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Just to be Left Alone

Page 11

by Ginny Lynn

  “I see you understand them. You’re the only one who saw them anywhere close to what they are. Other people have seen them thinking they’re either my vision of the world or my idea of a spell being woven,” he finished this with a shake of his head before setting the statue back on the dresser.

  “I knew there was more to it, but just needed a better understanding to see it as you do. Do you see anyone in particular when you look at this or is it just the way you see a relationship between a man and woman?” I inquired as I leaned back into his chest.

  He wrapped his arms just under my breasts before answering.

  “This is my idea of the perfect relationship. The two pieces are totally wrapped up in each other and nothing gets through to them or to the center of the relationship,” he described this in a low voice.

  “I admire that and would love that kind of relationship myself, but I haven’t been able to achieve it,” I said with a sigh as I patted his hand against my ribcage.

  He then whispered into my ear, “Well, maybe we found it this time in each other.”

  “Maybe,” was all I could get out as I continued to stare at the copper image on the wall.

  He kissed my ear as his fingers spread wide over my ribs. I leaned my head all the way back, laying it on his shoulder. He traced a few more kisses around my ear before I leaned my head to the side for better access.

  He trailed a few more kisses down my neck before he turned me around to face him.

  The look in his eyes was deep, hungry and captivated me. Standing on my toes, I lifted my mouth to his and it was like wet satin against mine.

  After a warm, closed mouth kiss he went back to my neck from this different angle. I inhaled sharply as his mouth slid across my tight skin again. His mouth landed on one of the vulnerable spots on my neck and I went weak with the feeling that shot to my core. Using his nose to gently nudge my head up, he ran his openly wet mouth up until it was on my chin. Feeling a need cry out, I lowered my chin so that my lips were aligned with his. Pulling back a fraction, he inched his open mouth from one side of mine to the other and I felt as if the world had stopped. The onslaught was overwhelming to my already high strung senses. I clutched at him for support.

  I could feel him smile against my quivering lips as he slid his tongue between my lips and into my waiting mouth. I know I moaned then. I heard it and my heart flipped over in my chest. Butterflies had nothing on this feeling. This was butterflies, fireworks and a roller coaster all at once when it came to kissing this man. I had some experience with men before, although nothing compared to this need I felt inside of my soul. To think of what sex would be like was enough to make me dizzy. I might not survive my first time with him, but I know I’d go out happy.

  I felt his hands skimming the bottom of my camisole as he slid them under the cotton fabric and traced my navel. I heard a low chuckle come from his throat as he whispered against my lips.

  “I forgot to tell you that I like the navel ring.”

  I smiled and he kept on kissing the daylights out of me. He was tracing the jewel I had in my navel before laying both open palms across my stomach. His hands were large enough to be able to span my entire stomach, from one side to the other.

  His fingers were extended and were barely a hair from touching the bottom of my breasts. He moaned as he realized I wasn’t wearing a bra. He stretched his fingers out until some of his fingers were brushing the tender crease just under the full weight of my waiting breasts. I was going mad with the want of him, but wasn’t sure if I should move considering we may be moving too fast.

  I could feel my nipples tightening as they strained against the cotton that lay against them. They became so sensitive that the slight feel of the fabric was a turn on. He saw them outlined against the thin barrier and moaned as he slowly traced a line back and forth across the heavy swell at the bottom of my breasts. Each time he moved upward I felt my body scream for him to move further until he was at each nipple. A slow, agonizing moment later he stopped kissing me, stilled his hands and put his forehead against mine.

  Breathing hard he said, “I can’t go much further without causing some damage, young lady.”

  “Damage?” I questioned.

  “You don’t need this from me tonight, so I have to stop before I make this decision for the both of us,” he said this without opening his eyes.

  Obviously, he didn’t want me to see the battle of sexual need that would be visible.

  “How do you know what I need?” I asked defiantly.

  “We both need each other and I mean skin to skin. Seeing as you’ve had another horrific night, I’m willing to give it some more time. I will not jump on your body so soon after you were kidnapped. I want you when we have no distractions or issues to resolve.”

  He kissed the frown on my forehead and sadly I knew he was right in his actions.

  “One night we’ll be together and no one will be able to stop us, okay?” He added.

  I looked at him straight in the eyes and saw the blaze of desire still burning. It went to my soul and my heart tried to keep up with my labored breathing. I nodded before kissing his lips and releasing him from my arms.

  “Climb into bed and I’ll head downstairs to make sure everything is locked up.”

  He tucked me in as if I was a small child. He ran his index finger down my nose while smiling at me, then walked to the stairs. I heard him humming an old tune as he bounced down the stairs. I always knew whistlers must have good lips, now I had definite confirmation. With that nice thought, I inhaled his manly scent as I curled up in his big bed.

  Chapter Nine

  A noise at the French doors woke me up. It was more than the sound of the rain outside. A shadow moved across the room toward me. I held my breath. It stopped beside the bed, looming over me.

  Then it whispered into the dark, “You’re mine and always will be”.

  The body slid onto the bed, not making the slightest bit of noise, and put a damp hand over my mouth. I saw Jason’s eyes in the moonlight. I tried to scream, to only have it was muffled by the hand holding my lips closed. A maniacal laugh came from him as he laid his wet body on top of mine, crushing me against the mattress.

  I thrashed around as much as possible, but he used his weight to over power me. He kept whispering my name over and over, like a chant. His hands were groping me through the covers as I was pinned in place. I realized I was trapped again with no where to go. I was beyond panic as I fought to get away from this menace.

  “Samantha, honey, please wake up.”

  Conrad was lying on the bed trying to nudge me awake. “You’re all right, sweetheart.”

  His voice cut through the fog in my head. I opened my eyes. His chest was bare and his long hair was hanging around his concerned face. I sat up and hugged him as I tried to dispel the cold feeling from my nightmare. I still felt Jason’s hot breath crawl across my skin.

  “Was it Jason you were dreaming about again?”


  After catching my breath I went over the dream with Conrad. I had to stop once, to gather myself, as the fear dripped from my words.

  “No matter what I did he wouldn’t move, he just kept laughing and pawing at me. It was awful.”

  “He’s not here. It’s just us,” he said as he wiped the tears from my face with the pads of his thumbs. “Do you want me to stay in here?”

  “Yes. Stay.”

  He nudged me over so he could slide under the covers with me. I felt the brush of a hairy thigh against mine. I snuggled against him. I knew this would be difficult for him considering we were pretty hot for each other earlier.

  He was a true gentleman as his chest lay under my cheek with an arm around my waist. In fact, he must be in for sainthood with the restraint he was showing. I started to tell him what I was thinking when he interrupted my thoughts.

  “Don’t think I’m only doing this for you, I am selfish just like anyone else,” he said as he ran his fingers throu
gh my hair.

  “You are, huh?”

  He laughed softly.

  “I feel better already.”

  “I hope that’s not all you feel, but considering the current events, I’ll live with it,” he chuckled again and I rubbed my face against his naked chest.

  “Now, now. None of that, you little minx,” he chuckled. “Curl up and go to sleep so one of us can get some beauty rest for tomorrow. We can’t both look like hell.”

  He gently squeezed me to show he was joking with me, although I knew he was serious about me touching him.

  I listened to his even breathing, knowing he was pretending to be asleep. I guess the comfort of him being there eased me into sleep because I opened my eyes at sunrise to the beautiful view outside the enormous window above the fireplace.

  I looked at Conrad’s sleeping form and found it just as entrancing as the colors outside. Careful not to disturb the limbs tangled with mine, I touched a kiss to his nose. He grinned in his sleep and snuggled closer to my warmth, so I stayed with him until he was ready to start his morning.

  The next thing I knew, the bright sun was in my face and a warm mouth was on my neck. I smiled even though I tried to remain stoic. He made a noise against my throat. A nice sky line in front of me and a gorgeous man spooned against me. He noticed I was staying still so he moved his mouth further down my throat and onto my exposed shoulder. His hand snaked up my thigh. My racing heart gave me away.

  “Good morning, gorgeous,” was whispered against my tingling shoulder. “How does French toast and coffee sound?”

  Keeping my eyes closed I joked, “I don’t know how they sound, but they better not growl louder than my stomach or there will be a problem.”

  As if on cue, my stomach rumbled—embarrassing, yet funny. Conrad growled in response and then we both cracked up laughing. What really got us out of bed was Conrad’s stomach chiming in with mine. By then our sides were hurting from all the laughter. Barely containing ourselves we got down stairs, brushed our teeth and he started fixing breakfast.

  I put the coffee on while he started the French toast. Sorting my way through the cabinets, I got out the maple syrup, creamer and plates. He already had the silverware out and was steady browning the flavored bread. This felt so right. I was awestruck.

  We worked instinctively, as if we had been doing this for years. Watching him, I saw him flipping the toast without a spatula again. He made it look so easy. Wrapping my arms around him, I put my face between his shoulder blades and inhaled deeply. His hands came around to grip my hips and he squeezed before getting back to his task. He let me remain where I was.

  He had a special way of knowing what I needed and when, maybe even what I was thinking. At that point I decided that no matter what that maniac did, I wasn’t going to let go of Conrad. Even if things didn’t stay snapshot perfect, I knew this was 85 percent heaven on earth.

  I thought of Chastity for a moment and what Felicia had said the other night about making moves on a guy. Even if we had drawn a line in the sexy sand, I had to touch him. I saw the pan slide off the burner and knew it was the right time.

  I got him to turn around in my arms. Placing my right hand on his cheek I beckoned him to my lips. As soon as I felt them on mine, I sucked in a breath and dove right in.

  His lips were so soft and gentle. I yearned for more. I opened my mouth and traced his full bottom lip with my moist tongue. His broad chest expanded as he held his breath and I knew he was waiting to see what I would do next. Taking his lip between my teeth, I gently pulled his head lower. I started sucking the full lip until there was no room between both my lips and his. I felt his hands grip my waist for leverage as I slipped the tip of my tongue past his teeth and into his hot mouth. The kiss was wet, intense, and lasted several moments before he pushed me against the kitchen island.

  He lifted me on top of the island without releasing my mouth. Grabbing my butt, he slid me against him with my legs spread around his hips. I could feel the pressure of his enlarged groin against my core and locked my ankles together behind his back. His fingers tightened into my rear end before grinding me against his manhood.

  I slid my hands across his chest and loved the feel of the smoothness of his skin. His chest had only a slight trail of dark hair that disappeared into his shorts. His nipples puckered as I lightly touched my fingernails to the tips. My own nipples tightened as I felt him respond to my touch. He felt them straining through the thin camisole. He slipped his hands under the fabric to trace the bottom of my full breast, as he had the night before.

  A whisper of a moan came from my throat as I realized he was teasing me again. I hunched myself over in order to take the advantage as my nipples grazed his fingertips. Electric tingles shot through my aching nipples and went straight to my heated core. Sliding my upper half back and forth a few inches I got the sensation I was looking for.

  Taking my lead he grabbed the fullness of each breasts in his hands and used his thumb pads to rub back and forth in a dizzying pattern. I threw my head back as the feelings ran rampant and felt his tongue on the low center of my throat. I gasped with the sensation of both movements and knew I would melt onto the hard countertop. His hands left my breasts. I whimpered my disappointment.

  He bathed my neck in moist kisses as his hands traced down my sides and onto the hem of my shorts. Even though they were bunched up, they were still roomy enough for his fingers to move under them. Pushing my breasts against his skin I placed my palms against the counter to brace myself against the onslaught of his hands and lips. His fingers were rubbing the crease between my legs and hips, and it didn’t take long for him to realize I wasn’t wearing panties either. A guttural moan came from him as he started tracing the juncture of my core while it was still pinned against his.

  He stopped the kiss before I could move any closer to our eventual destination. He pulled back to look at me. I closed my hungry eyes and drew in a shaky breath. Putting his hand to my check I opened my eyes. He looked at me with the hunger he had been feeling just a moment ago. My breath was more uneven than his as we looked into each others souls for that brief moment.

  “You don’t know how bad I want you right now, but I don’t want our first time to be on a counter in the kitchen, right next to the maple syrup. We need to just set this moment aside until things are a little less complicated for us. When the time comes, and it will, I want you in my bed with no distractions or doubts. ”

  I took several cleansing breaths and soaked in what he was saying. It was the same as the night before, except it was harder to get back to reality. He was still right. I would need to quit pushing the case until things were less complicated. Nodding, I straightened my clothes and hopped off the counter. I fought the shame that I felt at my actions and kept silent.

  I placed the plates on the bar. Conrad came up behind me with breakfast and dished everything up as I filled his coffee cup. We quietly started our meal. It was still warm, then again, so was I.

  When we were done, I complimented him on the nice breakfast and started washing the dishes in the sink. He wanted to put them in the dishwasher, but it kept me busy while he went to take his shower. I needed to divert the desire rolling through me and manual labor helped to ease it.

  I went back upstairs to get my clothes and washed them along with the ones on the floor by the washer while I waited for him to finish. When it was my turn, I used his herbal shampoo and woodsy soap. I wondered if he would notice. As soon as I came out of the bathroom, Conrad kissed me on the nose for doing his laundry.

  “You told me to make myself at home, well I do dishes and laundry there,” I said as I towel dried my hair.

  He set up to shave his face, even though I liked his five o’clock shadow I wasn’t going to stop him. I sat on the toilet seat and watched him take so much care with his face. When he was done I threw him my towel to wipe his face. He gestured for me to come closer as he grabbed up a brush to run through my tangled hair. It was very soothi
ng to have this done by someone. My scalp was tingling as my hair fell nicely around my shoulders. I kissed him on the nose in return.

  He caught me quickly and voiced my thoughts from breakfast.

  “I really like having you around like this. It’s as if we’ve known each other forever. Do you know what I mean?”

  “Yeah, I was thinking that while you cooked breakfast. I didn’t want to say anything since it sounds wacky,” I replied as I ran my hand down his now smooth cheek. “I guess I’m not so crazy after all.”

  “No, I guess not. I’m glad we agree on that as well as our insatiable lust for each other.”

  “There is that. Breakfast would’ve been much later if we didn’t have that lust you mentioned.”

  “We would still be going at it if I hadn’t stopped us at that time.”

  “I might’ve kept you from food all day,” I countered playfully.

  “I would starve with a smile on my face that would stump the mortician,” he answered with a gleeful look in his eyes.

  “That might work, and then we’ll have to wait to see who gives first,” I dared him.

  “Yes, young lady, we’ll see who cries ‘Uncle’ first and leave it at that.”

  He spun me around and back into the den where we sat on the couch together.

  “So, what do you want to do today?” Conrad asked while toying with my still damp hair.

  “Why don’t you show me around your land? How big is this place?”

  “I have three and a half acres with a creek that I share with a neighbor. My shop is behind the house and that’s also where I keep my motorcycle. If you want to go out there, then go get your shoes on.”

  His property was beautiful and made me feel as if I was in the country. We trekked over the creek and into the pasture that belonged to his neighbor. They had a few horses and I ran to the corral fence. There was an Appaloosa, two chestnuts and a painted mare munching on grass by the fence. I immediately fell in love with the gray freckled Appaloosa as it butted his head up against me for attention. Conrad was scratching the muzzle of the largest chestnut and smiled at me over its bent head.


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