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Just to be Left Alone

Page 13

by Ginny Lynn

  A contented sigh came out of me when I realized this was the best thing that I could ever do with my spare time. I traced his ear with one of my fingers as his tongue traced my mouth. I felt him shiver against me. I was glad to know I was affecting him as much as he was affecting me.

  He slid his hand around to my stomach as I slowly slid back to allow more room. It sounded like a chuckle against my lips, but I didn’t care what he thought at that moment as long as he didn’t stop touching me. His fingers played across my skin. I could feel him nudging at the mound that was aching for him. Wishing I was naked, I gave as much room as possible while knowing he wouldn’t be able to give me the satisfaction I needed.

  He ran his fingers over me as his lips trailed down my chin. I was on fire. I thought I would slip to the floor in a hot mess. He held me up as he teased my womanhood with gentle slips of his fingertips. He was at my neck by the time I realized I was trembling. A moan slid from my lips as his wet tongue traced a path to the collar of my shirt.

  “You’re driving me mad,” I said on a gasp of air.

  I felt his lips move against my throat.

  “Been there twice, in just five minutes. If your friends weren’t about to show up I would have you naked in that bed of yours.”

  I smiled as I knew he was serious, even more that I would have raced him there—deal or no deal. How could any man make me feel this way while I was completely clothed? I was just thanking God I had him for myself.

  He slid his hand out of my pants, to my utter disappointment, and fixed the bottom of my shirt as he stopped kissing me. I sighed again, knowing we would have been interrupted anyway. I straightened his hair and took a step back just as a knock came to the door. We smiled at each other and went to the door together. I opened it and saw Chastity there with two large bags of food and a thermos. Conrad took the load from her.

  Chastity passed the threshold, and then stopped to look at us for a moment before setting down her purse. I knew what was coming, yet acted innocent all the same.

  “I know I walked in on something, so quit acting so innocent,” Chastity said with her best motherly tone.

  I looked at Conrad as he held in his laughter.

  Chastity said, “Yeah, now I’m sure of it.”

  She grabbed up the napkins and silverware before moving around us to the table again.

  “Look, if I wasn’t so hungry I would walk back outside and let you enjoy yourselves. I’m all for nooners, earlies and mid-evening rendezvous, but hunger has to be wetted in your stomach before you can endure the others,” she said without even looking at us.

  I couldn’t hold it in any more and was laughing so hard that tears were running down my cheeks. I had to lean on Conrad, I was laughing so hard. After I got control of myself, I looked at Chastity who wasn’t bothered at all by the situation. Just as I started getting mugs down, a knock came from the door. Chastity offered to get it and I caught Conrad’s eyes across the kitchen. We were still staring at each other when Felicia walked in with Raven behind her.

  “Look who I ran into on the way and she had the nerve to follow me,” Felicia said as she thumbed toward Raven coming into the room.

  Felicia stopped when she saw the look being exchanged between me and Conrad.

  “Are we having Chinese tonight or is cannibalism on the menu?” Felicia asked the girls.

  “I think the later was happening when I showed up, but now we need to focus on the first or I’ll have to hurt you guys,” Chastity said as she sat started filling her plate.

  “Here, here,” Felicia seconded.

  Conrad brought Raven my vanity chair and said, “I feel out numbered and afraid over here. Sam, get over here to protect me.”

  We all shared a laugh and dug in before it got cold. After about thirty minutes, we were rubbing our stomachs and heading to the den to talk. Conrad filled them in on the new security and everyone agreed to keep checking in on me until this was completely resolved.

  By the end of the night, we had made lots of jokes and were tired from the long day. I walked the girls to the door and Conrad stayed behind to help clean up. I took that time to convince him that I’d be fine alone. He finally agreed, after I promised him that I would call if there were any problems. I kissed him at the door and locked my new lock. I pushed away all doubts. I would live in my own home on my terms, not Jason’s. I refused to be frightened. I wouldn’t allow him to take away my life.

  Chapter Ten

  Tuesday morning, I was sitting down with my first cup of coffee when Parker walked in carrying reports to go over. We discussed them for a couple of hours in my office, and were continually interrupted by hang up calls on my cell phone.

  We went to the diner for a lunch of meatloaf. I was halfway through with my lunch when I realized I was so preoccupied by the reports that I stupidly left my door to the office unlocked while we ate.

  Over half way back to the warehouse, I noticed smoke coming from the hood of the Jeep and pulled over. The hood was hot and steam rose up in my face as I popped it open. Fluid was slipping from random hoses, causing steam and an awful smell. Some parts looked distorted.

  It was a shame that Parker had headed to the post office after lunch or I could’ve gotten a ride back with him. I got back in the Jeep to look for my phone, to only notice it wasn’t plugged into my dash where I had left it earlier. I had to have left it on my desk.

  Huffing at my luck, I noticed no gas stations on this street, only houses, and I wasn’t going to some stranger’s house unless I absolutely had to. My luck went south when the sky opened up with heavy raindrops. Slamming the door, I pondered my dilemma. Just as I decided to walk, a vehicle pulled up behind me. I couldn’t see what it was with the rain in sheets down my plastic back window.

  I jumped when knuckles rapped against my door. The shape ran over to the passenger side of the vehicle. I leaned over to lock it when it was yanked open by a man shaking off his windbreaker. It was Jason. I was paralyzed with fear. He just smiled at me.

  “What are you doing here?” I asked in total shock.

  “It would seem that I’m rescuing you. What happened?” He asked in a totally neutral tone.

  “I noticed steam and pulled over to find my hoses are busted. It started to rain, so I am waiting it out. How did you find me?” I asked with bated breath

  “I was dropping off a co-worker two streets over when I noticed you out here,” he shrugged.

  It felt so weird having a normal discussion with him after those last few raving episodes. Do I trust him or do I run for the nearest house yelling nine one one? He seemed so average that you never would’ve realized he had recently threatened my life—not to mention those I cared about. I had no way of knowing when someone else would come by to help and with no phone I had few choices in this rain shower. Saying a little prayer, I made my decision.

  “Can you call my office and ask them to come get me?”

  “Yeah, but wouldn’t it be easier if I drove you the last couple of miles back to work? Why make someone else come back out in this when I’m already here?” He looked so innocent.

  “That would be fine and you have to get back to work yourself. Just call the main line and someone is bound to pick up.” I pleaded.

  “Come on, I haven’t said anything out of line. I am being perfectly decent and the weather doesn’t seem to be letting up. You can trust me,” he said. He looked sincere and the rain was indeed getting worse.

  “I’m sorry, but I would rather have you call the office for me,” I said and he lost his smile.

  He stared at me for a cold moment, just staring. I was startled when he jumped out into the downpour. I heard the door shut and he started his S.U.V. back up. Feeling like a drowned rat, I tried to pull wet strands out of my eye line. I had little visibility through the fogged windows.

  Jason came back and said, “No one is answering, so jump in the S.U.V.”

  “No, I’ll have someone get me. Call Chastity. You have her nu

  “Look, I’m very sorry for my recent behavior and am glad to show you that I can be the same guy you dated,” he said with a sweet smile.

  “Thank you. I’ll have someone get the Jeep for me. Parker can take me to a rental company if it’s a big deal to fix,” I said quickly.

  “Who’s Parker?” He asked with a concerned look on his face.

  “He’s the insurance adjuster for the accident that we had at work. I can have him drop me off if the mechanic can’t handle it today.”

  Why was I explaining Parker to him? I didn’t see him calling Chastity, either.

  “This is ludicrous. Just get in the S.U.V.,” he whined.

  “No. Call either Chastity or Parker because I’m not leaving with you,” I said quietly, yet firmly. Did I want him to have Parker’s number?

  He stewed for a minute and then yanked his phone out of his jacket pocket. I gave him Parker’s number and was thankful when I heard Parker’s voice over the phone. I had my hand out for Jason to give me the phone, only he didn’t.

  “This is Jason Strickland. I have Samantha here. Her vehicle has broken down and she needs for you to come get her,” his voice was staccato.

  I heard Parker saying something, only I couldn’t make it out.

  “She’s a little over five miles from where you left her. Her vehicle will be out of commission for a while.”

  There was more from Parker.

  “She’ll be here unless someone abducts her,” Jason hung up. “I’m not needed or wanted here, so I’ll leave you to wait on your ride.”

  He got out of my Jeep and slammed the thin door. I was still speechless when I saw him spin out from behind me. Water hit my window from the force of his movement in the puddles. I jerked from the sudden noise and let out the breath that I was holding.

  I watched the rain as I waited for Parker to get me. When he pulled in front of me, I grabbed up my things and ran to the passenger door of his sedan. He started the drive back to the office.

  “What the hell were you doing with him?”

  His hands strained on the steering wheel as he asked. He looked almost like a dad scorning a child coming home late.

  “Well, Dad, it broke down in the middle of this storm and Jason happened to drive by. He recognized my vehicle and pulled over to see if I needed any help.”

  It sounded so simple when said like that.

  “You should’ve called me. I would’ve picked you up. How could you let him in your Jeep after what he did to you? What were you thinking? You could’ve been slaughtered by that man and no one would’ve been around to help you.”

  “I hear what you’re saying, but I’m here and in one piece. Besides, I don’t know where my phone is, so I couldn’t call you.”

  “I can’t believe you! This man threatened you in public, abused you and then kidnapped you. Why are you acting so calm about this?”

  “I’m fine. I’m just going to be thankful that it worked out and now I have to call the shop to tow the Jeep in.”

  He fumed. I decided to be silent. I wasn’t going to tell Parker how scared and vulnerable I felt. It wouldn’t make things any better. Right now, it’d make me feel even more naked to my mounting fears. Instead, I had chosen to be defensive and childish. Not good.

  I went to my office to call the mechanic about my vehicle and the restaurant about my missing phone. The mechanic said he wasn’t too busy to run out and take a look at it. He’d tow it back if he couldn’t fix it on the spot. He came by to get my keys and promised to call when he got a better look at things.

  While I waited for the report on my car repairs, I went over the reports on my desk and placed a few calls. My work phone rang. It was Conrad.

  “Samantha, what the hell am I hearing about you being around Jason?”

  “Yes, I was in my vehicle with Jason. I broke down and he saw me as he ran an errand. I didn’t have my phone and wasn’t about to huff it all the way to work in the pouring rain,” I said without even taking a breath.

  “That was a crazy thing to do, don’t you think? What if he had taken you off somewhere and done something insane to you? What were you thinking?”

  “I’m fine and he didn’t act crazy. If I had been given a different option, then I might have taken it. I went with my gut like I usually do and I’m fine. I’m sorry that it bothered everyone, but what else was I to do?” I questioned him in return.

  “Don’t take me wrong, I’m glad you’re safe and thought things through. I’m just crazy over what could have happened if he had gone cuckoo again. Did he lay a hand on you? Threaten you? Have you called Detective Montrose yet?”

  I hadn’t even thought about it and told him so. All I got on the other end was a long sigh.

  “I’ll call him as soon as we get off the phone. My Jeep is headed to the shop now and if it’s not ready then I may have to bum a ride home.”

  “One of us can get you home safely. What about your phone? Did you call the restaurant to see if you left it at the table?”

  “I called as soon as I got here. They didn’t see it since they were pretty busy when I left,” I said.

  “I want Montrose to serve Strickland at work if it’s possible. Call Montrose and the shop, I’ll call you back in about thirty minutes to see if you need a ride home,” he instructed.

  I shook my head and let him get away with his bossiness because he was right. But that did not mean I didn’t resent them treating me like a child. I had to try harder not to be defensive.

  I sighed. “I’m really sorry today bothered you guys so much. I was afraid and should never have to deal with this crap in the first place. I’ll either find my phone or get another one. As a matter of fact, one of the crew left their company phone here when the warehouse shut down. I can use it as my own for the time being. Give me a second and I’ll go get it.”

  I put him on hold before running for the locked cabinet in the corner of my office. Getting out the push to talk phone, I was glad it had the number listed on it as well as the chargers. I brought all of it back to my desk and picked up my line again.

  “I have it here and I’ll give you the number.”

  I checked the current charge on the phone.

  I gave him the number and hung up to call Detective Montrose.

  Detective Montrose sounded just as surprised as Conrad, except not as angry. He started lecturing me, but I told him I had already gotten my daily dose and grasped the mistake that I’d made.

  “I understand the predicament you were in and wouldn’t have wanted my wife in that position. You did what you thought was best and I’m extremely glad it ended well for you. I have seen too many women never come back when they have made that choice. I will get on the phone to see if Mr. Strickland can be served at his job. Does he travel very much for them?” He questioned.

  “Not very much, but does have to go to meetings at least once a week. He’s in technology services and loves to bury himself in his work. He can rewire a phone line while reprogramming your remote and not even blink twice. He could probably draw schematics in his sleep.”

  I remembered him setting up my new phone several months ago.

  “You don’t sound like the same person who was threatened by him. You aren’t going to take this all back are you?” I heard silence on his end of the phone.

  “No, he did what he did and even though he was civil one time that doesn’t mean he’ll continue to do so. I still want him to stay away from me and will hopefully get his problems checked out by a professional.”

  It was still hard to believe the one hundred and eighty degree turn he had taken.

  “I had to ask since most battered wives change their minds before we can get anyone in court. I could tell you stories that would curl your hair, poodle tight. Just please let me know if you run into him again. Did you get your phone?”

  “No, so I’m using a work cell phone for now. I probably dropped my other one in the rain somewhere. I just got it this year and m
ay have to get another one.”

  I gave him the number to my temporary one and told him good luck before I hung up to call the shop. It took five minutes for him to explain the damage he found. It seemed as though several of my parts and cables had melted and if I had driven any further, the motor would have locked up. I was lucky it would cost me only five hundred dollars to repair instead of most of my savings for a new motor. He wasn’t sure how the damaged occurred, but it looked like the motor had been splashed with a corrosive liquid. The only thing I could think of was driving through construction on the way to the restaurant.

  It might have happened that way and just ate its way through by the time I was driving back to work. I hung up after thanking him for his speedy attention and he was going to call me in a couple of days when it was repaired.

  Running my hand through my hair, I sighed at the turn of events. I kept running into bad luck, no matter how hard I tried to avoid it. Picking up the phone again, I called Conrad with an update on my repairs.

  “Did the corrosion affect anything other than the motor? It could be eating the body or suspension.” He would think of that considering his welding experience.

  “No sign of it so far, although he’ll have time to check it over with it being there for a few days. I guess I’ll have to get a ride or borrow a car until next week.”

  “The weather’s fine the next couple of days so why don’t I ride the motorcycle and you take my truck? I don’t have any deliveries to make and I can pick you up tonight with it. We can have a little dinner and then you can drop me off at home. Sound good?” He suggested.

  “Yes, that does sound good. I hate borrowing things, but seeing as how I can’t sit at home and handle everything, I’ll gladly take the offer. When do you get off work?”


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