Book Read Free

The Blake Legacy (The Blake Boys)

Page 11

by Rhonda Laurel

  “OK.” Avery floated off in the direction of her friends.

  Morgan let out a deep, sinister chuckle. “You don’t know what you just did.”

  “What? Was I not supposed to offer?” Seth frowned, puzzled.

  “We’ll talk when you get back from your excursion. Jake, do you want to ring up customers or stock the inventory?”

  Michelle came over, shaking her head. “What are you doing?”

  “He doesn’t know.” Morgan smirked.

  “Can one of you tell me?” Seth said.

  Michelle looked at him like he was crazy. “Every girl in my book club went mute when you walked through the door. They were so flustered I thought the sprinklers were going to go off.”

  “Remember that cheerleaders-in-the-locker-room story Tate told that night around the bonfire? Think of them as little cheerleaders in training.” Morgan laughed at Seth’s clueless gaping.

  “Oh.” Seth blushed.

  Morgan shook her head. “Avery doesn’t give a crap about having dinner with me tonight.”

  Seth paled as Avery and her three friends giggled by the door.

  Michelle patted Seth’s shoulder. “Try to belch or something, a fart wouldn’t hurt either.”

  “Michelle,” Seth drawled.

  “Yeah, don’t do that sexy southern accent thing.” Michelle shook her head.

  Morgan pushed him toward the door. “We’ll be ready when you get back. Try not to break any hearts.”

  * * *

  The small article in New Day magazine turned into a full spread feature. Morgan wanted to run for the hills when they asked if she would grace their cover.

  She called Nina, hyperventilating. “Why the hell do they want me on their cover?”

  “Because you’re pretty.” Nina laughed.

  “Nina, I can’t do this. I am a nobody. The magazine will have their lowest-selling issue ever.”

  “Remind me to slap you when I see you. I know Seth probably tells you that you’re beautiful all the time, but it’s the truth. You would look great on that cover. The article would be a great piece on your life and that non-profit you hold so dear. If you don’t want people peering into your life, then tell them you won’t answer invasive questions. You can highlight that you’re married to a great guy who happened to be a quarterback, you have a beautiful son, and you are a crusader for literacy. It’s not about you, it’s about getting a platform to sell the ideal that everyone is entitled to read, and get enjoyment from it, and what a valuable tool it is.”

  “I hate when you’re right.” Morgan moaned.

  “I’ll go along with you. This is so cute that you, Seth, and Jake have magazine covers this year. That pic of the two of them on the Sports Page cover is too adorable. It’s my screen saver. All you need is a family cover.”

  “Nina!” Morgan yelled into the phone.

  “Well, it would be.”

  * * *

  Morgan attended the African American festival every year, but unlike the previous years where she’d attended alone, the entire Reed clan was there. They were walking around, enjoying the activities, while she manned her booth with the help of Sydney. The book sales were more than decent this year, although she suspected some people just lingered around the table for a glimpse of Seth, who was walking around the grounds with Jake and Avery. Seth appeared back at the table an hour later, bearing lunch.

  “Ladies, this is baked chicken and steamed vegetables. Avery, Jake, and I are going to get something to eat while we listen to the jazz quartet perform.” Seth set down the food on the table.

  “Does he need changing?” Morgan spied her son, who was rummaging through bookmarks he’d picked up off the table.

  “Nope, we’re good.”

  “Blake!” Patton yelled out about a half mile away. After saying hello to a few fans, Patton made his way to the table. He gave Morgan and Sydney a kiss on the cheek.

  “Patton, glad you could make it.” Seth gave his friend a pat on the back.

  “You know I’m ready. I did my stretches and everything before I came here.” Patton rubbed his stomach.

  “You stretched to eat?” Morgan said.

  “Yes, Ms. Morgan, I did.” Patton pinched her cheek. “You know I’m mad they didn’t add the eating contest. I put that in the suggestion box last year.”

  Morgan laughed. “Nina sent me a text and wants to know if you overeat. So I’ll be watching.”

  “Snitching ain’t cool, Morgan.” Patton took Jake from Seth and walked away. “I’m going to show my godson how you do it.”

  Seth gave her a quick kiss on the lips. “We’ll be back in an hour or two.”

  “OK.” Morgan turned to her niece. “See you later, Avery.”

  Avery waved but didn’t speak. She simply tightened her grip on Seth’s hand and left with him.

  “I don’t think she heard a word I said.” Morgan laughed.

  “When Seth gave her friends a ride home, that’s all they talked about for weeks.” Sydney chuckled.

  Morgan and Sydney ate their lunch while people watching. Morgan’s dad sent a text saying he was on his way with Jared. There was a lull in the foot traffic in the giant tent so Morgan told Sydney to take a break and enjoy the festival.

  “I want to catch the art dealer. There is a painting I think would look nice in the study.” Sydney slid her purse on her shoulder.

  “Take your time. If I get a crowd I’ll call you on your cell phone.”

  “This has been such a nice day. I see why you enjoy doing this every year.”

  “Yes, it has.” And it would be one more thing to miss. “Now get out of here. If you see a nice pair of silver earrings you don’t think Jake will pull out of my ears, let me know.”

  Morgan took a seat in a chair, content knowing her family was scattered around the festival. For so many years she’d come here, set up her booth, and spent her day reading and daydreaming. Today, seventy percent of the merchandise she’d brought with her had already been sold and it was still early. Sydney was happy they were doing something together. Seth was probably feeding Jake something crazy.

  She picked up the book she’d been trying to read for the last three months, finally cracking the spine when a familiar voice called out her name.

  “Hey, Morgan.” Lamont Brayer stood at her table.

  Morgan waved at him from her chair but didn’t get up. “Hi, Lamont. Seth and Patton went to get some barbeque. If you follow a trail of rib or chicken bones, you should be able to catch up with them.”

  Lamont took a deep breath. “Actually, I was hoping to talk to you.”

  Morgan’s back stiffened against her chair. She had made great strides to avoid Lamont after the scene at the dinner party. She didn’t want to be involved with him or Charisma. There had been a few team events since where he’d attended alone, but she still kept her distance.

  “OK. What do you want to talk about?” Morgan walked over to the table.

  “This thing with you and Charisma. I apologize for bringing her to your home. I thought it would be a nice surprise to see your cousin.”

  “You don’t have to keep apologizing.”

  Lamont went to turn away but stopped. “A producer approached Charisma about doing a reality show.”

  “I couldn’t imagine a person more suited to have a camera following her around.” Morgan sighed.

  “It’s a show about women who date athletes. Sounds like they want to document her eventually marrying me.” Lamont chuckled but there was a dark look in his eye.

  “Oh, I didn’t know you guys were that serious,” Morgan said.

  “We’re not. Your cousin is like a runaway freight train. She’s got us married, and I just want to have fun.” He folded his arms across his chest.

  “I am the last person to give you advice on her, if that’s what you’re looking for?” Morgan hunched her shoulders.

  “There’s a hitch to the reality show deal. They will only do if they can get you too
. They wanted to do a family angle. She’s alluded to people that you two don’t get along and apparently that’s good television.”

  Morgan erupted in laughter. Now the calls from her aunt and Charisma’s blatant flirting with Seth at that bar were becoming clear. “There is a better chance of seeing an actual dinosaur roaming downtown Philadelphia than it is of me and Charisma being on a reality show together.”

  Lamont smiled. “I figured as much. You’re one tough cookie, Morgan. You want to tell me why you and Charisma don’t get along?”

  “You want to tell me why you didn’t ask her yourself?”

  Lamont shrugged, head down. “I wanted to hear your side of the story.”

  “She’s your girlfriend. You shouldn’t want to hear my side.”

  Sydney came back to the table with a painting. Lamont helped her set it near a chair behind their display.

  He squared his shoulders and shifted on his feet for a moment. “I’m off to find Patton and Blake.”

  Morgan nodded, her jaw tight. “Good bye, Lamont.”

  Lamont slowly walked away as if he was hoping Morgan was going to call him back to the table.

  Sydney studied Morgan’s face. “What did I miss?”

  “An episode of The Twilight Zone. My cousin has her eye on a reality show. Lamont says they won’t do it without me.”

  Sydney eyed Lamont as he walked out of sight. “You’ve got to be kidding me. Charisma brought him by the house and tried to introduce him to us as if we cared. Curtis didn’t ask him one question about the Titans. I think that pissed her off. While she was going on about how happy they were, Lamont was walking around the living room looking at pictures of you. I thought that was odd and was amazed Charisma didn’t think that was peculiar.”

  “That girl’s got tunnel vision and she’s hoping there’s money and status at the end of it.” Morgan rolled her eyes.

  “Well, I put them out. Nicely, but I put them out all the same. Then Debra had the nerve to call me and ask if she could come over the next time I was watching Jake. She said you were too busy to visit the family, and she wanted to see him.”

  “What did you say?” Morgan bit her lip.

  “I told her it wasn’t going to happen. If you wanted her to see your son, you’d visit her. That mother and daughter are two peas in a pod. No one is going to use me to hurt to you.”

  Morgan almost couldn’t speak, shock and affection warring inside her. “Thanks, Sydney.”

  * * *

  Morgan had never felt more loved by her brothers than when she invited them to Seth’s private suite to see the Titans play their home games. Being among the testosterone driven mania reminded her of the noisy Sundays of her youth. She made sure there was plenty of beer and greasy snack foods for her brood. Jake, who loved the excitement of his crazy uncles, managed to stay awake the whole game.

  Her brother Jared arrived first.

  “Hey, Squirt and Lil Squirt.” Jared kissed her.

  “Hey, how’s work? Any new projects?”

  He scratched at his beard. “Working on a waterfront office building right now.”

  Morgan laughed. “I remember your first project. That house you designed for my dolls one summer.”

  Jared laughed too. “I remember you made me give you a homebuilder’s guarantee before you would let them move in.”

  “How’s the love life?”

  “I still have the stench of a new divorce on me. There is no love life to speak of at this time.” Jared shifted in his seat.

  “I don’t believe that.”

  “I’ve been busy with work.” Jared flashed her a cheesy smile and pulled Jake onto his lap. “Is Jake signed with a team yet?”

  “Ha ha. No, but he has a Blake jersey.”

  Jared bopped Jake’s nose. “My nephew has some big shoes to fill.”

  “I prefer that he find his own way in life. Who says he’s not going to be an architect like you? Or a construction worker? Or a scientist?”

  Jared gave her an expectant look. “You do know who you married, right?”

  Morgan sighed. “I think he’s teaching him stats instead of the alphabet.”

  Jared burst out laughing. “That kid doesn’t stand a chance.”

  “Don’t I know it.” Morgan handed Jake a toy.

  Jared looked at her for what seemed like an eternity.

  “Why the hell are you staring at me?” Morgan said.

  “It’s nice having you back in the family fold. I missed you.” Jared smiled at her.

  “Are you saying that because you’re in a private suite at the Titans’ stadium watching your favorite quarterback, who happens to be your brother-in-law?”

  “Partly, yes.” Jared laughed.

  “Jerk.” Morgan laughed too.

  “Love you too, squirt.” Jared kissed her on the cheek. “Sydney and Dad’s anniversary is at Palazzo’s in a private dining room. You up for that?”

  Morgan thought about it. “Sounds like fun. We already got them a present.”

  “I got a yes on the first try!” Jared squeezed Jake. “Nephew, I do believe you have softened mommy up a bit.”

  The rest of the family arrived just in time for kick off. Morgan’s stomach clinched the second the game started. No matter how good a player he was, she worried that Seth would break a bone or suffer a concussion. It seemed like the opposing team always made a beeline for him and it frustrated her. She covered Jake’s eyes whenever Seth got hit as they watched him on television. By the third quarter, it looked like the Titans were going to win this one.

  Jared’s comment was ping ponging in her head as she watched the game. Morgan looked around the room to see the happy smiling faces of the men in her life. Sydney, Michelle, Nina, and Avery were sitting in the back talking. Jake had somehow made his way to her father and was taking a nap in his lap. It was funny how football had brought them all back together again. Maybe their new bond was strong enough to withstand a move to another state.

  Chapter Eight

  Morgan hustled into the library to get out of the torrential rain. She’d wanted to reschedule the meeting, but it would have been the third time she’d cancelled. These days going to the library left her feeling melancholy knowing in a matter of months she wouldn’t be there. She’d begun packing some boxes at the house, mostly unessential items she didn’t need. For her, it was a practice run for when Seth’s announcement was made, and they were bound for Texas. It was even more agonizing because she couldn’t tell anyone what she was going through. The risk of the information leaking would have dire consequences for Seth. The formality of a player being traded or becoming a free agent had rules that needed to be followed in accordance with the football association. She loved Michelle, but she couldn’t risk her loose lips blurting out the news one day in front of the wrong person, or even worse, within earshot of the media. Nina wouldn’t keep a secret like this from Patton, who would directly be affected by Seth’s decision to leave.

  “Hi, Harriet.” Morgan hugged her.

  “Hello, Morgan. Sorry to make you come out in this rain.” Harriet took her raincoat.

  “That’s OK. I apologize for cancelling so many times. I hope Maura isn’t mad.” Morgan bit her lip.

  “I was trying to reach you. Maura had an emergency about twenty minutes ago. Her son got injured at school. I hope you’re not mad, coming all this way.”

  “I hope her son’s alright. Now that I’m a mom I know you have to dash off and apologize later.”

  Harriet nodded. “Let’s take a walk.” She linked her arm with Morgan’s.

  Harriet led her around the first floor, then ascended the marble steps to the next. Morgan knew where Harriet was herding her: to the picture of her mother.

  “I know why Maura wants to meet with you.” Harriet stopped by a display case, where a picture of Morgan’s mother sat on the top shelf.

  “Maura likes feedback about the programs. I assumed she just wanted an update.”

riet shook her head. “Maura was so impressed with your creative efforts to keep reading hour going, she asked me about your Reading Builds Bridges. I told her about the book clubs you have at the bookstore and the book fairs you coordinated in the community centers. She wants to offer you a job.”

  “What?” Morgan eked out, her throat tightening.

  “She wants to make you the head of the volunteer services. You would oversee the Reading Hour volunteers and take the reins on some new ideas that have been floating around. You sparked a renewed interest in literacy. Your mother would be proud of you.”

  “I already have my family, the bookstore, and…”

  “It wouldn’t be full time. You could make your own hours,” Harriet assured her.

  “Well, this is unexpected.”

  “When you do good things, opportunities sprout up. Forgive me for being so sentimental, but just had to tell you this near Elizabeth’s photo.” Harriet squeezed her tight.

  “Thank you for giving me the heads up.” Morgan smiled.

  “You will pretend to be surprised when Maura talks to you?” Harriet whispered.

  Morgan winked. “Of course.”

  That evening when she returned home, Seth and Jake were playing on the floor with his Tiny Tots farmhouse. Seth was explaining to his son the names of the little plastic farm animals and even had horses the same color as Iris and Reed’s Fire. Seth smiled at her when she walked in.

  “Hey, babe, I was just giving Jake a tour of the stables.”

  “I see.” She knelt on the floor and picked up a cow.

  “How was your day?”

  “My day was good.”

  She wanted to tell him that her day was great. Harriet had told her a juicy secret that she didn’t have the luxury to be excited about. She wanted to ask him if he’d be willing to stay with the Titans for a little while longer, while she chased her dream. But instead she gave a kiss to both of them and headed to the bedroom to change for dinner.


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