Book Read Free

Miss Taken

Page 4

by Cleo Scornavacca

  “So you’ve been stalking me?”

  “Consider it studying you and your habits. You run very early in the morning. You have a very exact schedule. Which was extremely helpful to me.” He was so proud of himself.

  Let’s see how surprised you are when you figure out I’m not Raven. You’ve failed at the art of people watching. Failed miserably, I might add. If I hadn’t given in to my dad and slept over his house, I would have been on my way to Capri and Raven would be dealing with this maniac. Not that I want this for my sister. God knows she would be a horrible hostage. She would have been dead the very first day.

  “You mean it would have been harder for you to take me hostage.”

  “To detain you, Miss Medici.”

  “What makes you think I am going to be an easy detainee?” I’m beyond pissed at this point.

  “I have to admit, you’ve surprised me and I despise surprises. I thought of you as prim and proper. Not at all the wild card you’ve turned out to be.”

  “Everything isn’t always as it seems Mr. … uh. Hey what do I call you? You do have a name right? Even a fake one would do?” Now I’m the one being slightly smug. Probably not a good idea to provoke him but what have I got to lose as this point.

  “You may call me Dominick”

  “So is that your real name, Dominick?” smirking at him.

  He didn’t answer.

  “Can I call you Nick or Nicky?” I’m egging him on.

  “No, you may not?” He’s insulted.

  “Okay, okay. Don’t be so insulted. At least I know from your reaction that Dominick is your real name.” I act completely satisfied in my discovery.

  “So Dominick, are you going to tell me who dressed me or what?” I was becoming increasingly impatient for the answer to that question. Having a name to go with his face made the answer slightly more important, but also slightly more intimate. Which leaves me very uneasy.

  “Who do you think you are demanding answers?” He became very agitated very quickly. I need to stand up to this behavior and not cower.

  “Listen, don’t give me your shit. It won’t work on me. Who fucking dressed me? I have a right to know. It’s my body.” I made myself as threatening, as possible, which given the situation wasn’t nearly forceful enough.

  He gets up from the coffee table to sit next to me on the couch. Now I’m trapped in the corner. He puts his hands on each of my shoulders and leans in closer.

  “No more outbursts like that or I’ll gag you.” He is forceful, but doesn’t physically hurt me.

  I sit up straight and look down into my hands. Pulling on the long sleeve tee shirt I’m wearing, covering my knuckles. I feel extremely cold and I’m starting to shiver.

  “Raven, I don’t mean to scare you, but your outbursts come as a surprise to me. As I stated before you were in a bad way. Neither Joseph nor Anna would have been able to lift you. So I did. Though, I do have to admit Anna dressed you. I just helped her.”

  “You saw me naked?” I know I look shocked.

  He’s gracious enough not smirk.

  “Yes, I did. It’s hard not to when helping someone who is totally unconscious get dressed. I will assure you though that I acted as a perfect gentleman. Anna can attest to that. We kept things as discreet, as possible, by draping you with a sheet.”

  I take a rather shaky deep breath. I have so many questions swimming around in my head, but all I could think about was that he saw me naked. I feel so sick. Like I want to crawl out of my own skin.

  “Do you like burgers?” He asks changing the subject again.

  “Come again?” seemingly caught off guard by his question.

  “Do you like burgers? It’s a simple question, Miss Medici. We’re having burgers for dinner. Don’t say you aren’t eating them because I assure you I’m not poisoning you. First, I can tell you that I’m not in any way altering your food. Second, if it makes you feel better I’ll take a bite of my burger then give it to you. I definitely wouldn’t poison myself. Now would I?” He grinned slightly.

  “No, I guess you wouldn’t.” I pause for moment before adding. “Unless you’ve been ingesting the poison in low doses for years to make yourself resistant to it.”

  He stares at me like he can’t figure out where I came up with that idea. “Your mind is obviously more devious than mine, Miss Medici, but …”

  “That I highly doubt, Dominick.” I interrupt him. “It’s from The Princess Bride. I was trying to lighten up the situation.” My humor is obviously wasted on him.

  “Now until dinner is served, if you’re finished with the comedy act, do you want to tell me about those bruises?” He asks and I know he isn’t going to take no for an answer.

  “I told you I was thrashing around. Even your Dr. Roth confirmed I sprained both my wrists.”

  “Did you fall on your back while thrashing around as you put it?” He’s leading into something.

  “No, I don’t think so.” Furrowing my brows together.

  “You have bruising all over your back and legs. You need to tell me the truth. Now.” He isn’t quite as vicious, but he’s getting there with this statement.

  Breathing deep I close my eyes and tilt my head back to contemplate my answer carefully. I’ll just tell him the truth about my illness. There is no reason he won’t believe that it’s Raven who has the blood disorder. That will keep any suspension away from the fact that my dad has twins.

  “I was born with a blood disorder. It’s no big deal on a day-to-day basis. Yet, this whole ordeal you’re putting me through is exacerbating it. I haven’t taken my daily shots for three days now. So that’s taken a toll on me.” I stop there. I don’t want him digging any deeper.

  “Where are your shots?”


  “They are in my cosmetic case in one of my travel bags. I think the large bag, actually.”

  “I’ll get them. You stay right here. Don’t move.” He said getting up and pointing his finger at me.

  Shaking my head thinking where could I possibly go? I don’t even know where I am. Sheeesh.

  He comes back with the case, holding one syringe in his hand.

  “Is this what you need?”

  I nod. “That and the alcohol swabs for my skin. I wouldn’t want to get some nasty infection by not sanitizing the area.” I scrunch my nose as if in disgust.

  He checks it out and when he’s done with his examination, he hands me the syringe and the swabs. Without even thinking I take it from him. Stand up, lower my sweats to expose my ass on one side, Swipe the swab on the area I am about to inject, put the syringe tip in my mouth, twist off the cap, and jam the needle under the skin. I depress the plunger, remove the needle, raise my sweats and put the top back on. Then sit back down and hand him the used needle.

  “Thank you, Dominick.”

  He seems lost in my recent actions. I thought he would be less perplexed. I mean he already saw me naked. So exposing my ass should have been no big deal. He furrows his brow and runs one hand through his hair. Then he tells me he would hold on to the medication and make sure I receive my daily dose. I explain to him that he would have to get a small medical container to dispose of the waste and that’s illegal to through needles in the regular garbage. Yet he kidnapped me so I am sure he is not worried about committing any smaller crimes. Though he should probably ask Dr. Roth to bring it the next time he examines me.

  “Raven” he stops and I don’t respond.

  “If you would prefer me to call you Miss Medici, I will.”

  “Yes, I would. Like you said, all I am is a means to an end. Let’s not get personal shall we.” I’m firm when I answer him.

  He appears slightly bemused.

  “Well, Miss Medici, you’ll still call me Dominick.”

  “Is that a question Dominick or a statement?” I’m smirking.

  “It’s a fact.” His reply is sharp.

  “Are you going to tell me your last name? I mean it is only fair since you k
now mine.” I say, slightly teasing him.

  “That will be on a need to know basis.”

  I put my head back because I’m tired. I’m not at all satisfied with his answer, but I just don’t have the energy to argue with him.

  “Are you feeling okay? Can I get you anything else?” he creases his brow with deep concern.

  “No thank you. My medication won’t start working for a while, maybe longer since I haven’t had it for a few days.”

  “I see. So you didn’t answer my question. Do you like burgers?”

  “Yes, I do.”

  “Good, because we’re having them for dinner. Joseph will bring them in shortly.”

  “We’re eating in here?” I must have looked shocked.

  “Yes, I usually take my meals in here. I work very late sometimes, then I do even more work when I get home.”

  “I see but won’t I be disturbing you?”

  “As long as you don’t speak to me when I’m working, we will get along just fine.” He stated with a slight grin.

  I grin back and reply “I wouldn’t dream of it, Dominick.”

  Just then there’s a knock at the door. Dominick goes to open it. Joseph and Anna bring in the food. Joseph places it on the table, so we can serve ourselves. I politely thank both of them. Once they leave Dominick takes his plate to his desk. I sit on the couch staring at my food. It does look delicious. I suddenly become homesick. I miss Mema in Italy. Mema and her husband Antonio were good friends with my parents for a long time. They take care of our home over there. Mema is like a second mother to me. Anna reminds me of her. I also miss Tommy. He would always cheer me up when the loneliness and anxiety started to rear its ugly head. Now all I’m left with is the man that created this new isolation. He’s not family, nor does he have my best interests at heart.

  I’m just about to eat, but the room is too dim. I get up looking around for a light switch. Dominick looks up from his computer.

  “What are you doing?”

  “Looking for a light switch.”

  Pointing with his pencil he directs me to the hallway entrance.

  “Over there to your right.”

  “Thanks.” I turn on the switch and the wall unit lights come on, definitely brightening the space.

  Then I start to look for a T.V. remote. I never watched much T.V. in the past, but it seems like the best thing to do to make the time go by faster. He doesn’t appear to have one. I look on the shelves of the wall unit, behind the pillows in the sectional. I even crawl on the floor, thinking he may have dropped it at some point and left it there.

  “Now what are you doing?” He’s becoming increasingly annoyed with my actions. I think it’s best to fuck with him. I smile to myself.

  “I’m looking for a sharp object, so when everyone goes to sleep I can pick the locks and find me escape route.” I giggled.

  He rushes over to me and then realizes I’m joking. He lets out a big exhale and runs both hands through his hair in frustration. He’s very close to me, too close. There is a strange feeling between us, electricity, no more like a shockwave. The feeling scares me. I wonder if he feels it too. Probably not, his focus is single-minded and selfish.

  This man took me from my family. His ultimate goal is to destroy my dad. Why am I feeling an attraction towards Dominick? I decide it had to be from not eating and being without my medication. I’m not thinking straight.

  I sit down and eat the burger. It’s delicious. I’m starving, but I eat it slow, only because I hadn’t eaten and I don’t want to get sick.

  “Do you like it?”

  “Yes, it’s very good. Thank you. Wait shouldn’t I be thanking Anna and Joseph? It’s not like you prepared the food.”

  “You’re welcome, and I’ll pass your gratitude on to them. Why have you stopped eating?”

  “It’s very good, but I haven’t had anything to eat in a few days, so I don’t want to overload my system all at once.”

  “Whose fault is that? If I remember correctly you were the one who kept ignoring what was set in front of you.” He crossed his arms over his chest. Trying to prove his point.

  “Dominick, I didn’t kidnap myself. You did that. I didn’t have access to my medications. I should have been on a plane to Capri for vacation, not stuck here with you and your staff. So what do you expect me to do?”

  “I expect you to behave and not cause any trouble. This way we will get along just fine. Do you understand me?”

  I remain silent.

  “I said do I make myself clear, Miss Medici?” He’s now growing impatient for my answer.

  “Crystal Clear.”

  “Good, now finish your food.” He then walks back to his desk to resume his work. I wonder what he does for a living. Besides kidnapping unsuspecting women.

  “I understand what you’re saying, but I won’t promise to be good.”

  Within a split second he was over the back of the couch, pinning me down, and holding my throat. He wasn’t hurting me. It wasn’t hard enough to create a bruise. It appeared to be for shock value. Just to brace me and cause a threatening effect. Believe me, it’s working. His hard body is laying on top of mine. He uses his other hand to brace himself. Then he speaks to me with clinched teeth.

  “You will do exactly what I tell you to do. You are in no position to play games with me. You belong to me now.” His eyes are dark and searching my face. His breath is shallow.

  Terrified of his proximity to me, to my body. I stare back at him and say. “Get the fuck off of me.” I wasn’t loud. I didn’t yell.

  He grins and takes his time sliding against me before he gets up. He sits back and so do I. Then comes my response.

  “Listen to me, you sick freak. I’m going to say this again. I didn’t kidnap myself. You brought me here and you’re holding me against my will. Sorry if my reactions aren’t pleasant enough for you. They never will be what you want. I’m not going to make this easy for you. You want to destroy my family. You think I’m just going to let that happen. If I have to die trying I’ll never let you hurt them. Oh and one more thing. Don’t ever lay on top of me like that again.”

  “My intention, Miss Medici, is to destroy your father, not to destroy you. I had no idea about your health concerns. The research I conducted on you never mentioned your illness. Considering that you have a medical issue and those things are private, that could be the reason it never came up.”

  “I may have a condition that affects my health, but I’m loyal to my dad and no matter how sick I am, I will fight against you every step of the way.”

  “You’re not that loyal of a person, Miss Medici.” He huffs while being sarcastic.

  “What’s that supposed to mean?” Acting insulted.

  “Well, let’s review the pasts events shall we.” He’s very condescending.

  He gets up from his seat. Then he begins pacing back and forth like a professor ready to give a lecture to one of his problem students. He steepled his fingers together and placed them at his chin in reflection of what he is about to say.

  “You are apparently engaged to Michael Conte. A key attorney at your father’s firm. Yet Gerard informed me that you’ve been texting his brother. I find it quite curious why you wouldn’t text Michael to rescue you.”


  I’m really starting to feel sick. The only thing I have to be grateful for is that Gerard must not have read the messages clearly or he would have seen that Tommy called me Rain. Maybe he thought we were using a code name or something.

  Then Dominick continues to make his point.

  “I’m curious to know why you would be texting Michael’s younger brother and why he would be saying and I quote: ‘I’ll be with you soon, Baby.’ “Seems to me, Miss Medici, you’re far from loyal.”

  Now it’s my turn.

  “First, I’m far from disloyal. Second, Tommy and I have been friends since childhood. Third, he calls everybody baby. It’s just a term of endearment with him. Michael and I ar
e getting married. So you and your goons are going to be in for the roughest time if I don’t show up soon. Whatever problem you have with my dad is between you and him. Why don’t you act like a man and meet with him face to face? Instead of hiding behind his daughter to aid in your revenge.

  Breathe Rain Breathe.

  “Are you done?” he snaps.

  “That remains to be seen.”

  “Well, Miss Medici that was a lovely speech, but remember I hold the key to your world. You can’t go out. You can’t speak to anyone other than my staff. I assure you they are only loyal to me. You don’t have your phone and from the messages Gerard said that he viewed, Tommy isn’t coming for you. Your father thinks you’re in Capri. They don’t even know that you’re missing. They will learn from me soon enough that I have taken you and when I do reveal this to your family, then it will be me stating my demands. You see Miss Medici, I’m loyal only to me and I intend to get everything that’s mine. Nothing, not even you, will get in my way.”

  Except for the fact that you have the wrong girl and don’t even have a clue about what you’ve done. Let’s let Dominick think he hasn’t made a huge error. I’m going to play my hand as discreetly, as possible. Then I’m going to watch as his house of cards comes tumbling down around him.

  “Remember Miss Medici, I have your phone. Tommy Conte will think the messages he receives are from you. Now, who’s holding the cards?” He smirks and walks back to his desk to continue his work.

  I turn so my back is towards him. Mentally I know this situation is going to be harder than I thought. At least when my parents kept me confined it was out of their fears for my health. It was to protect me and to keep me safe. My current situation is more about control. Dominick is a madman. I need Tommy so much right now. I just have to keep my head together. Tommy will be in Capri next week. He will realize something is wrong by then. I hope he’ll put two and two together. Even sooner if Dominick slips up in his texts. Dominick knows nothing about Rain Medici. Tommy will become suspicious and rescue me.

  I’m exhausted and wonder where I’ll be sleeping. Where will he be sleeping? I decided to get up and walk over to him. When I reached his desk he shut the screen on his computer. Then he looked up at me.


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