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The Elven Alliance

Page 10

by J. A. Culican

  My eyes fell to the snow still covering the ground and trees around me. The snow sparkled from the sun beating down, but the beauty around me came at a steep cost. The price was all the ancient tilium recycled by past elves. I searched for a single melted drop. One drop would give hope back to the elves. Hope for security and hope for the connection they felt to their ancestors. I found none.

  I sat on a nearby log and dropped my head to my hands, raking my fingers through my hair, which had grown longer in the past few weeks than I’d ever let it before. My dull brown hair now curled around my ears. I desperately needed a haircut, but Eva had always cut it for me. I didn’t remember how it started or why. One day during one of our cabin visits, she told me to sit on an old milk crate, pulled the clippers out and cut my hair, laughing each time I flinched. Every few weeks the clippers reappeared, and that was that.

  Eva was gone. Taken by the eldens and farros. King Eldrick and Queen Tana. I prayed they hadn't harmed her. For Eva to be scared, I couldn't imagine what they had done to her or what she had seen. Then there was Cairo. Cairo was Eva’s true mate. Verum Salit. The concept confused me. But I knew Cairo would protect and fight for Eva more than any other being and that knowledge gave me a bit of comfort. She would need a true warrior for life by her side. A time of fear was no joke. I pulled my head from my hands and found Cairo’s red gaze inches from my own. Startled, I tumbled off the back of the log.

  “I’m sorry, my Prince.” Cairo held his hand out to help me up.

  I took it and he yanked me from the ground. I brushed the snow off and sat again, this time with Cairo beside me. We sat in silence, gazing at the wonderment around us. Cairo sighed. I turned my head in his direction, taking in his pale complexion and stringy hair. He looked horrible.

  “Thanks, my Prince.” A small smile pulled on the corners of his lips. “It seems my appearance mirrors my emotions.”

  “Can you still feel her?” I asked. Cairo right now was our only link to Eva.

  “Yes. Her fear has spiked a few times in the last hour or so.” He closed his eyes. “She is strong. Stronger than any Dramon I have ever met.”

  “We need to go to her. We need to save her,” I mumbled.

  “And we will. I can promise you that.” Cairo’s voice was strong. “They need her alive. It’s the only way all will fight. And Eldrick wants us all.”

  “Why would he want to take on all of us at once? Wouldn’t it be easier one at a time?” I wouldn't want to take on the dragons, elves, trolls and fairies all at once.

  “I don't know, but he will be prepared. Which means he thinks he can win.” Cairo raked his fingers through his hair. “I wanted to talk to you about what was discussed earlier.”

  “Verum Salit,” I whispered.

  “Yes.” Cairo turned his head to look me in the eyes. “Our souls are aligned. It means her strengths are my weaknesses and her weaknesses are my strengths. One complete soul.”

  “But you're a Woland. Woland’s are brave and strong. Just like Eva,” I stated.

  “You’re right. But she is also smart and cunning. Loyal and trustworthy. Nurturing and peaceful.” His eyes glowed. “She is many things I am not.”

  “And you're sure about this?” I asked.

  “Yes.” Cairo looked down at the snow. “I will protect you as I protect her. Together, the two of you create an entity we’ve never experienced before. The strength possessed by the two of you is unfathomable.”

  “It’s hard to believe you all think we are this powerful force.” I gazed out over the snow-covered trees.

  “Not believe. We know.” Cairo tapped my chest. “The proof is within you right now. The proof lies with the tilium. The tilium you so easily stole from the farros.”

  “It’s not who I am. I’m petrified of the eldens and the farros. I’m scared I will let you all down.” The truth spilled from my lips without a thought. I didn’t fear rejection from Cairo.

  “It’s who you are now.” Cairo’s eyes glowed brighter as he spoke each word. “And everyone is scared. Fearful of the unknown. It’s new to you. It’s not to us. Well them.” Cairo tilted his head towards the hut above us. “I was raised a human, like you. Human parents. Human friends.” Cairo paused. “When I was sent to my biological parents, I was petrified. I even tried to run away. Coward is not a Woland trait and yet here I sit, red eyes and all.”

  “You were just a kid.” I shook my head. “Of course you were scared.”

  “And you are also just a kid. 18 yes, but to a dragon, you're a baby,” Cairo stated.

  “They don’t treat me like a baby. Within a few days they dropped me in the Grove-”

  “You're a dragon.” Cairo looked to the ground. “The dragons around us—the ones who make the rules—they were born and raised on Ochana. They don’t truly understand our fears.”

  “What color were your eyes?” I asked, unsure where the question came from.

  “Brown. Much like yours.” He pointed to my now light brown eyes. “Before they changed. Don’t get stuck on the colors of who or what any of us used to be or who we are now. Who we are in the future, that's what matters.”

  “Future. Is this how my future will be? Constantly being hunted by the fallen. Constantly hunting the fallen.” I closed my eyes, attempting to erase the vision in my head. “It's not how I thought my life would go. That’s for sure.”

  “It’s the hand that was created for you. You have many who trust in you and the fates. You will always have an army behind you. You will never have to fight this life alone.” Cairo stood as his gaze reached the tops of the trees. “The Woland guard is here. We better get back up to the hut.” He gestured to the elves’ command center above us, hidden amongst the trees.

  “Yea. Cairo?” I stopped.

  “Yes, my Prince?”

  “Promise me that no matter what happens, you will protect Eva. Get her to safety.” A chill ran up my spine. Something bad was going to happen.

  Cairo turned and gave me his full attention, placing a hand over his heart. “I promise I will protect the Golden Dragon with my life.” He nodded and walked towards the ladder Jericho had procured. Just as his foot left the ground he turned back to me. “I will protect you with my life as well. She would never forgive me if something were to happen to you,” he said before ascending the ladder two rungs at a time.

  I absorbed the winter wonderland around me one last time before I followed Cairo up to the command center. Once I reached the deck I could hear the commotion going on within the hut. It seemed the dragons had indeed arrived. Jericho barked orders to the team leaders of each realm, with about twenty new Wolands in attendance. Once Jericho finished with each leader, they would take off out the door to bid whatever order they were given. Jericho would then move on to the next. Gaber and Evander stood on the other side of the hut, well out of the way, speaking to a small group of elves and trolls. Queen Annabelle was nowhere to be found.

  “Responsibilities are being divided,” Cairo said from beside me. “This isn't just a rescue mission for the Golden Dragon. We must also protect the elves and trolls until the wards can be restored.”

  “When will that be?” I whispered.

  “They’ve never been down. No being has ever been able to break through.” Cairo shrugged his shoulders. “At this point we don’t know.” Cairo tilted his head towards Gaber and Evander. “That's what they’re discussing now.”

  It never crossed my mind that all the elves and trolls would be left here unprotected as we all stormed the elden’s swamp. We couldn't leave them unprotected. We would need to wait until the wards were back up. If something happened to them while we were gone, it would destroy us all.

  “Don’t worry, my Prince. The elves and trolls will be protected,” Cairo assured me.

  “Yes, the dragons are wonderful elven protectors. They have always protected us in the past,” Clara sneered from behind us. “Excuse me.” She glared at Cairo as she walked past us towards Gaber. “Keeper, than
k you for your concern.”

  “I’m sorry, my Prince,” Cairo apologized. “Our relationship with other true beings is stressed. We will earn their trust once again. We must.”

  “I understand. You all lost one of your own. It’s not easy to forget or forgive.” I answered.

  I watched the interaction between Gaber and his sister. Clara’s voice rose as she expressed her concerns for whatever the plan was. Her arms swung around as she eyed each person in the group. Her eyes grew brighter with each second that went on until they were nothing more than two orange spotlights glowing right at Gaber.

  “A decision has been made,” Gaber announced from beneath her unhappy glare. “The tilium of the elves and trolls who reside here will raise the wards. Their tilium should be able to keep the wards up for 48 hours.” Gaber turned to Clara. “In my absence, Princess Clara will be left in charge of Paraiso.”

  “Two realms of Woland’s will also stay behind to patrol the sky above Paraiso,” Jericho added.

  Queen Annabelle entered the hut. “I fear I only have fifteen fairies to leave behind. Eighty-five have already been dispatched to the swamp and the rest were sent back to the grove to protect the rest of the fairies back home.”

  “We appreciate all that you have done and all that you offer for protection,” Gaber said to both Jericho and Annabelle. “We leave for the swamp in the morning. Together we will rescue the Golden Dragon. Together we will defeat the farros.” Gaber’s voice grew stronger. “Together we will defeat the eldens. Together we will end the time of fear.”

  Chapter Eighteen

  The journey to the swamp would only take a few hours. The plan was to make contact with Eva and search for a hidden entrance, but if we were unsuccessful within two days, we would return to Paraiso. As much as the idea to leave Eva there longer killed me, I knew she would never forgive herself or us if something happened to the elves and trolls in our absence.

  Once the last of the dragons returned from feeding, we would be on our way. I wondered about the elves and few trolls who planned on crashing the swamp with us. How would they transport themselves there? Would they ride on the backs of the dragons? A slight breeze blew through my hair as I leaned against a lone tree overlooking the ocean. We would depart Africa from the same spot we arrived at, only we wouldn't be heading towards Ochana, but Venezuela. Gaber and Jericho were confident Eva would be there. I prayed they were right, even though we had no idea what would be waiting for us when we got there.

  Quiet thuds sounded behind me, the dragons returning from their hunt. I felt them as they approached from almost a mile away. My senses had grown stronger these last few days when they weren't blocked by the eldens.

  “My Prince,” Jericho called. “It’s time to leave.”

  I pushed off the tree and turned towards him. In front of me, most of the Woland guard took up the space to my right while a large group of elves, with a sprinkling of trolls and fairies stood to my left. The two groups ignored each other. How were we supposed to fight as a team like this? I hung my head. This wouldn't work.

  “Together. You promised we’d fight together. Stand together.” I picked my head up and leveled my gaze to the beings around me. “Together!” I shouted as my emotions took over.

  “My Prince-”

  “Divided we will lose,” I cut Jericho off. “Eva. The Golden Dragon. The Keeper of Dragons will be lost.” I inhaled a large gulp of air and exhaled it in anger. “Without her, a time of fear will destroy you all. The fallen will win. Evil will win.” I shook my head. “You have five minutes to fix this.” I wagged my hand between the two groups.

  Without waiting for a response, I turned and jumped off the side of the cliff. I shifted mid-jump and took off over the water. The fear I held deep within exploded, causing my brief surge of courage. The elves and the dragons needed to work together, just as they promised the night before. My anger drifted away as I soared low over the water. I dropped one of my hind legs and let my claw splash through the cool ocean water. Twisting to the side, I commenced my flight back to the cliff. We didn't have time to waste. I prayed I would at least find that a temporary truce had been reached during my brief absence. If not...I stopped my train of thought before it had the chance to devour me. No matter what, Eva would be saved.

  The lone tree came into view as I approached the cliff. The closer I flew, the clearer the Wolands and elves appeared. I could see Jericho smoke-free in his human form while he spoke with Gaber. That was a good sign. Landing with a low thump, I shifted back to my human form, looking between Gaber and Jericho. Gaber sported a small smirk, and Jericho’s usual glare was plastered on his face. Another good sign.

  “My Prince-”

  “Are we ready to go?” I asked, glancing around the group. “We have less than 48 hours.”

  “Yes, my Prince,” Jericho answered. “Each being here holds the same goal.”

  “Let’s go and get the Golden Dragon, shall we?” Gaber clapped his hands. “See ya there.” He winked and disappeared.

  My mouth fell open as I looked to the spot Gaber had just stood. I waved my hands in the general direction of the other elves. “Where—?”

  “Elves,” Jericho growled. “More secrets. Get in the air. We must fly fast.”

  I turned back towards the group of elves and watched as they disappeared one by one. When the last elf was gone, the trolls began their own disappearing act. Queen Annabelle strolled over to me with her wings buzzing from flapping in the breeze.

  “Just another perk of the tilium,” she said, resting a hand on my shoulder. “You will learn to do the same soon enough.” Her feet left the ground as she looked down at me and tilted her head to the ocean. “We better get a move on it. Who knows what Gaber will do in our absence,” she smiled softly and took off over the water.

  “Tilium. Then why is she not disappearing as well?” I asked Jericho and Cairo.

  “We are here to guide you in safety to the Golden Dragon,” one of the fairies stated before she took off after Queen Annabelle.

  Cairo chuckled beside me. “It seems the fairies plan on keeping our Prince safe.” He bumped Jericho’s shoulder, shifted, and soared into the air after the fairies.

  Jericho shook his head. “Stick close to Cairo and me. We get the Golden Dragon and we get out. Do you understand me? We are not there to defeat the eldens.” He paused. “Not today, anyway.” Jericho shifted into dragonic mode and glided off the side off the cliff.

  I took a large breath, shifted, and followed after Jericho. Cairo swept back and followed behind me. The sun reflected off the water as we sped towards South America. Everyone was on alert. The eldens and the farros were unpredictable. No one knew exactly what we would be faced with once we arrived in Venezuela. I threw my senses out as far as I could, crossing my claws in hopes I wouldn't feel any other beings, except the ones who currently surrounded me. Nothing. I exhaled in relief. We flew in silence, fully aware of the dangers we would face soon enough. When land became visible ahead, the first signs of exhaustion swept over me.

  Venezuela’s coast came into view. The peaceful sound of the waves lapping over the sandy beaches was a beautiful deception. The dragons and fairies began their descent on what seemed to be a deserted part of the beach. As each dragon landed, they shifted into their human forms. I landed next to Jericho, who had already begun to shout orders.

  Gaber and Evander stepped out behind the nearby dunes, their appearance effectively pausing all movement. Gaber shook as Evander guided him towards us. He spoke low under his breath with his eyes closed. I took a step in their direction but was stopped by a heavy hand on my shoulder.

  “It’s okay,” Queen Annabelle said. “Gaber has placed a protective ward around us. It’s much like the one at Paraiso. No being can enter without permission.”

  Evander sat Gaber down on the sand as we all encircled him. “He’s almost done. The energy here is strong.” Evander stuck his tongue out to taste the air, his rough green hair blowi
ng wildly in the breeze. “It has taken much of his tilium to protect us. He will need to rest.”

  “How long will he need?” Jericho barked.

  Evander shrugged his shoulders. “I don’t know. The air is saturated with tilium. I’ve never felt anything like it.”

  “Me neither. The tilium has never been this potent before.” Queen Annabelle observed. “The eldens have grown much stronger than we had anticipated.”

  “Where are the rest of the elves and trolls?” Jericho barked, scanning the area.

  “Scattered around the edge of the ward.” Evander gestured to the barrier that shimmered around us. “I suggest you get some dragons in the air. The ward isn't stable.”

  I watch as the ward flexed and tightened around us. It was the first time I was able to see the gleam that protected us. In Paraiso, the ward was invisible.

  I pointed towards the top of the ward. “Can humans see this?”

  Evander looked up. “See what?”

  “The ward.” I walked towards the side where it met the sand, and placed my hand over the shimmer.

  “You can see it?” Evander asked as he squinted towards the sky.

  “Of course. Can't you?” I turned to face the troll.

  “No.” He walked next to me and looked at my hand that still hovered over the wards wall.

  “The tilium,” Gaber croaked from his spot on the sand. “He holds so much in him. He can see it where we can only feel it.” He stumbled to his feet and placed his hands on his knees. “We must move. No doubt they know we've landed.”

  I turned to Cairo. “Can you feel Eva? Is she here?”

  “Yes, she’s here,” Cairo responded as he walked towards the dunes. “Her energy flutters in and out.”

  “Gaber, you good?” Evander asked as he walked towards him.

  “Yup.” He shook out his arms as he stood tall. “Let’s go save the Golden Dragon!”

  The elves and trolls that remained followed behind Gaber as the Woland guard lifted into the air. Cairo, Jericho and I followed the elves as Queen Annabelle and the fairies surrounded us from behind, walking along the Tablazo Strait. Gaber had explained earlier that the Strait would lead us to Lake Maracaibo, or what the elves affectionately called the swamp. We decided to walk the Strait instead of fly in hopes that Cairo would feel Eva nearby.


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