Queen Of My Heart

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Queen Of My Heart Page 9

by Silver, Jordan

  There was a collective holding of breaths as Stefano screamed her frustration and charged.

  Rhiannon did not make a sound, neither did she move; the other woman couldn't check her momentum in time and so was not able to stop the blow to her chest that sent her to her knees.

  Her head flew through the air and landed feet away as the men took up a cheer. Somehow the villagers had been alerted as they could be heard coming up the hill some of them already reaching the scene. There were whispers of 'it's our queen' being passed around as I sought to get my legs to move so I could go to her. When I finally reached her side I looked into her eyes before lifting her into the protection of my arms.

  "That was well done my queen but if you should ever put what's mine in danger again I will tan your arse."

  Her sweet laughter rang out as the crowd cheered.

  Chapter 16

  Things were in an uproar after the queen's beheading of her nemesis. The council thought to question her but I forestalled that, I'm no figurehead. The kingdom is mine, the council serves a purpose yes but I have the final say let them govern something else. I'm well aware of their displeasure with this stance and that's why I've chosen to dismantle them, get rid of the old guard and let the people choose who they trusted to look our for their best interests.

  There had been another shake up after I uncovered the identities of the ones who’d given my whereabouts to the Torcs and had dispatched them. The other Stefano wench’s life had been spared since it appeared she had been nothing more than a dupe as her brother proclaimed, but still she’d been banished from court and sent to live in a cottage on one of my other holdings. There was peace across the land finally and my days were settling into some semblance of order except when my wife decided to cause chaos, as she was fond of doing. The new Rhiannon was a spirited girl with a will of steel who gave me fits at every turn, I wouldn’t have her any other way.

  Marcus has been trying his best to make up for his foolery and since Rhiannon has forgiven his slip of common sense I'm learning to as well. This time around things are completely different; when I'm not tending to the affairs of my kingdom or training with my men I can be found in my wife's solarium where after shooing her ladies in waiting away I usually violate her on the soft silk cushions strewn about the floor. At least that's what she called it; I chose to look at it as part of my campaign to breed my queen.

  "What's the matter love?"

  "I don't know, I feel...." I checked her temperature with a cool hand to her forehead, she was cool to the touch so no fever but she did look a little green. "Was I too rough just then?" Bollocks, sometimes early in the morning when I had my first taste of her for the day I got just a little carried away. Who could blame me though she was so...everything? With some of her anger gone though she'd yet to forgive me fully, she was relaxed and open and so fucking sweet it was hard not to tumble her every chance I got. "No you weren't too rough, I'm just sore from all that riding yesterday."

  "Me or the horse?" I grinned down at her. I'd held true to my word and taken her atop my horse. I had been coming from the training filed where I'd been teaching young Jason a new trick to offset any enemy who sought to prey on his weakness. Sweaty and worn I'd thought to freshen up in the stream since the day was so warm before searching her out maybe for a quiet afternoon spent relaxing with a good read.

  The sight of her crossing the yard in her tight fitting gown of blue silk had stirred my manhood, which was no surprise, I stayed hard around her these days. I'd ridden right up to her, lifted her screaming form before me atop my mount and taken off across the drawbridge, past the guard and out into the open fields. My hands were on her beautiful breasts before we were well out of sight of the castle walls.

  "Shane what are you doing?" I didn't miss the laughter in her voice.

  "Hold the reigns my queen less we both topple over."

  She grabbed the reigns as I tore her bodice open exposing her magnificent tits to the elements. With my hands full of her I nibbled her neck while kneading her flesh in my callused hands.

  "I'm going to fuck you on my horse." Her body trembled at my words; it was a delight to me how much she loved fucking, no shrinking violet my girl, she got into the act with full gusto. When last the priest had given a sermon on a woman's place in the marriage bed and the fact that she was not supposed to enjoy the sins of the flesh, my wife had rolled her eyes at me making it almost impossible for me not to laugh out loud. Later, well actually ten minutes after the sermon had come to a close she'd cornered me in our rooms and ridden me like a demon out of hell. She'd laughed as she'd slid off of my poor sated body and said 'take that.' I guess she'd been referring to the priest.

  Then yesterday weeks later atop my horse, I'd let one of my hands slide down her body to her heat, even through the silk of her gown I could feel her wetness. "Where's your underclothing wench?"

  "It's too hot." She tilted her neck back and thrust her nipples into my palms. The thought of her so scandalously clad almost had me spilling my seed then and there but I had enough control to lift her slightly, release my cock and sit her down on me. I kicked the horse into motion with my heels, the cadence pushing me deeper up into her body. Her sweet cries rang out through the air as I marked her neck and mauled her sweet tits. It hadn't been enough to fuck her with just the motion of the horse so I'd taken her to the ground and in the midst of the windflowers and sweet grass with her legs up to her ears I'd plowed her until we were both crying to the skies above.

  Now we're about to roll out of bed to start the day after yet another morning spent in sweet surcease. I'd eaten her sweet cunny until she'd begged and pleaded with me to give her my cock. Those lewd words on her sweet tongue never ceased to drive me over the brink and that's how we ended up with her bent over before me, her hair wrapped tightly around my wrist as I fucked her hard and thoroughly. Ergo the question of had I been too rough.

  "Both." She stretched a little and winced before dashing from the bed and heading for the chamber pot. It was only after she'd emptied the contents of her stomach that I realized what was going on. Looks like I'd bred the queen.


  It was too much, she’d been laboring for hours and her pitiful screams were more than I could bear. “No son you can’t go in there.” I shrugged off my mother’s suggestion as she tried to block my path. She’d just left the birthing room where Rhiannon was laboring to bring forth our child, with the news that there was no change. The castle was full of guests who’d travelled here for this joyous occasion but after twelve hours there was a tinge of solemnness over the festivities.

  I had underestimated what the sight of her ripening with my seed would do to me. It was the strangest thing but somehow she’d never been more beautiful to me than then. We’d spent the last months preparing for the babe

  I made my way into the darkened room where the women went into a tizzy at my intrusion. “Your majesty you…” I held up my hand to silence the woman before she could finish her asinine statement. No, men weren’t allowed in such places but I was king, I could go wherever I will.

  She was on her hands and knees in the middle of the bed. Her body and the sheets beneath her were drenched with sweat as she cried and writhed in pain. “Open the bloody drapes and bank the fire.” It was hot as hades in the room and there was no need for it. Outside was a clear early spring day.

  Moving around in front of her, I took stock of the situation. Her little eyes were blood shot and tired and her body seemed wracked with pain, it was almost too much. Kissing her brow I knelt on the floor before her. “I will help you love.” My heart hurt at the fear I saw in her eyes. My brave, strong girl was in fear for her life. Vowing to never put her through this ordeal again I got to work getting my son to come into the world without causing his poor mother much more pain.

  Reaching down beneath her, I pressed down on the mound of her stomach. Once again the midwife and her helping women started up their denials but I shushed them w
ith a glare. “Get to work and help her.” The threat was heavy in the air as they understood that if anything went awry it could mean their heads.

  “Look at me love, focus on my voice and do as I say. When I press down push, ready? Now Rhiannon.” She strained and screamed as she pushed with my hand pressing down on the child as it moved in her womb. “Again.” I kept it up for the next thirty minutes or so until with one last heave she forced the squalling babe from her body.

  “Thank you sweet Rhian.” There was much movement as the women went about their duties of seeing to the babe. I hugged her close, blood and all and helped her to her back so that she could rest after her harrowing experience. “You did very well beauty.” She smiled weakly at me as I kissed her palm, but at least she was out of danger.

  They shooed me out of the way so that they could clean her up and change the sheets from the bed.

  “My lord, you have a son.” The midwife placed the little bundle in my arms and my heart squeezed as I looked down at my own face. “Hello little Cedric.” I kissed his forehead before placing him gently into his mother’s waiting arms.


  Thanks for reading


  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16





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