Queen Of My Heart

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Queen Of My Heart Page 8

by Silver, Jordan

  I alighted and reached up to lift her down, immediately the little ones surrounded her. She didn't seem to care that they touched her silk gown with their grubby hands, but instead asked after their lessons and what they'd been up to in her absence. I'm ashamed to say I had no idea about this side of things; just how clueless had I been where she was concerned anyway?

  I stood back and smiled as most of the women came forward to welcome her home. I had no idea some of them were as bold as they were either until I heard the potter's wife exclaim ‘husbands, bah, they're not much brighter than the ass in the field.' I had a feeling she was talking about me. Whatever, it made my wife laugh so it was a good thing I guess. Though I should probably take the forward woman to task.

  There was a lot of 'I knew it was a lie lady Rhiannon' as she was surrounded. I chose to ignore that for now; there will be time enough to get to the bottom of things. I also felt deep shame for the way I’d been so blind to the truth when these others seemed to have such faith in her. It was a humbling experience to say the least, one that brought home to me just how foolish I’d been. As a king, it was a sign of weakness. How many of my people had seen it as such?

  It wasn’t something to be pondered while standing in the inner bailey surrounded by women and children who were all chattering and trying to get next to my queen. I wanted to steal her away and take her into the castle, suddenly in a feverish need to have her back in the setting we’d shared before this had all started.

  She looked around no doubt for Jason, but he had gone ahead with the men to get settled. The boy was excited to get started on his new life but of course he'd left the task of telling his sister just what he'd be doing up to me. He was looking forward to bedding down with the unmarried men in the soldier's quarters since he'd become fast friends with some of the younger ones.

  "We must carry on my love."

  "Yes my king." So acquiescent suddenly; I started to make a jest about this turnaround but was stopped short by what happened next.

  It was the wind I think that carried it over the din of all the chatter but it stopped everyone within hearing distance. I searched out the culprit and wasn't too surprised to see the Stefano wench near the wall with a sneer on her face. Her little entourage shrunk back in fear as I approached in anger. Is this what my wife had dealt with before, had I been so blind to not have seen it? No wonder she hated me.

  "What did you say?" She clung back slightly but still showed pride before her following, it might prove to be her downfall.

  "What your majesty, what have I said that everyone here is not secretly thinking?"


  "I simply questioned your wisdom in returning her to our midst."

  "Under what authority do you question my actions?"

  "My brother..."

  "Is nothing, I am king here and Rhiannon is my queen, my only queen, the only one this realm will ever have as long as I sit the throne. Does your brother think to usurp me then?" I turned to my second in command.

  "Bring him to me, I will settle this once and for all. For calling my wife a sullied whore I will contemplate your punishment, now be gone from my sight." Now she showed fear, as well she should. I turned to Rhiannon then and reached out my hand. Here, now in front of our people she could either accept what I was offering or rebuff me, it will decide what course our lives took after this day.

  I released my uncertain breath as she placed her small hand in mine. We walked the rest of the way into the inner bailey to the sound of great applause.

  Chapter 14

  I hid my disdain well while in the presence of others but as soon as we reached our inner sanctum I released the hold I had on my emotions. I'd only just realized right this moment after that latest episode how much I had wronged her. I accepted also total and complete blame; no one else had had the care of her young heart in their hands, only I. It was I she'd entrusted her life and her love to and I'd squandered them away as though they were nothing. How could I ask her to forgive such a thing? and yet I must. For the young burgeoning love, smothered before it could grow, I must.

  She was in the midst of disrobing herself without the help of a maid when I approached. She hadn't made mention of the fact that I'd brought her to the king's chambers instead of her own private rooms; the ones she'd inhabited before. She would never sleep there again; all her nights were mine from now on; never again will I allow anything to come between us.

  "My queen." She looked to me as I stood before her. Gazing upon her, I took my time forming the words that I needed to give to her. I'm not such a brute that I don't know when I've been wrong, that I can't take low and beg her forgiveness. Hopefully, her soft heart, the heart that had allowed her to take a young impaired youth under her wing when she too was just a mere lass would let her give me one more chance.

  "What can I give to make up for the wrong I've done, how do I make this right?"

  She looked askance as if she had no idea of what I spoke, but I saw understanding dawn as her eyes cleared and she looked at me fully.

  "All I ask is that in the future you speak with me before taking another's word against mine."

  “Done." That was rather easy but I wouldn't look a gift horse in the mouth.

  I left her long enough for my audience with Gregory. I wasn’t about to leave anything to chance. I’d given her my promise to deal with this at the first opportunity and I meant to.

  Gregory Stefano was a friend and had been for many a year. It would be very disconcerting to find that he’d been undermining me all along and though I’d never seen any evidence of this, I wasn’t willing to risk it. His sisters were both involved somehow since it had been Ella who’d brought the missive to my attention, but did that mean that the brother was also involved in their treachery.

  “Your majesty, you sent for me? Welcome home, by the way, it’s good to see the queen has returned.” I studied his face for any sign of deceit and could find none.

  “Did you know of your sisters’ treason?”

  “My lord?” he seemed genuinely confounded by the question and that went a long way to easing any doubts I might’ve had as to his involvement.

  “Did you not know that it was your sisters who brought about the banishment of my queen through falsehoods? I had thought it to be a misjudgment on their parts but upon my return the older one showed her true colors and this has led me to believe it was intentional.” He became rather perplexed and concerned, which was to be expected since treason such as this most likely could lead to the death of his family.

  “I have no idea you sent me off to the estates in the west and I’ve only just returned. Are you certain of this your majesty?”


  “But why, what reasoning could they have for doing such a thing?”

  “It would appear Tamara fancies herself sitting on my throne in the place of my chosen queen.” His shoulders drooped and the look of sorrow on his face called for compassion but I could have none in this instance. They had used me to hurt her and for that, I would never forgive them.

  “You mention Tamara but what part does Ella play in this?”

  “She was the one who brought forth the incriminating evidence against my wife. Evidence that has since come to light to be falsely misinterpreted not to mention the fact that they could only have accessed said evidence through dishonest means.”

  “Please your majesty, may I be allowed to speak with them about this?”

  “I haven’t decided what action to take against them as yet. I thought to get to the bottom of things soon enough but your older sister has forced my hand with her actions.”

  “I can’t believe Ella would’ve had anything to do with this, she’s ever been a follower doing the bidding of Tamara, please…”

  “I see you do not plead Tamara’s case.” He straightened his shoulders and faced me.

  “My loyalty is to my king first, though it pains my heart, if it is as you’ve said then…so be it. But please let me
speak with Ella she will give me the truth and if she too is guilty of this and not just a pawn. I will give her over to you.

  “Very well, but be quick about it. I want this over and done with.”

  Chapter 15

  That night, the halls were joyous as my people welcomed their queen home again. There was much ribaldry as the men were deep into their cups. The bard recited poems to her beauty, the jongleurs entertained her and I sat back and reveled in her smiles. How had I missed this before, how had I not seen how perfect she was? I ignored the raucous laugher and suggestive remarks of my men as I picked her up from her seat at table.

  "Shane whatever are you about?"

  "I need you, please don't deny me. I think I will die if I don't have you." I didn't force her but waited for her answer holding her clutched tightly against my chest. When she smiled it was all the encouragement I needed, and I sure didn't need the suggestive directions being thrown our way. Her blush was becoming as she hid her face in my neck. I'll have to remind my men to watch their tongues in the presence of my queen.

  That night there was a new element to our loving. There was no rush and no dodging blows for one. But also the barriers were down. I felt the absence of the doubt and hurt feelings that were ever present between us. “You’re a great beauty my Rhian. Feel that.” I placed her hand over my racing heart as I laid over her my larger body pressing her softness into the mattress beneath us. I’d stripped her as soon as we reached the privacy of our chamber but the burning need that had sent me rushing from the hall had been tempered.

  It had been a while since I’d taken her on a bed, not since that first night in her father’s house in fact, and I wanted to take my time and enjoy. It was the first time we’ve come together without strain and I felt almost like a green youth as I let my hands and eyes explore her sweetness. With the gentlest of touches, I ran my fingers across her brow before sealing our lips together. I could feel the runaway beat of her heart as I lowered my body to hers.

  Slowly, sweetly, I made my way down her softness with my lips and teeth enjoying the small sounds she made as I reached her heat. Lifting her into my mouth I feasted, sinking my tongue deep into her as she writhed in need. The sight of her enjoyment was mesmerizing and I sought to deepen her need. I wanted her wildness, wanted to taste her passion before driving into her.

  Her fingers pulled on my hair as she begged me with her body to end her torment but still I persisted, never letting up on the assault with my tongue. “Turn over love. I want you from behind.” I helped her onto her hands and knees, the thought of mounting her like this making my cock jump in anticipation.

  Once more, I lowered my head to her licking into her, sucking away the escaped essence of her sweet nectar as she pushed back against my tongue and cried out. Still it wasn’t enough. I needed to take her over completely to erase all that had come before. I had to squeeze my length so as not to spill on the sheets, so enflamed was my lust. “Brace.” At my growled word she clasped the bed sheets in her hands and held on as I entered her swiftly sinking deep into her depths until there was nowhere left to go.

  Throwing my head back, I reveled in the feeling of all sweet heat wrapped around my cock before I started to move. Plunging in and out of her over and over again. I was as a man possessed wanting to brand her, to hold her there forever, the lust had become a kind of madness and all I could think of was bonding her to me so that nothing and no one could ever come between again.

  Wrapping my fist around her hair, I pulled her head back so I could reach her mouth, never ceasing the movement of my hips as I mated her like I’d once seen my stallion do with a mare. It was wild and uninhibited; a culmination of weeks of frustration and want came down to this one moment. With each thrust, I silently prayed that this would be the night I gave her my son. That it would be now that her womb proved fertile and accepted my seed. It would be a fitting crown to our reconciliation.

  Are we at war?

  That was my first thought when I heard the clashing of steel in the dead of night; but no, it couldn't be, the watchman’s warning would’ve awakened me. Lying there for the first few seconds, I tried to get my bearings about me. I'd just spent the most pleasant night making sweet passionate love to Rhiannon. She'd sapped my energies for sure to the point I didn't remember falling asleep.

  Reaching my hand out my blood ran cold when I realized she wasn't in bed next to me. I jumped from the confines of my bed and was hurrying into my clothes just as my door was thrust open and young Jason came stumbling in.

  "Hurry Shane." Those were his only words, which did nothing to lessen the anxiety creeping up my neck.

  "What's going on Jason where's your sister?"

  "Just hurry you'll see."

  We made it out into the courtyard in time to see a shrouded figure wielding a sword against...Tamar Stefano?

  What... All that could be heard was the ringing of steel as a dozen or so of my men stood around as if on guard. I approached my first in command who I had yet to take to task for sending the Stefano wench to impart the news of my renouncement to my wife. That will have to come later however as I needed to know what in the living hell was going on here. Somehow I knew it was she wielding the sword.

  My heart had already stopped beating, as there was no way for me to interfere. If I called out it might cause her to falter and that could prove fatal. The Stefanos were known for their swordsmanship and as far as I know Rhiannon's prowess consisted of bouts with Jason. I’ve never felt such helplessness in my life as I did in those first few moments when realization hit.

  "Marcus, what goes here?" If he noticed the threat of death in my tone he didn't let on.

  "My queen sought retribution for a wrong I did her, that day I had no sense that the she witch would use my ignorance to cause more harm. I just found the task unpalatable and sought to escape it, for that I am sorely sorry your majesty."

  "We'll deal with your cowardice later right now can you please tell me why I shouldn't run you thorough with my sword for allowing this?"

  "She asked it of me, I could do no less...."

  "I am your king, and once your friend...."

  "It was for my king and my friend that I did this, she needed to do this and I needed to make up for my part in her hurt. You can't tell me you haven't been on the same path my friend."

  "That's entirely different, I would not have put her in danger."

  "Look you at her, does she seem in any danger, I think not, I think the Stefano witch should prepare to meet her maker."

  I turned my attention to the fighting where Rhiannon's head covering had come undone and her glorious hair blew in the wind as she swung...my sword...? but the damn thing was too heavy for her. My fear was renewed at the knowledge. It was then I noticed that my men were taking bets, which didn't seem to be going too well since they all wanted to bet on their queen, this was madness.

  "If she's hurt in any way, I will take it out of all your hides." That seemed to cool their ardor for a second at least until they turned back to the fighting and the haggling started up again.

  I watched from the sidelines deciding the best course of action if things became dire. I sought an opening that would allow me to get to her without getting her killed, I had no doubt that the Stefano wench would use any distraction to strike, there was no honor in that one. Rhiannon showed great swordsmanship in the way she handled herself and I felt my angst ease slightly as the Stefano wench hurled insults and raged each time she missed her mark. My queen was well poised even in battle and concentrated only on defeating her enemy.

  "What think you Jason?" He'd been at my side throughout.

  "She's good but Rhian is better, she will win have no fear."

  "And you're certain of this?"

  "Did I tell you that her father the king saw her trained by the best; they came from all over for the honor. What you've seen of her sparring with me is but child's play, I daresay she'd give you a run for your money." He had the nerve to laug
h at his absurdity. "If she gets herself hurt I'll kill her."

  "That makes perfect sense to me." He grinned and sidestepped as I cuffed his ear playfully.

  I held my breath as I watched the two women go at each other in the makeshift circle. Rhiannon was shorter and thinner yes, but I saw some of what Jason spoke of in her skill. The way she wielded her weapon with precision and concentration, she seemed determined as she aimed time and again...It was then a sudden realization hit and almost brought me to my knees.

  "Marcus, tell me, is my wife, your queen in a fight to the death?" My bowels weakened before he answered as I saw the truth of my words in his reaction.

  "I didn't know that's what she intended until it was too late, that's why we're all here, to see that she doesn't die."

  "How will you prevent it you fool?" I started forward intent on bringing the bout to an end one way or the other but his hand withheld me once again.

  "Look there." He pointed to the wall a little ways away where a lone figure could be seen, bow and arrow at the ready.

  "Does my wife know he's there?"

  "No, she thinks that we'll accept the outcome whatever that is."

  "His orders?"

  "If it looks like the Stefano witch is going in for the kill shoot her through her black heart."

  "I repeat; why shouldn't I just kill you now and be done with it?"

  "Because you know it's the only way, this way your wife gets the satisfaction she seeks, her people get to learn of her honor in defending her good name, and she gets to exact vengeance on her enemy."

  "All good points but I'm still going to take you to task for allowing your queen to put herself in danger."

  "As you wish." The clashing of swords never abated as we held this discourse, both women seemed equally determined to end the other and when my wife was thrown to the ground I moved forward intent on interfering after all. She used her feet against her opponent's chest to push her back as she stood once more. I saw the intent as she took her stance, legs braced apart, sword held above her head and no expression on her beautiful face and I knew. The worry went away as if by magical hands, instead I couldn't wait for the fighting to be over so I could take her back to my bed.


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