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Page 19

by Renita Pizzitola

  “If you want to go home, say the word. I’ll be sure it happens.”

  “Thanks.” She turned her attention to her book, though no pages were turned.

  I snuggled into the pillow and found sleep. My mother entered my dream once again.

  “Kylie.” Her voice held a sense of urgency. “I’m worried about you. If things get out of hand just run.”

  “What? I can’t do that.”

  She pressed her hand against her stomach. “Alastar knows your magic is too strong. It’s dangerous. It’s not just that though, I feel like you’re becoming a danger to yourself.”

  I stiffened. Though it might be true, I didn’t want to hear it from her. “No, I’m not. I have things under control.”

  “It’s not your fault. I’m not suggesting it is. Magic like this is too powerful for someone so young and new to it. You’re a novice of sorts and you lack the self-control to manage your abilities.”

  “I’m doing the best I can.”

  “I’m sorry.” She wrung her hands. “I’m not good at this. I don’t know how to tell you without saying it all wrong. I don’t mean to insinuate you’re irrational or immature. I think you’re one of the most put together people I know, but this is beyond you. If you’d been raised here it would be different, but you weren’t. We can’t go back. We can try to fix what has already begun. It’s clear your powers have grown as of late.” She looked away then back to me.

  My face warmed. I assumed she had a good idea of the reason. This conversation had gone from annoying to awkward fast.

  “Maybe it’s best you get away from Tir na nOg for a while. Your magic won’t be as strong on the other side. Some fae lose all their magic, but yours is too powerful. You won’t lose it, that I’m certain of, but will have better control of it.”

  “I hear what you’re saying, but I can’t bail. I’ll never live the way I want if I’m always on the run. I need Alastar to stop chasing me.”

  “I understand, but know I will help you if you choose to leave. I will do whatever I can to help you get away undetected, and you could be with Grant.”

  She’d sweetened the deal, and I had to admit it tempted me, but it wouldn’t work. I didn’t want to be on the run, never allowed to come back here. Grant’s life remained here and though he’d be willing to go with me and leave this world behind, I couldn’t ask that of him.

  “I know you’ll help, but right now running isn’t an option.”

  With sadness, she nodded then vanished from my dream.

  * * * *

  For the next few days, I lay low but made sure people saw me on occasion with Liam, a smile plastered on my face.

  Alastar sightings were rare, but the few times we were involuntarily near each other, he watched my every move.

  The incident with Orin had triggered momentum I couldn’t stop. Like a rubber ball, I bounced without direction, accelerating each time I made contact with Alastar and with all that energy as the driving force, didn’t know if I’d ever come to a rest. Living stuck in limbo made me want to scream. Though I might regret it, I needed to know what he had planned for me.

  Talk of Orin dwindled. The scandal faded and though fear remained, the increased security brought some peace. Speculations ran rampant. Orin had a shady history so fingers were pointed all over the place.

  Some people believed a jealous boyfriend or husband came after him. Others thought maybe he got in a fight with another guard. Most people said he’d killed himself, wrought by the knowledge of Grant’s escape and his probable involvement. This was the best explanation and most widely accepted, as long as Alastar remained quiet.

  Of course Conor and Cara played their part in it, and well, it’s possible the suicide rumor originated with them. Either way, they made sure it spread.

  Just as my life gained a bit of normalcy, everything changed. Again.

  Chapter 22

  I’d slept late, and awoke sluggish. I stretched and forced myself up.

  After dressing, I headed out to find my friends but found people rushing about the main foyer. My first thought, fear that someone else had been killed or hurt, vanished at the happy chatter surrounding the commotion. Something big must have happened.

  I found Conor and Lexie in the dining room. “Hey, what’s going on?”

  “The Seelie faery king has died,” Conor answered.

  “Why is everyone happy about that?”

  “Oh, they’re not. It’s the traveling, which comes with it. When a king or queen dies, it’s customary to pay your last respects, so a large part of the court travels there. It’s court politics, but it seems the bigger your traveling party, the more important you are. When Alastar travels, he takes most of his court. People are excited to be going on this trip.”

  “Who has to go?” I asked, terrified Liam and I would be required to travel along.

  “Don’t worry, you’re good. In Alastar’s absence, Liam stands in his place. You’re betrothed to him so you get to stay, and I’m Liam’s guard so I stay too. There will still be guards and essential staff, but court members will jump at this chance to travel. Most people don’t want to be left behind.”

  Even though it wasn’t complete freedom, I’d take it. Any time away from Alastar thrilled me. “How long will they be gone?”

  “Several days? Maybe longer, depending on how much time they spend at court, and knowing Alastar, he’ll go out of his way to impress this queen. Having confidence in his kingdom to run smoothly even in his absence demonstrates his power and the loyalty of his subjects.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Court politics are stupid. It sounds like high school. Who’s traveling in the largest circle, whose name is on everyone’s lips even when they aren’t around?”

  “Lame,” Lexie added.

  “I didn’t think high school seemed bad,” Conor teased.

  “That’s because you were there for, like, a week and the most popular girl in school had the hots for your best friend. Instant stardom.” Lexie rolled her eyes.

  “I remember you were pretty busy yourself,” Conor said, referencing Lexie’s now ex-boyfriend, Dylan, which seemed like a lifetime ago.

  She shrugged. “I can’t help it if I’m desirable.”

  Conor slung his arm around her shoulder, pulled her close and whispered in her ear. Lexie laughed.

  “Hey, have you heard?” Liam beamed.

  I mirrored his contagious smile. I hadn’t seen him this happy in a long time.

  “I just did.”

  “This couldn’t have come at a better time. Wait, that sounds bad. I’m sorry for King Maon’s passing but you know what I mean.”

  I laughed. “Of course I do. And you get to be in charge. How awesome is that?”

  His expression faltered. He watched a girl rush by with her arms full of clothes.

  “What’s wrong?” I asked.

  He shoved his hands in his pockets and rocked on his feet. “My father’s never traveled away from his kingdom since I’ve been of ruling age. What if something goes wrong while I’m in charge? Then everyone will know I’m incapable of being a future king.”

  I touched his shoulder. “You’re crazy. Everything will be great. You’re a born leader.”

  Conor added, “Most of the court will be gone. You’ll only have a few people here. As long as you can keep Kylie in check, it should be smooth sailing.”

  “Hey, I’ll be a loyal subject to Liam. He has my utmost respect.”

  “Good to know.” He chuckled.

  “So when does everyone leave?”

  “Tomorrow morning.”

  I needed to survive the next twenty-four hours with no Alastar problems and I’d get a full week of freedom. It made me giddy.

  Liam mentioned, “But Aislinn will be traveling with the court.”

  “Oh.” I didn’t need her here but at the same rate, I worried about her accompanying Alastar. What if he tried to harm her because of me? It was not as if he was above murder.

��I’m sure my father wants to take advantage of her abilities. She’ll be okay, though. She’s valuable to him,” Liam answered.

  “Yeah, of course. She’ll be fine,” I said, hoping he was right.

  “Well, I’ve got to run,” Liam said. “I’m expected to be up to date with all the current happenings, but be ready tonight. There’s a big sendoff dinner. We make it through that, and it’s smooth sailing for a while.”

  Liam left with a big smile and I went to find my mother. I might as well talk to her in private before she left. Our dream conversation hadn’t ended well yesterday and I wanted to make amends. After checking her room, the library, garden and still hadn’t found her, I headed to my room.

  Upon opening the door, I gasped and clutched my chest as my heartbeat hammered. Aislinn sat on my bed. “Hey. I was looking for you.”

  “Sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you but I wanted to speak with you in private.”

  I closed my door and settled across from my mother.

  “I’m sure you’ve heard the news.”

  “Yes, I have.”

  “I will be traveling with Alastar to the Seelie Court.”

  “Liam mentioned that.”

  “Okay.” She stood and fiddled with several items on my dresser then turned to me. “If, when we get back you are no longer here, I will understand.”

  “I’m not going anywhere.”

  “It would be a good opportunity to do so, if you wish.”

  “So, this is why you’re here? To say goodbye?”

  “I don’t want it to be goodbye, but I’d rather see you leave than remain here at risk of something bad happening. Not to mention your unhappiness. I want you happy.”

  “I don’t know what to say. I’m not leaving. Trust me, I want to, but it solves nothing. I can’t do it.”

  “Okay. I understand.”

  “I’m sorry if that disappoints you.”

  “It doesn’t disappoint me, far from it. I’m proud of you for facing this. It’s my own fear that wants you to leave. You’re very brave.”

  Powerful, strong and now brave. Had I really become this girl? How did I go from someone who couldn’t even stand up for herself to this? It scared me because, ultimately, I didn’t think I had. Each new step terrified me but I refused to stop moving forward.

  My mother hugged me and I squeezed back, reassuring her I’d be right here when she returned.

  “Mom,” I said, before she left my room. “Thank you. For everything. That night with the guards and all the other times you’ve been there for me. We’ve only known each other a few weeks, but I’m glad I had the opportunity to meet you, and hopefully, when you return, we can spend more time together. I’d still like to know more about my dad, like how you two met.”

  “That’s a story I looked forward to telling you.”

  “And I look forward to hearing it.”

  She smiled, then qently shut the door behind her.

  A moment later, someone tapped on my door. I expected my mom had come back for some reason, but I opened the door to find Ida with a long dark gown draped over her arm. I stepped back and let her in.

  “Tonight’s a big night. I talked to Cara and got this for you.”

  “You went to Cara for a dress?” The gesture touched me.

  “I can do something with your hair as well, if you’d like.”

  “Um, yeah. That’d be great.”

  “I’m not good with the hair colors. We didn’t do that back in my village but I have what you will need.”

  In the past, Cara had twisted my hair into beautiful braids streaked with reds, blues, purples, every color. “It’s okay. I’ve seen her do it enough times to have a good idea how it works.”

  Then, lo and behold, hell must have frozen over. Ida smiled. My heartbeat stuttered in disbelief. Even more shocking, she looked pretty. Ida always hid behind her hair and a scowl. I had no idea she was so attractive, and young. It made sense now why she had delusions of a royal lifestyle.

  “Ida, will you sit down so can I try something?”

  She plopped onto my bed as I went to my dresser and found a beautiful rhinestone embellished barrette. I pulled her hair back on each side and clipped it, exposing her face. I grabbed my hand mirror and held it out for her. “What do you think?”

  She stared at herself for a long time. “I feel silly.”


  She shrugged.

  “Well, you look beautiful.”

  She reached up to unfasten the barrette.

  “Whoa, don’t take it out. It’s yours. Keep it.”

  “I can’t do that.”

  “Sure you can. I gave it to you.”

  She looked at her reflection again, smiling. “Thanks.” She stood, replaced the mirror then shuffled to the door. “I’ll be back to help you dress for dinner.”

  “Thanks, Ida.”

  On her way out she brushed past Lexie, who strolled into my room.

  “Was that Ida?” Lexie asked, as she plopped onto my bed.

  “Yeah. That’s what hid behind all that hair.”

  “She’s cute. And young.”

  “That’s exactly what I thought.”

  Lexie gasped and rushed over to the dress hanging from my wardrobe. “Is this what you get to wear tonight?”


  “It’s gorgeous.” Lexie oohed and awed over the dress, and I had to admit it was killer. The one shoulder ombre dress faded from black to an intense red and a wide ruched sash accented the waist.

  “What do you want to wear? Pick anything you want.”

  Lexie flipped through my dresses. “It’s pretty awesome everyone is leaving tomorrow.”

  “Yeah,” I replied, while looking through the hair colors. “Hey, do you want me to put some color in your hair?”

  “Uh, yeah, why wouldn’t I? That’s awesome. I wondered why everyone else had killer hair but us.”

  “Yeah, when Cara did my hair I wore a new color every night. Ida never offered until tonight. Well, hurry. Choose a dress so we can decide on your colors.”

  “You’ve got it all wrong. I’m going to pick my dress to go with my hair.” She flipped her hair over her shoulder. “I must have lavender locks.”


  She settled on a simple black dress. Purple wasn’t her color unless it adorned her hair. Lexie sat in front of me while I applied several streaks of pale purple throughout then finished with her bangs. I brushed them to the side then stepped back so she could get a good look. She squealed in delight.

  “You like?” I asked.

  “I love! Finally, I get cool hair. I wondered who I needed to scr-”


  “Kidding.” She winked.

  “Now, my turn. Will you help if I tell you what to do?”

  “Sure, what color are you going with?”

  I ran a hand over my dress. “Red, of course.”


  With my instructions, Lexie skillfully applied several red streaks to my dark locks. The finished product was stellar.

  “I love it. You did good.” I smiled at Lexie.

  “I did, didn’t I? I kind of think this whole faery life is perfect for me.”

  “You know, funny you say that, but I’ve thought that too. You seem to fit in much better than I do.”

  “That’s not true. I’m just a product of two parents who never remember I exist. I adapt well. It’s a necessary skill for survival in my home.”

  Lexie’s parents weren’t exactly winning any awards, but she preferred to find humor in the situation. In reality, the situation had made her extremely adaptable but it was also what brought us close together. She provided support; I provided security. “Hmm, I still think you should be the one with some hidden faery in you.”

  She laughed. “I’d never make good princess material.”

  “Yeah, neither do I.”

  “Good point. Okay, I’m going to find Conor, but I’ll be back later
to change into my dress.”

  “Okay. I think I’m going to find Liam and see if he wants to eat some lunch. I’m sure my stomach will be in nervous knots tonight. I’d better fill up while I can.”

  “Yeah, you need to eat. You’re withering away over there.”

  I tugged at my loose dress. All this stress had caused me to lose a few pounds. No wonder Aislinn worried about me. I looked as bad as I felt. Here I thought I kept a cool exterior, but in reality, everyone could tell. The next several days of Alastar’s absence would be spent putting the pounds back on. I didn’t want to look like some frail little girl.

  “Kylie?” Lexie still stood in my doorway. “I’m teasing. I didn’t mean to upset you.”

  “Oh, it’s okay. You’re right. I need to eat more.”

  “You’re beautiful no matter what. Just do what makes you happy.”

  I smiled at my best friend. What would make me happy was some lunch. I followed her out the door but we parted as I strode toward Liam’s room.

  He wasn’t there, maybe off getting proxy king instructions. I didn’t want to eat alone in the dining hall so I’d find Ida or someone else who could bring food to my room.

  I checked the library. I even asked the guards near the garden if they had seen Ida, but they hadn’t. I had some fruit in my room I could munch on until I found lunch. On my way to my room, a guard stopped me.

  “The king has requested you in his chambers.”

  “Now?” I panicked. No one knew where I was. I’d told Lexie I planned to have lunch with Liam. She wouldn’t be looking for me. Liam and Ida were nowhere to be found. Crap.

  “Yes, right now.”

  I forced my feet to move as he escorted me to Alastar’s chambers. With no one around or any knowledge of my whereabouts, fear gripped me and I wasn’t that brave girl now. The guard motioned toward the door.

  “Aren’t you going in with me?” I asked, hopeful to have a witness.

  “It’s a private meeting.” He opened the door and, upon seeing me, two guards from within the chambers excused themselves.

  Alastar stood looking out a window. I hoped he couldn’t hear the nervous pounding of my heart echoing off the walls.

  I waited in uncomfortable silence. Inhale. Exhale. My breaths grew even and I managed to calm myself a bit.


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