Book Read Free

Miss Taken

Page 12

by Cleo Scornavacca

  I look out the window because I don’t want to see Dominick’s reaction to my statement. I know my heart is getting caught up in him. Raven and I finally hang up. I turn around to find Dominick gone. I collapse in the chair by the window and stare out at the waves, not bothering to go after him because I’m positive it would serve no purpose.

  Dominick wants control. He knows I cannot give him that over me. What he doesn’t know, and what I chose to omit from my conversation with Raven, is that in this short amount of time I’m slowly letting my heart take control of my emotions for him. Especially now considering his confession that he can’t be with me. I don’t want to appear pathetic. So I’ll keep my feelings to myself.

  I never met a man like him before. By the looks of things and how things are not turning out, I will probably never meet another man like him again. I didn’t want my sister kidnapped, but now I wish I wasn’t the one who was taken. Raven would never have fallen for Dominick. She would have caused so much drama he would have been glad to give up his inheritance just avoid being near her.

  I won’t force anyone to be with me. I was doing fine before I met Dominick and I’ll do fine once I’m gone from here. I am so confused. I know I should just leave but I can’t.

  When I finish talking to myself, I picked up my phone to call Tommy. I’d been sitting here long enough. Time to do something.

  “Hey Rain, is everything okay?”

  “Not really?” My voice cracking.

  “What did that motherfucker do?” Tommy spoke through clinched teeth.

  I hesitate, but I have to tell him. “Tommy, I slept with Dominick after you left. The situation is strange and somewhat out of hand but we really seemed to connect. Yet he has decided I’m more trouble than I’m worth.”

  “He said that?” Tommy seemed annoyingly confused.

  “No, not in so many words, but that’s effectively what he’s thinking. He said sleeping with me couldn’t continue and that he would figure out another way to basically screw my dad over.”

  “So what’s the problem, baby? You’re free of him now.”

  “Tommy, is it wrong that I have feelings for him? I mean, he did kidnap me and threaten my family. It’s just that I can feel him deep inside my heart and I don’t want this to stop.”

  “Fuck Rain, did you tell him?” He let out a deep breath.

  “No, I can’t tell him now. He’ll just use it to control me. I can’t allow that. Then I won’t know what his true motives are for me.”

  “What do you need, baby?”

  “I need you to come get me when you get back.”

  “Sure. I’ll be back on Saturday. I’ll come down when that plane lands and I can get to the car. Will you be okay until then? I mean why not just leave now?”

  “Tommy, I know this sounds bad but I can’t. I know it looks weak but I have to try. Dominick’s feelings are all over the place. I think he wants to try but is afraid for whatever reason. Something is holding him back. I need to find out what that something is. If I wait for you it gives me more time. Please understand.”

  “I get it. I don’t like it but I understand. I’ll call you when I’m on my way. Rain, if there is any other trouble before then call me sooner. Don’t wait. You hear me baby?”

  “Yeah, I will. I don’t even know if he is staying here. In fact, I think I heard his car leave some time ago. So this all could be for nothing. I have Anna and Joseph with me. I’ll be okay with them. Thanks Tommy.”

  “Anything for you, Rain.”

  Tommy and I hang up, but not before I promised I would go online and work on the photos that are possible candidates for my show. He even developed and downloaded the proofs from the pictures we took while he was here visiting. This is a daunting task that took most of the evening. I’m grateful for the distraction.

  I go to bed resolving that tomorrow I would spend my time on the beach like I did today. I would be away from the house but close enough if Dominick changed his mind. I’m beginning to dislike myself for the games I’m playing but I need to find out Dominick’s true feelings. One way or the other.

  It’s either very late or maybe early morning, but I feel the opposite side of the mattress dip. He came to me. I smile but say nothing. He’s naked and hard. He conformed around me, so that we were spooning. His lips are at my ear. I feel his breath on my neck. My body is becoming warm and responsive. Filled with goose bumps that skate across my skin. He smiles into my hair, because he enjoys how his touch affects me. I have to admit I’m happy he came to his senses and is back in bed with me.

  He whispers in my ear. “Rain, Darian is right. I’m a man who takes what he wants and then when I get it, it’s done. I’m very selfish and I intend on showing you just how selfish I can be. Then maybe you will hate me enough to finally walk away.”

  Dominick’s words are beginning to frighten me, but his body was doing things to cloud my thinking. As scared as I am I want him deep inside me. Selfishly I think I can still change his mind. Am I being foolish? Perhaps, but there’s only one way to know for sure. I tilt my ass back into his crotch. He groans and places one hand on my hip to still me. His tugs my panties down from the back with his other hand and slides he fingers into my slick aching center. My breath hitches as he touches my pulsing core.

  “I want inside of you. I’m going to take what I want.” Then he plunges deep inside of me with no other warning. I let out a slight squeal. I’m a bit surprised by his quick and forceful actions. He captures my hips, digging his fingers into my flesh. I push backwards to get more of him.

  “Don’t fucking move. This is for me, not for you.” His words cut me deeply. All I want to do is stop now, but I’m so near my climax I don’t move. He takes me hard and fast. I am so close when he comes inside of me. Marking me. I never make it to my orgasm. Embarrassed with myself. Disgust washes over me. He pulls out swiftly and places my panties back over me. Kisses the top of my head and leaves the room without saying another word.

  I wind my body up into a tight ball, squeezing the pillow hard. No moving or crying. I just close my eyes and try to ignore what I now know to be true.

  Dominick Kane really is a fucking viper.

  I feel like shit. Not just because I’m the biggest fool on the planet, but also because Tommy sent me a text that things in California are running behind and he won’t be able to get to me until Monday. My throat’s sore. Great. I decided last night after Dominick left my bed that I was going to leave today. Yet as luck would have it, I feel like I was hit by a freight train. My throat is very swollen and it’s difficult to swallow. I hope I’m not coming down with something. Though it shouldn’t at all be a surprise to me. I’ve been abusing my immune system for weeks now. All thanks to this situation with Mr. Kane.

  Suddenly there’s a knock at my door.

  “Come in.” Shit. My throat is really hurting.

  “Rain, my dear, I brought you breakfast yet you didn’t wake up. I tried several times. It’s three o’clock and from the sound of things I would say you need some tea and Dr. Roth.” Anna’s face is scrunched with concern.

  “Anna, it’s true, I’m really not feeling well. Do you have a thermometer?”

  “Of course, let me get it for you.” She hurries out of the room to retrieve the thermometer.

  When she returns and hands it to me, I place it in my mouth. It finally beeps. My eyes grow wide at the reading. When she notices my reaction she snatches it out of my hand to see it for herself. 103.8, I’m definitely coming down with something.

  “I’m calling Dominick and Dr. Roth.” She firmly states, as she’s about to run out of the room.

  “Anna, no, wait! Don’t call Dominick!”

  “He would want to know, Rain.”

  “Anna, I understand that, but Dominick and I aren’t in a good place right now, so I would like to avoid having to deal with him. Not feeling well and all, I just don’t think I could take him on right now.” I’m polite to her, but I honestly don’t give
a shit that Dominick would want to know. He couldn't care less about my feelings why should I care about his?

  “Maybe Joseph could take me to see Dr. Roth. Do you have his office number so I can make an appointment to see him today?”

  She nods before replying. “I’ll give him a call. I’m sure he would come here to see you.” Of course he would, he’s on Dominick’s payroll. I’m feeling that sick so I would be happy for him to give me preferred treatment just this one time.

  Anna comes back in my room and states Dr. Roth will stop by on the way back from his hospital rounds. He didn’t have office hours today and Dominick’s house was on the way back from the hospital. He has to stop at his office anyway and it’s right here on the island. So it all worked out for the best.

  “Oh and Dominick is on his way back home.” She’s slightly embarrassed by her confession.

  “Anna, I told you not to call him.” I’m furious, but couldn’t stay mad at her for long. She couldn’t lie to Dominick, and I shouldn’t have put her in the middle. None of this is her fault.

  “Anna, I’m sorry. It’s okay, I know you’re loyal to him, and you love him very much. I should never have tried to put you in a bad position.”

  “He really cares for you, Rain. We have never seen him like this. He’s never been taken with anyone the way he is with you. I know he can be quite overwhelming, but I think he is learning a great deal from you.”

  She stopped when the doorbell rang. She excuses herself. Just then my cell phone buzzes. It’s Dominick.


  “Rain, baby, what the hell is going on? Did Dr. Roth get there yet? How high is your fever? Is he sending you to the hospital? Where are you now?” Dominick’s beside himself with worry.

  Good. It serves him right.

  “Calm down, Dominick. It’s just a fucking fever. Nothing more, nothing less.” I sighed from the irritation of the annoying questions.

  “Watch your mouth, Rain. I’m coming home.” He declares.

  “Don’t bother and don’t tell me how to speak.”

  “Don’t start, Rain. I’m on my way back.”

  “It’s not necessary, I’ve been taking care of myself for a long time now. I don’t need or want any help from you. We aren’t together anymore. Remember Mr. Selfish?” My response is abrupt and warranted.

  “Rain, if this is about last night I can explain.” He becomes much quieter.

  “Listen, this is about me and my freedom. I was going to talk to you later, but now is as good a time as any. You were right, Dominick, and I was the idiot. I knew from the beginning I shouldn’t let you seduce me, but I saw something different in you or so I thought. Now I just feel sick. You said that you wanted me to see the selfish side to you. You said you wanted me to hate you. You are partially correct. I see that you are selfish, but I don’t hate you, I pity you. You just want what you can’t have. Then when you get it, you use it like a possession. You know, Dominick, like me being a means to an end. Now I’m putting an end to this fucked up thing between us immediately. Tommy is coming for me on Monday, just stay away from me until then and we will get along just fine.” It hurt to speak to him in that manner, but all of this has to stop before we inflict any more pain on one another, before there is no coming back and no way to recovery. I have to get out now. Well, by Monday anyway.

  There is silence on the line.

  “Dominick, are you still there?”

  No response. I hang up. Dr. Roth comes in and examines me. He says that I have some sort of infection. He calls the pharmacy and orders an antibiotic. He explains that I will require rest and if I’m not feeling better in the next week or so, I should come in for further examination. Joseph went to pick up the medication. When he gets back I’ll take it. I started to feel tired, so I close my eyes and tried to sleep.

  I am startled by the bed dipping again, as it did last night. Fear takes over. I feel his arms wrap around me, lifting me off the mattress and carrying out of the room. My arms reach around his neck, as if it’s a natural reaction. He lays me down in his bed and covers me. Then he sits down next to me and props his one leg on the bed. He holds my hand and smiles at me, leaning in and giving me a gentle kiss on my lips that he lets linger there with some unspoken promise.

  “Rain, baby, I made a grave mistake with you. I was wrong. I want you with me. I want you in my bed, but even more so I want you in my life. I cleared my schedule to be home with you. I’m going to take very good care of you and make sure you follow doctor’s orders.” This is not a request.

  I’m way too tired to fight with him, but I did want to get something straight. “Dominick I do appreciate the fact that you feel the need to take care of me. This is not required though. As I said on the phone, I’m leaving on Monday. Then we both can get back to the lives we had before all of this craziness.”

  He leans in close to me, too close. “Baby, you’re forgetting something. I’ve already tasted you, been deep inside you, touched your sweet spot, held you close, and felt your heart beat in my hand. This makes you mine. No one else gets a chance at you, Rain. No man takes what’s mine.”

  “I’m not your fucking possession.”

  “Watch your mouth!” His voice is harsh, but then he calms and touches my face.

  “I won’t be owned or controlled by you. You should’ve kept me your prisoner if that’s what you wanted. You shouldn’t have made me your lover. Big fucking difference.” I turn away from him.

  He grabs my arms and forces me to look at him. “I can’t take back the shit that has happened, but I can make this right. Some people go their whole lives searching for something. A job, money, power. Sometimes they’re searching for that special person. They’re looking for a place they can make their own. Everybody wants to have something special, be somewhere in life. That they can call their own.” He lifts my chin and gazing intensely in my eyes. “You, baby, are that for me. Rain, you are my ’Somewhere’”

  I close my eyes and the tears escape. I want to stay with him. He wraps himself around me like a cocoon. He kisses each tear as it falls. “Rain, I want to be your ‘Somewhere’, your safe place. Let me prove it to you. Do you hear me, baby?”

  I whisper through my tears. “I hear you, Dominick.”

  “Say it for me, baby. I need to hear you say the words.” He’s soft to me.

  “I want you to be my ’Somewhere’ too.”

  He caresses his lips against mine and gently kisses them. “Don’t cry, Rain. We’re together now, yeah?”


  He smiles at me and hugs me closer. This is where I want to be, sleeping with Dominick.

  My Somewhere …

  It’s Saturday and I’m finally feeling like my old self again. I texted Tommy and told him not to come and get me. I said everything worked out and I would explain it to him at length when he got home. After that I was able to focus on getting well.

  Although Dominick stayed home from work, it didn’t mean work stayed away from him. Joseph and Anna helped him to fix the destruction in the dining room and he set up his office in there again. I finally spoke with my dad and mentioned that I met someone, but I didn’t elaborate on whom just yet. I also spoke with Mike and Raven. They were fine and they said there were no more signs of Darian Mann causing conflict. So for me life is good.

  When my shower was done I put on some sweats. I decided to take advantage of the Indian summer we’re having and go to the beach today. Dominick walks in the room with two mugs of coffee.

  “Hey you’re up. I was just going to wake you. It’s late but I thought the coffee would do you some good.”

  “I feel a lot better today. So I decided I would possibly head down to the beach. Do you want to join me, Mr. Kane?” Taking the mug from him.

  “There is no place I would rather be. Let me get Max and we can make an afternoon of it.” He quickly kisses me on the lips and heads out to get the dog. I love playful Dominick.

  We’re down by the water
. Our blanket is set up, held down by the picnic basket Anna put together for us. Dominick's throwing the ball to Max, so I choose to read for a while. I really began to relax. Inhaling the fragrant ocean air. This is where I need to be. I love the water. It heals your soul. As I’m searching through my beach bag to find my latest novel, I notice a flat package wrapped in a bow. I’m just about to put it back when Dominick comes up to the blanket to see what I am doing.

  “Ah, I see you discovered my surprise.” Grinning from ear to ear.

  “I wasn’t snooping I was just looking for my book.” Holding the novel up, so he could see I’m telling the truth.

  He chuckled. “No, baby, I put the gift in there for you to find. Open it.”

  I look at him suspiciously. I open the envelope carefully. Inside are two plane tickets to Naples, Italy and an Itinerary of reserved destinations along the Amalfi Coast. My head snaps up at Dominick, who’s smiling at me. A smile that shines straight through his beautiful green eyes.

  “Surprise, Angel. I’m taking you to Italy. You’re going to get those photos you need. When do you want to leave? Just say the word and we’re there.”

  I jump up off the blanket and into Dominick’s arms. He bends down and claims my mouth. I press in further because I can’t get enough of him. I want more. More of his mouth, more of everything he has to offer. I want him deep inside me. Making me come hard. It’s been four days, and yes I was sick, but I’m not dead. I want to wrap myself around him and get lost in ’Our Somewhere’ together. I can’t believe he made this trip for me. I know he said he was going to make things right, but I never imagined this would be part of it.

  “So I take it this makes you happy?” He grins like a boy on Christmas morning.

  “Let me show you how happy, Mr. Kane.” I lick my lips and lean into his mouth again.

  “C’mon, baby, it’s been way too long. Four days too long. I want inside you, Rain, now.” My insides curl with his declaration and the familiar throb between my legs is getting stronger.


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