes of his lips against hers, he let his tongue come out to play over the soft bow of her mouth.

  “Mine. All mine,” he rumbled before rising up enough to meet her gaze, knowing that she could see the heat burning in his eyes. He growled.

  And then he watched her fall apart.

  Chapter Ten


  Kasi sucked in a frantic breath as flames rushed through her to pool in her abdomen. The pressure built until with a hard pulse, her slick spilled out from between her legs to thoroughly soak Ander’s hips.

  A keening cry erupted into the cabin, and it took Kasi a moment to realize it had come from her. She twisted her hips against his pelvis and thigh where it pressed against her. At the friction, sparks of pleasure shot from between her legs like jolts of power. The mindless writhing of her core against his hardness made her whimper and lust for more.

  She shivered as Ander swept the remains of her gown off her shoulders, shifting her until the fabric fell. Taking one of her wrists in each hand, he pressed them firmly to the door, making her back arch and her bare breasts offer themselves for his pleasure.

  She sucked in a breath as he lowered his mouth to her chest. Nuzzling his lips against her skin, he ran his tongue over her rounded flesh. Swirling licks and sharp little nips made her pant, but when his hot mouth closed over the pebbled tip of one of her breasts, she mewled
in fiery pleasure.


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