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Steal Me

Page 2

by Riley Rollins

  Three men, three failures. That had been my entire social life in the last few years. But it was getting easier now in the last eleven months since Stu, to simply let my job fill the void and become my whole world. I wished Stu would just let it go.

  I walked to my favorite room of the museum. The portrait room. As much as I loved the jewel room, this was where I came when I felt the way I did now. This room was filled with the honorable, powerful men of times long gone. It gave me some comfort to know, at least, that they had existed, once…

  I stopped in my usual spot and looked up into the beautiful green eyes of Anton Kozlov. The painting we had here was only a reproduction, but the face that looked down at me was the man of my dreams. He was massive and dark, powerful yet sensuous, his very form seemed to emerge somehow from the darkness itself. His green eyes watched me too, and I sighed, looking up at him. He was everything I ever wanted in a man and he had been dead for more than two hundred years.

  “They just don’t make ‘em like you anymore,” I breathed out softly.

  I allowed myself a few moments more, and headed back to my office. Stu would have my head in the morning if I wasn’t answering his phone.

  “There’s a man waiting for you in the lobby, Ana,” Terry said breathlessly, catching me by the arm as we passed in the hall. “I was coming to find you, honey. This man is… he’s… well, you’re just going to have to see for yourself.” Her heavy bosom was quivering with excitement and sweat beaded her upper lip. “Take a second and fix yourself a little, honey. Trust me, you’ll thank me later.”

  I smiled and headed straight for the lobby. Terry was still such an old romantic, but I had taken the cure with Stuart…

  Fix myself. For what? It’s only another man, I thought. One more paunchy old man who considers himself a connoisseur of the arts. One more dull, disappointing guy like all the others in my dull, disappointing life.

  I pushed messy brown hair back from my eyes and straightened my shoulders, pulling myself up to my whole five feet. Show me what you’ve got, Mister Wonderful, I thought to myself and pasted on my special Stuart Smile. I slipped the photograph into my pocket, opened the doors to the lobby and watched as my whole world started to spin. I felt the smile slip from my lips, as all the air left my lungs. The last two centuries had vanished in an instant, and I stood face to face with Anton Kozlov.

  The man of my dreams.



  Holy fucking shit.

  I’d spent most of the last three years researching this job… and her. Yet nothing had prepared me for the woman standing before me.

  All the photographs I’d seen were professional shots. Wool suit, hair pulled tightly back. The whole bored, intellectual look. But this woman shined like a tiny jewel in her blue silk dress, her hair in a sexy tousle. I licked my lips with anticipation. A hot, fucking jewel.

  “You are Miss Petrova?” I asked as I stepped forward, my enormous height towering over her tiny form. Though slight, somehow her presence made her seem more formidable. She held herself like a queen and her shining brown eyes flashed up at me. Her lips were parted and soft as she watched my face and slowly put her tiny hand into my outstretched one. “I believe the pleasure is indeed, all mine,” I said, as I lifted her hand and brushed my lips lightly to it. I felt her tremble and watched her nipples harden under the thin fabric of her dress. This was good, very good. It would make everything else so much easier.

  “Yes… yes. I’m sorry, I’m afraid I don’t know your name…,” she began, the color coming back into her face. I was used to having a powerful effect on women, and I sure as hell intended to have one on her. But what I hadn’t expected was the effect she was having on me. I’d been ready for a drab little creature. But this woman made me want to pull her into my arms… and fuck her senseless.

  “My name is Max,” I said, keeping her hand in mine and watching her reaction. “Max Ivanov.” The false name was common enough in Russia.

  “I’ve been told you have a portrait here that I must see for myself. That I bear some resemblance. Would you happen to know the one? I was told to ask for you,” I kept her hand closer to my lips than necessary, as I took in her eyes. “A friend was here last summer and told me I must stop in and ask for you to show me.”

  “I… I’m so very glad you’ve come,” Ana said softly, as she gazed up into my eyes. I smiled as she dropped her eyes to my mouth.

  Yes, the pleasure truly was going to be all mine. She was delicate perfection and her luminous eyes were large and brown, seductive and heavily lashed. I noticed they tilted up at the outward edges, giving her an intriguing, exotic look. Her hair was long, dark and glossy. I felt a powerful urge to let it flow like silk through my fingers, as I pushed my thick shaft into her…

  “Please, won’t you come this way?” she said, breaking off my thoughts. I put my jacket over my forearm and held it in front of me. It wouldn’t do for her to see that my cock was already raging for her. I had to take my time. I couldn’t risk scaring her off, before I got her exactly where I wanted her.

  “The portrait room is here, if you will just follow me. I’m quite sure I know the one you’re here to see.” She gestured toward the doors behind her and seemed to regain her composure, as I reluctantly released her hand. I smiled again and watched her smile slowly in return. Oh, yes… this was going to be very fucking good.

  “After you, Miss Petrova,” I said in low tones, letting the words roll and vibrate off my tongue. I dipped my head toward her and opened the door. Her smile deepened as she moved through the doorway ahead of me. I put my hand gently at the small of her back. “If you will permit me…?”

  “I… I, of course…” she said with a soft exhale. ‘Please… call me Ana.”

  I smiled to myself as I walked close behind her, and I watched as she moved. She was being careful not to move too quickly, beyond the touch of my palm against her back. Pleased, I let my eyes drop to the round curve of her ass. Playing the gentleman much longer was going to be very fucking hard. My cock was painfully rigid and I could sense how her body was responding to mine. I knew all the signs. This was like a dance and we both knew all the moves. I’d bet she was already wet inside her panties. If the situation had been an ordinary one, I’d have her out of them and riding me within the hour. Too fucking bad, I thought, we would both have to wait a while longer. But I needed her trust first. I needed her to trust me completely and want me even more.

  “I believe this is the one you want,” Ana said, as we reached Anton’s portrait. She stopped before it and gazed up at him. Then she turned those exquisite doe eyes up to me. “It’s remarkable,” she breathed softly. “I’ve never seen anything like it. I never imagined…”

  “What do you imagine, Ana?” I asked, standing slightly too close and watching her. I smiled warmly down and enjoyed how quickly she responded.

  “I never imagined anyone could hold such a resemblance. It’s almost uncanny.” She looked back and forth from the painting to me. “Is it possible you’re related somehow? I’ve just never seen such a likeness.”

  “Certainly we are both Russian, as you must know,” I said, allowing my accent to soften the words. “But I’m sure the likeness is only coincidence.”

  I took her tiny hand and placed it on my arm. “I’m pleased to have seen the painting today, but even more pleased to have met you, Ana. My friend told me you were intelligent and beautiful, but he didn’t do you justice.” I watched as she blushed gently and turned her lovely eyes shyly back to Anton.

  I had monitored both her personal and professional emails for over two years. She was fascinated with men of the past and the Imperial Jewels. Ana had been studying archival photographs and documents for years, in search of the legendary Strastnyy Blue and was sure she had finally found it. She was bringing it to this museum and without knowing it, bringing it to me as well. She suspected, but couldn’t prove the stone was the same one given to Anton by Catherine, because the last p
art of the legend was known only to my family. Only I had the power to prove the stone’s authenticity, and it was Ana who would give me that chance.

  I’d listened in on hundreds of calls between her and her friends and knew how to achieve my ends. Ana was sweet, traditional, romantic. I had to play the part of the old-world hero long enough to gain her trust. After that, getting close to the diamond should only be a thoroughly enjoyable seduction away. I let my eyes travel down her delicious curves. I was more than happy to fuck my way to the jewels, but I wouldn’t hesitate to blackmail or kill my way there, if I had to. One way or the other, Ana was going to give me what was rightfully mine.

  “I hope I haven’t kept you from your duties too long, Ana,” I purred, smiling down at her. “After I’ve seen the rest of the museum, would you allow me to take you to lunch?”



  I left Max in the portrait room and headed for my office. He’d kissed my hand again when I’d agreed to lunch. He was going to meet me in the lobby two short hours from now. I closed the door behind me and sank into my chair.

  He had everything, just everything. Tall, gorgeous and intense, yet he had manners too. He’d been gentle and courteous and had treated me like a lady. He hadn’t looked me up and down the way so many men do. Well, not really. And he’d invited me to lunch on a weekday. Not dinner on a Friday night, trying to get more…

  I took the photograph of the diamond from my pocket, slipped it into my laptop case and looked out the window, feeling excitement pool low inside me. Max seemed to be the very picture of the perfect man, my perfect man. I couldn’t help but be attracted to him. Truth was, I’d never had such an instant physical attraction before. Or such a powerful one.

  I liked that he was such a gentleman toward me, but something deeper inside almost wished that he hadn’t been. I shifted my legs and felt myself dampen at the thought of his eyes on me. What would it be like, I wondered, to have those green eyes on my bare skin? I closed my eyes and imagined him, looking at my breasts and reaching forward to touch me…

  The phone rang, jarring me back to reality. I answered and transferred the call. Then I settled down to get some work done. I was letting my imagination and my hormones run away with me. Max Ivanov seemed like a very nice man and we were simply having lunch together. You really don’t even know him, I thought to myself. It’s just a casual lunch date with no strings attached. Don’t build it up to be anything more.

  Two hours later I’d gotten nothing done and was pacing in the ladies room. I’d put on a little mascara and a touch of pink lipstick and done what I could to smooth the wrinkles in my dress. At least I’d worn the blue silk today, instead of the black pantsuit I’d laid out last night. I took one more look in the mirror before I headed for the lobby. I’d never been so nervous before and I couldn’t believe my own feelings. It had only been two hours, and yet I couldn’t wait to see him again.

  I walked down the hall to the lobby, feeling warmth rising in my cheeks. He was there, waiting for me and talking to Terry. She smiled when she saw me and gave me a sly little wink.

  “You two enjoy yourselves,” she said, heading back for her office. “Take your time. I’ll cover if you’re late,” she whispered as she passed me. “I want details later.”

  I smiled and turned my face up to Max. He was huge and powerfully built. Better even than I’d remembered. His chest was massive, and his fitted white shirt was open at the throat. A sprinkling of dark hair peeked out and my hand ached to reach out and touch him. I felt my lips part as I inhaled hard, shocked at the intensity of my feelings toward this man… a man I didn’t know.

  “Ana, you look perfectly lovely,” he said, his voice deep, his accent intriguing. “I have a restaurant in mind, but I’d be glad to take you anywhere you wish. Do you have a favorite?” I wondered briefly if that was how Anton might have sounded…

  “No, not at all. I’m sure anywhere you choose would be lovely,” I breathed, unable to think of even a single restaurant. Max took my hand and led me to the parking lot. I don’t know cars, but his was sleek, silver colored and clearly very expensive. He opened the door for me and I slipped into the soft, black leather seat.

  “Do you enjoy seafood?” he asked, as he slid in beside me and started the engine. “I know a place you might enjoy…”

  “It sounds wonderful,” I said, wondering if I’d be able to swallow my food. I was aware of nothing but the presence of his body, so close to mine in the small car. I could see the outline of the powerful muscles in his thigh as he stepped on the gas, and the clean male scent of him made me dizzy.

  “I enjoyed the rest of the museum a great deal,” he said as he drove. The car was fast and surprisingly quiet. “I saw the portraits of course, and some of the sculpture. And I noticed the jewel room was closed.”

  “Yes, but only for a while longer,” I said, not knowing what to do with my restless hands. “I’m working on an upcoming exhibit. It may interest you… it’s a special showing of our Russian jewel collection.” He reached across and gently took my hand, holding it lightly on top of his rock hard thigh.

  “It would interest me greatly, if it’s part of your work, Ana,” he said softly, and my heart beat unevenly. “Tell me about yourself. All I know at this moment is that you’re intelligent and elegant… and very, very lovely. I’m quite sure there’s a great deal more to learn. I’m complimented that you might allow me to discover more.”

  I was grateful that his eyes were on the road as I flushed red with pleasure and embarrassment. He spoke like a gentleman, yet my body responded in a disturbingly unladylike way. My skin tingled all over at the idea of him, discovering, uncovering, even more of me… It felt like something long buried inside me was waking up, beginning to rise to the surface…

  I struggled to refocus and told him a little about my job, and my sister Ally. She was a year younger than me, and a preschool teacher in New York. In spite of how close we were in age, I’d always felt more like a mother to her, especially now she was the only family I had left. It had been too long since I’d talked to her. I’d have to remember to call on the weekend.

  We were at the restaurant in minutes and then he was leading me to a table with a view of the river. He pulled out my chair. The table was set with a white linen cloth and fine crystal stemware. Even at lunch and wearing silk, I felt underdressed.

  Max took his seat across from me and a waiter appeared. We ordered quickly and I was painfully aware of how soon I needed to be back at work. This was going to be over far too quickly, I realized, wishing it could last longer. So much longer.

  Max made a quick explanation to the waiter that we had a schedule to keep, then he sat back and rested his green eyes on me. I dropped my eyes to the table and then slowly back up to his. He smiled, and watched me as I took him in.

  Plates appeared and disappeared. I smiled and swallowed. I’m sure the food was delicious, but I never tasted it. Seafood and pasta in a sauce of some kind. Mineral water, not wine, since I was going back to work. I was hardly aware of anything in the room except for him.

  I answered questions about myself and he told me a little about his life. He had been born in Russia and had moved here about ten years ago. He ran a small family business and had done well investing. His mother had a lifelong interest in art which he shared. He would talk only briefly about himself and then ask me to tell him more about my life, gentleman that he was. Forty five minutes later we were headed back to the museum, my heart sinking in my chest. What if I never saw him again?

  We pulled into the parking lot and he opened my door, helping me out of the car and keeping my hand in his. He walked me toward the front entrance and stopped short of the doors. He took a few steps toward the rose gardens, keeping my hand, and turned to look down at me. He placed his huge, warm hands underneath my elbows and drew me to him gently. I looked up, breathless and aching. I wanted him to kiss me. I needed him to kiss me. I felt sure he was going to…

  “I can’t remember enjoying anyone’s company as much as I’ve enjoyed yours today. Thank you, Ana.” He slipped his fingers from my elbows to my hands, letting his fingertips skim the tender skin under my forearms as he moved. His touch was like fire. He lifted one of my hands to his generous, well-shaped mouth and turned it over, to place his warm lips to my palm. I gasped at the sensation. It was so gentle and yet so intimate, so seductive. He looked down at me and I looked up at him, my lips parting, waiting for him.

  “But I’m afraid I’ve kept you too long,” he said, moving away and leading me back to the main entrance. “I thank you deeply for your company today, Ana.”

  He let go of my hand and made a small bow of his head. Before I knew it he was gone, and I stood watching as his car disappeared from view.



  Perfect. That was fucking perfect.

  I drove off leaving her fucking breathless and panting for more. She looked at me like I was some knight in fucking armor. I’d played the part to perfection and left her aching for me. This was going to be a fucking piece of cake.

  I headed back to the hotel and where Savvin was waiting. He had shitpiles of research to do, not only on Ana’a museum, but on the Smithsonian as well. He already knew a lot, of course, we’d been focused on this job for so long. But museum security was an ever-changing thing. Plans, codes, schedules. Everything could change instantly, and often. We needed to intercept the diamond during the transfer from one museum to the other. It would be very well guarded, but it would still be the most vulnerable moment. And those are the best fucking moments.


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