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The Contest

Page 8

by Dawn L. Chiletz

  Then he had a moment of clarity. He remembered where he was, who he was, and who she was. He leaned forward as her eyes closed and he kissed her cheek instead. Her skin was soft and the smell of her aroused him. But somehow, he managed to do the right thing and pull himself away. He took a step back and told her it was late and that he’d better go. The answering look on her face did him in. It was like she had read his mind. Her disappointment in saying goodbye was easy to see. He’d felt it too. He just wasn’t ready to say it. It pained him to think of never seeing her smile at him again. He had no idea what possessed him but he said, “How about breakfast tomorrow before you leave?”

  Her eyes lit up and she tried to act like it was no big deal when she said, “Sure.”

  He needed to be cool. He was starting to feel out of control. “It’s the least I can do after all the work you did tonight. Just have your bag packed and I’ll make sure you get to the airport in time for your flight. How’s 9:30?

  “9:30 sounds great. Thank you again.”

  “No problem. I’ll see you tomorrow then.” He opened her door and took a step out. “Tomorrow. 9:30,” he waved and walked away. She closed the door and it took everything in him not to stop and bang his head on the wall.

  What did I just do? Did I just encourage her to grab my ass? Did I feel something when she touched me? Holy crap. I’m the dumbest person on the planet. She’s a fan for God’s sake. I let myself get caught up with her and her friend and I forgot who we all were. I must have completely lost my mind. I almost kissed her… I’ve never felt that way about a fan before. I must be so tired I’m not thinking straight. Did I just tell her I’d be here at 9:30 in the morning? I don’t even get up that early for breakfast with my mom.

  The whole drive back to his place he blasted System of a Down and tried not to think about what had just happened.

  After letting Murphy out for a well-deserved and needed release, he replayed the day in his mind. The little boy at the hotel, the assist on his song, the look on her face when she was listening to his music, the offer to give up her date with him to help Ang, her telling him she knew he knew she sniffed him (that made him laugh), his arms around her for the picture, the way she smelled… He couldn’t stop thinking about her. He must have opened and closed the fridge ten times while he paced and ran his hands through his hair.

  Did her friend say she said he smelled orgasmic? Wow, that was hot. She had nice hands. Oh hell, stop.

  He forced himself to think about work. Ang was overwhelmed. Why didn’t he see it before? He expected too much from her. She needed help, but who could he hire just before the tour? It would have to be someone he could trust. They would need to sign a confidentiality agreement. It would be short-term. They would have to fit in and get along with the group. He rubbed his hands through his hair as his mind drifted and then it hit him.


  It was 6 a.m. when Jake finally called him.

  “Jake, is everything okay?”

  “Yeah, why?"

  “You usually don’t call me this early.” Caleb was up at the crack of dawn. Jake knew that from years of experience with him.

  “I need to discuss something with you, can I come by? It’s important.”

  It was 8:30 when he pulled into Caleb’s driveway. His wife Diane gave him a brief hug as he walked in their kitchen. “Sorry to bother you all on a Sunday.”

  “It’s no problem. You know you’re always welcome here.”

  He smiled, but he was really interested in what Caleb had to say. “Do you have it?”

  “I’ve got it. You’re lucky I have good contacts, on a Sunday no less. Let’s go into the study.”

  He sat down in the leather chair as Caleb leaned on the desk. His hands were sweaty as Caleb started to read the report to him. “She’s 20. Birthday is the twenty-seventh of June. She’s a straight-A student and a resident assistant on campus. She gets free room and board as a stipend for that job. She’s been working at Titans for the past five years. No negative marks on her report. No tickets. No arrests. She’s clean.”

  He felt relieved. He wasn’t sure what he was expecting to hear but he was glad that stalking wasn’t on the list. “Okay then, do you have the paperwork?”

  “Are you sure about this? I mean I liked her too, but really? Have you thought this through?” Caleb asked.

  “I spent most of night thinking this through. You know I don’t make rash decisions. Have I ever?”

  “No, no I don’t believe you ever have. I can see all your reasons and it makes sense to me and all, but you just met her. What do think she will say?”

  “That’s a good question.”

  Chapter 10


  She woke up at 8 a.m. She slept hard once she was finally able to calm herself down enough to sleep. Did she dream all that? Was he really here? Was she really going to see him again today? Did she really grab his butt last night?

  She turned over and buried her head in the pillow. For a brief moment, she thought he might kiss her. What an idiot. She must have looked like a lost little puppy staring up at his lips. Then he kissed her cheek. He must have felt sorry for her. But he did kiss her cheek. That was something. His lips were soft, gentle and warm. This was not supposed to happen. She was supposed to leave hating him, not wanting more of him.

  She sat on the ledge in the shower and let the hot water wash over her. She was going to go back home and forget all about this. Someday, she would hear a song of his and would smile as she fondly remembered the time she spent in LA because of a silly little contest. Yep, she could see it now. She could totally forget him.

  I mean, he’s nice and everything, but he’s just okay-looking. His hair is messy and he wears that dumb cap all the time. He isn’t really that funny. I mean sure, he made me laugh, but I’m easy-going. I laugh at dumb YouTube videos all the time. It was no different. I’ll go back to the dorm, call my mom, grab a chicken salad from the grill, and hit the books hard. I have finals to think about. I don’t need to worry about some crooner from LA. Yep, that’s how it’ll be. She was sure of it.

  She stepped out of the bathroom confident in her decision. She walked over to the bed and her whole stupid plan came crashing down as she saw the black Jake Morgan t–shirt she had worn last night. She picked it up and attempted to quickly stuff it in her bag when she caught the smell of him.

  He was beautiful. He made her laugh. He was sexy and talented and fun and funny and everything she had ever wanted rolled into one incredible, untouchable, unreachable man. She was lost. Her life was going to suck without him.

  Her phone beeped with a text from Kendra.

  Kendra: You okay?

  Madi: Not really.

  Kendra: I know you are super sad that your time in LA is over and that you’re never going to see him again, but I’ll be there for you girl. It’ll be okay.

  Madi: I just hope I can get through breakfast with him without crying.


  Just then her phone rang. She went through all the details of her day with him and what had happened after they had hung up last night.

  “That’s amazing. Why are you so sad?” Kendra asked with concern.

  “I don’t know. I guess I’m just going to miss him, that’s all,” Madi pouted as she walked to the window and ran her finger over the glass, squishing people she saw on the ground like they were bugs.

  “What time is he coming to get you?”

  “Shit!” She pulled the phone away from her ear and checked the time. “I have to go. He’s going to be here in thirty minutes and I’m nowhere near presentable.”

  “Okay, I’ll see you tonight. Give him a kiss for me.”

  “Don’t even start… Bye.”

  She rushed around the room in a fury. She only had one outfit left that was comfortable: leggings and an oversized sweater. She decided it looked best with the boots and put them back on. Her hair was in waves, but there was no
time to straighten it, so she let it go free. She looked okay enough. She popped her contacts in and quickly applied some makeup. Just her standard, no time for Kendra tricks today.

  She had somehow managed to pack all her stuff and do one last quick check to make sure she hadn’t forgotten anything when she heard a knock at the door.

  She took a deep breath, opened the door and there he was. She did a mental inventory: jeans; long-sleeve, button-down blue shirt; no glasses; perfect Jake hair; and a gorgeous smile.

  “Hi.” That was all she could manage to get out as her eyes fell to the ground before glancing back up at him through her eyelashes.

  “Hi. You look different every time I see you,” he said.

  “Different good or different bad?”

  “Different nice. Ready to go?” He walked to the bed and lifted her bag, placing it on his shoulder.

  “Yep.” Madi took one last look around the room before she closed the door.

  Something was different about him today. He seemed like a man on a mission. He was probably regretting asking her to breakfast and was too nice to back out. She decided she’d give him a way as the elevator doors closed. “Hey, I know how busy you are and I don’t mean to take up more of your time, so if you want to just say goodbye right here, right now, I completely understand.”

  “Do you not want to go?” he looked confused.

  “No, I mean, yes of course I want to go, I just don’t want you to feel obligated.”

  “I don’t feel obligated. If I didn’t want to be here, I wouldn’t be here.”

  “Okay,” she said, feeling like she’d just offended him in some way.

  He was quiet in the car. They listened to Sarah McLachlan’s “World on Fire”. It was only a few blocks before they pulled up at a small little diner.

  “I know what you are thinking, but…”

  “No. I totally trust you. I’m sure they are the best around,” she said with a pained smile.

  “You trust me, huh?”


  “And what did I do to earn that trust?”

  “You were you, that’s all,” she said with a small shrug.

  He took his sunglasses off, squinted a little and studied her.

  “You okay?” he asked.

  “Fine, why?”

  “Anxious to get the hell out of LA?”

  “No, I love LA.”

  “You do?” He seemed surprised.

  “Yes. I’m shocked, given how little time I’ve spent here, but it’s been warm and welcoming and I have to say, I think I’ve fallen for all of its charms. I didn’t know what to expect and I thought I would find tons of faults with it, but it surprised me. I think I could stay in LA. I think LA and I would be great together.” She hoped he didn’t catch on that it was really him she was talking about. He was LA.

  “That’s good to hear.”

  They sat down in a booth and both picked up their menus. Madi felt the urge to have a chicken salad.

  “They make a mean vegetable omelet,” he said.

  “Sounds great.” She put her menu down and stared out the window thinking about how they probably didn’t serve chicken salad at 9 a.m.

  “Are you really okay? You seem distracted. I hope I didn’t offend in you in any way last night,” he said with a crinkled face.

  “No, not at all. I hope I didn’t offend you.”

  “Hell no, you guys are a trip,” he said through his smile.

  “I’m glad you think so.”

  “There is something I want to talk to you about, though.”

  Oh no. She was sure she’d crossed some line. He was probably going to tell her that she couldn’t tell the press about smelling him or grabbing his ass. Not that she would ever tell anyone. She would never want to damage his reputation in any way. Besides, she would never be able to admit to anyone that she had done it. In her mind she could see her mom and dad reading an article where she described how nice his butt cheeks felt in her hands.


  “Oh sorry, you were saying?”

  “I need to run something by you, get your thoughts.”

  Just then the waitress came over and poured them both a cup of coffee. Wait, wait for it… and then she recognized him. Madi could see it in her expression.

  “I’ll be damned. You’re Jake Morgan aren’t you?”

  “Yes I am,” he said with a big smile.

  “Could I get your autograph?”

  “Absolutely.” She brought over two menus for him to sign and then promised their order would be right up as she backed away.

  Madi grinned at him.

  “What?” he asked.

  “You’re so kind to everyone. You never cease to amaze me.”

  His mouth cocked up on one side. “Still haven’t found a fault with me yet?”

  “I wouldn’t say that.” She took a sip of her coffee and saw him glaring at her from the corner of her eye. She had piqued his curiosity.

  “You found a fault? Please, lay it on me.”

  “Alright…” she said, as she slowly placed her coffee down and looked at him as seriously as she could across the table. “You are far too willing to stick your ass out to be grabbed.”

  His face was crumpled up in a hesitant ball waiting for the blow she was going to deliver. As he heard her only fault with him, he seemed to ponder it. He nodded his head slowly, scratched the side of his chin, and stared out the window. “I see what you mean. I’ll have to work on that.”

  “Yes, you will,” she said as if she were scolding him. “You never know who might take something like that a little too far. I mean, you’re lucky I am who I am and that I didn’t bend down and take a bite out of it or something.”

  His serious face cracked on the side and a slow, devious grin spread across his face. “Take a bite out of it?”

  “Um hmm.” Madi continued to keep her face as serious as possible, but she had to look down to prevent herself from breaking. She brought her cup to her lips and looked up a second too long. She almost spit her coffee out when she saw the look on his face.

  They were both laughing when their waitress brought them their omelets.

  “Thank you very much,” he said with a smile, as he looked her in the eyes.

  Madi could see that she wasn’t the only one he had an effect on. His smoldering looks and those deep blue eyes got to everyone who was in his presence. As the waitress flipped her hair and walked away, Madi couldn’t help but ask him, “Do you realize the effect you have on people?”

  “On people or women?” he said without looking up from his plate.

  “I guess women, but I’m sure under the right circumstances it could be men, too.”

  “Do I have an effect on you?” He glanced up at her through the curls on his forehead, fork in one hand, knife in the other.

  Oh hell. How was she supposed to answer that?

  “Of course you do. You’re very talented.”

  “Hmmm… It’s just who you want to see.”

  Madi put her fork down and stared at him. “No it’s not. I’d love to find something wrong with you but I can’t. You’re kind to everyone you meet and you never make people feel bad for wanting to be close to you. You never act like it’s an inconvenience or a bother in any way. You’re warm and inviting. You make people feel safe and at ease in the most uncomfortable of situations. You make people laugh and feel joy. You ease their pain with your songs and give them a reason to start a new day. You genuinely care about your friends, the people who work for you, your fans, and your charities. You’re amazing and I don’t know why you can’t see in yourself what everyone else sees in you.”

  Their eyes locked on each other at that moment, as if they were having an unspoken conversation. She was glad she said it. It was true. She looked back at him as intently as he looked at her and she wasn’t backing down. He needed to hear it.

  “Madi Ryan, I want you to work for me.”

  And then she lost her composure


  Well, that wasn’t exactly how he had planned to ask her, but he had blurted it out and his cards were on the table. She seemed stunned. He didn’t mean to catch her so off guard, but after her heartfelt declaration, he just had to get her answer. It was like she had reached down into the depths of his insecurities and justified to him that he was deserving of all he had. Did she really see him that way? She would probably change her mind after she got to know him better. She didn’t know who he really was. He was convinced that was true. “I know that was sudden and I can see you don’t know what to say but hear me out.”


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