The Millionaire and the Bard
Page 40
Arabia, RMS, 188
Arlington National Cemetery, 251, 268
Ashbourne portrait, 264, 337n8
Ashburnham, Earl of, 182
Aspley, William, 15, 36, 52, 244
Astor Opera House, 74–75
Astral Oil Works, 83
As You Like It (Shakespeare), 19, 52, 243
Athenaeum, The, 154
Audubon, James, 110
Automobile, introduction of, 106
Babb, Cook & Willard, 178
Baird, James, 250–51, 252, 254–55, 260, 265
Baldridge, Stuart, 198
Bang’s auction house, xiii–xiv, 90, 99
Bardolatry, 66, 67
Barnes Foundation, 238
Barnum, P. T., 73
Barrel-making industry, 85
Bates, William, 273
Bath, Marquis of, 186
Beaufoy First Folio, 183–84
Beaumont, Francis, 14, 16–17, 37, 47
Bedford (binders), 145
Beecher, Henry Ward, 77, 80
Geneva, 222
Gutenberg, 110, 140, 146, 173, 194
King James, xiv, 38
Bibliographical Society, 154
Bibliomania (Dibdin), 69
Bibliotheca Pretiosa (catalogue), 169
Bill, John, 50
Bindings, 50, 55, 117, 152–53, 184
Birds of America, The (Audubon), 110
Birth of Shakespeare (Cruikshank), 216, 241
Black Bear, sign of, 50, 52
Blackfriars Theatre, 14
Blank verse, 5, 10
Bloom, Harold, xv–xvi
Blount, Edward, 46, 50, 52, 57, 254
Bodleian Library, 53, 59, 152–63. See also Turbutt (Bodleian) First Folio
Bodley, Sir Thomas, 153
Bookkeepers, 29
Bookman, The, 113
Booth, Edwin, 77, 166
Booth, John Wilkes, 77, 166
Booth, Junius Brutus, Jr., 77, 166
Booth, Junius Brutus, Sr., 77
Borden First Folio, 203–4
Box office, 7
Boydell, John, 67–68
Boydell Shakespeare Gallery, 68, 220
Britannia (Camden), 54
British Library, xv, 192
British Museum, 99, 116, 148, 236, 245
Britwell Court library sale, 197
Broadway Theater, 74
Brooke, C. F. Tucker, 221
Brooke, Raphe, 50, 53–55
Brooke, Sir Thomas, 186
Brooklyn Daily Eagle, 250
Buckley, Abel, 171–72
Bull- and bear-baiting establishments, 6
Bulley, Margaret, 186
Burbage, Cuthbert, 14, 19
Burbage, James, 5–6, 19, 244
Burbage, Richard, 6, 11, 13, 14, 18–21, 28, 32, 49, 64, 244
career of, 19
death of, 20–21
in Shakespeare’s will, 18
Burdett-Coutts, Angela (Baroness), 132–33, 134, 217–18
Burdett-Coutts First Folios, 132–33, 134, 217–20, 235–36
Byrd, William, II, 72
Cadman, S. Parkes, 224, 256, 265, 266
Camden, William, 54
Capell, Edward, 64
Capitol, 211–12, 239, 248
Cardenio (Shakespeare and Fletcher), 16, 321n3, 322n12, 324n12
Carlyle, Thomas, 71, 80, 87
Carnegie, Andrew, 178–79, 210, 328n27
Carysfort, Earl of, 185
Case (type compartments), 40
Casting-off process, 41, 46
Cat and Parrots, sign of, 22
Catchwords, 41, 46
Catiline (Jonson), 19
Central Congregational Church, 256
Central Park (Shakespeare garden), 189
Charles I, King of England, 58
Charles II, King of England, 34, 58
Chatto & Windus facsimile. See Halliwell-Phillipps facsimile
Chaucer, Geoffrey, 4, 47
Chettle, Henry, 8–10
Chew, Beverly, 173
Christie’s, xiv, 182, 218–19
Chronicles of England, Scotland, and Ireland (Holinshed), 264
Churchill, Winston, 189
City College of New York, 81
Civil wars
American, 83
English, 58
Clark, Maurice, 84
Clark, William Andrews, Jr., 195
Clifton, Charles, 202–3
Cochran, Alexander Smith, 176–77, 181, 183
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, 87
College of Arms (Herald’s College), 53
Collier, John Payne, 70–71
Collyer, Homer and Langley, 276
Columbia Law School, xiii, 87, 88
Combe, Thomas, 18
Comedy of Errors, The (Shakespeare), 12, 52
Composing stick, 40
Compositors, 40, 43
Condell, Henry, 11, 12–13, 18–23, 25, 28–34, 35–39, 44, 46–47, 49, 51, 52, 53, 55–56, 57, 62, 63, 201
career of, 19
contributions to front matter, 36–37
monument to, 275
quotation of used for Folger library, 249
in Shakespeare’s will, 18
Coolidge, Calvin, 224, 236
Copernicus, 110
Coriolanus (Shakespeare), 14, 52
Cornhill Magazine, 118, 121
Corporation of London, 5
Crane, Ralph, 24, 25, 29
Crawford, Earl of, 185
Cret, Paul Philippe, 239–41, 242, 243, 246, 247, 248, 249–50, 253–54, 255, 260, 265
publicity desired by, 244–45
Cromwell, Oliver, 58
Cruikshank, George, 216, 241
Cushman, Charlotte, 77
Cymbeline (Shakespeare), 14, 52, 101, 154
Danbury, John Clause, 186
Daniel, George, 218
Darwin, Charles, 110
Davenant, William, 58
Davis, John, 331n15
Davis, Richard, 59, 154
Dead Sea Scrolls, 26
Deerfield, Massachusetts, 73
Deering, Sir Edward, 337–38n11
De revolutionibus orbium coelestium (Copernicus), 110
De Ricci, Seymour, 218
Dering, Sir Edward, 53
De Vere, Edward (Earl of Oxford), 222
Devonshire, Duke of, 134, 183, 184, 187, 192, 329n6, 330n2
Dibdin, Thomas Frognall, 69, 70, 109
Dickens, Charles, 70, 74
Digges, Leonard, 36, 48–49, 323n9
Discoverie of Errours in the Catalogue of Nobility, Published by Raphe Brooke (Vincent), 49–50, 54
Dodd, S. C. T., 114
Drake, Edwin, 84
Drama and Music, The (catalogue), 200
Dramatis personae, 62
Droeshout, Martin, 44, 45, 61, 98, 101, 181
Dryden, John, 58, 61
Durning-Lawrence, Sir Edwin, 186
Dyce, Alexander, 70
Eagle Warehouse & Storage, 99, 263
Earl of Derby’s Men, 11
Edison, Thomas Alva, 86
Elizabeth I, Queen of England, 5, 13, 14, 38, 170, 254, 270
Ellesmere Collection, 134
Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 80, 81–82, 87, 253, 265
“England’s Shakespearean Losses” (Roden), 135–36
English Civil War, 58
“Epitaph of the admirable Dramaticke Poet, W. Shakespeare” (Milton), 58
Essay of Dramatic Poesy, An (Dryden), 61
Eusebius Pamphilius, 322n8
Evelyn, John, 324n5
Every Man in His Humour (Jonson), 13, 19
“Every Man Is the Architect of His own Fortune” (Folger’s graduation speech), 77–78
Every Man out of His Humour (Jonson), 19
Facsimiles, xiii, 89, 90, 99, 102, 110, 144
Fairbanks, Douglas, Sr., 165
Fair copies, 28–29
False Folio (Pavier Quarto), 35,
36, 193–99, 200, 206, 214, 220, 236, 256, 262, 278, 333n10
in oil portrait of Folger, 225
publication of, 22, 193
publicity on purchase of, 195–99
rarity of, 193
works included in, 22
Farriner’s bakery, 59–60
Faust (Goethe), 67
Favyn, André, 49
Fawcett, Frank Waldo, 267
in Globe Theatre, 16, 19–20, 29–30
Great Fire of London, 59–61, 274, 276
Firestone, Harvey, 200
First Folio(s), 35–56
American acquisitions of, 73, 105–6, 134, 135–36, 166–67, 173, 219–20, 274
announcement of publication, 50
author’s portrait in, 44–46, 98, 101, 146, 181, 280
Beaufoy copy, 183–84
Bodleian (see Turbutt (Bodleian) First Folio)
Borden, 203–4
Burdett-Coutts (see Burdett-Coutts First Folios)
choice of format for, 37–38
chronological order of Folger’s purchases, 317–20
collation of, 272
complete copies of, 146
complete sale of, 59
dedication of, 37, 46–47
disappearance of source materials, 55–56
emergence of specialty dealers in, 71
errors in, 41, 57
faithfulness to Shakespeare’s words, 52–53
first recorded retail sale of, 53
Folger’s attitude toward, 279
Folger’s first purchase, 92–93
Folger’s impact on market for, 133, 223
Folger’s inquiries to 35 private owners, 184–87
Gilburne, 201–5, 217
gilt-edged, 51
Gott copy, 168–70, 172
Grenville copy, 70
Halliwell-Phillips copy, 191
Hargreaves copy, 171–72
in Hoe collection, 173, 235–36
importance of recognized, 64
lacking pages, 101–3
list of actors in, 49
made-up copies of, 102–3, 146
material other than plays included in, 36–37
monument to, 275–76
motives for publishing, 21
numbering system used for, xi
number of pages in, 50
obstacles to publication, 23
pagination system of, 46
“perfect” copies of, 98
in Perry collection, 195
plays excluded from, 53
plays included in, 321n3
Pope-Hoe copy, 95
Pope’s quarto based on, 63
prefatory letter to, 21
preliminaries of, 37, 46–49, 55–56, 108, 201
printing of, 35–43
print run of, xiv, 38–39, 59, 101
registration of, 51–52
remaining in England (mid-19th century), 75
repairs/alterations of, 69, 102–3
rights to material acquired, 36
sources for, 24–25, 28–34
in Stewart collection, 183
subsequent folios compared with, 61–62, 64
surviving copies of, xiv, 146
table of contents, 48, 101
title of, xiv, 21, 46
title page of, 46, 101, 102
Turbutt (Bodleian) (see Turbutt (Bodleian) First Folio)
Tweedmouth Copy, 151–52
value of, xiv
Vincent (see Vincent First Folio)
W 60, F 2, 181
W 61, F 3, 223
W 62, F 4, 217
W 64, F 6, 98
W 66, F 8, 108
W 74, F 16, 177
W 75, F 17, 143
W 76, F 18, 214
W 78, F 20, 145
W 79, F 21, 217
W 80, F 22, 190
W 81, F 23, 181–82
W 83, F 25, 170
W 84, F 26, 170
W 85, F 27, 170
W 89, F 31, 151
W 90, F 32, 170
W 91, F 33, 144
W 92, F 34, 145
W 94, F 36, 108
W 97, F 39, 188
W 98, F 40, 188
W 99, F 41, 190
W 100, F 42, 188
W 101, F 43, 164
W 102, F 44, 99–100
W 103, F 45, 144
W 104, F 46, 146
W 105, F 47, 144
W 106, F 48, 144
W 107, F 49, 171
W 108, F 50, 181
W 109, F 51, 177
W 110, F 52, 181
W 112, F 54, 182
W 113, F 55, 92–93
W 114, F 56, 143
W 115, F 57, 146
W 116, F 58, 171
W 117, F 59, 182
W 119, F 61, 188
W 120, F 62, 188
W 121, F 63, 188
W 122, F 64, 144
W 123, F 65, 190
W 124, F 66, 170
W 125, F 67, 221
W 126, F 68, 221
W 127, F 69, 222
W 128, F 70, 222
W 129, F 71, 217
W 130, F 72, 223
W 131, F 73, 223
W 132, F 80, 223
W 133, F 75, 226
W 134, F 76, 226
W 136, F 78, 241–42
W 137, F 79, 241–42
in Warwick collection, 96, 98
in Widener collection, 181
Williams copy, 272–73
Fisher, Sir John, 189
Fitzherbert, Sir Richard, 186
Flagler, Henry, 84–85, 274
Flatiron Building, 250
Fletcher, Isaac D., 178
Fletcher, John, 14, 16, 27, 53, 321n3, 324n12
Folger, Abiah, 76
Folger, Edward, 76, 77
Folger, Eliza Jane Clark, 77
Folger, Emily Clara Jordan, 90, 106–7, 144, 176, 183, 189, 199, 200, 207, 208
background of, 89
collection catalogued by, 98–99, 103, 104, 225, 267, 271
death of, 269, 270
death of Henry, 256, 257
expertise in Shakespeariana, 95–96, 100, 102, 107
Folger library and, 211–12, 239, 240, 245, 257–62, 264–69, 336n2
honorary doctorate conferred on, 267–68
interment of in library, 277
marriage to Henry, 89
nickname for Henry, 81, 165
oil portrait of, 224, 225, 252, 277
theater journal kept by, 164–65
Vincent First Folio purchase and, 138–39, 140, 142
visits to England, 92–93, 168, 170
Folger, Henry Clay, Jr.
birth of, 77
career at Standard Oil, 88, 89–90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 104, 106, 109, 114, 115, 131–32, 145, 170, 171, 174–76, 177, 182, 206, 221, 236
chief collecting rivals of, 183, 191
competitive advantage of, 108–9, 172
death of, 255–56, 257
disparagement as a negotiation technique, 121–22, 146, 203
education of, 77–82
estate of, 257–59, 261, 336–37n2
expertise in Shakespeariana, 95, 99–102
family background of, 76–77
family life of, 182–83
frugality of, 78–80, 81, 82, 182, 216, 247–48
golf played by, 199–200
habits and practices of, 106–7, 172–73
home purchased by, 226
honorary doctorate conferred on, 184
interment of in library, 277–78
landmarks of his life and quest, 274–76
law school education of, 87, 88
literary interests of, 87
loans to finance purchases, 182
love of Shakespeare’s works, xiii, 80, 87, 164
love of theater, 164–66
major auctions avoided by, 104
memoir planned by, 267
miniature portrait of, 280
nature of his obsession, 276–77
oil portrait of, 224–26, 252, 277
as an outlier among the wealthy, 179–80
publicity on collection of, 151, 195–99
retirement from Standard Oil, 230–32, 257
secretiveness of, 104, 120, 177, 189, 206, 235, 237, 251, 254–55, 276
Shakespeare compared with, 279–80
shares of Standard stock owned by, 112, 182, 226, 258, 261, 336n2
visits to England, 92–93, 168, 170
will of, 257–59
Folger, Henry Clay, Sr., 76–77, 81
Folger, James, 76–77
Folger, Peter, 76, 92, 209
Folger, Samuel, 76
Folger Coffee Company, 76–77
Folger Shakespeare Library, 208–17, 223, 224, 231, 232–38, 239–56, 257–69, 270–74, 277–79, 281
air-conditioning system of, 252–53, 254, 271
bronze tablet honoring Folger in, 260
catalogue of collection, 266–67, 270–71
changes in since Folger’s era, 271–72
construction of, 260–61
cornerstone of, 253
crests for, 253–54
dedication of, 265–66
design of, 239–40
Emily permitted to borrow from, 259
endowment of, 258, 261, 336n2
financial considerations, 209, 242, 252
Folger’s interment in, 277–78
Folger’s involvement in details of, 236–37, 240–41, 244, 246–47, 250
fountain of, 247, 248–49
land acquisition for, 213, 216–17, 221, 222, 226, 334n5
land seizure averted, 233–34, 236
land seizure threat, 226–30, 232–33
location scouting for, 209–13
marble bust of Folger in, 260, 268, 278–79
media announcement of plans, 235
moving of books into, 261–64
off-limits areas in, 271
private rooms for Folgers, 245–46
quotations for, 247, 249–50, 253, 335n14
sculptures of, 247–48, 268
stained-glass windows of, 243–44
theater of, 246, 265, 278
Folio format, 37–38
Forester, Lord, 186
Formes, 40, 42
Forrest, Edwin, 73–75, 77
Foul papers, 28, 29
Fourth Folio(s), 164
apocryphal plays in, 61, 63
Byrd’s copy of, 72
errors in, 61
First Folio superiority to, 64
Folger’s first purchase, xiii–xiv, 90, 91, 99
octavo edition based on, 62
publication of, 61
in Warwick collection, 97
Frankfurt Book Fair, 50
Franklin, Benjamin, 72, 76
Freer Gallery of Art, 251
French, Daniel Chester, 268
Friars (letters), 42
Frick, Henry Clay, 178–79, 210
Funerall Elegye on the Death of the famous Actor Richard Burbage (anonymous), 21, 322n5
Furness, Horace Howard, 95–96, 177, 207
Fuseli, Henry, 68, 220
Galleys, 40
Garden Theatre, 165
Garrick, David, 64–67, 170, 188, 218, 219, 253, 338n11
Gasoline, 83, 106