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The Eleven

Page 18

by Adrian Popa

  Hopefully we'll come to an agreement. I mean my ambition is for the greater good of the world. I even have one of my colleagues out in the field with my enemies at the moment. It seems like a dirty trick but hey, that's how the world works. I mean he's not doing anything to harm them, he's just there to, watch over them. The enemies are pretty organized as well, they're pretty amazing, it's a shame that it's a one sided argument that's happening. They're almost like a tight knit family. Something I don't have. Maybe I'm just a little jealous. I don't know where my father and mother are, or if they're even alive. And my wife and even my daughter are gone. I am truly alone. But my ambition can only be fulfilled if I'm alone. There doesn't need to be anyone else, I don't want anyone else. Ah I better get ready for the guests. They'll be coming anytime now. I can't greet them without looking professional, and I certainly can't keep them waiting. Isn't that right, Adam.

  It was time to storm Hades. We had discussed over the chat room about our positions. It was pretty cut and clear. J.K, M.N, H.S, and L.H who at this point to me is Lily Haywin would be working behind the battle fields. They'll be the ones giving us support in the digital world, keeping our tracks hidden and informing us about our surroundings and making sure that Kayneth can't anticipate our movements. Rat had spilled the beans about being able to hack indo Hades, although we were all understanding so it was all fine. The attack group which would push back Erin Alteio and the clones would consisted of P.W, Zack's group, and various mercenaries throughout the Discarded Knives. It was a pretty heavy group, which leaves us with the main attack group which would push towards Kayneth. It consisted of myself, M.K, the leader of the Discarded Knives, and Rat. A small group, but it would get the job done. It was almost time to attack. Kayneth, your going down, it's about time I pay you back for all you've done, and to stop that little world domination plan of yours. I walk outside of my room and down the hallway. Lily calls behind me. I turn and she says.

  "Good luck out there, S.J"

  "You too, L.H"

  We exchange grins and then I turn and continue. I grappled my way to the rendezvous point near Hades. I had brought my Blue Bird and Vendetta. It was all I needed, they've been pretty good to me so far. And it's only appropriate that I finish this case off with a bang using them as well. We had soon all grouped up. The other attack group was meeting at a different location, so I couldn't have my fun and see who P.W was, but I did get to see M.K. He looked like a regular father, he had scruffy brown hair, a medium build and was fairly tall. His eyes showed kindness, and his skin was slightly tan. When I got to the meeting spot he was smoking a cigarette looking at the ground like he had just been laid off. We greeted each other, and it was finally time to head in. The first attack group went in first, and we followed suit. They had stormed the building from the front, taking out the two guards at the entrance. While we were inside we were met with groups of clones waiting for us. It was hectic but we escaped and made it pretty far before we ran into someone who appeared to be a mercenary. He was probably Erin Alteio. We split up at this point. We raced towards the top of the building, and eventually we made it to Kayneth's room. This was far too easy. It left me with a bad after taste in my mouth. This was a joke at best. It felt like there was something missing. We opened the door to the room. We all had our guns at ready and, there was no one there. We scanned the room and checked it thoroughly. There was no one. I said.

  "Knew it"

  Rat replied.

  "Far too easy huh"


  Suddenly M.K started laughing. Rat and I both turned. He was laughing hysterically. He then pulled out another pistol and drew them at us. We both aimed at him. Rat said angrily.

  "What the hell do you think you're doing?"

  "Following orders"


  He continued laughing and then replied.

  "Do you really think you can stop him!?"

  "What do you mean?"

  "Heh, how naive!"

  "Snap out of it, we have to find him now"

  "Kayneth didn't just let me fake my death, I was let go. I was sent out, and you accepted me as a leader"

  "Wait, you're not saying that yo-"

  "Exactly. I was working for Kayneth all this time, keeping track of everything for him. He knew about this all. And while you were all thinking you finally had him, you only played into his hands more"

  He continued laughing. This was not good, our plan had failed. I could see that Rat was still calm, calculating the situation, we didn't know where Kayneth was, and to top it all off, we have a traitor here. His computers were still here, all of his files, we could check them all, maybe he left a clue. But first, we would have to take care of M.K. He began to speak again.

  "And if you're thinking about looking at his files, think again. Of course he would have destroyed them all"

  "Why, why work for him!?"

  "Can't you see, he's the one who's going to save this world!"

  "He plans to enslave it"

  "That's a third rate way of thinking. You can't see past the surface to see his true intentions, he's going to be the savior!"

  "Snap out of it, come on!"

  M.K begins firing at both of us. I take cover behind a wall that leads to his office. He unloaded all of his rounds and the sound of both of his guns hitting the ground echoed. I came out of my cover, I saw Rat running towards me. I fired at M.K, he had a remote in his hand, and was about to press a button. Rat was yelling.


  My bullet had hit him the moment he had pressed the button on his remote, and I realized, it was all too late. I heard rumbling from beneath me, Rat and I scrambled towards the window. We had shot it to create an exit. There was a building not too far from here I quickly grappled my way onto it while escaping the heat, sound and impact of the explosion behind me. I rolled onto the building and when I got up Rat was beside me. I asked him.

  "How did you get here?"

  "Every Rat has their tricks."

  "Wait, what about the others!"

  "They were informed about the explosion. They should be out of the building"

  "Now what?"

  "We have to re trace our steps, Kayneth is still out there, somewhere"

  "And he knows everything about us"

  "This isn't good, the time we need to recover and re track him could be too long, he'll definitely have his clones up and ready"

  "What about attacking Jeno?"

  "That's one way to do it, but we'll need a lot of power to break through, he'll have definitely boarded it up knowing that it'll be the next logical action by us"

  "And I guess I won't be getting any more orders from him anytime soon"

  "Heh, I guess not"

  "If Kayneth had M.K set us up, then that means we're not safe anymore"

  "Yeah, with him into the equation, everything is distorted"

  Suddenly my cell phone began ringing. I checked the caller.


  Chapter 29

  Rat looked over my shoulder, he said.

  "It's probably Kayneth"

  I picked up the call and put it on speaker.

  "It looks like the fun has just begun, Adam"

  "Fancy hearing from you Kayneth, do I have a new target?"

  "Very funny, but it looks like this little game of chess is about to be over"

  "Not if we have anything to do about it"

  "How pitiful, to think that you had everything going your way, for it all to be crushed within one instant"

  "You knew all along didn't you"

  "Yes, and I was playing along with your little games, making sure that you thought you had everything in control"

  "Heh, I give it to you, putting up that little project to me and then bringing us all together"

  "Oh, you have me mistaken. All of the events leading up have all been a lucky coincidence for me. It would have never happened without any of your actions"

  "To think we were all playing into yo
ur hands"

  "To think the hands you played were so tailored towards mine"

  "So what do you want, here to just mock us?"

  "That would be no fun. But for the most part, yes. By the way, the Canex building, a tough one to crack but, this is where Lily is isn't it?"

  "What are you saying?"

  "Well, it's quite a spectacle to behold, who would of thought that people would still be living in this abandoned thing"

  A burst of laughter came from my phone. Suddenly he hung up. Rat said quickly following up.

  "Go back to Canex, now!"

  "Alright, but"

  "Don't worry, we can handle it from here, I have a bad feeling about this, and I haven't been getting any transmissions from Lily in a while"

  "Okay, good luck, make sure everyone's safe"

  "We'll be fine, you have my word on it"

  "And your information hasn't failed me yet"

  I left with a grin on my face racing towards my base. From the looks of it, Kayneth might be there, and Lily might be in trouble if I don't make it in time. I sped up, there was no time to waste. When I arrived there was no one outside, no signs of anyone inside either. I pulled out my guns and went in. I quickly raced up the stairs and made it to the hallway where Lily and my room was. I stayed keen, un sure if Kayneth really is here. I crept towards Lily's room, and before I could make it to the door, I heard beeping. I quickly pushed the door open, there was no one there, the beeping grew louder. I ran out, knowing what he did. And just on time, the explosion erupted from behind me, setting the Canex building a blaze. Ah, twice in a row today, today's not a good day is it. Kayneth is just playing with me, but where could Lily have gone, was she taken? My cell phone began ringing.


  I picked up.

  "Well well, putting you in a goose chase is quite amusing"

  "Cut it, where is Lily!?"

  "Oh, that's your first priority, well you certainly have grown"

  "So, what's your deal?"

  "Heh, just tying up loose ends"

  "Oh right, I have heard about the deal with Lily, or rather your daughter"

  "So you understand the precautions and disturbances that I have to deal with"

  "Calling your own daughter a disturbance, well I can't expect much from you anymore"

  "Have you ever?"

  "Good point"

  "Either way, if I were you then I would head to the Kanex building if you wish to save this life"

  "So you did take her!"

  "Undoubtedly, and she won't last long when your fiddling down there with a burnt down building behind you"

  "What's the point of all this? Didn't you already have this entire situation under control, what's the point in doing all of this?"

  "I'm not sure whether you'll take it as a proper answer, but I guess just saying the reason was to torment you won't cut it"

  "Unfortunately, it isn't, but I guess you won't just tell me the reason why your extending this battle"

  "I may, or I may not, but if you want to discuss this over the phone, then you may be more selfish than I thought"

  "Don't lose your head, I'll be over there in no time, and you better be ready"

  "I'm shaking"

  I hang up and quickly grapple my way to the Kanex building. I arrive without delay, and quickly check the surroundings. I draw out my gun and reach for the door, but I'm interrupted by my cell phone.


  I picked up, was this another trick, did he set up bombs in the area?

  "I forgot to mention, and I think it's more fair this way. Meet you at the roof, tick tock, tick tock"

  He hangs up. I aim my grappler on the building, it'll be faster this way. I begin my quick climb up Kanex. I finally reach the tip of the building and I'm sent flying by the force of my hook. I get a good bird's eye view of the square roof. A man is holding a gun to a girls head. The girl is Lily, and the man, probably Kayneth. I lose my momentum and land on the other side of the ordeal. I draw out my gun in a quick motion and aim it at him. He turns to look at me, with his gun still pointing at Lily. He has his black hair slicked back. His eyes are sharp and show malice and evil intent. He's wearing a brown trench coat with black shoes, and has black gloves that fit his hands perfectly. He looks like he's somewhere in his 30s or 40s. He has a moderate build, not too tall either. I'm probably just above his shoulders. He begins speaking, his voice is deep, not too deep, but enough to tell apart his age.

  "So, what do you plan on doing now?"

  "Stop you, of course"

  "You landed over there, and we're over here"

  I look over, Lily seems to be on the floor sleeping. Probably knocked her out. If I shoot and miss, he'll probably shoot her. If I rush in, he'll probably shoot her. If I run away, he'll definitely shoot her. My options aren't much, and I can't throw a grenade over there either. Hmmm, these are all assuming that he has her on a leash, that he's actually using his own daughter as a shield. I don't want to assume too much but, there's also the possibility that his gun isn't even loaded. Or if it's even a real gun. From this distance, I can make out a faint image of his gun, It looks real. And who knows if he has other weapons in his coat. If I make any rash movements, he might shoot her on the spot. And of course, if I was twisted and didn't care about her life, then I would think that the moment he shoots, he'll be open, and it'll be my chance. But of course I have to take her life into account. This is like chasing down a deranged psychopath with a hostage. I don't know whether reinforcements will come either, and if they come, Lily might die on the spot as well. I need to make him drop his guard, that'll be the only way I can do this, but how!?. Kayneth suddenly begins speaking after cracking a small laugh.

  "Seeing you struggle over there is amusing. Think quickly, or she'll get it"

  He pulls off the safety and assures me that the gun is loaded. I don't have much time. I take a step forward, he quickly says.

  "Stop, don't make a move, or she'll get a face full of lead"

  "Levying your own daughter, how pitiful"

  "To your eyes, that may be so, but you have to come to the realization that sacrifices are bound to be made in any decision"

  " She isn't a sacrifice, not when you're doing it this way. I thought you were crazy when I found out the truth, but now I know your just plain out of it"

  "And you yourself is guilty of treason"

  "Your point being?"

  "You don't realize what I'm trying to do, do you Adam?"

  "Trying to take over the world?"

  "You have such a barbaric way of using words"

  "Am I wrong?"

  "Try a more sophisticated approach, how about, bringing this lone sovereign world into a revolution"

  "Over glorifying something isn't doing it any justice"

  "Oh, but I am merely telling the truth"

  "I love sugar, but not when it's being used as a heavy coating"

  "So very naive Adam, and the lot of you, very naive"

  "What's wrong with trying to stop you from ruining this world"

  "That's the very problem. The problem that lies within the core of your ideals. You misunderstand me"

  "Oh really, please do explain further. Are you not trying to use your cloning methods to create an unstoppable army, and then use that army to iron fist the rest of the world"

  "I see no reason or need to explain something that is divinely out of the reach of your minds"

  "Divinely out of our reach my ass, you're just dodging the point, you crazy old man"

  "And to think that you were one of my candidates to rule upon the upbringing"

  "That was until I discovered you were trying to enslave everyone"

  "It's a shame that you don't share the same ideals that I do, you were my best choice, my favorite, my first pick"

  "I suppose that was supposed to make me feel good?"

  "If only you stayed on the path of the revolution, all the more reason that this world needs to be resh
aped, re formed. All of your corrupt minds will be renewed once I begin"

  "Listening to you spout that crap really gives me a bad aftertaste in my mouth"

  "You don't see the big picture Adam, no one does, except me. You have to look at the larger world, not just your own"

  "And what's wrong with being selfish? Isn't that the best way to live, to be selfish?"

  "What a demeaning way to live"

  "Not really, I mean to get around in this world, we all have to be selfish. People who go around getting jobs aren't there for the hell of it. They want that money so that THEY can live. Isn't that a little selfish? You're earning money so that you yourself can live. When you give charity, people may say they do it for the good in their hearts, but is that really the case? Is it not for the good feeling that they get what they desire, the feeling that they have benefited others? I feel like it's an illusion, that most people give charity so that they can earn this one good feeling for themselves. I'm not any different, I'm killing people I deem criminals that are harming this city because I need that money to survive, I'm not doing it for anyone else other than me, and more recently for Lily. I'm also doing it for the feeling that I get when I know I've ridden the city of another threat"

  "Listening to you ramble about your philosophy on life is giving me a headache"

  "Are you any different?"

  "Of course I am, I'm doing this for the good of the world, I live to do my research so that it can bring up the revolution!"

  "Look, I don't know what you mean by revolution, but I'm guessing it's your own twisted way of saying that you think that you'll save this world but is that really the case?"

  "You people can't see it so I can't blame you for not understanding my grand ideals"

  "Are you sure it's not because you just want the ecstatic feeling of ruling over the world? Or if you're still denying it, I guess bringing the world to its revolution? Are you not just doing it for the amazing self indulgent, or maybe you're doing it because you'll be able to live the good life for the rest of your existence. Either way, it all comes back to what you'll obtain"

  "That's enough, insolent fool!"

  He faltered, I take this chance and shoot a bullet towards his arm. It hits, but of course he's wearing protection. It bounces off and into the roof but it gives me enough time to charge at him. I begin running at him while shooting bullets at him, they all bounce off. Looks like he's got full body protection. Of course even with full body protection, the back lash of wearing it is still in effect. I eventually reach arms length with him and then quickly switch to close quarters combat. I kick his arm throwing his gun across the roof, then I throw a quick punch to his face, he dodges to the side, I do a quick back step and then charge at him again throwing multiple punches towards his face. He dodges them all but at least he's not too near Lily now. He picks up the pace and throws a few punches back. I block them all and step back. He may not look too agile, but he can sure pack a punch. I get back into stance and charge at him with a punch at ready, he catches it, and after a while of struggling he pushes me back. Trying to only hit his face is quite hard, if I try to go for any other part, they're all protected and it'll be a waste. But that makes it easier for him to just guard his head. If I go for a quick shot, that might work, but missing will leave me wide open, and who knows what he still has on him. Trying to stun him for a quick opening on his head might work, but it'll be a stretch.


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