Bryan Burrough
Page 56
Stenehjem, Michele Flynn. An American First: John T. Flynn and the America First Committee. New Rochelle, N.Y.: Arlington House, 1976.
Summers, Anthony. The Arrogance of Power: The Secret World of Richard Nixon. New York: Penguin, 2000.
———. Official and Confidential: The Secret Life of J. Edgar Hoover. New York: G.P. Putnam’s Sons, 1993.
Tair, Samuel W., Jr. The Wildcatters: An Informal History of Oil-Hunting in America. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1946.
Tananbaum, Duane. The Bricker Amendment Controversy: A Test of Eisenhower’s Political Leadership. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1988.
Texas Permian Historical Society, eds. Water, Oil, Sand and Sky: A History of Ward County, Texas. Pamphlet, 1962.
Thompson, Craig. Since Spindletop: A Human Story of Gulf’s First Half-Century. Gulf, 1951.
Thompson, Jim. South of Heaven. New York: Fawcett, 1967.
Thompson, Thomas. Blood and Money. New York: Carroll & Graf, 1976.
Tinkle, Lon. Mr. De: A Biography of Everette Lee DeGolyer. Boston: Little, Brown, 1970.
Troyan, Michael. A Rose for Mrs. Miniver: The Life of Greer Garson. Lexington: University Press of Kentucky, 1999.
Tuccille, Jerome. Kingdom: The Story of the Hunt Family of Texas. Washington: Beard Books, 1984.
Van Buren, Ernestine Orrick. Clint: Clinton Williams Murchison, a Biography. Austin: Eakin, 1986.
Walker, Stanley. Texas. New York: Viking, 1962.
White, Theodore. America in Search of Itself: The Making of the President, 1956-1980. New York: Harper & Row, 1982.
Wolfe, Jane. Blood Rich: When Oil Billions, High Fashion and Royal Intimacies Are Not Enough. Boston: Little, Brown, 1993.
———. The Murchisons: The Rise and Fall of a Texas Dynasty. New York: St. Martin’s, 1989.
Wolfskill, George. The Revolt of the Conservatives: A History of the American Liberty League, 1914-1940. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1962.
Wolfskill, George, and John A. Hudson. All but the People: Franklin D. Roosevelt and His Critics, 1933-39. London: Macmillan, 1969.
Yergin, Daniel. The Prize: The Epic Quest for Oil, Money & Power. New York: Free Press, 1991.
Zirbel, Craig I. The Texas Connection: The Assassination of John F. Kennedy. Scottsdale, Ariz.: Texas Connection, 1991.
Abdullah Ibn Abdul-Aziz, Prince
Adams, Jay
Adams, K. S. “Bud,” 298-99
Adams, Nathan
Alleghany Corporation
Allen, George
Alpaca (Hunt)
Alpaca Revisited (Hunt)
American Football League (AFL)
American Liberty
Anderson, M. D.
Anderson, Robert B.
Anglo-American Petroleum Agreement (1944)
Applewhite, Charles
Arab oil embargo (1973)
Ardrey, Rushton
Armstrong, George W.
Athens, Tex.
Bache Group
Bagdikian, Ben
Bailey, Old Man
Bainbridge, John
Baker, Edith
Baker, James
Baker, James A.
Bass, Anne
Bass, Anne (“Little Anne”)
Bass, Annie Richardson
Bass, Ed
Bass, E. P. “Doc,”
Bass, Lee
Bass, Nancy Lee
Bass, Perry
Bass, Robert
Bass, Sid Richardson
Bass Brothers Enterprises
Bass family
Bateman, Ed
Beaumont, Tex.
Higgins and
McCarthy and
Beebe, Herman K.
Bentsen, Lloyd
Berle, Milton
Big Four families
media coverage of
ranches of
Big Hill (Spindletop) oil field
Blaffer, Robert Lee
Blood, Money & Power (McClellan)
Bradford, Daisy
Brandt, Gil
Britain, Persian Gulf oil and
British Petroleum (BP)
Brooks, R. E.
Brown, Dalton
Brown, George
Brown, Herman
Brown, John
Brown & Root
Buckburnett, Tex.
Buckley, Willliam F.
Burns, Perry
Burns agency
Bush, Barbara
Bush, George H. W.
Bush, George W.
Bush family
Byars, Billy
Byrd. H.
Byrd, Peck
Cain, Wofford
Caro, Robert
Carter, Amon
Centex Construction
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)
Chase Manhattan Bank
Cheek, Jim
Chicago Board of Trade (CBOT)
Cities Service
Clark, Ed
Clark, Norma
Closuit, Ernest
Commodities Futures Trading Commission (CFTC)
communists, communism
Condon, Edward
Congress, U.S.:
Arab oil embargo and
Facts Forum and
Graham religious service and
natural gas industry and
Roosevelt and
World War II and
see also House of Representatives, U.S.; Senate, U.S.
Connally, John
bankruptcy of
Hunt silver scheme and
Hunt wiretapping case and
Conroe, Tex.
conservative movement, oil wealth and
Conti Commodity Services
Corduroy Road (Davis)
cornering of markets
Cotton Bowl
Cox Bay oil field
Crawford, Joan
Criswell, William
Cullen, Ezekiel
Cullen, Hugh Roy
Brooks and
Cheek and
childhood of
as creekologist
Damon’s Mound field and
death of
doctorate of science awarded to
early career of
Humble oil field and
libel suit against
McCarthy and
marriage of
mass media and
O’Connor oil field and
philanthropy of
Pierce Junction wells of
politics and
Rabbs Ridge sale and
ranch of
West and
World War II and
Cullen, Lillie Cranz
Cullen, Louise
Cullen, Roy, Jr.
Cullen, Roy Gustave
Cullen & West
Cullen di Portanova, Lillie Cranz
Cullen family
Cullen Foundation
Currington, John
Daisy Bradford No. 3 oil well
Dallas, Tex.:
conservative movement and
football and
Hunts and
Kennedy assassination in
McCarthy and
Murchisons and
oil wealth and
Reunion project in
World War II and
see also First National Bank of Dallas; Republic National Bank of Dallas
Dallas Cowboys
Dallas Petroleum Club
Dallas Texans
Dallas Tornado
Damon’s Mound oil field
Davis, Edgar B.
Deep Rock Oil Company
Deep Rock oil well
DeGolyer, Everette
DeLay, Tom
Democratic Party, Texas conservatives and
Depression, Great
Dies, Martin
di Portanova, Enrico “Ricky
di Portanova, Ljuba
di Portanova, Ugo
Drexel Burnham Lambert
Dunagan, Bill
Dunn, David
Du Pont family
Durham, Joseph Idelbert (Doc Lloyd)
Eastland, James
East Texas oil fields
Eisenhower, Dwight D.
election of 1952 and
natural gas bill and
Nixon and
El Dorado, Ark.
of 1914
of 1936
of 1940
of 1944
of 1948
of 1952
of 1954
of 1960
of 1968
of 2004
Electronic Data Systems (EDS)
Ellenberger Lime sands
El Paso Natural Gas
Englehard Industries
Equitable Life Assurance Society of America
Establishment in Texas Politics, The (Green)
Estes oil field
Everett, W. J.
Facts Forum
Fain, Ernest
Farris, Lou, Jr.
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
HLH Products and
Federal Power Commission (FPC)
Federal Reserve
Feldman. D.
Ferber, Edna
First National Bank of Chicago
First National Bank of Dallas
First National Bank of Fort Worth
Flying Ginnie
Flynn, John
Ford, Gerald R.
Foreman, Percy
Fort Worth, Tex.
Bass family and
Sundance Square in
see also First National Bank of Fort Worth
Fuermann, George
Gadhafi, Muammar
Gamal, Samia
Garrett. P.
Garrison, Jim
Giant (Ferber)
Glenn McCarthy Productions
Golding, Dudley
Goldman Sachs
Graham, Billy
Great Western United
Green, George Norris
Griffing, Olen
Guffey, James
Gulf Oil
Gunther, John
Halas, George
Halbouty, Michel
Hamill, Al
Hamill, Curt
Harris-Fulbright Natural Gas Bill (1956)
Hendricks oil field
Higgins, Patillo “Bud,”
Hill, Al
Hill, Margaret Hunt
brother’s illness and
Frania Tye and
Hunt silver scheme and
Hilton, Conrad
Hirschkop, Phil
Hiss, Alger
HLH Products
Holcombe, Oscar
Holub, E. J.
Hoover, J. Edgar
hot oil dealing
House of Representatives, U.S. see also Congress, U.S.; Senate, U.S.
House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC)
Houston, Tex.
Astrodome in
Bush and
conservative movement and
Cullens and
di Portanovas and
Hunt family and
Jones-Cullen conflict in
Kirby and
Lakewood Country Club in
McCarthy and
medical centers in
Murchison pipeline to
oil wealth and growth of
Second National Bank in
Shamrock Hotel in
West and
World War II and
Houston, University of
Houston Oil Company
Hovas, Sandy
Hudson, E. J.
Hughes, Howard, Jr.
Hughes, Howard, Sr.
Hugh Roy Cullen: A Story of American Opportunity (Kilman and Wright)
Hull, Bert
Humble Oil & Refining
Conroe oil field and
Louisiana leases and
O’Connor oil field and
Rabbs (Thompsons) Ridge purchase by
Humble oil field
Hunt, Caroline (daughter)
Hunt, Caroline (daughter-in-law)
Hunt, Ella
Hunt, Frania Tye, see Lee, Frania Tye
Hunt, Haroldina
Hunt, Haroldson Lafayette
“Arizona Slim” nickname of
childhood and youth of
cotton farming of
death of
death threats against
early jobs of
East Texas oil fields and
El Dorado oil boom and
first family of
first oil well of
Florida sojourn of
gambling and card playing of
Hassie Hunt’s illness and
HLH Products and
Joiner and
Joiner’s lawsuit against
Kennedy assassination and
Lake and
land holdings of
McCarthy and
marriages of
mass media and
natural gas industry and
New London disaster and
personality of
politics and
religion and
second family of,
274n second well of
third family of
Tyler as home of
wealth of
World War II and
writings of
Hunt, Haroldson Lafayette, Jr.(Hassie)
Hunt, Hash
Hunt, Helen
Hunt, Herbert
bankruptcy of
HLH Products case and
Ray Hunt and
silver market and
soybean market and
sugar industry and
wiretapping case against
Hunt, Howard Lee
Hunt, Hugh Lee
Hunt, June
Hunt, Lamar
bankruptcy of
football and
HLH Products case and
Kennedy assassination and
Ray Hunt and
silver market and
soccer and
Hunt, Lyda Bunker
Frania Tye and
Hunt, Margaret, see Hill, Margaret Hunt
Hunt, Nelson Bunker
bankruptcy of
death threats against
Frania Tye lawsuits and
HLH Products case and
horses as passion of
landholdings of
Libya and
politics and
Ray Hunt and
silver market and
soybean market and
sugar industry and
wealth of
wiretapping case against
Hunt, Ray Lee
Frania Tye lawsuits and
Reunion project of
Hunt, Ruth Ray
Hunt, Sherman
Hunt, Swanee Hunt, Tom
Hunt Energy Corporation
Hunt family
Hunt International Resources (HIRCO)
Hunt Oil Company
HLH Products and
IRS and
Ray Hunt and
Hunt-Pickering No. 1 oil well
Hurt, Harry
Ickes, Harold
Inch pipelines
Internal Revenue Service (IRS)
International Metals Investment Company (IMIC)
Investors Diversified Services (IDS)
Irving, Tex.
Jacobs, Harry
Jaworski, Leon
Jett Rink
Johnson, Lady Bird
Johnson, Lyndon B.
election of 1940 and
election of 1948 and
ection of 1952 and
election of 1960 and
Graham and
Kennedy assassination and
Marsh and
natural gas industry and
Joiner, Columbus Marion “Dad,”
background of
Hunt’s buyout of
Hunt’s first meeting with
Hunt sued by
Laster and
Lloyd and
Jones, Jesse
Jonsson, Erik
J. R. Ewing
Justice Department, U.S.
Kansas, oil industry in
Kansas City Chiefs
Keck, William
Kelly, Jon
Kennedy, Edward M.
Kennedy, John F.
assassination of
election of 1960 and
Kent, William
Kermit, Tex.
Kerr, Jean
Keystone oil field
King, Gloria
King, Martin Luther, Jr.
King, Sheppard
King Ranch
Kirby, Allan P.
Kirby, John Henry
Armstrong and
Kirby Lumber Company
Kittrell, William
Kleindeinst, Richard
Korean War
Kraft, Chester
Kravchenko, Victor A.
Ku Klux Klan
Lake, Pete
Lake Village, Ark.
Landry, Tom
Laster, Ed
Lathrop No. 1 oil well
Lee, Frania Tye
Lee, Thomas
Liberty League
Liberty Network
Liedtke, Hugh
Lilly, Bob
Lloyd, Doc (Joseph Durham)
Louisiana, oil industry in
Lucas, Anthony
Lucas No. 1 oil well
Luling oil field
lumber industry
Lyle, John
Lyndon B. Johnson Presidential Library,
MacArthur, Douglas
McCann, Patrick
McCarthy, Faustine Lee
McCarthy, Glenn
aviation and
chemical plant of
death of
Edna Ferber and
Equitable Life and
Hughes and
politics and
Shamrock Hotel and
McCarthy, Joseph R.
McCarthy Oil & Gas
McCloy, John
McEntire, J. B.
McGee, Robert