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The Highest Bidder

Page 3

by Jenika Snow

  His servants lined up in front of them at their arrival and he stepped in front of the first and started the introductions. “This is Marco, the cook of the manor.” He moved down the line. “Dolly and Stacia are here to help you personally. If you find you want for anything you inform them and they will make sure you have it.” He dismissed the three he had just introduced. “Henry handles the grounds and Stephen handles maintenance. Our driver is Stewart, and our butler is Edward. He tends to my personal affairs. Last but not least, this is Olga and Marna, the housekeepers.” He pointed to the last two older women and then looked at Veronica. She seemed a bit overwhelmed and he dismissed the rest of his staff and took her hand. He wanted to assure her things would be fine and she would grow used to her surroundings, but he kept his mouth shut and led her up the stairs and to their bedroom.

  “We will take supper in here tonight, Edward.” The butler followed them and bowed at the waist and shut the door on his way out.

  Kristoff stood and watched her take in the master bedroom. When her gaze turned back to his there was apprehension in her eyes. He could practically see the thoughts running rampant in her mind, but instead of addressing them he started with a neutral question. “Are you cold? I can draw you a bath and you can soak until dinner arrives. It shouldn’t be too long.”

  She took a deep breath and then said, “I’m not cold, and I bathed before the auction.”

  He hated that she looked at him that way, like she expected him to throw her on the bed and have his dirty way with her. Exhaling deeply, he undid the first three buttons of his shirt. Keeping his gaze locked on hers, he moved toward the bed and sat on the edge, patting the spot next to him. They needed to talk and he hoped it would help some of her unease. It didn’t matter that she had just climaxed in the limo for him, that she had ground her sweet pussy on his erection, one that was still uncomfortably hard and demanding to be buried in her tight body.

  “Sit next to me. I am sure you have questions. I can see the uncertainty in your eyes, and I hope to alleviate it.” Several moments passed before she finally made her way forward and sat beside him. She avoided his stare by looking at the bookshelf off to the side. He followed her gaze. The entire wall was a built-in bookshelf, lined with some of his most beloved novels. Many he had read countless times, the binding worn and the pages paper-thin. Many of the pictures that lined the shelf were of him and Macie together. He hadn’t even thought to remove them because they had been there for so long, but he didn’t want Veronica to feel uncomfortable because he had his deceased wife’s pictures lining their bedroom. He could practically see the questions churning in her head but kept quiet.

  “I don’t know what to ask you.”

  He smiled, hoping to ease her. She looked at him now and he could still see her hesitation and confusion with her own emotions playing across her features. “How about the basics? I mean, you know nothing of me yet I know everything about you.” There should be no secrets between them, and if she was willing to ask the questions he would tell her anything she wanted. “You are so very young, Veronica.” He ran his finger down the bared part of her arm, and the fact she shivered from his touch sent his heart racing. “Do I frighten you?” Leaning in closer, he let his lips barely skim the shell of her ear.

  “Yes…No.” She sounded so unsure and he wished he could do something to make her feel some semblance of contentment in her new life. She looked over at him and their mouths were once again only inches apart. What he wouldn’t give to taste her again, to let his tongue slip into the warm, intoxicating depths of her mouth. Even now he could taste her essence on his tongue, feel it travel throughout her body and ignite the most primal desires inside of him. The desire for him to give them what they both wanted was clearly written on her face and he said, “Kiss me, Veronica.” Kristoff wanted her to make the move, wanted her to initiate the passion that so clearly burned brightly between them.

  It only took her a second to respond but then she was leaning in the rest of the way and pressing her mouth to his. He speared his hand in her hair, bringing her closer and deepening the kiss. He curled his fingers in her delicate chignon and itched to pull the pins out and watch the strands cascade down her body. The image of those tendrils caressing his body as she took him into her body was like a hot poker to his cock. Knowing that he had to have every part of her unrestrained, he started working his fingers through her hair until all the pins were removed and her satiny tendrils fell in a wave around her.

  Immediately he tangled his hands in the strands, gripping the locks in his fist and slanting her head to the side so he had better access to her mouth. She was everything he had ever hoped for, everything that could open up the deepest, darkest lust inside of him until it threatened to consume him. Whatever she was doing to him was intense and powerful and he knew he was unable to stop it from consuming him. He loosened one hand from her hair and slid it down her shoulder and through the gap in her robe. When his fingers skimmed the bare flesh of her breast he felt his heart pound wilder. The tight, hard point of her nipple taunted him and he took the tiny bud between his thumb and forefinger, causing the already hard tissue to pucker even further. The sweet sounds of her begging him for more had moisture seeping from his cock. He alternated between her breasts until her chest was thrust forward as if seeking more.

  “Your tits are so soft, supple. I want to suck on your nipples, draw them deep in my mouth until you beg me for release.” He murmured against her mouth and grinned when she shivered against him. He hadn’t meant the filthy words to come from him, but he was finding it difficult to censor himself where Veronica was concerned. God, he wanted to taste her soft, supple flesh, suck the tips into his mouth until her nipples were swollen and red from his ministrations. He intended to do just that, but before he could act on his lewd desires a knock came from the door. It took everything inside of him to pull away from her sweet body.

  When he pulled away he glanced at her and made sure he wasn't frightening her. What he saw was satisfied pleasure coming from her. Kristoff pulled the lapels of her robe closed before leaning in and kissing her softly once more. He rose and made his way to the door before he had her naked beneath him. His erection strained painfully but he refrained from adjusting himself. Since he now knew what she tasted and felt like all he could imagine was pushing her thighs apart and dragging his tongue along the sweet, smooth center of her body. He knew she would be tight and saturated as her pussy clenched around his cock. Guilt swamped into him at the dirty things he thought, but he couldn’t help but picture her lithe body withering beneath his.

  He brought the tray of food back to bed and positioned it between them. Picking up a ripe strawberry, he lifted it to her lips and waited for her to open for him. It only took her a second, and when her plump lips curved around the ripe flesh of the red fruit he found his eyes growing heavy, as if weights held them down. A droplet of juice slid down the corner of her mouth and before he could stop himself he leaned forward and dragged the tip of his tongue along her decadent flesh. She tasted sweet before, but with the hint of strawberry lining her skin she was positively intoxicating. The soft wisps of air that left her moved across his cheek and he clenched his hands at his sides. When he finally pulled away satisfaction speared through him that her eyes were closed and a beautiful blush covered her high cheekbones. He brushed his thumb along the curve of her cheek and felt a tingle spread through him.

  He fed her dinner from his hand, taking immense pleasure in the fact she allowed him to take care of her in the most intimate of ways. He couldn’t help that his eyes kept dipping down to her mouth every time she parted her lips and took what he offered. He found the sight highly erotic and didn’t know if his shaft could take anymore torture. When he was satisfied she had taken her fill he set the tray aside and watched her from his position against the headboard. With his legs stretched out and crossed at the ankles he appeared relaxed and non-threatening. Of course it was the complete opposite, seeing as
his dick was throbbing to be let free.

  “You seem very content. It is a good look on you.” The smile he gave her was one of reassurance, and he hoped she took it as such. The blush hadn’t left her yet, and when she dipped her head and hid her small smile beneath the fall of her hair he couldn’t help how his grin spread wider.

  “Yes, well, I was never allowed to be full while growing up. Putting on weight was frowned upon, seeing as we were virgin brides.” Kristoff felt the scowl cover his face. He knew all about how they trained the virgins, and it was something that he had never liked. He didn’t respond because frankly he didn’t know what to say. She lifted her head and he wished he would have schooled his features because a worried expression crossed her face. “I’m sorry. I need to learn to hold my tongue.”

  “Stop it.” The fierce command had her sitting up straight and staring at him with wide eyes. Instantly regret filled him for raising his voice. He shook his head and closed his eyes, exhaling loudly. Kristoff wasn’t upset with her, but was angry with the things that were drilled into her. So many things she had learned were warped and wrong. Veronica was trained to be the perfect wife that knew how to please her future husband. He wanted the woman he had glimpsed hiding deep inside of her, the one that was shy and reserved, but had boundless heat and fire inside of her. He didn’t want her to say sorry for speaking her mind. That was something he admired in her and showed her spirit. If Kristoff wanted a puppet for a wife he would have specifically found a female trained that way. He wanted an equal. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to raise my voice. I just wish you wouldn’t apologize for speaking with me. I’m your husband, Veronica. I want you to be able to speak to me openly without the fear of punishment. I am not that type of husband, despite what you may have heard about me.” He knew rumors were out there about him regarding Macie, rumors that had been twisted and brutalized until he was painted as some kind of monster.

  Veronica was silent for several long minutes, and he gave her that time to process what he said. He wanted her to really understand what their relationship meant to him, that he wanted an equal partner and not some mindless droid that only knew how to speak when spoken to. It wasn’t lost on him that she was finding small things to do that would keep her occupied. Smoothing her hands down her robe, picking invisible lint from the material––all stalling tactics, which he let her have.

  “How old are you?” That certainly hadn’t been what he expected her to say, but at least it was something. Placing his hand behind his head, he let his eyes travel to the ceiling.

  “Thirty-eight.” Cutting his eyes to her, he smiled. Before she could ask him anything else, he decided to give her a piece of him a little bit at a time. “I have two brothers, Nikolas and Griffin. They live about thirty miles from here in the city of Hawkson.” She didn’t respond and so he continued giving her a little glimpse into his life. It was strange that they may have only been husband and wife for less than a day, but he hoped giving himself up to her little by little would make her share a piece of herself with him –– something that a file couldn’t tell him.

  Chapter Four

  “Am I your first wife?” The words tumbled out of her, and he shifted on the bed. Obviously he knew this was coming, especially when he saw her looking at Macie’s picture.

  He glanced at the picture in question and then looked back at her, telling her what she wanted to hear. “No. I was married for five years.” He got off the bed and walked over to the bookshelf, grabbing the photo of Macie. When he was on the bed again he turned toward her and held the picture out for her to take. “That was Macie.” She took the picture and he noted her fingers shook as she wrapped them around the metal and glass. She stared at it for several long minutes and he wondered what she was thinking.

  “I’m so sorry. When did she die?” Her voice was soft, distant. She was observant, because he may not have told her Macie died, but she clearly picked up on the past tense he used. Besides, one didn’t divorce a wife, not in this day and age. If a husband grew bored with a purchased wife, they simply bought another one, or so he was told.

  It was hard talking about Macie, but he knew it had to be done sooner or later. It had been two long years and it was finally time to let go of the past and embrace his future. “Two years ago.”

  Wide blue eyes lifted to meet his. “Can I ask how she died?”

  He reached across the mattress and took her hand. “You are my wife now, Veronica. I told you to speak freely to me. I have nothing to hide.” And he didn’t. Their marriage would start out with honesty, even if the truth had her shying away from him, he wouldn’t lie about anything. “I didn’t have Macie on a leash like many of the husbands that purchase a wife do. I wanted her to have freedom, to explore the world.” God, was he really going to spill what haunted him to this innocent young woman on the first day they met? Yes, because he needed to. “Out back there is a garden, one that she planted and grew. She used to love going out there, especially in the evening when the night blooming jasmines were in season.” Her hand was so small in his and the skin so soft, like silk beneath his touch. Glancing down at their conjoined hands he drew lazy circles on her flesh.

  “I was working late when I received the phone call. They found her body by the creek that runs parallel to the property through the woods. By the time I got there she had already been pronounced dead. They said she tripped on the slippery rocks lining the creek bed and hit her head. She had massive hemorrhaging.” He had never said those words out loud, and hearing it was like an arrow straight to his heart. Bringing his eyes up to Veronica’s he gave her a small smile. “The coroner told me she was pregnant.” Seconds later big, fat tears slid down her cheeks. Humbleness spread through him at the knowledge that Veronica cried for him. Never had anyone shown any kind of empathy for what he went through.

  “I’m so sorry. I don’t know what it feels like to lose someone precious to you so tragically.” Tightening his hold on her hand he smiled. Right now he wanted her closer, wanted to feel her small body pressed against his.

  “I’m sure you saw the way the other men at the auction looked at me.” She nodded. “They think I am a negligent husband, that if I had kept Macie under my thumb, shown her who was in control and hadn’t given her freedom she would still be here. I know what they thought when they saw me purchase you. I know that they are counting down the days until I fuck up again.” The depth of emotions coming off her would have brought him to his knees if he wasn’t already sitting. “When I saw you up there something inside of me opened. I have never had any intention of ever purchasing another wife. I’ve come to terms with her death and know that is my past. I knew that I had to move on, and have, but I just couldn’t bring myself to bring another woman into my house and risk letting her get harmed again.” The weight of getting that off his chest was monumental. He leaned forward and kissed her forehead, projecting every ounce of humanity and compassion he had inside of him. “I can’t tell you what happened, but I knew I wanted you before I even saw you walk up on that stage. I wanted to try to be a husband again. I wanted to try with you.” Veronica had snared him from just the glance of a picture. She opened something inside of him, something that he thought was long dead.

  Her tears broke his damn heart, but he had to tell her the whole story. “Several men wanted you, but there wasn’t any way I was going to let them have you. I felt my heart beat for the first time in two years. I don’t believe in love at first sight, but I do believe that what I felt for you when I first saw you goes against any logic and reason.” All he wanted to do was pull her into his arms and never let her go, but he took small steps with her and instead cupped her cheek. “I don’t expect you to have any idea of what I feel for you, of what I want to have with you, but I hope you’ll accept me and let me show you how good I can be to you.”

  As soon as the words left him she moved closer to him. Her mouth pressed upon his and he breathed in her air. It was sweet and warm and filled him with hope.
He couldn’t get enough of her and they were just starting. A hoarse groan left him and he curled his fingers into her. He wanted her on him, surrounding him with her heat and scent. He wanted to come in her so fucking bad, wanted everyone who came near her to know that she was his. The primal instincts going through him were intense and had confusion settling inside his scarred soul. Kristoff slid his hand down to her hip and clenched her pliant flesh, pulling her closer and kissing with fierce determination. He was harder than he ever remembered, and it was all for her. He didn’t have to break the kiss to know what her hands were doing between their bodies. A second later he gripped her shoulders, the silk of her robe soft and liquid beneath his touch. Tearing the material away had crossed his mind, but now that she loosened the knot he took his time and pushed it off, all the while kissing her. Their tongues fought one another, fucked like fiends until he could feel his pulse at the tip of his cock. There was nothing better than feeling her small hands on his chest, her nails digging into his body and sending shocks of pleasure and pain through him. And then she was undoing the buttons of his shirt and all he could think about was mounting her, spreading her creamy thighs with his hands, and sinking all the way to the hilt in her. A shudder worked through him at the erotic thoughts.

  Deep inside he knew he had to go slow, coached himself on that over and over again. The flesh of her shoulders was as delicate as the rest of her, like the softest petals of the flowers that grew around their home. He worked his hands down her body until her breasts spilled into his hands. Her nipples, rock hard and scraping against his palms caused the blood to rush through his veins, and filling his cock to the point of bursting. Soft sounds erupted from her and she thrust her chest into his hands. Veronica wanted this and he had no intentions of denying her anything.


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