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Bikers Desire (BBW Motorcycle Romance) (Dark Souls MC)

Page 2

by Aubrey Watts

“I'll show you fun,” Liam said matter-of-factly, undoing his belt and jeans and unleashing the largest cock I had ever laid eyes on. It was meaty and mean looking; exactly the kind of girth I'd expect a man like him to have. But I knew right away that there would be no way I could take it. At least not comfortably.

  I was tight, tight like a virgin, and Liam’s cock was unlike anything I had ever laid eyes on. If he fucked me I’d be ruined for other men. And he seemed to know it. As the other three men stared on in awe, Liam swooped me up from the ground in one swift motion and carried me deeper into the woods behind my father’s body shop.

  My stomach balled into a knot as the realization that no one would be able to see us from the road settled over me. Before I could attempt to object, Liam tossed me into a small pile of brush and gravel, causing me to further scrape my legs. I was horny like a bitch in heat but drawing blood was never something I expected to happen.

  I watched through strained vision as the other three men removed their belts, tossing their thick wads of leather off to the side as they unzipped their pants. Time seemed to slow to a stop around me. I wanted to go home but it no longer seemed like an option, if it ever was one to begin with.

  Goosebumps crawled their way down my spine as I began to ponder just what Liam and his brothers had in store for me when all was said and done. Would they abandon me? Leave me for dead? My heart began to race as a familiar feeling of dread washed through my body.

  “Please,” I panted. It was getting cold. I could see my breath in the air now. “Just let me go. I won’t tell anyone about this. I promise. It'll be like it never even happened.”

  At this point I was desperate. All four of the men before me had the meatiest cocks I had ever seen and if that wasn’t enough to leave me reeling, they were stroking them before me.

  That's it, I decided, pushing my sinful thoughts from the forefront of my mind. Enough was enough. I was a good girl. I couldn’t allow this to happen. I began to slowly get up but Liam reached out to me before I could, pushing me flat onto my back.

  “Just where do you think you're going?” he questioned, an amused look surfacing in his eyes as he flicked the bud of his cigarette to the ground.

  “Please,” I whimpered as he eased himself over me. “I said I wouldn’t tell anyone. Just let me go.”

  Liam grunted in response, parting my slender legs as tensed under the pressure of his muscular body. Out of the corner of my eye I could see that all three of his brothers had dropped their pants too, allowing their stiff cocks to come into in plain view in my peripherals.

  “Oh I’ll let you have something,” Liam grunted, thrusting roughly forward and breaking through the tight barrier of my womanhood in one quick motion.

  Just like that, before I could even fully process what was happening, he was fucking me. I felt completely paralyzed beneath him but I could also sense myself becoming more wet, my juices flowing freely around his throbbing length.

  As he entered me more deeply, the walls of my pussy flexed around his girth and a soft moan vibrated against my vocal chords. It was an accident, a natural reaction to being fucked up a meaty ten-inch cock, but it didn't matter. Liam had made his rules abundantly clear to me.

  He didn't want me to enjoy this but how could I pretend like I didn’t? It didn’t seem possible. He was pumping me with full force now, one deep stroke after the next, shoving two calloused fingers into the confines of my mouth as repercussion every time I moaned.

  The other three men were stroking their cocks with a vengeance, letting out grunts of their own as they watched their brother invade the pussy of a girl young enough to be their daughter.

  As Liam's money shot quickly approached, his large hand covered my mouth. If he came in me I knew I wouldn't be able to prevent an explosion of my own and I'd surely make a lot of noise in the process. Liam seemed well aware of this. With one final well-angled thrust, he exploded his thick seed inside of me, shoving three fingers deep inside my mouth. “It’s okay baby,” he grunted. “Cum for me.”

  It was all the encouragement I needed. With a deep moan I did just that, bracing myself as wave after wave of pleasure racked through my tired body and my juices seeped out around Liam’s slowly deflating cock. But he was nowhere near done with me. Before I could comprehend what was happening, he roughly flipped me onto my stomach, arching my full ass in the air so that it was on full display.

  I felt my face begin to flush as a meaty blunt end pushed up against the entrance of my asshole. I had never been taken like this before and I wasn’t so sure I was ready. “Liam please,” I panted.

  Only it wasn’t Liam. Out of the corner of my eye I spotted him fully dressed and smoking a post-coital cigarette off in the distance.

  Which could only mean...

  “Who—” I began to question, but before I could finish, I was interrupted by a grainy voice that belonged to Dice.

  “Go rough on her Pres,” he spoke up. “Don’t forget the hand her pops had in Taze’s death.”

  It was Richie! I felt him palm both my clenched ass cheeks and moaned into the grass. “Loosen up,” he commanded, grabbing hold of a thick ball of my hair. His breath grazed my ear and I shivered, feeling him place a slippery kiss against my neck. With one sharp thrust, he broke through the tight barrier of my asshole and a loud yelp escaped my mouth.

  “Quiet her!” Liam barked over his shoulder. Through my hazy pain and pleasure filled vision I could make out the fact that he was on the phone but with who was the least of my worries.

  Before I knew what was happening Dice was in front of me grabbing my jaw and forcing my mouth open. “Be a good girl,” he warned, easing his cock between my lips.

  This was new territory entirely. As Richie took me from behind, Dice began to fuck my throat, slapping his meaty cock against my face every time I gagged around his girth. I felt completely degraded. Humiliated. And above all else completely and utterly aroused.

  My ass felt like it was on fire but every time Richie plowed into me I began to relax some, adjusting to the way he was stretching me apart. It only took a few more thrusts for me to feel completely addicted.

  A few pleasure-filled minutes later Dice deposited a huge load of seed into my throat. A few drops dripped onto my face as he pulled away from me and I licked them up, too exhausted to continue operating under the guise that I wasn’t enjoying this.

  It wasn’t long before Evan’s got in on the action, sliding his throbbing cock into my mouth to fill the empty space left behind by his brother. But unlike Dice he allowed me to do most of the work and I went to town, bobbing my head back and fourth with a newfound enthusiasm.

  As Richie worked my asshole, his grunts and groans indicating that he was quickly approaching his climax, I focused on Evans well-trimmed cock, paying close attention to every curve and vein. Liam had returned and was watching me closely but I was grateful that he was no longer micromanaging my enjoyment and wanted to put on a show for him, determined to make both of his brothers cum inside of me.

  As Liam and Dice watched on in awe, Richie removed his cock from my asshole, opting instead to nut all over my exposed ass cheeks and back. A few minutes later, Evans did the same, exploding his seed in my mouth and grabbing hold of my head for leverage. For a moment I was sure I even heard him groan my name.

  And just like that, as quickly as it began, it was over. All three of the men began to dress themselves, donning their leather cuts and tattered jeans and eyeing me as I curled into a sore, sweaty, well fucked mess in the brush.

  After a communal cigarette break, Liam returned by himself and handed me a small leather cut that matched his. It had the Dark Souls logo on it but was bare of any patches. I eyed him skeptically before trying it on and to my surprise it was just my size. “What’s this?” I questioned hoarsely, finding my voice. I met eyes with him and shook my head. “I don’t understand.”

  Liam rubbed his jaw and shrugged. “I talked to the boys,” he said. “Look. We really li
ked how you handle yourself. We’re willing to call our debt with your father paid if you agree to ride with us. You’re not a member. Women never are. But we could use a nurse in our fleet.”

  I frowned and shook my head. “How did you know I was a nurse?” I questioned.

  Liam laughed. “Come on,” he said, kicking at a patch of lifted dirt. “Don’t ask silly questions Mackenzie. The club has been scouting you for months. We know everything there is to know about you. Maybe even a few things you might not know about yourself.”

  The way my name sounded curling from his tongue made me shiver. “I don’t know,” I whispered, keeping my eyes trained on his as I weakly began to get dressed. “Only if you promise that from now on I get to decide who I want to have sex with.”

  Liam nodded and held up two fingers in solidarity. He lit up another cigarette and handed it to me. I hesitantly took a puff, patting my chest as I coughed. “Scouts honor sweetheart. Look…I’m sorry about that but you needed to understand how we operate.”

  “I get it,” I managed. “I still don’t understand how my father could be capable of something like that. But I get it. Why you had to do what you did. I…I guess it could have been worse.”

  Liam nodded. “So,” he breathed. His tone was as soft as I had ever heard it. “What do you say?”

  I thought it over for a moment and bit down my bottom lip. “Alright,” I finally spoke up, meeting eyes with him once more. “I’m in.”

  Enjoy what you read? More stories involving Mackenzie and her kinky adventures with the Dark Souls will be available soon in the Kindle store. For now please check out a free preview below of one of Aubrey Watts’ full length romances, Trouble, available in the Kindle store now here.

  Trouble by Aubrey Watts

  Part 1

  A N D E R S

  Chapter 1


  I lived for the thick, lingering silence that followed sex. There was something comforting about it. It gave me time to adjust. Time to reflect. I lit a cigarette and took a slow drag off the end of it.

  The leaky ceiling above me was covered in fine cracks and the paint had yellowed from water damage. But that wasn’t even the worst of it. This entire place was on its last leg—from the termite chewed flooring to the broken appliances in the kitchen. I made a mental note-to-self to pick up a few things from the hardware store next time I was in town.

  It was the least I could do.

  I studied the sleeping woman spread out beside me. She was naked but a sweaty sheet was wrapped loosely around her body. Her chest rose and fell with every soft breath she took and I reached forward to tuck a strand of blonde hair away from her face. I couldn’t be the person she wanted me to be but that didn’t mean I didn’t care about her.

  With a deep sigh, I maneuvered to the edge of her mattress and reached for my discarded t-shirt on the floor, pulling it over my head. I entered her small bathroom and turned on the sink, running the water until it came out warm and splashing a stream of it on my face.

  The man staring back at me in the mirror was not the same one who went away five years ago. Dull eyes sat sunken in beneath a mop of messy hair and new scars had appeared where there weren’t any before. My body was my only crutch. Doing time wasn’t any walk in the park but at least it gave you ample time to shape up. Afghanistan did its part in shaping a lanky kid from the hills into a fighter but prison hardened me. I ran a hand over my jaw and exhaled a deep breath. I really fuckin’ needed to shave but I told myself the same thing I always did. That I’d do it tomorrow.

  She was awake when I reentered the room, sitting up in bed smoking a cigarette with her back turned from me. She perked up when she noticed me in the doorway and the lust in her eyes made me wince. She was a pretty little thing. There was really no denying that. But I couldn’t force myself to feel something I didn’t.

  I swallowed the lump in my throat and sat down beside her, pulling another cigarette from her pack and lighting it.

  “Good morning,” she said hoarsely, trailing her fingertips down my back. “Round two?”

  I chuckled and shook my head, pulling on my pants. “I have to go,” I told her, reaching for my boots and sliding into them.

  Confusion etched its way across her face. She was trying to make sense of me. I didn’t bother telling her that there was only one woman who ever managed to do that successfully. I looked down at my watch. If I didn’t leave soon I would be late for group therapy. Attendance was required for all parolees in the state of Washington—and even though I didn’t like it—I understood why it was necessary. I wasn’t the only one who had forgotten how to exist in the real world.

  “Why?” She pouted, clawing her fingers through her messy hair. “But it’s my only day off. I thought you said you’d stay home with me today…”

  “I know,” I said with a nod, pulling my arms through my jacket and keeping my cigarette balanced between my lips. “I’ll make it up to you. I promise.”

  “You always say that.” She sighed and shook her head. “You’re always promising…”

  Her voice cracked and she fell silent. I tried to reach out to her but she pushed me away. “I thought we had a great night last night,” she continued, “I just don’t understand why you always have to take off.”

  She paced back and fourth in front of the bed and pulled her hair into a loose ponytail, turning around to face me with her hands on her hips.

  “It’s not like that,” I tried, keeping my eyes focused on the foggy glass behind her. It showed my smudged reflection rather than any outside scenery. I wasn’t sure how many more gloomy days I could take. Poulsbo was really starting to wear away at me. It rained here even more than it did in Seattle. This town was too fuckin’ small and too fuckin’ bleak.

  “It’s her isn’t it?”


  “The girl whose name you always say in your sleep,” she continued, waving her hand at me, “Nina.”

  The sound of her name made me wince and a heavy lump surfaced in my throat. I slumped back down on the bed and rubbed my neck. This time the silence wasn’t comforting. It was deafening. But I continued smoking, allowing it to lengthen as I searched for a response.

  “Come on,” she pressed on, her piercing eyes burning against my face. “You can tell me.”

  I sighed and exhaled a wave of smoke from my lungs. “No,” I finally answered, shaking my head, “It’s not about her.”

  But it couldn’t have been anymore of a lie.

  T H E N

  The Afghani desert wasn’t a place anyone would want to call home. But it was to me—for four long years—until one random day it wasn’t anymore. Honorable discharge. That’s what they called it. But there wasn’t anything honorable about it.

  I sat on the front steps of my childhood home and stretched my legs, taking in my surroundings. The world seemed to breathe around me. A big “for sale by bank” sign was mounted into the ground a few feet away and the setting sun casted a yellow-orange tinge on the freshly cut lawn. It was a stark contrast to the dehydrated sand, harsh sunlight, and forever-lingering scent of gunpowder I was accustomed to.

  Home. I didn’t have one anymore but this place was as good a fill-in as any. For the first time in a long time, I felt like I belonged somewhere.

  My eyes roamed over the forty acres of land my father once called his own—before the recession took his job and his dignity. The large oak tree in the center of the yard was a focal point of a lot of my childhood memories. The damn thing was huge. When Liam was twelve, he fell from it and broke both arms. He sported two casts for the better part of that year and wasn’t even capable of wiping his own ass.

  I laughed at the memory and took a slow drag off the end of my smoke. The loud rumble of a truck approaching in the distance pulled me to my feet. A pickup barreled down the driveway, dirt and pebbles flying in its wake. It came to an abrupt stop a few feet away from me and a few seconds later, Liam climbed out and lumbered towards me.

  Four years was a damn long time to be away from someone and in that time, my baby brother had grown in ways I never thought possible. He was still a pasty motherfucker but time had been kind to him. Long gone was the scrawny kid who was often the butt of every malnourishment joke. While I was off fighting a war I no longer saw any value in, little Liam Orsen had bloomed from a boy into a man.

  “The prodigal son returns!” he called out to me in lieu of a hello, twirling his smoke around in his fingers before tossing it to the ground. He smiled at me warmly and pulled me into a tight hug, slapping his palm against my back as he gave me a slow once over. “Damn if it ain’t good to see you. Jesus, you’re one big SOB now. How much are you lifting these days man?”

  I chuckled and kicked at a patch of lifted dirt. “Bout’ three-fifty.”

  Liam whistled and reached into the bed of his truck, pulling out a pack of beer. “Well come on,” he said, waving at me as he crossed the yard, “lets go shoot the shit down at the bridge.”


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