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Just to be Left Alone

Page 4

by Ginny Lynn

  “It’s Felicia, just checking on what time you’ll be at Raven’s place.”

  “I’m almost ready now. When do you want me there?”

  “Raven said anytime after eight would be fine. She’s getting ready right now.”

  “I’ll be there. Bye”

  My cell phone rang again. It was probably one of the girls again.


  “Samantha, its Jason. What are you doing?” He asked quickly.

  Bella heard his voice and ran from the room.

  “I’m fine but kind of busy right now. Why are you calling me?”

  “Well, I haven’t heard from you and I had hoped we could finally talk. Are you going somewhere?”

  He sounded apprehensive about the last part.

  There was a noise and I heard Bella hiss. I needed to get Jason off the phone to look for her. Just when I walked down the hallway Bella ran back to the bedroom and scampered under my bed.

  “Look Jason, I’m heading out and Bella’s acting strange. I don’t have much to say right now.”

  I knelt under the bed and saw that Bella was cowering in the middle next to my shoe storage box.

  “I was hoping we could see each other soon,” he whined softly. I hated whiny men.

  “That’s not going to happen right now.”

  “How are things at work after the accident?”

  He’d changed his voice to be more neutral and less like a spoiled brat.

  “I’m fine. Wait, how did you know about that?”

  I hadn’t told him anything about it. He recovered quickly.

  “Chastity mentioned a little to me when we spoke. She’s really mad at me. If it weren’t for you she would probably have already run me down. Thanks for that.”

  “If things had gone better none of us would have a reason to be mad. I really have to go.”

  “If that’s the best you’ll give me then I’ll just have to take it.”

  He sounded almost happy.

  “Bye, Jason.”

  I hung up before he could get anymore thoughts. I coaxed Bella out and laid her back on my bench seat with her favorite pillow. She didn’t purr, but at least she wasn’t shaking. There wasn’t anything weird outside, just someone moving around next door. Maybe I would be getting a new neighbor soon. I turned the music down just a notch.

  I sat next to Bella as I strapped on the high heels. She was finally purring when I got up to put the belt on. I was glad she had gotten over whatever noise had frightened her. Maybe the maintenance man was next door ripping up carpet or something else that would bother her after so much silence over there. My phone rang as I finished with my shoes. It was Chastity.


  “Hey, Sam. I’m on my way to Raven’s. Do you want to ride along with me?”

  I heard traffic on her side of the line and knew she was already on her way here.

  “Sure, but how do I get back home?”

  “You can get a ride with Felicia if she’s not drinking or you can crash with one of us. Bring some clothes just in case. I’ll be there in about five minutes.” She hung up.

  I grabbed my backpack that already had some toiletries, jeans, a T-shirt, underwear and sandals packed into it. Just as I grabbed it and my handbag I heard the door bell ring. Bella ran past me toward the front door. I stepped over her and let Chastity in. She grabbed Bella before the fur ball got over the threshold to greet her. Bella had a bad habit of meeting my friends at the door. Scratching Bella’s neck, Chastity smiled at me. “You ready to go, girl?”

  “I’m ready and have my backpack filled up. Let’s go.” I grabbed my keys as she set Bella down on the couch and then we were off to a hopefully unforgettable night.

  Chapter Three

  When I got to Raven’s, Felicia let us in and handed me a drink she’d made. It was blue and fizzy without being too strong. I loved it right away. Chastity grabbed one herself while Raven drank water.

  After a while, we made our way to the club and once inside found a great spot right up front by the DJ booth. Music was starting up when the drinks came and I ordered the same drink as before. The name of the drink was vulgar and hilarious, so I liked it right away. After a few sips, Chastity jumped up on the dance floor. It only took about thirty seconds for a guy to jump up there with her.

  “Round one,” Raven said as she nodded toward Chastity and the guy dancing closely with her.

  “Just wait. I have a present coming for you guys.”

  “His name is Parker and he’s right behind you.”

  I jumped up and turned around to see him.

  “Well, meet my friends,” I said as I waved around me. I introduced Felicia and Raven to him. Then Chastity walked up. He stretched his hand over to her.

  “And you are..?” asked Chastity in her sweetest voice as he kissed the back of her hand.

  “Chaz, this is Parker Stevenson. He’s the insurance adjuster I’m working with for the next couple of weeks.”

  Chastity hadn’t taken her eyes off him or her hand from his. Felicia jumped up and said she was going to dance. Raven went with her. I thought I’d leave Chastity and Parker alone for a minute. With the looks they were giving each other, it could take a few minutes for them to even speak.

  I started swaying to the music and thought it was indeed time to get on the dance floor. I always had a way of losing myself to the music. By the second song, Chastity made it a foursome.

  I felt a metaphysical pull. I focused my gaze into the darkness and saw a familiar form in the corner of the bar. I felt my heart skip a beat, but kept dancing while our gazes were locked. I didn’t look at the girls when I heard them whispering about me.

  “I think you have somewhere to be, Sam,” said Raven.

  Without her even knowing who he was, Chastity laughed and said, “I agree”.

  I looked back over to the table he was standing by, though he was leaning against the wall all alone. I started over to him while keeping our eyes locked together.

  “Hi you,” Conrad said huskily when we were close enough to talk.

  “Again, I am pleasantly surprised at seeing you.”

  I moved within a foot of his relaxed figure.

  “Same here, but now I won’t be leaving early,” he said as a smile reached his green eyes.

  “Are you here with someone or alone?”

  “With someone and no, it’s not a girl. He’s coming up behind you. Blake Evans, meet Samantha Malone.”

  The gentleman behind me was carrying two drinks. He gave one to Conrad before shaking my hand. Blake was a dead ringer for Matthew McConaughey and I tried not to gape. I did manage to say hello and the guys exchanged looks over my head.

  “Blake, this is the lady I mentioned a couple of days ago.”

  Blake nodded in response.

  “Well, it’s nice to meet you Samantha. I’m glad my buddy was there to help you the other night. No other problems, I hope?”

  “Only a problem at work that has us shut down for a few weeks. Thanks for asking though,” I smiled at them. “I’m here with my girlfriends, if you want to meet them. I’m sure you noticed them on the dance floor with me.”

  I nodded toward our table.

  “I was a little preoccupied as I stared at one lady in particular, but yes, I’ll meet them. I did recognize Raven from last weekend.”

  He came off the wall and nodded at Blake. “Come meet her friends and then we’ll play pool.”

  “Alright, as long as they don’t eat me,” Blake laughed.

  “They won’t do that, they already had dinner.”

  I smiled up into his face.

  “Hey Samantha, aren’t you going to introduce us?”

  I turned around to see Parker behind me with two drinks. He was grinning. I wondered what he was up to, especially since they had seen each other at the diner.

  “Parker, this is Conrad Forsyth and his friend Blake Evans. Guys, this is Parker Stevenson, a co-worker of mine. Parker is han
dling the accident that happened at work. He’s with the insurance company. Parker, Conrad is the gentleman who helped me out last weekend.”

  They all nodded at each other without offering to shake each other’s hands.

  “He’s the white knight, huh?” Parker asked.

  “Yes, I am. Nice to meet you, Parker.”

  “Okay boys, this way.”

  I led the way back to our table and let them think what they wanted about the introductions. All the girls were there when I got to the table and their expressions were priceless. Chastity looked ready to eat up Parker, Felicia looked totally surprised and Raven looked intrigued.

  “I’m back and I brought re-enforcements,” I said smiling with my arms out.

  The guys flanked around me. Parker stepped around to give Chastity one of the drinks he held.

  Chastity spoke up. “Now I know what took you so long.”

  Parker looked at her and said, “I was checking to make sure Samantha was okay. As you can see, she’s just fine.”

  He passed a look at Conrad.

  I made the introductions all around, once again. Blake’s gaze stayed on Raven as I spoke. As soon as I finished talking, Blake spoke to Raven.

  “I’ve seen you somewhere.”

  “Probably. She’s plastered everywhere,” Felicia said.

  “I’m a model. You’ve probably seen some shot of me in a magazine.”

  Most guys remembered her by a bikini ad she did two years ago.

  “I know where I’ve seen you. My little sister is in design school and has a picture of you in a wedding dress on her wall at home.”

  ”I’m flattered. Tell her to keep at it. I’ve met a lot of designers and it’s hard work.”

  She was actually fluttering her eyelashes at him.

  “When I tell her I met you, she’ll flip. She won’t even believe me.”

  He ran a hand through his hair.

  “I can arrange proof, if it’ll work out better for you.”

  “Sure, that would be great. Would you like a drink?”

  “I’m fine right now, but I may take you up on that in a little while.”

  “Just let me know when and what you want, it’s yours.”

  “Parker, let’s go grab some pool sticks,” Chastity interrupted as she grabbed Parker.

  I knew one of them would pin him down and he’d be down for the count.

  Conrad gently pulled me to the corner behind our table.

  He said, “I’m glad I was wrong.”

  I was instantly confused.

  “About what?”

  He started rubbing his thumb over my fingers. It sent shivers over my skin.

  “Parker. I thought he was after you until I saw him with Chastity. Then I knew I was wrong.”

  “No, you were right. He was after me and since I wasn’t interested, I invited him here to meet the girls.”

  I stopped as I saw Jason about ten feet away, staring coldly at me with Conrad. He quickly glanced at our clasped hands. Conrad followed my gaze without letting go of my hand. He gave it a reassuring squeeze. Shit, this was too much like a western show-down between him and Jason.

  Jason took quick steps toward us and looked straight into my eyes. The intense look in his eyes made me shudder.

  “You conniving bitch. This is why you didn’t want to see me?” He pointed at Conrad. “You went home with this native and fucked him instead of coming home with me.”

  I was stunned by his words. He’d never talked like that to me.

  “Jason Strickland, it’s not like that. Conrad is a friend. I didn’t talk to you because I can’t deal with this side of you.”

  “You’re just telling me lies. I’ve seen what I need to see. He was touching you! You’re holding on to him right now!”

  His words became a hostile rant as his face darkened and his hands were fisted so tightly that they were a tense white in the darkness of the bar.

  “You didn’t touch me when we first met. It took forever to get anywhere with you. My, how fast you turned into a slut. What did it take to bed you? I’d really like to know.”

  I felt Conrad pull from me. He was in Jason’s face before I could stop him.

  “You will not talk to her in that manner. I thought that I’d made myself clear on that, but I see you have a thick skull. You will not bother Samantha, threaten her, call her or even breathe around her. Do I make myself perfectly clear now?”

  Conrad’s face was a hard mask.

  “You can’t touch me. This is between me and Samantha,” Jason said vehemently as he kept his stance.

  Was he so over the top that he thought that he could actually go toe to toe against Conrad?

  “I’ll do more than touch you if you do anything to hurt her. Back away from her and stay gone, Strickland.”

  “I’ll make you both a promise. You haven’t seen the last of me. You will be sorry.”

  Jason stormed toward the front door, but the crowd coming in covered his exit. I never actually saw him leave.

  “Honey, are you okay?” asked Felicia.

  “If I get my hands on that man...” stated Chastity.

  Conrad put his arm around me as the girls swarmed around me. Blake and Parker came up beside Conrad.

  Parker touched my arm and asked, “Do you want to leave?”

  “I’m not going to let him control me. I’m going to sit down and someone can get me a drink.”

  Raven and Felicia immediately headed off toward the bar while Parker pulled out a chair for me. Conrad sat next to me and rubbed the back of my neck until the girls were back. The drink was tall and of course, blue. I giggled again at the name of the drink, feeling a tad better. I needed the laughter more than I needed the drink. I took a couple big sips and it was a little stronger, yet still good.

  “All right guys, I am not on exhibit. Go enjoy yourselves,” I said as I put down my partially empty glass.

  Raven looked at my glass and then met my gaze.

  “I’m fine and no, I don’t normally drink this fast. If I have any more issues I’ll grab one of you, I promise.”

  I crossed my heart.

  “Blake and I are going into the pool room for one game. You better be on the dance floor when I get back,” Raven said.

  I nodded and they walked off together. Parker whispered something to Conrad then walked away with Chastity to the front entrance.

  “Where are they going?” I asked Conrad.

  “Just to check on something, it’s no big deal,” he said as he started rubbing my neck again.

  “Has anything besides the accident at work happened lately? You know like flat tires, notes on your car or maybe anonymous gifts?” Conrad asked lightly.

  My eyes popped open.

  “No, why do you ask?”

  “Jason seemed more intense than last time and I just wondered if he’d pulled any stunts to get your attention.”

  “He left a couple messages and sent flowers. I told him to quit and that I’d call him when I was ready. I guess that was giving him false hope. Apparently, he made a good guess of where I’d be tonight. Stupid mistake.”

  “Could you actually get back with someone like that?”

  “No. We were all friends before this and I thought that one day we might be friends again, given the history. Right now, I’m not so sure. I have no idea why he’s acting this way. I always believed in giving someone the benefit of the doubt and even a second chance. This may have to be an exception to that rule.”

  “Sometimes they don’t deserve more chances. I’ve seen people that should never have been allowed one chance at all,” he said.

  “I know. I typically count on my gut to know the difference. If I’m wrong then I learn from it and move on. What else can one do?”

  “I admire that. You’re one heck of a woman.”

  “I could’ve told you that and I only have a couple of days on you,” interrupted Parker.

  “Did that check out?” Conrad asked Parker.r />
  “No, so we need to make sure.”

  I saw Conrad nod at Parker and I wondered what I had missed.

  “What’s with the cryptic talk?”

  I looked from one man to the other, waiting.

  “I didn’t want to worry you, but no one saw Jason actually leave. I want to make sure that your place is safe to go home to. It’s just a precaution, like last time. I’m sorry if that bothers you, because I have to follow my gut too. You see, I had a friend who was attacked by a stalker. It’s a sad story and she didn’t catch the signs fast enough. Thankfully, she made it through okay,” Conrad informed me.

  I whispered, “I’m sorry.”

  Parker said, “One of us will go by your place to see if it’s okay. I’d rather be safe then sorry.”

  “I don’t plan on going home tonight, so you can check it out if it’ll make you feel better.”

  Felicia reached out her hand to me and said, “It’s time for you to slide out of the chair and show this bar what you’re made of, girlie. Come on.”

  I put down my glass of liquid courage and followed her onto the crowded floor. I had to prove to them that I was indeed okay.

  I heard Felicia giggling and looked around to see Chastity with her arms around Parker. The next thing I knew, she was pulling his head down toward hers and laid a kiss on him. He sagged against her. I shook my head and kept dancing as I laughed with the girls. A minute later Chastity was making room for herself beside us and I gave her a high five.

  Chastity shrugged. “After all the duds I’ve dated, I decided to take action first and see if there was a true spark before I spent any more time on this one. I told him I was about to kiss him for experimental reasons and to not be offended or act crazy.”

  She made it sound so normal.

  “And?” Felicia asked.

  “It was amazing. He swooned!”

  ”Normally it’s women who swoon. It’s good to know that it can go both ways,” Raven said.

  “I haven’t swooned in a long time,” I said thoughtfully.

  “I would say you’re due for it. In fact, you need to be swept off your feet, young lady,” Chastity said with her finger pointed at my chest.

  “I agree with Chastity, especially after this crap with Jason. You need some massive T.L.C.,” Felicia said.


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