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What Lies Beneath the Mask

Page 6

by Laura Greenwood

  “Here.” He handed me a banana and I looked at him quizzically, I didn’t have him pegged as the fruit carrying type. “I get hungry, and you should always be prepared.” He shrugged.

  “You’re such a nerd.” Hayley snorted and my smile grew with her teasing. I took a bite out of the banana, instantly feeling more like myself. I offered it towards Jack but he shook his head.

  “It’s worth going hungry if it wins me the girl.” He said softly. My head knew that Jack wasn’t Toby, and that he was nothing like him, but the walls around my heart still had some catching up to do. Despite my blowing hot and cold, he was still being ridiculously patient with me, even if we had been properly dating for over a month. In fact, he hadn’t pressured me about anything; not updating social media, going public or even about sex. Not that I was worried he wasn’t interested in that; it was more than clear to me that he was, but not once had he tried to push me. I wouldn’t have put it past Hayley to have had words with him, but even if that was the case, his patience helped me a lot. Glancing around to make sure no one was looking, I leaned forward and kissed him gently on the lips. The smile on his face when I sat back down lit up the room and was definitely worth the risk.

  “The pair of you look like you just jumped each other.” Hayley’s amused voice broke through the moment. Nervously, I brushed a stray piece of hair back from my face and realised that what I’d just done wasn’t supposed to be a big of a deal.

  “No. It was better than that.” Jack didn’t break eye contact as he replied and my heart fluttered. No, Jack was nothing like Toby. “I’m sorry Annabelle, I have to go rehearse.” He smiled softly and looked very much like he wanted to kiss me goodbye. He left just before I’d quite decided to let him, settling for trailing a hand down my arm gently instead.

  “Well I’d almost given up on seeing that look on your face again.” Hayley said, breaking my gaze away from Jack’s retreating form.

  “What look?” I asked feeling a little bit nervous.

  “The look that says you love him.” She teased and my heart fluttered again.

  “I don’t love him Hayls. I could love him, but not yet.” No one, even Jack, would have got me to admit that, but Hayley knows me better than I even know myself.

  “That’s what you think.” She beamed at me, clearly happy with the way this conversation was going.

  “I’m not ready to love him.” I looked away from her and towards the stage where the cast were practicing the choreography that Jack and I had worked on.

  “I don’t think your heart will give you that choice Belle.”

  Chapter 21

  “These are really good.” Jack was sat at Hayley’s desk flipping through sketches of past scenes while I was at my sketch board working on how I wanted the Phantom’s Lair to look. This was my fifth attempt at getting it right, but nothing seemed to be working. Either that, or I was being overly critical of myself again.

  “Thanks.” I mumbled back through the sketching pencil I had gripped between my teeth. There was a loud bang as Hayley pushed through the door laden down with a multitude of bags, including what looked suspiciously like a garment protector.

  “Next time try to give me a bit more notice Jack. I’m not a fairy Godmother.” She glared at him but he was smiling.

  “Thanks Hayley, I owe you one.”

  “No you don’t,” she grumbled, “just give Belle a night to remember.”

  “I plan on it.” He said confidently before pushing his chair back and walking towards her. Hayley held out one of the bags for him, along with a shorter garment bag I hadn’t noticed.

  “Just warn me if you plan on making any noise when you get in. There are some things even a best friend shouldn’t hear.” I blushed so furiously that even the tops of my ears felt like they were burning, while the only reaction from Jack was a deep chuckle, a sound that went right through me in the best possible way.

  “Don’t worry Hayley, your ears are safe.” He took the bags from her. “For now.” He winked at me and I giggled; though I wasn’t sure whether the wink was to tell me he was joking or whether it was a promise. He disappeared behind the screen at the opposite end of the studio from where my desk was; spending a lot of time in a theatre meant that changing in the same room as the opposite sex, albeit behind screens, became pretty normal.

  “Come on Cinderella, time to get you ready for the ball.” Hayley turned me and pushed me towards the screen located behind my desk.

  “We’re going to a ball?”

  “I don’t know. All I got was a list of what Jack needed. Now strip.” I went behind the screen and felt a pang of disappointment about removing my comfiest jeans and shirt. I threw them over the screen in a move that I’m sure looks far more sophisticated when they do it on TV. A bag appeared around the side and I grabbed it eagerly, opening it to look inside.

  “He told you to get underwear?” I squeaked. It wasn’t just underwear either, it was the kind you only wore if you planned on someone else seeing it. Hayley just laughed.

  “No. That’s my addition in case you decided that you want tonight to be the night.” I imagined her wiggling her eyebrows at me and stifled a giggle in case she took it as agreement.

  “Hayley!” Jack admonished from the other end of the room. “Images like that do not help me behave like a gentleman.” Instead of blushing like I normally would, my imagination instantly focused on Jack not acting like a gentleman. What surprised me most was that going there wasn’t freaking me out in the slightest.

  “You alright in there?” Hayley’s voice broke through my Jack filled fantasies.

  “Yep.” My voice sounded different and I hoped that neither of them noticed.

  “Okay, here’s your dress.” One of her normal style garment bags, the one I’d noticed earlier, came around the corner and I unzipped it slowly. The dress was stunning, not that I expected any different from Hayley; she was scarily talented. It was a soft mint green with a fitted under dress that fell to my knees, a straight cut neckline and spaghetti straps. Over the top of the skirt was a sheer material in the same soft green that fell to my ankles.

  “It’s beautiful. Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome. Now get dressed so I can alter it if I have to.” She instructed in all out-seamstress mode. I slipped the dress over my head and it fell straight into place as easily as everything she made me did. Probably because Hayley knew my body measurements as well as her own. As soon as I stepped out of the dressing space, she started fussing around me, ensuring the dress fell right. She grabbed a makeup bag from her pile of tricks and started applying it. She knew what I liked, minimal and natural makeup, so I didn’t worry that she’d do anything too dramatic. Movement caught my eye and Jack stepped from behind his screen still buttoning up his shirt; the bare skin still on show caused breath to catch in my throat. Turns out I was nowhere near as immune to Jack as I thought I was.

  “Hayley why is there a stick woman with a flower in her hair on my shirt label?” He asked, gaze focused on his buttons.

  “Because it’s a Hayley McCarthy original.” She responded while sorting my hair, though I’m sure it wouldn’t take long. I was lucky that my copper coloured hair fell in natural ringlets.

  “And it’s a tie not a flower.” I added absentmindedly.

  “What? Wh…?” His question trailed off as he looked at me; his mouth hung open and his eyes did nothing but take in how I looked. “Annabelle.” He half whispered. I giggled slightly.

  “I know, she looks great, I’m magic.” Hayley interrupted. Jack ignored her.

  “You look beautiful.”

  “You don’t look so bad yourself.” I smiled shyly while Hayley made a gagging noise beside me. “But where are we going?”

  “Love Never Dies is on in Leeds. You said you’d never seen it, and as a diehard Phantom fan I thought you might want to.” He looked nervous, “I thought it would take your mind of yesterday.” He looked worried as if I’d hate the idea, but in my mind
, it was one of the sweetest things he could have done.

  “Thank you.” I smiled at him, overwhelmed by his thoughtfulness.

  “Keep this up Jack and you won’t have to wonder if her underwear matches her dress.” Hayley interrupted again as she busily tidied up her things.

  “Hayley please stop.” Jack almost growled. “I’m trying not to think about what’s under Annabelle’s dress.” Hayley laughed and even I couldn’t help the small giggle that escaped me.

  “You know you’re allowed to think about it, right?” I’m not sure what possessed me to say the half serious and half teasing words, but the sound he made low in his throat was definitely worth it.

  “And believe me; I do. But you’re not ready and I respect that, so I try not to think about it too much around you.” I shivered as he spoke softly and low into my ear, and not in a bad way. He placed his hand on my lower back and moved me towards the door. “We need to go or we’ll be late. Thanks for your help Hayley.” He spoke at normal volume again and I already missed the intimacy of moments ago.

  “I expect details Belle.”

  “Bye Hayls!” I replied; she knew she’d get them anyway.

  Chapter 22

  I’d enjoyed the show, though that could have been to do with the company. Afterwards, Jack had suggested a walk and I jumped at the chance, not wanting to end the evening quite yet. We strolled down the path by the river side by side, our hands accidentally brushing past each other. It was a dry night and there weren’t any clouds in the sky, the moon glinting off the water. I almost felt like I was under a spell with the beauty and romance of it. In a moment of rare confidence, I slipped my hand into Jack’s and received a gentle squeeze in return. His hand was cool and steady next to mine and I was surprisingly comfortable with the show of affection.

  “So what did you think?” He asked.

  “It was good, not nearly as good as Phantom naturally,” he laughed good naturedly.

  “You’re a complete diehard fan, aren’t you?” I smiled.

  “I just love the music and the story, it’s that combination of the darkness of the gothic with the lighter hearted romance.” I don’t think I’ve ever actually had to voice my reasons behind liking Phantom before.

  “Did you like the book?” He asked. I shook my head.

  “Normally I’m more of a book person than an adaption person, but I just found Leroux’s style so convoluted. I mean it’s years since I read it, but Andrew Lloyd Webber just seemed to tell the same story so much better.”

  “I’d agree.” I glance up at him quickly. “It’s a powerful story, the music is really moving.”

  “Which is your favourite song?” I was definitely curious about which he’d choose, and he took a few moments to consider.

  “All I Ask of You. It’s a beautiful song and the harmonies really make it for me. What about you?” I didn’t know what I was expecting, but Jack picking arguably the most romantic song surprised me slightly. Though as he was a singer, I wasn’t surprised by the reason he’d picked it.

  “That’s easy. Wishing You Were Somehow Here Again. There’s just something about the lyrics, and the fact it doesn’t need anyone else but Christine to make it powerful that I just love.” He nodded.

  “I know what you mean, but I can’t very well turn my back on Raoul completely can I?” I laughed and we carried on walking in companionable silence. The sounds of the night slowly faded away until it was just the rush of the water in the river and the sound of our breathing.

  “So Hayley’s protective.” Jack broke the silence between us.

  “Mmm,” I didn’t know where he was going with this and felt a little guilty for the noncommittal answer, but I couldn’t say more without revealing the reasons why Hayley was so protective in the first place.

  “And yet she keeps making jokes about our non-existent sex life.” He carried on as if I hadn’t said anything and I choked on the breath in my throat, causing him to turn and give me a confused look.

  “I’m sorry.”

  “For what?” He cocked his head to the side and waited for me to continue.

  “For Hayley.” I said quietly. “For the things she says.” His confusion only seemed to grow with my apology.

  “Why on earth would you be sorry about Hayley?” His voice had a slight edge to it, and I wondered if I’d said something wrong. I sighed, pausing for a moment to try and think of the right thing to say.

  “My ex didn’t like her.” My words were so quiet that I almost couldn’t believe that I’d let them slip out, though the serious look on Jack’s face confirmed that I had. Slowly he lifted the hand not holding mine and tucked a strand of hair behind my ear.

  “It’s okay,” his voice was soft and quiet, “I know you don’t want to talk about it.” His fingers brushed my cheek.

  “No.” My voice was more forceful than I intended and Jack startled, “I mean it’s okay, I don’t want to talk about it but you should know.”

  “You don’t have to tell me Annabelle.” I swallowed audibly, my nerves getting the better of me.

  “I do.” I wasn’t ready to share everything, but Jack deserved more than just brush offs from me.

  Chapter 23

  4 ½ Years Ago

  I fluffed up my hair in the mirror before picking up a pale pink lipstick, that didn’t clash with my hair too much, from my dressing table. After I applied it, I gave myself the once over; I’d outlined my eyes in eyeliner and put on a slick of mascara, but other than that, and the lipstick, my face was makeup free. My red hair was in loose bouncy curls around my face and even I could admit I looked good. I was wearing my favourite silver top, with a halter neck and sequins, with black skinny jeans. As soon as I added my strappy silver sandals, it would be the perfect outfit to meet Hayley in; fun enough that I felt great, but not flashy or showy enough to attract too much male attention. I was a taken woman after all.

  “What the hell are you wearing?” Toby’s voice boomed from our bedroom door and I flinched. We’d lived together for six months, and while most of the time we got on fine, there were times when he got angry and shouted. I hated it when that happened and tried to avoid anything that would set him off.

  “I wore this to your Dad’s 50th.” I answered almost instantly. Toby didn’t look placated.

  “You look like a slut.” I flinched again. I hadn’t dressed to give that impression, nor was it one that I wanted to give.

  “You didn’t have a problem with it before.” I muttered under my breath. He’d definitely get angry if he heard me say that.

  “Take it off.” He demanded.

  “I don’t have time.” I shot back.

  “Who are you meeting?” His face was red and he stalked closer to me. His arms went either side of me pinning me between him and the dressing table behind me. I leant back to avoid being any closer to him than necessary.

  “Hayley.” I stammered.

  “I thought I told you I didn’t like the bitch.” Spit flew from his mouth, spattering my face and I had to resist the urge to wipe it off.

  “You did. I’ve been friends with Hayley for years!” I half shouted at him.

  “I don’t want you seeing her anymore,” his words came out like a hiss, scaring me just a little bit.

  “She’s my friend!” I protested.

  “You won’t see her anymore Belle,” he said again.

  “I’m going to meet her now.” A strangled angry shout came out of his mouth and he moved too quickly for me to react. He grabbed my phone from the dressing table beside me and typed away furiously.

  “There.” He spat at me and threw my phone back down. He turned and stalked towards the door. “Get out of those clothes.”

  My cheeks felt wet and I hadn’t even realised I’d been crying. Slowly I picked up my phone to see what he’d typed and the sobs came in full force. He’d deleted everything from my best friend; every message and every phone call so I couldn’t even find her number to tell her I was sorry. B
ut even after all that, the worst thing for me was that he hadn’t turned back to look at me as he left the room.

  Chapter 24

  By the time I’d finished speaking, tears were streaming down my face. I’d tried to stick to Toby’s controlling side and steered clear of the more physical side of his anger; I just wasn’t ready to share some things and telling Jack about it would mean that I’d have to stop lying to myself about being over what happened. My heart sank as I took in Jack’s look of horror, I didn’t want to lose him over my past and telling him felt like a risk. Before I could fully obsess over the thought, he pulled me towards him, wrapping his arms around me. His chest was warm the steady beat of his soothed me. While I was still crying, I finally let go of some of my reluctance and let Jack comfort me. His hand smoothed down my curls and he gently kissed the top of my head.

  “I’m so sorry Annabelle,” his voice was all but a whisper, and I could have sworn that it had had a crack in it, almost as if he was about to cry himself. “No one should ever have treated you like that.” My sobs came harder. I realised that, logically, what had happened between Toby and I hadn’t actually been my fault, but there was still a small part of me that blamed myself. To my mind there must have been something about me that meant Toby felt he could, and should, act the way he did.

  “I’m sorry.” I stuttered through my tears and Jack pulled back slightly and gently moved my head so that he could look into my eyes. Emotion clouded his hazel eyes but I couldn’t quite work out what it was. Somewhere, a hopeful part of me whispered that it was protectiveness, that Jack wanted to make sure nothing bad ever happened to me ever again.

  “You have no reason to be sorry Annabelle.” His voice was still soft but it had taken a firm edge.

  “Neither do you.” I replied, my voice a little stronger than before. He chuckled ever so softly before catching himself. “You didn’t even know me then.” He nodded slowly.


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