A Life That Matters
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3. I have attached a copy of my curriculum vitae.
4. Although I have not physically examined Theresa Marie Schiavo, I have viewed the short video clips on Terri Schiavo’s website. Based on those short video clips there appears to be evidence that Ms. Schiavo responds to her mother and is able to distinguish her mother from other persons who interact with her. There is also evidence of sustained visual pursuit, which is the clip where she is following the balloon. These behaviors indicate awareness of the environment, and this type of behavior distinguishes minimally conscious state (MCS) from persistent vegetative state (PVS).
5. The definition and diagnostic criteria for minimally conscious state were published in Neurology, in February 2002. Among the purposeful behavior cited in that article, which generally supports a diagnosis of MCS, is “appropriate smiling or crying in response to the linguistic or visual content of emotional but not to neutral topics or stimuli.”
6. The video clips on Ms. Schiavo’s website show clearly that she smiles. Her face “lights up” when her mother is talking to her. That same type of reaction does not occur when a male health care worker is talking to her. That suggests that Ms. Schiavo is able to distinguish who is talking to her and she has an appropriate “happy” response to her mother talking to her. This single behavior, according to the article cited, would be sufficient to qualify Ms. Schiavo for a diagnosis of MCS, made by an examining neurologist.
7. If there is any question about clinical interpretation of behavior (i.e. is it “reflexive” or “responsive”), then other objective, supportive testing might be considered. Although this testing is still in its infancy, there is evidence that some MCS patients retain cognitive function despite inability to communicate or follow commands. A Neurology article in February of 2005 cited, “These findings of active cortical networks that serve language functions suggest that some MCS patients may retain widely distributed cortical systems with potential for cognitive and sensory function despite their inability to follow simple instructions or communicate reliably.”
8. Swallowing therapy, via a qualified speech therapist, should absolutely be provided in the case where artificial nutrition has been given and the artificial nutrition is being terminated. A speech therapist can provide advice on amounts and consistency of food that will minimize the risk of aspiration.
9. Food and water should be offered to patients in the ordinary way in the case where artificial nutrition and hydration are being terminated. Providing food and water in the natural way, by mouth, constitutes “ordinary care” not “treatment.” Ordinary, comfort care should always be provided irrespective of instructions regarding “limitation of treatment.”
10. I would be willing to participate in the matter concerning Terri Schiavo in any way that would be helpful.
I declare under the penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of New York that the foregoing is true and correct.
Executed this 3rd day of March 2005, in Eden, New York.
[signed by Lawrence Huntoon, M.D.], Declarant
I, Jacob Green, have personal knowledge of the facts stated in this declaration and, if called as a witness, I could and would testify competently thereto under oath. I declare as follows:
1. I am a medical doctor specializing in neurology in Jacksonville, Florida, practicing at the Southeastern Neuroscience Institute, P.A.
2. I have been in practice as a physician for 38 years and am certified by the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology in neurology. I hold a Ph.D. as well as an M.D. degree, and I did post-graduate residencies in both neurology and neurological surgery at the University of Alabama Hospital at Birmingham, as well as a residency in neurology at the Medical University of South Carolina Medical Center. Presently, I am or have been licensed to practice medicine in Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Virginia, and Kentucky. I have published six textbooks and more than sixty papers published in various peer-reviewed journals.
3. Although I have not physically examined Theresa Marie Schiavo, I base my opinions about her condition on a review of her medical records and on scrutiny of a videotape of the patient, dated January 22, 2000.
4. Ms. Schiavo is not in a persistent vegetative state. Based on the fact that Ms. Schiavo can look around, smile, and make verbalizations, it is my opinion that she is not in a persistent vegetative state.
5. Since the time of the original court’s ruling in the Terri Schiavo matter, a new neurologic entity has, subsequently, been defined. This entity is known as “minimally conscious state” (MCS). The American Academy of Neurology’s own journal has published four articles on this condition in the last several months.
6. This new diagnostic brain-damaged category clearly indicates that Terri Schiavo should be re-evaluated for the correct diagnosis, (MCS).
7. Based upon my medical experience and review of the information available in this matter regarding Terri Schiavo, it is my professional opinion that the correct diagnosis for Terri is, in fact, minimally conscious state and not persistent vegetative state.
8. Since the court previously ruled that Terri is in a persistent vegetative state, new technology has become available to more accurately diagnose the current mental functioning of a patient. This new technology, which is called functional magnetic resonance imaging or fMRI, can measure brain activity by creating multidimensional images of blood flow to various parts of the activated brain. For the first time, doctors using the MRI may predict a patient’s capability for emerging or recovering from those who do not, and also to guide us in therapeutic techniques and strategies that would help a patient recover from a minimally conscious state.
9. Terri Schiavo deserves the opportunity to be treated for her minimally conscious state condition and she deserves to have the benefit of new technology that was not available prior to the court’s original ruling on her condition.
I declare under the penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of Florida that the foregoing is true and correct.
Executed this 22 day of February 2005 in Jacksonville, Florida.
[signed by Jacob Green, M.D., Ph.D.], Declarant
I, James P. Kelly, M.D., have personal knowledge of the facts stated in this declaration and, if called as a witness, I could and would testify competently thereto under oath. I declare as follows:
1. I am a licensed physician in Colorado and Illinois and an Attending Neurologist at the University of Colorado Hospital. I am a Diplomate in Neurology of the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology and a Fellow of the American Academy of Neurology.
2. I am a Visiting Professor in the Department of Neurosurgery at the University of Colorado School of Medicine in Denver, Colorado.
3. I am an Examiner for the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology.
4. I am currently Chairman of AAN news Subcommittee, Publications Committee of the American Academy of Neurology.
5. I serve on the Board of Governors for the International Brain Injury Association.
6. Since 2003, I have participated in Mild Traumatic Brain Injury and Mass Trauma Events for the National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
7. I was Director of the Brain Injury Program at the Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago from 1993 to 2000 and a member of the International Working Party on the Vegetative State which was convened by the Royal Hospital for Neuro-Disability at the Royal College of Physicians in London, England in 1995.
8. Since 1994, I have been involved in a research project, “Assessment of the Minimally Conscious Patient,” Development of an Evaluation Instrument for the Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago.
9. I am a co-author of the research that created the term “minimally conscious state” or “MCS” and directed the Aspen Neurobehavior Conferences in the 1990s where this new term was coined. MCS is intended to describe someone who is in a higher state of n
eurocognitive functioning than Vegetative State (VS). The term Minimally Conscious State (MCS) was not used in this context before the late 1990s.
10. I am a co-author on research papers coming out now, that have validated the Disorders of Consciousness Scale (DOCS), which was developed to distinguish between the states of coma, PVS, and MCS. Bedside tests, such as the DOCS, can be used to determine a person’s level of consciousness.
11. A copy of my CV is attached for the reader’s review.
12. Regarding Terri Schiavo, it would be inappropriate for me to offer a diagnosis or prognosis without examining her. However, the evidence presented in lay press accounts, radio broadcasts and internet sites indicating that she smiles appropriately, opens and closes her eyes on command and attempts to speak suggests that Terri Schiavo is not in a vegetative state but is in MCS (or possibly a higher level of functioning). If this is the case, Dr. Ron Cranford and other medical expert witnesses have been wrong in their statements that she is in a “persistent vegetative state.” People in vegetative state are consistently unconscious and do not interact in a meaningful way with people or the environment around them. There is only reflexive reaction or stereotyped response to external stimulation in VS.
13. I have been asked on three occasions to present the issues of the ethical dilemmas involved in Terri Schiavo’s case to academic audiences, and I have reviewed the available information thoroughly for those occasions.
14. The issue of removing Ms. Schiavo’s feeding tube is problematic as well. The actual physical removal of the tube is unnecessary and inappropriate. Feeding tubes should be left in place even if feedings are discontinued. The tube is the best route for medicines to be offered in “comfort care” protocols at the end-of-life. Removing the feeding tube and putting it back in place, as apparently has been done in Terri Schiavo’s case, can be physically traumatic and painful. Regardless of the decision to stop or to continue feedings, there is no reason to consider removing the tube.
15. If an MRI of Terri Schiavo’s brain has not been done in the last 12 months, one should be obtained to compare with earlier images to determine if her brain anatomy has undergone any changes over the interval of time. While it is possible that functional neuroimaging such as fMRI could offer information about the pattern of activation of her brain under specific stimulation applications, such testing is not routinely done for clinical purposes. This type of testing is considered experimental at this time and should be done only in academic settings with ongoing research protocols investigating coma/VS/MCS.
16. I would agree to review all pertinent medical records and examine Terri Schiavo to determine her level of consciousness, if asked to do so by the court. Her swallowing would be best assessed by a skilled and experienced Speech Pathologist and a diagnostic Modified Barium Swallow radiological test.
I declare under the penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of Colorado that the foregoing is true and correct.
Executed this 7th day of March, 2005, in Denver, Colorado.
[signed by James P. Kelly, MD, FA AN], Declarant
I, Peter J. Morin, have personal knowledge of the facts stated in this declaration and, if called as a witness, I could and would testify competently thereto under oath. I declare as follows:
1. I am a neurologist certified by the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology. I practice neurology in Massachusetts and in Maine. I serve as Instructor of Neurology at the Boston University School of Medicine and Director of Outpatient Services for the New England GRECC (Geriatric Research Education and Clinical Center) at the Bedford VAMC. In that capacity, I supervise a 50-bed hospice ward for individuals in the advanced stages of dementia. I perform molecular research in neurology and neuroscience. I am also principal investigator for several neurological clinical research studies and serve as a neurologist for the Framingham Heart Study. I am providing this declaration as a neurologist, and not as a representative of Boston University or of the Department of Veterans Affairs.
2. My knowledge of Terri Schiavo’s situation is indirect. I have not been provided an opportunity to review the medical record, nor to examine Ms. Schiavo. What knowledge I have about her situation derives from the news media and conversations with individuals who have followed the case carefully.
3. Based upon this information, I am concerned about the management of Ms. Schiavo’s condition. As a neurologist who cares for the dying, I have a considerable interest in the rational management of such cases, both by attending physicians and by the court.
4. My first concern regards the quality of the information used by the court to establish Ms. Schiavo’s intentions in the event of serious neurological injury. I have never met a 25-year-old outside of medical school who seriously considered such unusual possibilities regarding her mortality. In my experience, where an individual’s wishes are uncertain (that is, where they have not previously been expressed in writing), the medical community defers to the more conservative course of action. This is especially true when there are family members who are willing and able to assume the burden of care. I am concerned that if patients’ intentions are extrapolated from verbal reports, then physicians in general, and neurologists in particular, will be asked to terminate life support based upon less than definitive evidence of an individual’s wishes. Surely the criteria for ending someone’s life should be stringent and well-defined. Based upon what I know of Ms. Schiavo’s situation, neither of these conditions has been met.
5. Secondly, I am concerned that the medical information under consideration is not contemporaneous with the decision at hand. It is my understanding that Ms. Schiavo has not had a medical, let alone a neurological, evaluation since 2002 or before. Since her neurological status is disputed, a decision should not be made based on outdated information. Given the uncertainty of her neurological status, current technology should be brought to bear on her current situation. It is my understanding that Ms. Schiavo had a neuroimaging test some three or more years ago and that her last electroencephalogram was more than ten years ago. Unless these tests were conclusive (i.e., showed indisputable, severe or extensive brain injury), they can hardly be considered relevant to her current neurological status. A quality and unbiased neurological evaluation and appropriate diagnostic tests need to be obtained at the time of decision-making, even when the decision-making process has been prolonged. Failure to do so in a high-profile case such as this can only lower the threshold for inappropriately withholding lifesaving medical support for other neurologically compromised individuals.
6. I have discussed this mater with other neurologists. While all neurologists understand that some cases of coma and PVS are logically managed by not continuing life support, there is a general concern regarding management of highly uncertain cases. Even if it can be established that Ms. Schiavo’s chances for a meaningful neurological recovery are very low, it cannot be established that her chances are zero. If there is no written indication that she would not wish to remain alive under these circumstances, and if there are family members willing to assume the burden of her care, then good neurological practice would give these family members the opportunity to provide that care. Established ethics societies and committees, some independent and some associated with national neurological organizations, should consider this matter and its implications prior to a final decision being rendered.
I declare under the penalty of perjury under the laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts that the foregoing is true and correct.
Executed this 8th day of March 2005, in Needham, Massachusetts.
[signed by Peter J. Morin, M.D., Ph.D.], Declarant
1 1. CBS later apologized for running it. (back to text)
2 1. Michael Schiavo claims that he called 911 before calling Bob. We know otherwise. (back to text)
3 1. Many of Bob’s friends cautioned him that Michael might have expected a position in Bob’s company after he and Terri w
ere married. (back to text)
4 1. Fourteen years later, Bobby and Suzanne went to the courthouse to look for the papers and found they were not there. What they discovered instead were papers granting Michael guardianship over Terri which he had applied for and was granted in a court hearing in June 1990. Although Michael claimed otherwise, we had no idea that such a hearing was held, nor did we know its outcome. Dan Grieco was his attorney. (back to text)
5 2. Bob’s brother Fred’s business had flourished, but after Fred’s wife and daughter were killed in an automobile accident, he sold it to Bob and another employee. Bob served as president and CEO of the corporation, but in 1984 sold his stock. His income dipped even as his goal of spending more time with his family was achieved. (back to text)
6 3. Michael sued Prudential, but the suit was quickly thrown out of court. (back to text)
7 1. Among the best in the nation, it is particularly famous for its work with brain-injured patients. (back to text)
8 2. In 2000, one of the jurors contacted Bobby in a rage. He had found out from press stories that Michael was trying to have Terri’s feeding tube removed rather than trying to rehabilitate her. He said that he and the other jurors were suspicious of Michael from the start and that the only reason they awarded Terri any money was that they felt sorry for her. (back to text)
9 3. Dr. Prawer was later completely exonerated from any and all malpractice charges related to Terri. (back to text)
10 4. In a deposition he gave in 1999, Michael admitted saying this. (back to text)
11 1. In a later deposition, Michael used her gallstones against us, claiming that we cared so little about her that when she had her operation, we didn’t bother to attend. (back to text)