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Miss Taken

Page 18

by Cleo Scornavacca

  “Rain, Dominick told Joseph and I what happened in Capri. He is devastated that you two are apart.” She sounds very concerned.

  I sigh. “Anna, you and Joseph are both very special to me. I’m so glad I met you both. No matter what the circumstances were that brought us together, I hope you would like to remain friends forever.”


  “I can’t go on with my relationship with Dominick. No matter how much this is killing me, we aren’t right for each other.”

  “Rain, I see the way he looks at you. He may not have said it, but Dominick is in love with you.”

  Something pulls at my insides, something I can’t afford to feel.

  “Even if that is true, I can’t handle him. He is possessive, controlling, and he inflicts his wrath on everyone, not just me. I never know what to expect. Don’t get me wrong, I love surprises, just not these kind of surprises.”

  “He’s broken, Rain. He doesn’t know how to handle being without you. He has never known anyone like you before. If he had never met you, hi life would go on as usual. Life after you is Dominick’s problem and fear.”

  Just when I thought my heart couldn’t break any further, it did.

  “Anna, I do want Dominick to find happiness. I wish that happiness could have been with me, but he wants control, not love.”

  “Rain, he didn’t know much about love until you. His possessiveness is the only way he knows how to show that he loves you.”

  “He can be violent. He hasn’t been with me, not really but who is to say that couldn’t change. He’s too unpredictable.”

  “I don’t believe that would ever happen.” She hesitates. “I may be over stepping here.”

  “No, it’s okay. I respect what you have to say. You have known Dominick since he was born.”

  At that moment there’s a silence over the phone. She didn’t speak.

  “Anna, are you still there?”

  “Yes, I’m still here. These phones have been unstable since the storm.”

  “Did you want to say something?”

  “Yes … yes sorry, my dear, I was about to say that I’m very aware how difficult Dominick can be. I understand full well about that temper of his, but I do know you are the one person that is truly safe with him.

  “Unfortunately, he goes about his love for you in the wrong way. Rain, he has never loved a woman in his life. Not like you. He has all these emotions and they come out all wrong. I don’t know if you love him. It does seem like you do. Oh, what I’m trying to say is if you could just love him and see past his faults. Please, could you give him another chance?”

  “Did he ask you to talk to me?” I knew the answer even before she told me.

  “Absolutely not! He would be livid if he knew we speaking about him.” This I don’t doubt.

  “Anna, I realized in Capri that I am in love with Dominick. I was going to tell him at dinner the second night we were there, but then he was arrested and the rest well, you already know the story. I have no regrets about being with Dominick. I wished we could have had a future together, but he’s just too controlling, and I have had enough controlling events in my past to last me a lifetime. I love Dominick and every day I die a little more without him, but if I’m with him I know I’ll eventually resent him, and I don’t want that for us.”

  “I understand, Rain. I hope you’ll continue to visit us. Joseph and I would love it.” She sincerely tells me.

  “I will always stay in touch with both of you. I will call you next week so we can get together.”

  “I look forward to it.”

  Then we say goodbye. When I hang up I feel even worse. I miss him so much. I want him with me. Yet, I don’t miss the anger. I can’t let what Anna said cloud my judgment. I don’t know what to do. I’m more confused now than I was before. Just as I am about to lie down and sulk, the doorbell rings. I freeze on the spot. My heart is racing but when I look out the side window, I see it’s just a deliveryman with large bouquet of white roses. I know exactly who sent them. I place them on the table in the living room. The card that came with the flowers has a note signed by Dominick. He’s never going to leave me alone. I know what happened was horrible and I also know that situations like the one that transpired in Capri will only keep happening if we remain a couple. I will not let Dominick control me and he is a man that needs to control everything. As I view his handwriting on the note, I start to miss him even more. All of this is tearing me apart. I sit down to read the card but I can’t let anything that it reveals change the decision I’ve made.


  I’m so sorry for how I treated you in Capri. I should have never spoken to you like that. I know I don’t deserve you Rain, but I need you. Please don’t end us. I don’t know why but I can’t let us go. I won’t accept being apart from you. I know that sounds selfish, but I don’t care. I miss our Somewhere Rain. I miss you. Please baby, let me back in.

  Dominick xo

  I close my eyes and hold his card against me. I can’t breathe and my chest feels heavy. What do I do knowing this is how he feels? For now I just go to bed.

  Tommy gets home late and calls out to me from downstairs. I’m not ignoring him; I’m just way too tired to answer. I hear him come up the stairs and knock on my door.

  “Rain, can I come in?” He says cautiously.

  “It’s open.”

  “Rain, baby, you can’t stay like this. Have you even taken your shots today?”

  “Tommy, please not now.” I hate that I sound whiny. I know he’s concerned and just trying to help.

  “You’ve been in bed all day. You haven’t eaten, showered, changed, or taken your shots. This has got to stop. Do you want me to call Victor?”

  “No. Do not call my dad. I’m stressed out enough already.”

  “I saw the note and the flowers. He’s not giving up, Rain.”

  “If I ignore him long enough he will.”

  “You think Kane is going to accept that?”

  “He has to and if not I’ll move to Capri permanently.”

  “Rain, you can’t run and hide. Besides Kane can get on a plane, too.”

  “You’re not helping.”

  “Baby, you can’t run from your problems.”

  “Why not?”

  “They’ll just be here when you come home. Anyway, Kane doesn’t strike me as a take no for answer type of guy.”

  “What am I supposed to do, Tommy? I can’t take the rage. I can’t be swallowed up until there’s nothing left of me. I can’t allow myself to love him.”

  “Then get that pretty ass of yours up and do other things to occupy your time. Work on the photos for the exhibition. Get ready for Christmas in NYC. Don’t lay here and die. Remember, Rain, no regrets. Live your life every day and be grateful that you are healthy.”

  I look into my best friends eyes and I start to cry. “I love him, Tommy. I miss him. Where do I put all of these feelings? How do I make them go away?”

  Tommy comes close. He takes me in his arms and hugs me.

  “Shhhhh, Rain. Don’t cry, baby. I hate seeing you like this. What can I do to make it all right?”

  “There’s nothing anyone can do to make this right.” I whisper.

  “I bet there’s something I can do.” I hear a familiar voice.

  Both Tommy and I turn to see Dominick standing in the doorway. Holding another bouquet of white roses. He looks exhausted and unshaven.

  “What the fuck are you doing here, Kane?” Tommy’s beyond pissed.

  “I came here, Conte, to make it right between Rain and me.”

  Tommy turns back to me and whispers. “It’s your call, Rain.”

  “Let me speak to Dominick alone, Tommy.”

  He looks at me and gets up to go downstairs, but before he goes he has a word with Dominick. “Kane, you need to handle her with care. She’s not in a good way right now. You get me?”

  “Don’t worry, I will. You have my word.” He’s sincere.

bsp; Tommy leaves and closes the door behind him. Dominick stands there awkwardly. He says, “These are for you.” Bringing the bouquet over to me. I reach out and take them.

  “You already sent me flowers this morning. Thank you for all of them.”

  “I had to make sure you got them.” Controlling as ever.

  I’m still staring down at the flowers and playing with the tissue paper they were wrapped in.

  “I spoke with Anna today. She said you and Joseph went down to check the damage on the shore house. How is it?”

  “The shore itself is devastated, but we came out better than expected. My contractor met us there today. He said it should be ready in time for Thanksgiving.”

  “You are really lucky. Many others didn’t do so well.”

  “I know how lucky I am, Rain.” I don’t think he is talking about the house.

  “Dominick, why are you here?”

  “I told you to bring you the flowers.”

  “Okay, you brought them. Now you can leave.”

  “Look at me, Rain.” Just hearing him say my name sends chills through my body. I still want him. I look up at him through heavy tired eyes.

  The expression on his face is pained. He quickly sits by my side. He carefully, as if I could break, cradles my face in his hands. I grab on to his forearms. I don’t know if I should push him away or pull him to me. Dominick makes the decision for us. He kisses my lips gently, barely touching them. I wrap my arms around his neck and pull him in close. I bury my head in his chest. He holds me tight in return. Dominick smells of the fresh ocean. It’s comforting to me.

  “Hey, baby, we’re going to be okay. I don’t want drama between us. Well, maybe drama in our bed, but that’s all.” I look up at him wearing his devilish grin.

  “Rain, I did this to us. I promised you and your family that I would never hurt you and I have numerous times. I’m wrong, but please don’t give up on me, don’t end us.” His face is showing fear.

  I take a deep breath and release it. I contemplate what I’m about to say to him. Dominick appears to physically brace himself. He continues to hold his gaze on me. I pull on my shirtsleeves and cover my knuckles as if I’m cold, but I’m not. He puts his hand over mine.

  “Don’t.” His voice is soft.

  “Don’t what?” Confused by what he’s asking.

  “Don’t leave me, Rain.” His voice is painful.

  “What makes you think that’s what I’m doing?”

  “Your sleeves, they always give you away.”

  “My sleeves?”

  “You always pull on them like you’re doing now. When something you’re about to do is scary or awkward, you pull on your sleeves.

  “Ten weeks.” I whisper.

  “What baby?”

  “Ten weeks since we met.”

  “Yeah, that’s right.”

  “Yet, you see things no one else notices.”

  “I see you, Rain. All of you. It makes me crazy most of the time. I have never acted like this with a woman before. Rain, you’re what I want.”

  Dominick is waiting patiently for my response. This is probably the first time he has ever been patient in his life.

  “We really came together in a very fucked up way. Before you say anything, don’t tell me to watch my mouth.”

  He puts his hands up in defense. “I wasn’t going to, I swear. I agree, it was fucked up.”

  “I mean usually handcuffs are introduced much later in a relationship.” I perk up and grin at my own joke.

  He rolls his eyes, shakes his head, and releases the breath he was apparently holding in.

  I continue.

  “I’m sure most people would say that our relationship didn’t work out because I was too inexperienced. Yes, it’s true I’m not a kid, but they would think the years of confinement never really allowed for me to form a normal relationship. People would probably say I didn’t know how to handle a man. So that’s why we ended.”

  “So, is that what you’re going to tell people?” He seems frustrated.

  “No, I’m going to tell people when we’re apart I can’t think straight. All I think about is you when you’re not here. When we’re together I can breathe. That you are a part of me. I want to feel you.” Then without even thinking I place the flowers to the side, take hold of his jacket and pull myself into his lap. I look up and kiss his lips. I open slowly and let his tongue touch mine. He wraps his hands around my throat and settles his thumbs at my jaw. I break away barely breathing.

  “All in just 10 weeks.” I smile at him.

  He smiles back, but with no teeth, yet it still shows in his beautiful green eyes.

  “Now, Miss Medici, that we have settled this, I’m going to clean you up, get you your shot, because I’m not sure how long you have ignored them. Then we’re going to talk about Marcello.

  “Hmmmm …?”

  I grimace as if I just smelled something awful. “Okay, I’ll tell you about Marcello, but can we eat first. I think we’re both going to need our strength for this story.”

  He laughs as he walks to the bathroom. A good laugh with his head tilting back, all straight from the belly. I don’t know how much laughing he will be doing when he hears me tell him about Marcello and my relationship with him.

  I go into my bathroom. It’s steamy and smells of vanilla. Dominick is shutting off the water in the tub. He pulls me to him and kisses me.

  “Time for your bath, Rain.” He grins.

  He helps me with my clothes and I lower myself into the tub. Dominick seems to be taking extra care with me. I think he feels like I may break at any moment. He is doing more for me than I have done for myself. The water feels amazing. I mean it’s just a bath, but I didn’t know how bad my body needed this until I settled in. Dominick left the room to ask Tommy to order in dinner for all of us. When he returned to the bathroom, he removes his clothes and climbs in behind me. I recline back on him. Taking the full support of his body. I finally feel safe again.

  He pours the vanilla bath oil into his hands. Then he starts at the top of my head and massages as he goes. Showing special attention to each area he touches. The bath oil is foaming and soothing. He glides his fingers over my chest, then each breast. He slowly circles my belly and each thigh and then in between my legs. It’s so intimate, so familiar and so comforting. Dominick is very gentle. He doesn’t say a word. His hands are his voice. I’m clearly relaxing because my eyes begin to close and I start to drift away. Safe in my ‘Somewhere’ with Dominick. Once we finish, we rinse off and he helps me out on the tub. He wraps me in my large fluffy robe and uses a bath towel to wrap around his waist. Before I start to dry my hair, I hand Dominick a disposable razor so he can shave. Everything feels normal. Except, I wonder why he hasn’t tried to make love to me yet. We’ve been apart for several days and I know his appetite for sex is constant. I pull on my bathrobe and start to worry. He notices this and walks over to me, grabbing my wrists.

  “Stop, Angel. You’ve had a rough couple of days. I want you. I want to be inside you more than anything right now, but I need to feed you first.” Then he looks down at my mouth and kisses me. It’s not soft and gentle. He’s hungry.

  We head to the living room. Tommy ordered Chinese food and the table is all ready for us to eat. Dominick asks Tommy to stay while we talk about Marcello. He probably thought it would comfort me, but Tommy hates Marcello, probably as much as Dominick. Maybe even more so because Tommy was there when all the shit between Marcello and I came crashing down.

  Dominick asks how I came to know Marcello. Tommy stops eating mid-bite and looks directly at me. I stare down at my plate, pulling on my sleeves again.

  “Rain, listen if you can’t do this, if it’s too painful, you don’t have to tell me.”

  “I appreciate that, but I think it’s better if it’s out in the open so there are no secrets between us. We have enough issues, Dominick. I don’t want to add any more shit to the pile.”

  I take a dee
p breath and begin.

  “I was twenty-three when I met Marcello. He was thirty. I went to the Florence Design Academy in Tuscany to get my degree. It was the only way I could live away from my mother, but still satisfy her and be home on weekends and extended breaks. I came home one weekend at the start of school in the fall. I had gone into town to run a few errands for the house and of course to order my sandals at Canfora. I came running out of Canfora and straight into Marcello’s arms. He seemed amused by me and wouldn’t let me go until I told him who I was.”

  At this point in my story both Dominick and Tommy seemed to be losing their restraint. “Do you want me to stop?”

  They both shook their heads no and I went on.

  “We started to see each other off and on. Then the following summer, my mother and I had a huge fight. She was losing her grip of control on me. I was healthy and she had nothing to grab onto anymore. Your dad came out to Capri that summer, so it made my vacation more tolerable. I would sneak away every chance I could get to be with Marcello. I have to admit now, looking back on it, he was very good at seduction. Sure I was young and very inexperienced, but he still made me feel like I was the only one in the world. I lost my virginity to him that summer. We continued our relationship as much as possible over the next four years. Then my mom got sick and the time for us to be together became less and less. He was less patient. Less gentle.”

  Tommy yelled. “THAT PIECE SHIT SHOULD HAVE NEVER HAD YOU!” I still at his outburst but know that it came from a place of love.

  Dominick was calmer, but I could see he wouldn’t be for much longer. I need to finish my story. “Go on Rain.” He encourages.

  “Once my mom’s illness worsened, I called Raven and my dad. They took extended trips out to Capri. One week I was in Rome doing a photo shoot. The project ended a day early so I went home to Capri. Your dad was there and my mom seemed peaceful, so I headed over to see Marcello. I thought by surprising him it would bring some of the excitement back that was lost. I knew we weren’t exclusive to each other, but when I walked into his home nothing could have prepared me for what I found. He was hot and heavy fucking a girl up against his kitchen table.”


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