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An Event to Remember. . .or Forget (Event to Remember Series Book 1)

Page 10

by Baldwin, Melissa

  “What’s going on?” I ask Craig. “Who is she? Was she invited?”

  “Apparently, she was originally invited by Carrie but then uninvited by those two. They are yelling about some dinner party that Gwenie hosted, and the green pantsuit showed up with a former boy toy of Elizabeth’s. I love this stuff!” he says excitedly. “I just need some popcorn and candy, and I’m set.”

  “Stop it! Help me sort this out,” I yell as I hit his arm.

  “Excuse me, ladies. Can I be of any assistance? Perhaps we can take this somewhere else?” I say very kindly.

  “I am a guest here also, and these bitches are telling me I have to leave. Where is Carrie?” she demands.

  “Carrie seems to have stepped away briefly. If you would come with me, I am sure we can sort this out.” I grab her hand and lead her toward the exit.

  “Craig, will you take care of Gwendolyn and Elizabeth?” It’s actually more of an order than a question. He covers his face with both hands while the sisters continue yelling and complaining.

  “I am so sorry about all of this. Please just stay right here while I go find Carrie.” I take the mystery woman over to one of the best tables and order her a drink.

  “Craig,” I call into my headset. ”I’m going to find Carrie. Keep these women away from each other.”

  I hurry up one of the massive staircases searching the crowd for Carrie. She wouldn’t have left already; I was just talking to her. I remember Craig mentioning that she had arranged for a car to take her somewhere. I walk down the long hallway toward that amazing stadium-size bathroom when I hear her voice. She’s on the phone.

  “Don’t worry, love. I will be coming soon. I miss you, too. Yes, it is all arranged, very discreet of course. Don’t worry; this is the best way to handle it; business is business.”

  No way! Craig was right; she is having a secret relationship. I still have no idea what she is up to though. Her phone call was very cryptic. Just wait until I tell him, it will make his night, maybe his whole year. I pretend to be on my headset when she comes around the corner.

  “Sienna, what are you doing here? Why did you leave the party? Everything better be under control,” she threatens.

  “Everything is going wonderfully, except for one small, little issue. Gwendolyn and Elizabeth are demanding I ask one of the guests to leave. I didn’t want to make any decisions without verifying it with you first.”

  “Who is it? One of my guests?” she asks angrily. She starts walking quickly down the staircase.

  “It’s the woman in the green pantsuit, sitting at the bar on the left,” I say, pointing in her direction.

  “OH NO! Natalia? She’s a cousin of a new up-and-coming movie producer. Even though we can’t stand her, she stays. I will speak to them,” she assures me.

  I watch her rush over to the sisters who have Craig trapped in the corner. Reprimanding him, no doubt. The expression on his face says save me or I will kill myself. I smile and wave at him. As much as I would love to leave him there to suffer, Carrie walks over to them and summons the girls away for a discussion. Other than that little problem, the rest of the party is drama free.

  I pull out my phone and see a missed call and text from Luke.

  All is well here. Miss u

  I quickly send him a text back and start circulating the room. I think we have another successful event on our hands. Guests are starting to leave, but not before they stop by the swag table and pick up one of Carrie’s expensive thank you gifts/party favors. Carrie is still in the corner speaking very animatedly to the sisters. Before long, they all walk over to Natalia who is very busy flirting with the bartender. A few minutes later, they are hugging each other and laughing as if nothing happened.

  Soon after, I watch Carrie slip out. She must be going to meet her mystery man. I have to tell Craig what I overheard. While I am looking for him, I come across Nicole slumped over at a table in the corner. I’m not sure where she disappeared to for most of the night. Maybe she really did go to check on Gwendolyn’s dog. Lucinda looks completely wasted and is slow dancing to an up-tempo song. She is swaying her arms back and forth, and her eyes are closed. She looks like she could be in one of those 1960s Woodstock movies. After thinking about it, she probably was. Before long, we are clearing up the remainder of the gifts and décor that we brought. Craig and I sit down with Nicole who has hardly moved in the last hour.

  “I’m so glad that is over,” Craig says while loosening his tie. “I’m especially glad that will be the last event of Carrie’s we ever plan.” He stops and looks at me. I think he forgot what he was saying and that Nicole is sitting there.

  “What do you mean by that?” she asks, looking up from the table.

  “Umm, I meant to say the last event we plan for her for a while. I’m just really tired. I don’t even know what I’m saying,” he replies nervously. Nicole gives him a funny look, but I think she bought it.

  “Can you believe I had to go check on Gwenie’s stupid dog? Seriously, she has about ten staff members at her home, and she made me take a picture of the dog with my phone and send it to her. I have never hated my life more than I do right now.” She puts her head back down on the table. Wow, I start to feel really sorry for her.

  “Can I ask you something, Nicole? Why do you stay here? I know you aren’t happy with this job.” She raises her head, and I can tell she is actually contemplating my question. I can almost see the wheels turning in her brain. Craig is also staring at her and waiting for her answer.

  “Well, it isn’t all bad. The perks are great, and so is the money. I’ve looked around, but so far, nothing has piqued my interest. When I find something better though, I am gone. Carrie will be lost without me. Speaking of which, she’s off on another trip with her new secret boyfriend tonight. Whoever it is, she doesn’t want anyone to know about him.”

  “Oh yeah,” I interrupt. “I overheard her on the phone when I was searching for her tonight. She was telling someone that she was keeping things discreet, and she even said ‘business is business.’ It obviously has to do with the business, or maybe it’s someone connected to the sisters somehow. Maybe an ex-boyfriend or even ex-husband?”

  “YES!” says Craig loudly. “I bet you’re right. That would totally make sense. That’s why she is trying so hard to keep it on the down low.”

  They continue to discuss the possibilities while I look at my phone and realize it‘s getting late, and I’m exhausted. I glance around the room, but I don’t see Ace anywhere. I guess he must have left at some point in the night.

  I finish up quickly, say good night to Craig and Nicole, and start to leave. When I reach the top of the staircase, I take one more look around the room just in case. Ace is nowhere to be found, and surprisingly, I feel relieved.


  I have another dream the next night, only this time it wasn’t a serving dream.

  In this dream, Abby has just had her baby, and we are all in the hospital room with her, celebrating. Everyone who is important to me is there, including Abby, Matt, Madison, Cole, Becky, Travis, and my parents. We are having a wonderful time except I am alone. I see everyone sharing a moment with the special person in their life, and I don’t have anyone to share it with. Everyone is congratulating me, but I’m not sure for why because Abby just had the baby. Also, I have two different shoes on, and everyone is asking me why I didn’t match my shoes. I start to panic because I can’t leave to fix my shoes. When I wake up, I realize I am lying on top of the covers with my shoes still on. I don’t even remember coming home or lying down.

  I have never been someone who analyzes the meaning of my dreams, but maybe I should get one of those books. I try not to read too much into it.

  I see that my clock says 3:30 a.m., and I am wide-awake again. I refuse to touch any of Madison’s evil cookies tonight. I might as well try to get some work done, and I start making some notes. Only two weeks until Faith, Fashion, and Hope.

  After the event, I wi
ll need to close it out, send thank you notes to guests, sponsors, etc.

  I need to set up a time to move furniture into my new office and meet with Craig to start planning the launch party.

  I haven’t brought this up to the Cantons in a while. They did offer to host it at their home and invite all of their friends for the exposure. I’ve been waiting to make sure the night runs smoothly before I remind them. I also told Craig he could take the reins on that event, and I know it will be fabulous. He has great style and attention to detail without being over the top.

  Aside from my job-related planning, I really need to start looking for a new place. That could also take some time, and I want to look closer to my new office. The place we live in now is in a great location, but it’s too big for one person. Finding a new roommate is too much work, and I don’t want to end up with some psycho. I will be better off living on my own.

  I go online and start looking around in that area. They have some really cute places that are pretty reasonably priced.

  I open my email to send a message to the rental community. As soon as I open my email, I see a new email from Ace that came in around midnight. The butterflies are back in my stomach as I open the message.


  I hope all went well with your event tonight. I meant to say good-bye but I saw that you were in a bit of a mess. Very entertaining if I do say so myself, but you handled it well.

  Anyway, I did want to let you know that your boss approached me later in the night asking about you. She wanted to make sure that there was not something going on with us. I am not sure why she was asking, but she seems very interested in what you are doing? Perhaps she suspects you are leaving? She insisted that you should be focused and concentrate on your job without particular distractions.

  Do not worry though, I told her nothing.

  Just thought I would let you know.



  What? Am I still dreaming? Why is Carrie so concerned about Ace and my relationship? I mean, not that we have a relationship, but why is she discussing this with him? Maybe she has heard the rumors. Maybe she thinks that Ace has something to do with those rumors.

  I read and re-read his message a few times. Was he watching me the whole time I was dealing with the drama? Aside from Carrie grilling him about me, he took the time to tell me. Again, why do I care?

  A few days later when Madison and I are eating breakfast, I tell her all about the drama from the birthday party, and I show her Ace’s message.

  “I know there’s something going on between you two. You may not realize it, but it’s even obvious to Carrie. She is the most self-involved person I have ever met, and she could see it. Come on, was this really so urgent that he had to send you an email in the middle of the night?” she adds as she hands me my tablet.

  “Hello! Did you not read his message? Carrie is trying to get information out of him,” I reply. “She even pulled me aside after she saw me talking to him. She knows I have a serious boyfriend. Why is she telling him that I have to stay focused on my work? Paranoia has definitely set in with her.”

  “What are you waiting for? Why don’t you just tell her?” she says finally.

  “I have explained this to you a dozen times. We’re two weeks out from the charity. I can’t take a chance of that falling apart. Believe me, I am more than ready to tell her.”

  “It’s after eight,” I say, looking at the time. “I have so much to do today.” I really hate being late, so I hurry around to gather all of my things for the day. “See ya, friend,” I call as I run out the door.

  On my way to work, I leave another message for Luke. I’m not sure what time he is getting back, or if he is back already. I have hardly talked to him this weekend other than a few texts. I feel like we are having a long-distance relationship right now. I guess that is the price we pay for being two busy and successful people. My thoughts are interrupted by a text from Craig.

  Are you on your way? HURRY.

  He is so dramatic. I learned a long time ago not to panic when he sends me these texts. One time, I was in a very important meeting discussing a high profile event, and Craig sent me ten 911 texts. So, I excused myself to call him back. It turned out to be regarding some changes a bride had requested for an upcoming wedding. Nothing urgent that needed attention at that moment or that would require ten urgent messages.

  All of a sudden, I am jolted from my memory by red lights and sirens behind me. CRAP! Was I speeding? I wasn’t even paying attention, just like those nights when you arrive home and don’t remember driving there?

  I change lanes in hopes that he is trying to pass me. Nope, he is after me. I pull off to the side and wait. I would like to say that this is the first time that I have been pulled over, but that would be a lie. There was even one time in college when I got pulled over twice in one day. Luckily, I only got one ticket. To this day, I don’t even know what happens if you get two tickets in one day?

  The officer comes to my window. Apparently, I was driving fifteen miles over the speed limit. I try the usual flirting and apologies, but both of those methods fail, and he gives me a $200 ticket. I may go to court just to see if I can get out of it.

  One time, Madison and I were pulled over coming home from a club. The officer was very rude and disrespectful, so we decided to fight it. We went to court dressed very professionally and even brought a briefcase, I don’t remember why we brought a briefcase, but it seemed like a good idea at the time. Anyway, the point is we got out of the paying the ticket. In the meantime, while I’m trying to flirt my way out of this, Craig is sending me multiple texts. I may have to consider changing my phone number.

  My morning is quickly going downhill, and it doesn’t get much better after I get to the office.

  “Where have you been? We have issues everywhere!” he demands as I walk through the door.

  “Sorry. I was going another $200 dollars into debt. I can’t exactly text you back while a sheriff is giving me a speeding ticket,” I respond as I throw my stuff on the couch.

  “Oh.” He stops. “That SUCKS!”

  “You think so?” I reply sarcastically. “What is so urgent?”

  “Mrs. Canton wants to change a few items on the menu. The caterers are freaking out, and I don’t know what to do. I called Carrie and . . .”

  “Why did you call Carrie? She has nothing to do with this event,” I interrupt him.

  “Yeah, well, she basically told me that she is trusting us not to ‘MESS’ it up. Although she used a different, more derogatory word,” he trails off.

  “Who cares what she says, but she IS right.” I grab my phone to make some calls. An hour later, I emerge from my office. I managed to make a few small changes at Mrs. Canton’s request, and the caterers were willing to compromise. I told her that we are really too close to the event from here on out to make any more changes. I don’t think she liked that, but she agreed.

  “OK, I managed to get a compromise out of them.” I hand Craig the updated changes. “See, that wasn’t so bad. By the way, we really need to sit down and have a discussion regarding what is considered URGENT.” I make air quotes with my fingers.

  “Hey, I thought you said anything to do with Faith, Fashion, and Hope was urgent?” he replies sarcastically. He does have a point because I did say that.

  “Have you gotten an update from editing on the programs?” I ask, changing the subject. “I know they needed to add a few last minute things. Check on that because those files need to be at the printer Wednesday, or Thursday at the latest. I want them all completed and in my hands by early next week.”

  “She did it AGAIN!” screams Nicole from her desk. Both Craig and I jump; she has been so quiet that I didn’t even know she was there.

  “Carrie just sent me an email to cancel two appointments that I rearranged for her on Friday. I practically threatened jobs to get those scheduled,” she yells as she throws her notebook across the room.

t has something to do with that affair she’s having. I just know it,” replies Craig with a wicked smile. “We need to get to the bottom of this mystery.”

  “NO, we NEED to stay focused on our jobs and the tasks that need to be completed. You can play detective AFTER next Saturday.”

  I go back to my office and see that I missed a call from Luke. I call him back right away.

  “Hey. Are you home?” I say when he answers.

  “Yes, just got in about an hour ago. It was crazy but productive. How was your weekend? I’m sorry we kept missing each other.”

  “It was fine. We had Lucinda’s birthday party at Venice on Saturday, and of course, that was entertaining. I think Carrie suspects that I’m leaving because she seems to be very interested in what I am doing.”

  “Hmm . . . what makes you say that?” he asks.

  “I don’t know; she has just been acting very strange. Craig thinks she is having some kind of scandalous affair, and that’s why she is paranoid about everything. You know how Craig is.” Luke doesn’t say anything.

  “Hello, are you still there?” I ask.

  “What? Oh yes, I’m sorry. I was just reading something. Trying to catch up on emails from being gone.”

  “I’m sure everything is fine,” he adds distantly. It’s very obvious he was not listening to a word I said. Figures.

  “When do I get to see you?” I say cheerfully.

  “How about tomorrow? I am really exhausted from this weekend. You want to come over for dinner?”

  I was hoping to see him today, but I will make do. “That sounds wonderful. Call me later.”

  “Thanks for understanding, babe. Love you.”

  “Love you too.” I hang up feeling disappointed.

  I have hardly seen my boyfriend in weeks; this is not how it is supposed to be. I’m sure this is just a phase in our relationship that we have to get through. All relationships go through ups and downs, and this is what makes couples stronger. Unless that’s just one of those clichés that you always hear. There has to be some truth to it though.


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